
Comments by s275ironman (page 24)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Buying dancers drinks
    If I am interested in getting dances or extras with her, I will gladly buy her a drink as it will give us time to socialize prior to getting dances/extras. Most of the time the girls have been very reasonable with me in their drink choices. On average, I usually pay around $15 for a dancer's drink, which I think is fair considering the fact a lot of these girls prefer mixed drinks over something simple like beer or wine. It always is YMMV when it comes to buying dancers drinks, though. I had one experience where a dancer took complete advantage of the fact that I was paying and ordered a drink that costs me $26
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    7 years ago
    Getting over an ATF
    *vibe not vide
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    7 years ago
    Getting over an ATF
    I feel for everyone here who has shared their stories about falling hard and hitting rock bottom with a favorite. I guess I am very fortunate that my situation was more like falling, but then grabbing onto a ledge before I could fall further and hit rock bottom. This is a little bit of a rehash of a previous thread about CF's and ATF's, but I've added a little more perspective on how I avoided making the situation worse than it could've been. I found this discussion board on TUSCL after a couple visits to see my former CF. I read several discussions where PL's were falling in love with their favorite. I also read several discussions about OTC. I realized what I really wanted with my former CF was to arrange OTC dates. All I really wanted was an opportunity to have sex with her. After about 5 visits, I got the vide she was not the type to do OTC. I then took a proactive approach and went to some different clubs where I successfully got ITC FS with girls that were just as hot as her. Now that I had some leverage, I planned on one more visit to see the CF and ask her if she would do OTC. On that night, from the moment I paid cover, I felt out of place being at her club. Suddenly, I noticed all the girls in the club acting very pushy in their approach to ask for dances. The CF herself was acting very pushy and it caught me off guard. I was beginning to get turned off by her behavior. While getting dances with her, I asked her if she would do OTC. I already knew her answer would be "no". Her answer was indeed "no". This was supposed to be the last time I would go see her. However, for the next 3 months, I could not get her out of my head. I eventually came around to going back to her club to see if the previous visit was a fluke. I did feel more comfortable in the club this time. However, when she approached me, it was more of the same pushy behavior that turned me off the last time. I got the confirmation I needed that it was indeed time to cut bait for good. I had enough control to know that my interactions with her were just 100% fantasy, yet once I saw all the signs it was time to cut bait, she stayed in my head for months and thoughts about her just would not go away until recently. Sometimes it just takes time to let things pass by.
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    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Big asses
    I am more of an ass guy than a tits guy, but a big fake ass is a big turnoff for me. I agree with SirLDalot's statement. I have a preference for spinners that have an ass that is perfectly proportionate to their body, resembling the shape of an apple or a peach. I don't like the Kim Kardashian look at all. Her ass is way too big and fake. The picture in the second link Nina provided (ass shot of a girl in yoga pants) is a good example of the type of ass I like. I am actually OK if it is a little bit smaller than that, too.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How much has TUSCL helped you overall?
    I visited a strip club for the first time in August of 2010. Two months later I joined TUSCL and paid for a month of VIP so I could read reviews of clubs in the area where I lived. The clubs where I used to live did not get enough attention here on TUSCL to justify using this site as my primary resource. I found SCL to be the better option back then. About 6.5 years later, by accident I discovered that there was a discussion board here on TUSCL. Being in the game for 6.5 years, I already knew quite a bit about strip clubs through experience. Once I started reading TUSCL discussions, I found out there was a lot for me to still learn. Through TUSCL, I found the courage to break protocol and seek a strip club experience that was completely different than I was used to. I am glad I did. It has added a new element of excitement to my club visits.
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    7 years ago
    I'll be damned, Astros win the World Series!
    I'm very happy for Verlander. Just wish he could've won that ring as a member of the Tigers :(
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    7 years ago
    Identifying MILFs
    Some times it is easy to identify someone as a probable MILF, but often times, it is not all that easy. I once spent some quality time with a dancer that did not look like a MILF, but during our conversation, she showed me some pictures on her phone of her two children. Turns out, she was a MILF.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Favorite mix of ethnicities in a stripper?
    I am not good at guessing ethnicities, but I once "danced" with a stripper that looked like she was a mix of races. She had light brown skin and black hair. If I had to guess, I would say she was at least half Mexican.
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    7 years ago
    OH Clubs
    I'm a Detroit local. The drive from Toledo to Detroit is somewhere around an hour and 15 minutes, maybe an hour and a half tops. I don't know much about the clubs in Toledo as I've never made the drive down there. I don't see very many discussions about the clubs in Toledo. Usually that would be a sign that there isn't much to see there. If you do have the time to make the drive, I would suggest going to a club in Detroit.
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    7 years ago
    New dancer auditions
    One time at a club, I saw a new girl who looked a bit on the young side. She did not look nervous at all during her stage set. I thought she was cute, so I went up to the stage to tip her and get a better look. I was the only one who went up to tip her. When she got off stage, she approached me to ask for a dance. She had a lot of energy and excitement in her approach. I guess you could call it that new stripper high. We got back to the dance area. She told me she was 19, and had only been dancing for 2 weeks. Shortly after the first song started, it did start to show. She seemed to lack a little bit of confidence about what to do. Her moves were a little mechanical. She seemed a little too worried about whether I was enjoying the dance or not. Then all the sudden, she starts to grind on my cock RCG style. I decided to continue with her for a second song and she just continues to grind away until I had a very explosive LDK. Based on the fact that the only thing she really did well was grinding, I do believe that this girl really was a newbie. She did stick around and several months later, I got dances with her again. This time her dances as a whole were a lot better.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Have you ever danced/VIPed with a waitress or bartender?
    I've never done it before, but I visited a club over the summer where I thought one of the bartenders was better looking than most of the dancers in that club. In fact, the only one that I thought was hotter than this bartender was the dancer I took to VIP that night.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Rule number 1 in the strip club: Don’t fall in love with a stripper!
    I've never fallen in love with a stripper, but the other 4-letter L word does creep up on me every now and then. I am talking about lust.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Another CF/ARE thread.
    Trust me Papi, I will be the first to admit I am not a relationship type of guy. I enjoy the variety that the clubs offer with no strings attached. For the better part of 6 years I enjoyed clubs without having a "favorite". I am going back to that style of clubbing. The only difference is, I am only going to extras clubs for the foreseeable future. Even while the majority of the money went to her, I still got dances with other girls too. In the end, I wanted a few perks for being a regular, such as casual conversations. Her personality was starting to turn me off. Just time to cut bait and move on.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Why would you go to a club that doesn't have a CF?
    I went to clubs besides the one the CF works at because she is a clean dancer and does not do extras or OTC. If she was open to extras or OTC, she would be working at a club that allows it. With that said, you can't expect me to deprive myself of something that is a very basic human need. I experienced first hand that avoiding all this time I spent avoiding all those other clubs, I was missing out on ITC FS for a very reasonable price with girls that are just as hot at the CF, and in some cases they were even hotter than her.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Another CF/ARE thread.
    No surprise here, but Papi is 100% on point about how strippers view their regulars most of the time. I also will credit GoVikings and Larry for adding onto what Papi has already posted. I am sure there are many others out there who do experience what jackslash and SirLapdancealot get with their CF's and ATF's, but I assume that the majority of all PL's fall into the situation that Papi described. I am moving on from my CF because it is very much like Papi has described. I even saw this early on, but I made the mistake of playing the role of chump all too well. I admit I am a chump (we all are). But, I led on her to believe that I am a bigger chump than I really am, and it was clearly showing in the end. Early on, I knew what was going on. I didn't mind making it easy work for her to make money off of me. This was mainly due to the fact that very rarely am I immediately turned on just by looking at a woman, but she certainly had that affect on me. The other thing that factored into this was when I got dances with her, they were great and not what I typically would get from the other girls in this club. I was used to getting one-and-dones with a lot of the girls at this club. With that said, the lack of competition for her is probably the main reason why I let this all happen the way it did. If I was in the club, I would always be the first customer she approached and I would make it easy work for her. Sometimes she would approach my table when I've been at the club for only 10 minutes. I was wearing those PL-colored glasses Papi speaks of, but the lenses broke after a couple visits. During the first and second visit to the club to see her, everything she said to me read like she memorized it off a script. It became obvious since the second time I got dances with her, it was word-for-word completely identical to what she said the previous time. I have a very good memory when it comes to details of past conversations with people. She does not have very good acting skills. It is very easy to spot her as a fake. Still, even with broken lenses, I refused to take the glasses off. The thing is the more I went to see her, the more she couldn't really hide the fact that she does not view me any differently than a casual customer in the club that she will never see again. Sure, she will approach me first. She recognizes where the money is, and she would not be dancing if it weren't for the money. However, the last few times I went to see her, I tried to get her to sit and talk to me for a little bit before getting dances. She will have none of that. She naturally is the "wanna dance" type, and she gets to be very pushy if you try to stall her in her attempt to get you to the dance area. I don't think she is going to change, and I don't expect her to. In all honesty, the money she was making off of me, she will make off of other customers. It may take a little extra work, and maybe up to 5 customers to get back what I was spending on her. Still, I don't think I am greatly affecting her earnings by deciding I won't go see her anymore.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    extras girls in extras clubs
    I'm sure all extras-seeking PL's have heard this line of SS before. One time during the negotiation process with an extras girl, she told me, "Not to brag or anything, but rumor has it I am the best in the club." When we got to the VIP, the bouncer said to me, "Good choice. When you are done with her, I doubt you will need to make another trip back here." I don't know if she really was the best in the club, but she did get the job done, so the bouncer was right. I didn't need to take anyone else to VIP on that night. I don't know exact numbers that extras girls are pulling, but I assume that it varies from club to club and girl to girl. Let's assume that there are typically three types of extras girls. - Low price/High volume - Average price/Average volume - High price/low volume
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Why is your CF no longer your CF?
    ^^^ That right there. What lopaw said is mostly on point with what I've experienced with my CF the last few times I went to see her. Her dances have not gotten shitty, but everything else that was mentioned does indeed apply to my situation.
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    7 years ago
    Social Media and ATF
    I only have Facebook and Instagram accounts. I still use my Facebook account regularly, but not as much as I was 12 years ago when I first signed up. I have hardly used Instagram at all. I only have about 6 posts on IG so far, all of them pictures. However, I do like the filters you can use for pics on IG. I was able to alter a few of mine to make myself look like a male supermodel.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Longest family dancer?
    @Sirlapdancealot, no need for great grandma, grandma or mom to take them out for ice cream. hotdog0007 is already giving them ice cream
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    7 years ago
    Longest family dancer?
    ^ I'm sure her mom was very proud of her when she had her cherry popped at the age of 15
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Why is your CF no longer your CF?
    There were certain dancers I've stopped going to see because I've moved away to a different state, and therefore could no longer go to the club they worked at. There are other dances that I've stopped seeing because they no longer work at the club, and they may have even moved on to a career other than stripping. With my CF/ATF, there are reasons why I am no longer going to see her, but I am not going to get into details. It is just time for me to move on.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Social Media and ATF
    I have never done anything as simple as exchange phone #'s with a favorite. I appreciate the fact I don't get those text messages asking me to go see her at the club when I was not planning to. With that said, I also don't see any point in being friends with them on social media. We're only friends in the club. It's not like we are friends in real life.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    NY, NJ, PA
    Enhanced Bodies and Faces.
    One thing that drew me to my ATF was the fact that her body was 100% natural. She had small tits, but at least they were 100% real. The impressive thing about her was, she did not have any tattoos or body piercings either.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What's the average tenure of your CF?
    ^ To clarify the club hasn't changed. It is what I want to experience at a club has changed
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What's the average tenure of your CF?
    Some dancers from my past could very loosely be considered past favorites as I would get dances from them every time I went to their club. I never really decided to actually label a specific dancer as my CF or ATF until recently. I met my CF/ATF back in February of this year. It has pretty much reached its end as she works at a club that no longer gives me the type of experience I want when I go to a club. She may still carry the CF label, but that is simply because I have not yet found a dancer to replace her yet.