
Comments by MrDeuce (page 39)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I'm not one to bandy the word "racist" about freely, so I'm not at all saying that you're racist toward blacks, but . . . it's quite possible to be racist toward one race and not others. One could love whites, blacks, and Latinos and hate Asians -- such a person could be racist in his attitude toward Asians. Another point I want to make about racism is that it isn't exclusively a "white thing". Race-baiters often state or imply that only whites can be racist. This is ridiculous! Blacks can be racist toward whites, Arabs can be racist toward Jews, etc. etc. ad nauseam. The capacity of human beings for irrational hatred knows no bounds.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    2016 Pathetic Loser of the Year
    Thanks for sharing, Dadillac. Many of us can relate to your tale of falling in love with a stripper and spending *way* too much money on her, though it sounds like you make enough moolah to recover rather easily. With all due respect to gawker, who spins wondrous yarns of his sexual and pharmaceutical adventures with his ATF, he seems to have the greater claim to the PL of the Year Award because, though he spent less than $450K, it was money he can't easily make back. I've made the mistake of falling in like / lust / kind of love with a stripper who used to be extremely affectionate both on dates (lots of DFK and whatever kind of sex I wanted) and between dates (super-mushy texts with lots of emojis and terms of endearment) but has cooled noticeably over the past several weeks as she has sensed that she's not going to get much more money out of me. As I described it in a PM to a TUSCL friend, our relationship for the past month has been a "slow-motion train wreck that doesn't have the decency to actually crash". Every time I see her "one last time", she's so fun to be with that I chicken out and stay with her (so to speak). The bad news is that I have seriously overpaid her for a relatively small number of dates; the good news is that the number is still in the few thousands, a minuscule fraction of my net worth. However this ends (and I think I'm seeing her in a little over a week -- "for the last time"!) I have learned two valuable lessons: 1. Never ever get emotionally involved with a stripper. To her, you're just a John -- while she fucks ex-cons and junkies for free! 2. Never ever fucking *ever* advance money to or pay expenses (like rent) for a stripper. Any money she gets from you is hers by divine right with no obligation to provide future services. I'll add a bonus third valuable lesson: 3. The half-life of a stripper's gratitude is one day. Consequently in 10 days it is at 1/1000 of its original level.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Stripper OTC girl told me "your my number 1"
    Player, did you attend the Juicebox Skool of Creeyative Riting?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    How do you even LDK?
    For this old bastard, the annual number of SCOREs (Stripper-Caused Orgasmic Release Events) has been fairly steady in recent years at about 70 to 90+ but the mix has moved from *all* lapgasms four years ago to about 60% BJs and 40% lapgasms this year. Lapgasms have become less common as I have discovered the pleasure of the VIP room BJ -- but I have to drive a lot farther, because the clubs close to me offer no extras.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    How do you even LDK?
    Now that I'm 62, I don't lapgasm almost every time I get lap dances, as I did in my 40s and 50s. However, I still often do, and don't understand why others can't. And Papi is right (as usual): lapgasms and premature ejaculation are *very* different. The last time I fucked my ATF at her place, I stayed hard a *really* long time (and ended up coming in her mouth as she came in mine when we switched to 69). If she had been doing lap dances for me ITC, I would have lasted two or three songs. I view a propensity to lapgasm as a talent, not a liability, especially since most clubs that I visit are not extras-friendly -- so lap dances are all you get.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Stripper OTC girl told me "your my number 1"
    My conclusion: she appears not to know the difference between "your" and "you're". Are you sure you want to get mixed up with an ill-educated stripper?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Should I feel special?
    Marry her now before she gets away! Oh, and that special thing she does for you in the VIP room? You're the only one!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Well, it kooks like trolls are ruining TUSCL
    Yes, it does kook that way. Freudian slip?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    A very stripperish Thanksgiving
    I couldn't read Aravas's comment because I've had him on Ignore for a *very* long time. I don't remember why, but it was probably this kind of shit a couple of years ago.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I can make or break your day 😏
    Westworld - what would YOU do there?
    Make love, not war. Fuck 'em -- don't kill 'em! Madam Maeve (the ever-sensuous Thandie Newton) can take me up to her boom-boom room at the brothel every day that I'm there.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Clean shaved dancer
    Unfortunately no. STDs are not always visible, so the dedicated seeker of extras must take appropriate precautions -- and still isn't completely safe. Remember this when you seek "to boldly come where many men have come before!".
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Has anyone ever gone to a strip club in sweat pants or basketball shorts?
    I *always* wear sweats or sweat shorts. Since I'm anything but an athlete, I don't mind giving the impression that I'm a slob -- I prefer the term "casual dresser" -- but with money. I can't imagine wearing a suit to a strip club.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Showing love to the ass
    Yes, I've been known to kiss the occasional stripper's ass in the VIP room -- not so much during a regular lap dance.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Well, it looks like Juice is the most popular member here...
    IMO, Papi_Chulo and Subraman are the most popular and SJG and Dougster are the least popular. Juicebox69 is more like class clown than popular kid -- that's different.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I can make or break your day 😏
    Are there....Randians here on tuscl? Something's telling me...
    What a shock! SJG is an admirer of the communist Karl Marx, the French post-structuralists Baudrilard [sic], Deleuze, and Guattari, and the Marxist philosophers Hardt and Negri -- and a detractor of the arch-capitalist philosopher Rand. Quelle surprise!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I can make or break your day 😏
    Are there....Randians here on tuscl? Something's telling me...
    Ayn Rand > Karl Marx
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    How about some proofreading
    No, 25, I'm a different kind of professor (as you already know). On a discussion board like this, you are known only for what you post -- so why would anyone post something atrociously or intentionally misspelled? I'll excuse inside jokes (e.g. "It was rong for him to be band"). While I'm at it, I sincerely don't know how one can get past elementary school without knowing such distinctions as: your / you're their / they're / there its / it's to / too / two To be charitable, a disproportionate number of TUSCLers have Down syndrome and/or have been dropped repeatedly on "they're" heads (or is it "there"?).
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Happy Thanksgiving Who is a breast guy? Who is a leg guy?
    I love the whole bird, but if I had to choose, I'd go with white meat from the breast and dark meat from the thigh.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    T & A of the Day: Holly Peers
    OK, londonguy, I'll bite: Just what do you have against Mancunians? Manchester is the home of many great Brits, including David Lloyd George, Anthony Burgess, and a host of musicians and bands ranging from Herman's Hermits and Davy Jones to Graham Nash and John Mayall to Simply Red, Joy Division, the Smiths, and Oasis. So what is your deal, londonguy? Or is it like a New Yorker saying "Oh, she's from Detroit -- be careful what you wish for". Don't get me started on great musicians from the D!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Dancer did this to me
    ^^^ Subraman +100! Funny, I call mine Ramrod McLeansRight Darkblue: Though Google is a marvelous creation, I doubt that you will find McLeansLeft even there. One aspect of American humor is to give a nickname consisting of a first name and a fake Scottish last name (hence the Mc-) that plays off of the first name. For example, I was watching an episode of the Fox series "The Exorcist" one night with a friend. When it became apparent that the supposedly celibate priest who is involved in trying to exorcise a demon has a girlfriend, we started calling him Priesty McLecher. You see?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Dancer did this to me
    Seriously, this has happened to me on numerous occasions, though usually the dancer waits until you're actually hard, sometime during the first song or two. It means that she wants her dances to be pleasurable for you and probably intends to get you off.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Dancer did this to me
    I would deduce that she plans to use your cock as a compass and wants to know where true north is.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I can make or break your day 😏
    Are there....Randians here on tuscl? Something's telling me...
    I was a *yuuuge* Randian in high school but got over it by the time I was 19. However, there is no denying that Ayn Rand's thought played a role in my becoming the Right-libertarian that I am today. She was a deeply flawed thinker and terrible novelist who nonetheless had some nuggets of truth amidst all the self-glorifying, God-hating bilge.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I can make or break your day 😏
    Tits and ass.
    Excellent point, 25! I have not had a BJ (good or bad) since the beginning of November -- my longest dry stretch this year! Of course I'm taking a four-week break from SCs, which I hope to end with a double-BJ visit to Washington Park next Mon-Tue.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Learning Spanish
    One thing I never thought I would see on TUSCL is Spanish pronouns and verb conjugations! SJG, I am sincerely bewildered as to why you post so much random stuff on a discussion board about strip clubs. Are you a teacher at heart? Are you bored out of your gourd? I like languages as much as anyone does, and found the discussion of tu / usted / vos in reference to addressing strippers both interesting and somewhat relevant to the subject of this board, but this deluge of Spanish grammar has me puzzled.