Are there....Randians here on tuscl? Something's telling me...

avatar for Daybreaker
That some of you may have bought land down in "Galt's Gulch." Chile .


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No. I'm no longer in high school.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Lots of them. Even more Libertarians which is basically much the same thing. Some Libertarians will argue that statement to the death though that they are VERY different without actually being able to point out significant difference. Other Libertarians will realize that it's true.
Daybreaker are you raggin on us old folks again ? ; )
"No. I'm no longer in high school."

avatar for MrDeuce
8 years ago
I was a *yuuuge* Randian in high school but got over it by the time I was 19. However, there is no denying that Ayn Rand's thought played a role in my becoming the Right-libertarian that I am today. She was a deeply flawed thinker and terrible novelist who nonetheless had some nuggets of truth amidst all the self-glorifying, God-hating bilge.
Sometimes we think while shitting at McDs.

Also that's not the only book we have read/ NOT read.
I'm sure there are people that believe in such stuff here. But better here than in D.C., like Paul Ryan.


Hand of Fate…
avatar for MrDeuce
8 years ago
Ayn Rand > Karl Marx
Marx lived and wrote a long time ago, and there are strengths and weakness is his stuff. There are many updates:

Jean Baudrilard, Deleuze and Guattari, and Hardt and Negri.

Ayn Rand on the otherhand has nothing redeeming about her whatsoever.

avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Not surprising to hear that MisterDouche is a libertarian and like Rand when he was younger. Total consistent with what a shit-for-brains he is.

avatar for MrDeuce
8 years ago
What a shock! SJG is an admirer of the communist Karl Marx, the French post-structuralists Baudrilard [sic], Deleuze, and Guattari, and the Marxist philosophers Hardt and Negri -- and a detractor of the arch-capitalist philosopher Rand. Quelle surprise!
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
God-hating? MisterDouche is also a theist?
Rand is not an arch-capitalist philosopher, she is a writer of comic book character based novels.

I try to learn as much as possible about French Post-Structuralists and Marxist Philosophers.

avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Well she's a philosopher in a comical sort of sense. Takes about a minute's thought to disprove her attempts at setting a logical basis for her philosophy. On the other hand most other philosophers fall into a couple of categories: what they say cannot be understood at all because that's how they want it. Then a bunch of wankers all pretend they understand it and spew even more incomprehensible crap (Chomsky's characterization). Or what they say is obviously true but trivial and of no consequence. Or what they say is obviously false.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Oh, then they most annoying type is solipsistic, sophomoric faggots.
Such a harsh writer you are Dougster.

The French post structuralists are a challenge, especially Deleuze and Guattari.

Hardt and Negri are fine:…

avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
I haven't read any of them.
Baudrillard, and Deleuze and Guattari, are based on, Bataille rethinking all economic ideas, right after WWII. Looking at things more symbolically and as gift economy.

Bataille was a regular user of Paris brothels, and he saw sex as one of the basic ideas for gift economies, sex just being given away, like as a thank you token.…

This sounds like a convo Huey, Dewey, & Louie would be having.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
^^^ homo
Yes, I know all about it: NOBODY has read Ayn Rand since high school... people who quote her, politicians who talk about her books... they just have freakishly good memories! ;)

I actually think Atlas Shrugged is amusing and entertaining in a vaguely revenge-porn sort of way. All of the sheeple and undesirables dying off in the end, while a handful of self-proclaimed badass geniuses hide in the middle of nowhere to watch. You know why it's clear that a woman wrote that book? Because all of the male characters (if I remember correctly- haven't read it since high school ) are all in love with the female protagonist. So fan fiction- esque.
Atlas Shrugged is allegory, nothing more. An I illustration of principles, not a handbook for how to live.
I was one once, but then I grew up. Besides, at the end, Ayn Rand took Social Security.
Yeah bring more widom guys. What TittyFag said. A lot of ppl are trying to prove they understand Marx and Rand and their brethren and try to condense their life and philosophies vehemently into few words. I know Americans love Wikipedia and abridged version of Shakespeare, also 5 min YouTube videos with lots of information. post structuralists ....roflmao
@DandyDan: Of course she did, and so will I. If the government is going to forcibly take a portion of my paycheck for the stated purpose of funding this program, you bet your sweet ass I'm gonna take Social Security.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
I think that's where her philosophy breaks. Actually one of many places. She is basically then saying it okay to participate in theft which she says is the same as violence if you put the blame for it on a third party. But then Marxists can out the blame for their violence on a third party and their violence is okay.

But her logic is more riddled with holes than Swiss cheese.

In terms of psychological she is textbook narcissist and a good example of what expect from aging ones. Others have also said borderline but I don't know enough about that one to have an opinion.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
georgiegirl-microbrain is a mindless Randroid. There are others on the board with him in the same camp.

avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
How dumb does one have to be to be a Libertarian or Randroid anyway?
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Would it be... georgemicrobrain dumb? Or MisterDouche dumb? And how dumb relative to HughGRection who believes in "Karma"?…

^^^ National Lampoon's Libertarian Vacation, lol!
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