
Pitching a Tent at the Stage

Knight of the Round Table Dance
Friday, October 27, 2017 4:46 PM
I can't say it happens all the time, but I am glad that I still can get a boner watching a hot stripper onstage. The best is when I am so horny that I get hard just looking at her naked, but also I like it a lot when she gives a 5 second lap grind, just enough to get a boner started. Do any of you PLs still get hard just from watching stage dances and brief teases during them?


  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    funny thing is it doesn’t really happen to me when I’m in a club watching girls on stage it happens to me at the most random times like when I’m at the gym Strange
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    No. I need stimulation to actually get hard. I suppose if sober and didnt cum for 2 weeks i could though.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Used to happen but not too-common these-days (maybe if I didn't masturbate so often) - but I do get hard almost instantly w/ any contact.
  • s275ironman
    7 years ago
    When I first started going to clubs, if I saw a dancer on stage I really found to be attractive, I would immediately get a boner the moment she took her panties off. Also, back then if I got dances from a girl who knew how to grind, she would usually finish me off in 2 songs. Back then, I was only going to clubs about 5-6 times a year. The night I first saw my ATF, I got a boner the moment she got on stage. She hadn't even taken her top off yet. To this day, she is the only woman that ever gave me an erection just by showing me her face. Ever since my club visits have become as frequent as once a month, I no longer get hard just by looking at a naked woman dance on stage. I have built up enough stamina to get 15 minute dances and not LDK. Now a days, in order for a dancer to get me hard and finish me off, I need to be getting extras.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    still happens sometimes even at my age. :)
  • Lurker_X
    7 years ago
    Not from watching, but I sometimes can simply holding a woman beside me and tickling fingers, or nuzzling faces.
  • pensionking
    7 years ago
    Never. Not even from the front room handshake, consistently. Thanks for making me feel older than I did 10 minutes ago.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    All the time.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    @larryfisherman that is good on you, bro. LOL hope you take it to your grave.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Sometimes when the dancers climb off the stage and grind on me a little bit, they have a surprised look on their faces. They’re probably wondering why my dick is so fucking hard lol.
  • Austin1
    7 years ago
    Ol Yeah! I will have a hard on while we are walking back to the dance area for a lap dance many times. I know its real noticeable too and everyone is probably thinking wow..
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I get them while watching a sexy dancer move on stage. My area involves bikini stage dances - but there are some girls who can move very well - and I respond. I’ve been to nude clubs (out of state), and it can help to get me even harder.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    Last Saturday I got hard watching a dancer dance for my date. I think the moment when the dancer's hand went up my date's skirt and stayed there for a while was what capped it off. When she came to dance for me next, she seemed pleasantly surprised with the state I was already in ( and I was completely regretting I wasn't wearing shorts). Like many others, it is rare that just seeing the dancers naked will arouse me. Takes some contact or other special circumstances.
  • Rick999
    7 years ago
    It happens a lot at home in the morning just watching any nice looking clothed female on tv. I suspect I'm either not relaxed in clubs or the alcohol interferes because it doesn't happen in clubs like it did in my 20's. I noticed while at home if I drink a few beers, it's not going to happen very easily. I'm not sure how alcohol interferes but it does for me. I don't mind that much because I thought I got too much attention in clubs when the alcohol didn't have much effect on me. If clubs didn't charge so much for non alcoholic drinks, I might stop drinking beer. I'm not sure what everyone else drinks in clubs if they don't drink alcohol and how much alternatives cost. I know they charge as much for a tiny glass of soda as for an entire bottle of beer. I've ordered a coke and I got a small glass with ice and it cost like over $3 and the amount of soda in it was less than probably 1/8 of a soda can.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Ha! Fishsticks is like 14, a soft breeze would give any 14 year old a woody.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    And members wonder why we're called PLs??!!
  • datinman
    7 years ago
    At the Outhouse in Lawrence KS they have a tradition where stage tips are given by the PL laying on his back on stage while the dancer straddles him nude in 69 position. For 3 or 4 bucks you get pussy 6 inches from your face and usually a couple quick rubs on your junk. One time I was at the club and I got a dancer that went wild. She was grinding her pussy on my face and giving me pretty much a handjob through my pants. She gave me a raging hard-on. Unfortunately, she got me hard down my pants leg instead of the more manageable vertical position. One of my most embarrassing moments was waddling doubled over back to my chair. Got a round of applause from the strippers in the room, but I think that was more for the stage dancer's efforts and my embarrassment than them being impressed with the size of the tent I pitched.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Just two more years and then SirLapDance will be done with junior high school. SJG Black Sabbath, Paris, critics say that this was one of the greatest rock performances of all time. I'm starting to see their point. [view link]
  • Liwet
    7 years ago
    The club doesn't get me hard, it's thinking about the club after I've left that gets me hard.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^ I agree that it is usually this way. But if I want to I can get hard just watching the girl, and they do notice this and respond to it. Once at the Sunnyvale Brass Rail, for some reason this Filipina bombshell was just pouring it on for me, always getting her ass and barely covered pussy into my face. Really ignoring others to do that for me. Don't know why. Finally I told her, this is just like jr. high school all over again. She thought that was really funny. SJG Like A Rolling Stone - JIMI HENDRIX London Live 1967 [view link] Los Angeles Swingers Club Joi [view link]
  • JimGassagain
    7 years ago
    ^^^ Funny story, bro. How many times have you told that one, SJG? You tend to repeat the same stories and same message over and over. That usually means you have little experience to draw upon, and what ones you do have to extrapolate on are used over and over again, like your masturbation technique while sitting in your mom's basement.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    LMAO to the Brass Rail isn't even a strip club. It's a bikini bar.
  • Huntsman
    7 years ago
    It's nice to get all boned up just watching the stage show but it doesn't happen as readily as it used to.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    Tonight I was semi hard at the stage the entire time I watched my ATF DS over two songs. I did get a full erection for a few seconds when she jiggled her tits in my face and reached down and gave me the strip club handshake. LOL I did have help, though. Before her set I was already rock hard for 20 min from spooning with her at the bar.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    The Brass Rail is a bikini bar, or you could say a strip club with the skin level of bikini. That is how it is listed her. Our state's alcohol rules prohibit nudity with alcohol, and our county's rules prohibit even topless. So we have only 2 nude clubs in the entire bay area, outside of San Francisco. And those two local nude clubs are also subject to a whole host of restrictions. Off stage fraternizing is far less than at the bikini bars. Entire BayArea undeserved and way too restricted, except for when the underground circuit is going. And then even San Francisco is not what it had been, not since Deja Vu took over and made it run clip joint style. If you want to say that we have something which makes up for this, its AMPs. But even those are better in SF than in the South Bay. SJG
  • LDJunkie
    7 years ago
    It happens to me very frequently. Usually i only tip on the stage when i get a boner, if not why bother? Erection = i like the dancer = need to get off. Sometimes i even pitch a tent while walking with the stripper on our way to the VIP, i dont care if anyone notices. I'm still 33 so i have no problem doing that.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    Good point LDJunkie. I don’t care if I’m sporting a stiffy either. I’m getting a hottie in vip - and I’m a happy and horny guy!
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    Sporting a stiffy is kind of the point of going to a strip club. And it doesn't matter where or when. To me a PLs sole purpose at the club is to get a boner and keep a boner for as long as possible. And if he can get his nut on in addition to sporting wood, even better! @LDJunkie I like you PL style. Sport that woody en route to the dance room! I did the same tonight. LOL my ATF DS got me so hard and horny at the bar I had to pass on watching her on stage and followed my boner following her 40" peach booty bouncing left and right into the private dance room.
  • LDJunkie
    7 years ago
    @SirLapdancealot yeah sporting a boner on the way to the vip is especially fun if the stripper has a hot-as--fuck ass and the looks on other dudes faces going like "shit that lucky bastard"
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    Great comments! If a dancer gets you hard before you go to vip - I’d think she’d be happy - as she knows you are aroused by her. I’d think that aroused customers buy more dances. I have no statistical evidence to support that claim - aside from my own arousals and purchases. I don’t go to classy gentlemen’s clubs - so a pl walking to vip with a hard on isn’t an issue.
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