What time of day/week do you go SCing

He's kinda an ass...
I used to be a Thurs-Sat night guy due to having the next day off/short day and not have to worry about waking up 100 percent focused. Nowadays I like the Sunday nights, enough hot girls and the fave willing to come in if I ask nicely :)
And by Sunday nights it's moreso 8:30-11 so not too late to avoid any 2amers.
So when do you go and during what part of the week??
last commentIt depends on the girl. Case in point, one of my favorite dancers is a girl who doesn't dance anymore but she makes an exception for me. So when I want to see her I call her and we make a date at a club. This is the second time I've gotten into this situation and it works out really well. Well, actually I guess this is the third time b/c I just made an OTC date with another girl who also doesn't dance anymore.
Normally I go Fridays or Saturdays but every now and again I'll stop in on a week day. The weekdays I've went I've seen dancers who I never see on the weekends and I ALWAYS get great dances. If I didn't work afternoons I would definitely go more during the week. On the weekends I usually go in the evening so 8pm and on
Fri or Sat nights, somewhere between 8PM or 12AM, for 2 hours. It's about the only block of time that fits in my work/home/school schedule.
90% dayshift these days - usually past 4 pm b/c that is when I'm usually free; also the clubs seem slower dancer-wise b/f 4 pm in part b/c there are more custies past 4pm as custies come-in from after-work; also Miami clubs close late (5:00 a.m.) thus most clubs have 3 dancer-shifts (day, mid, night), midshiift girls arrive late-afternoon near 5 pm thus late-afternoon more dancers of overlap b/w day and mid shift girls - I find mileage and dancer-treatment/attention better on dayshift and the small black clubs I hit have a pretty decent roster on dayshift since many of the dancers tell me they don't like nightshift b/c of too-many thugs and young-guys that don't wanna (or can't) spend.
w.r.t. day of the week - I'm a spur of the moment PL and have flexibility thus usually hit the clubs when in the mood vs planning the visits specifically - tend to prefer later in the week (Th - Su) b/c I assume in my mind there'll be more dancers vs early-week - actually enjoy Sat and Su afternoons at the small-black clubs I hit - great way to spend a lazy Sat/Su afternoon and not do anything else - if I arrive in early-afternoon on a Sat or Su the club is slow and one can just sit back and chill and the dancers are more attentive and one can have their pick - past 5 pm more dancers b/c of midshift girls arriving but also more custies - my small black clubs often have a pretty-good lineup on Sat/Su afternoons b/c there seem to be a good # of girls that come-i to make a little-extra weekend $$$ whom o/w have a regular 9-to-5 during the week and only dance on weekends and often these girls can be better looking than the regular crew; thus Sat/Su afternoons at these small black clubs one can often find the regular dance-crew girls augmented by the mostly weekend-only girls and I've had some great Sat/Su afternoons in the past.
;) whenever I feel like it.
dayshift, 7 days a week, whenever I can break free. All dayshifts in this area are slow, with a single exception of one club
I guess it depends which clubs and where. I used to love dayshift but don't have the time now usually. Tend to avoid Fri-Sat nights, used to warm up at the SC for elsewhere before. Sundays are great, day or night I find.
I used to go Thursday and Friday after work. Then I switched to Friday and Saturday. But now I only go from Sunday to Thursday. The exception would be if a dancer invites me to come on a Friday or Saturday and specifically promises me something. Otherwise, I've noticed that even extras clubs seem to become non-extras when it's late at night on a Friday or Saturday. I guess the thinking goes, when the club is that busy, why would anyone need to suck a dick?
As for time of day, I'm mostly a late afternoon/early evening kind of guy. Basically from 5 to 10. I'm not crazy about the dayshift because the clubs are so empty; customers during the day tend to just come in, do their business quietly, and leave quickly. If I wanted that, I would just call an escort instead. And late nights are often not fun. At some clubs, late nights are just drunks and party-boys. Others are dead, and they make me feel almost rushed, like the place is about to close for the night at any minute.
I used to go at night on a day when I could sleep in because I do not want to fall asleep while driving home ever again. If you've ever fallen asleep while driving, it can be scary to suddenly wake up still driving. Since I usually worked all week days, Saturday was often a day off so Saturday night.
I like to go when it's slow (Sun-Tues) but I like to be there before 10PM when all the hot girls start arriving. I've usually decided what girls I'm going to get dances from by 11PM and I'm looking to leave just past midnight.
I get up early for work Mon-Fri, and other things (mostly my workouts at the gym) occupy my time in the late afternoon hours. Thus, when I do go to a club, I usually go on a Friday or Saturday evening.
-->"customers during the day tend to just come in, do their business quietly, and leave quickly. "
B-Ho, just because the advanced beginners and intermediates do that, doesn't mean the expert PL has to do that, does it? Unless you're in some bizarre club where the club culture doesn't indulge it, why can't you grab a stripper and sit with her for a couple of hours, drink and have your own party in the corner? I do this regularly, and it's a blast. Sometimes, I end up with a table with 1-3 of her friends (I just buy the friends/frenemies drinks, only spend dance money on CF) and sitting at a table full of drunk snarky strippers is among my favorite non-sexual experiences at a strip club
Typically during the night time on days not named Friday or Saturday. But I’ll go anytime. When I go isn’t very crucial/important
I should add also, nightshifts from 7-10 are similarly slow to dayshifts, and I do actually do occasional nightshifts. On the upside, it tends to be lower hustle, the girls will stay longer, they're hot nightshift girls, and they specifically want to drink to start lubricating the gears of social intercourse; on the downside, they're night girls, entitled and used to a certain remuneration, and in general still more shark-ish than dayshift girls, even when it's slow
I now go between 5-8pm on Mon-Thu. I stop off on my way home from work. I try to avoid the crowds from evenings and weekends.
I used to be an evening clubber, but it was too busy some nights to get the time I wanted with certain dancers.
When I am at home, I only go clubbing during the day time and it can be any day of the week. If I am outta town, then I'll go at nights too. Especially if it's a choice between that and TV at the hotel.
Always evenings. When I am near the homefront, it is usually earlier in the week if I can get out. When I am on the road, it is a crapshoot.
Wednesdays or Thursdays, day shift is my preference. By midweek, most of the dancers are back in the clubs and satisfaction is to be had for a price.
Bingo VM. That is my preference too. But beggars can't be choosers so I go when the opportunity is there.