
Comments by MrDeuce (page 30)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Chinese "Goddess of Boobs" Daniella Wang
    Well, I'll be damned! All three of this hooterific Hong Kong cutie's flicks are on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heneRONrs8M -- Due West: Our Sex Journey (2012 -- 1:40) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRbSCJqIWdw -- Midnight Hair (2014 -- 1:38) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PptCKbLREtc -- Fruit Rockers (2015 -- 2:54) Brush up on your Cantonese, boys and girls!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Chinese "Goddess of Boobs" Daniella Wang
    rockstar: Yeah, but even better than your options is large and natural! I'm with you, Corvus. This situation calls for an up-close inspection by an expert such as yourself or myself :) I think they *jiggle* like real titties -- but she's Chinese!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    At what age does your penis basically stop working?
    I'm 62, rather overweight, otherwise in reasonably good shape. Until October I had no trouble achieving 2-3 orgasms a week. Then all of a sudden during October-November I had a health scare: very high PSA score, epididymitis (which probably caused the spike in PSA), a swollen and painful testicle, and no orgasms and few erections for two months! However, since that scare I've eaten better and exercised some and am back to a couple of O's a week. Nowadays I use no boner pills except a Zyrexin (non-prescription, $12 for 10 pills at Walmart) or a fraction of a Vitamin V for the second attempt in a given night. My advice is to live a life of balance: work/play, alcohol, and sex should all be in the kind of balance that you can maintain for many decades. Save for retirement but also enjoy life; drink alcohol but not in excess; have sex regularly but selectively. As others have mentioned, it is sad to see someone work hard all his life, deny himself pleasures such as strippers and travel, and drop dead within months of retiring.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Bucket list sex acts
    A threesome with my 5-foot blonde spinner ATF and a 6-foot African stripper from the same club!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Excited Dancer
    Yes, I "grew up" from age 42 to 60 with her :) What's your point? I still get dances from a couple of dancers who've been around for 12-15 years and will probably continue to do so for as long as they keep dancing. I love variety, too, but there's much to be said for having a few tried-and-true favorites.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Excited Dancer
    Your dances with Excited Dancer sound like a lot of fun. Enjoy these early days with her; she probably won't remain so excited. However, I must say I got dances over an 18-year period from one dancer and never got tired of her. She managed to make her lap dances exciting from the time she was 18 until she hung up the G-string at the ripe old age of 36!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Excited Dancer
    I'm hoping that SJG has these clever aphorisms stored in a Word document and can merely copy and paste them when needed. Surely even *he* gets bored with typing the same damn thing over and over and over and over ...
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Kissing - Per StripperWeb
    At my favorite day shift, with its extras-friendly VIP room, I have kissed several of the dancers. I don't ask for it, but if they initiate it (as many there do), I'm not going to resist. Occasionally a stripper, such as my ATF, will even make out with me during $20 dances. Kissing is *not* an extra! It is an optional feature of lap dances or VIPs that can be requested in advance or simply allowed to happen. Fuck those SW cunts (but not literally, it appears)! flagooner amused me with: " "God only knows where his mouth has been ..." Uh. Pot meet kettle."
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    First OTC with new favorite
    Subraman wrote: "Definitely nice to see an OTC story with a happy ending." Um, if you're doing it right, they should *all* have at least one happy ending, right? :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Hayley-Marie Coppin loses her silver bikini
    Oops -- thanks, gmd! Here's the second Hayley-Marie link: http://www.egoallstars.com/2017/01/hayley-marie-coppin-surfside-striptease (19 pics) And here's Hayley-Marie doing her chores topless: http://www.egoallstars.com/2016/03/hayley-marie-does-her-chores-topless (21 pics)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Getting aggressive w/ a stripper during lapdances
    This thread makes me grateful for the ignore feature :) I realize I'm seeing only one side of a "conversation", but I deeply don't care about the other side.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Best blow job of your life
    Corvus wrote: "Best BJ ever was the last one I got. It will soon be surpassed by the next one I get!" Along those same lines, the best BJ I ever got was yesterday afternoon at Elliott's in Peoria. The best before that was the day before yesterday at Elliott's in Peoria. The best before that was in my ATF's bed a week earlier. Etc. etc. . . . you get the idea :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I’ve had enough and I can’t take it any more
    What to do?
    It's very simple: when in doubt, pick the one with the larger [natural] tits. And if she's Asian to boot, you've got yourself a unicorn! Q: Why do Asian strippers have such small tits? A: Their parents told them that only A's are acceptable.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New York
    no extra girls comes back after I do an extras girl and offers extras, what to d
    Based on your subject line alone, I would have told extras girl #2 "Could you come back in about 8 hours?" LOL When I eventually realized, after slogging through the whole post, that no happy ending resulted from the first set of dances, my reaction changed to . . . Yawn.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Biggest donation of the year
    Because I only started doing VIPs regularly in the past three years or so, I never spent anywhere close to $1000 on a dancer in a year until last year, when I met my ATF and spent somewhere near $5000 on her, mostly just in July-October on half a dozen VIPs and half a dozen dates. This year I've spent another $2600 on another half a dozen dates and will probably match or break last year's record. No regrets!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    stripper showed real name to me accidentally???
    I'm surprised by how often dancers introduce themselves with both stripper and real names: "Hi, I'm Serena, but my real name is Samantha". For the three that I've seen OTC, I also knew their last name by the time we went on a date. In fact, I picked two of them up at their homes and stayed (and still stay) in the apartment of the third. It's *amazing* how much you can find out about a stripper online when you know her full name and the town she lives in!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    I never say "extras" or "menu" -- that's customer lingo that dancers hate (or don't use). I do sometimes say something like "If we were to go back to the VIP room, describe what kind of fun we could have". At my favorite extras-friendly day shift, the response might be some gesture or touch that indicates that a BJ or HJ is going to be available. At raunchier clubs, for example in Washington Park, the answer is often "Anything but anal"! My preference is to just let things happen and trust that the vetting that occurs over drinks and conversation will lead to happy times in VIP.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    ITC lingo
    Nowadays at my favorite extras club (i.e., mid-level strip club with an extras-friendly day shift), I don't even ask for extras or negotiate any particular "services". With my regulars, of course, I know what to expect in the VIP room. With new girls, I try to establish enough rapport during a considerable time of drinking and chatting that the VIP will be a satisfying experience regardless of the details. At this particular club, these details can range from HJ to TF, to CBJ to BBBJ, and in some cases to FS (though I don't partake), but I'm essentially never disappointed. The key is to know some of the girls and to get to know a new girl before committing $150 for 30 minutes. This worked exceedingly well with my ATF, with whom I spent an afternoon last April just drinking and talking before taking her the *next* afternoon to the VIP room, where we engaged in 69 the first time -- and every time thereafter, including on many OTC dates. It also worked well on my most recent visit a few weeks ago, when I chatted with a new girl for a while, did a couple of *very* hands-on lappers, and then graduated to the VIP room, where she provided the best HJ of my life -- all without negotiating details.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Losing Confidence!! :(
    For many years my budget for my weekly SC visits was $150 tops. I often spent half or even a quarter of that amount and almost always had a good time. Nowadays I have a lot more money, and also higher expectations, so I customarily take about $200 to a non-extras club or $300-400 to an extras club. One point is that you don't have to spend hundreds of dollars to enjoy yourself at a strip club. Another is that very few strippers consistently make $1000+ a night. Here's some perspective on strippers' lies about money: A former favorite claimed at the beginning of the year that she made at least $1000 a night. She told me about two whales who were spending $1500-2000 a week each on her. By Super Bowl Sunday in early February she was lamenting that she often cleared only $40 and was practically begging me to see her OTC for $200 (for a morning) or $500 (for toda la noche).
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Reese's stepsister is a 'stripper'
    Thanks for the mammaries, sc! I remember seeing her in "Twilight" when it came out almost 20 years ago!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Ever been oddly surprised at the ease ofhooking up with someone?
    Nope, can't say that's ever happened. Papi -- ha!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    OTC at the house
    Hotel: five times with three different dancers Her place: double digits of times with ATF The first time with her, we stayed in a hotel room because she had just broken up with and moved out from a boyfriend and I wanted to be on neutral turf. Every other time we've just stayed in her apartment, which is kind of messy but always has some food and drink and, of course, a bedroom and a bathroom. Also, it's free :) I have noticed sometimes that she might be bizarrely missing things like towels or blankets. One night we slept with neither a sheet nor a blanket and had one towel to share in the morning. (Nowadays I keep a spare towel and blanket in my car when I visit, just in case.) Strippers, like cats and unlike dogs, can barely be domesticated.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Where does a stripper's money go?
    Oops -- my bad! I meant to post that on the "OTC at the house" thread. Thanks, Papi!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Where does a stripper's money go?
    Hotel: five times with three different dancers Her place: double digits of times with ATF The first time with her, we stayed in a hotel room because she had just broken up with and moved out from a boyfriend and I wanted to be on neutral turf. Every other time we've just stayed in her apartment, which is kind of messy but always has some food and drink and, of course, a bedroom and a bathroom. Also, it's free :) I have noticed sometimes that she might be bizarrely missing things like towels or blankets. One night we slept with neither a sheet nor a blanket and had one towel to share in the morning. (Nowadays I keep a spare towel and blanket in my car when I visit, just in case.) Strippers, like cats and unlike dogs, can barely be domesticated.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Is this a Triple Play?
    The OP came close to the rare trifuckta. Sinclair described the considerably more common bifuckal. Congrats to both :)