
Comments by MrDeuce (page 31)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    I do prefer that my fellatrices swallow my load. It shows intimacy and a willingness to accept me completely. When I told my ATF on a date a while ago that a stripper at another club will only do CBJs, she wrinkled her nose as if to say "Why would anyone want to suck a *covered* cock?" A blowjob queen at yet another club tells me that she prefers BBBJs because she doesn't like the taste of latex. She'll get no complaints from me :) I actually do like it when the girl kneels *next* to me rather than on the floor because it gives me manual access to her fun parts. However, in recent months I've become an even bigger fan of 69. Every date with the ATF includes at least one and usually two rounds of 69.
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    8 years ago
    Bust a nut on a lap dance
    As a frequent practitioner of the fine art of the lapgasm, which I've done *hundreds* of times, I always throw in an extra five or ten bucks, too, if a dancer gets me off with dances. As JS69 says, *any* stripper who makes me cum gets a tip. It *is* the right thing to do!
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    8 years ago
    Lady godivas taylors
    Where? You do realize that this discussion board has members all over the U.S. and even the world, right?
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    8 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Denied Entry
    In 1000+ SC visits I've been turned away twice: (1) The door guy at Skybox in Harvey, IL rejected me because I was wearing sweatpants. I drove 15 minutes to Jimmy's in Chicago Heights, which has no such bogus dress code. (2) The door *girl* at Club 390 in Chicago Heights regretfully turned me away on a hot summer night because I was wearing soft shorts. I pointed out that I had dressed that way on at least 20 previous occasions, but no go. So I drove 10 minutes to . . . Jimmy's, my kind of undiscriminating establishment. I bought a pair of thin dress slacks that I will throw into my trunk on my next trip to the south Chicago suburbs, just in case I want to ogle the nudie cuties at Skybox.
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    8 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Denied Entry
    JimGassagain, I was also struck by SJG's amazingly forthright story about offending the finely tuned nostrils of a SC doorman, though I am puzzled by your phrase "persevered forward that visit and wine tonsils anyway". I assume that was coherent before auto-correct got hold of it. Why TF would anyone go to a strip club stinky?
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    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Not my Dream Stripper
    When your pants come off in the VIP room, her Burger King training will come in handy. She can take one look and say "Would you like to supersize that?" or perhaps "Aren't you a bit too old for the Whopper Junior?"
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    8 years ago
    Buying drinks
    I have nothing to add. The Master has spoken. :)
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    8 years ago
    Buying drinks
    rickdugan, I would like to think that Subraman was doling out some well-deserved sarcasm and not being a douchebag per se. *Of course* buying drinks for strippers can loosen them up! The real point is that you can buy a lot of time and fun with a stripper for the price of a drink, often just $5 or $10. *Of course* some clubs sell soft drinks or sugar water as "ladies' drinks" at full bar prices. When I detect this scam, I just say "No, I would prefer to spend my money on dances". The dancer would rather sell dances than drinks and I would rather buy dances than drinks. Only the waitress ends up disappointed. Oh well.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Marry, Fuck, Kill BTVS edition
    I would have a very hard time playing marry, fuck, or kill if my choices were only Sarah Michelle Gellar, Charisma Carpenter, and Eliza Dushku -- I'd want to marry none, kill none, and fuck all three. However, if Alyson Hannigan were in the mix, she would get killed for sure, even if she was cute as "This one time . . . at band camp" girl and as Lily on "How I Met Your Mother".
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Marry, Fuck, Kill BTVS edition
    gammanu, you're on a roll with your 3 posts to your own thread :) 3. Explaining how marry, fuck, kill works -- priceless. 2. Wishing you'd been one of Eliza's mistakes -- you've gotta have Faith! (see what I did there?) 1. And Pinterest as a haven for housewives -- true! The only time I was on that site was when my ATF linked from her FB page to a Pinterest page about fancy fingernails.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Marry, Fuck, Kill BTVS edition
    Here's a better link for Charisma's nekkid yumminess in "Bound": https://www.pinterest.com/jeremybailey3/charisma-carpenter/
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Marry, Fuck, Kill BTVS edition
    I never watched the TV show because I was no longer a teenager in the 90s :) However, I've had a thing for both Charisma Carpenter and, especially, Eliza Dushku for a *long* time. Eliza, my favorite Albanian-American (even more than John Belushi!) finally let the girls breathe in "The Alphabet Killer" (2008): http://slashnude.com/t/?eliza-dushku-topless-breasts-in-the-alphabet-killer-1937 and Charisma got *spectacularly* nekkid in "Bound" (2015): https://www.pinterest.com/pin/358317714078513588/ Enjoy!
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    8 years ago
    I might have Daddilac beat for PL of the year
    Whenever I hear about a stripper's boyfriend, I think of this classic joke: Q: What does a stripper do with her asshole before work? A: She drops him off at band practice!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Stripper denying ever dancing for me
    In my experience, the best strippers tend to have remarkable memories for details about customers. I'm often impressed by how well they remember my [stripper] name, my job, my other hobbies (e.g. almost always going to a movie either just before or just after a strip club visit), my other club favorites, etc. It's a competitive advantage for a stripper to remember things about customers. Two things surprise me about this thread: (1) Her vehemence in denying that she had ever danced for you (2) The fact that we're still talking about it :)
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    8 years ago
    Nicki Minaj bares a boob
    A point of clarification: Usually when I post pics of women, it's because I find them attractive. Examples include Emily Ratajkowski, Abigail Ratchford, Charlotte McKinney, L Shima, and any of a number of Page 3 glamour girls from the UK. In the case of Nicki Minaj, however, this is emphatically *not* the case. I have always found her trashy and classless with a cartoonish caricature of a voluptuous body.
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    8 years ago
    Stripper denying ever dancing for me
    +3 to Papi_Chulo for the trifecta: Maybe you fail to make an impression with people You should've barebacked her - I mean she's already pregnant Let's be honest here, is this really the first time a female has denied knowing you
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Loving Ignoren
    The quality of my TUSCL experience has improved dramatically in recent months due to my putting a select few trolls and blowhards on my ignore list. I won't name names -- I've learned my lesson there :) -- but ignoring just a few moronic or malevolent posters has been a blessing.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    I love strippers
    JS69, I absolutely agree with you. In spite of the lies, the drama, the stripper shit, the loser boyfriends, and everything else, I fucking love strippers. I love watching them on stage, chatting and drinking with them, getting lappers and doing VIPs with them, and (most of all) seeing them OTC, preferably overnight. I'm on kind of a stripper high right now because my ATF, whom I met one year ago tomorrow and starting seeing OTC in August for overnight dates in her apartment, has agreed to a series of *four* March dates in order to raise down payment money for a car before she moves in with a boyfriend at the beginning of April. So we're together last Wednesday night, this Sunday afternoon, and two more overnights before it comes to a crashing halt at the end of the month. After that, who knows? I'm just enjoying the ride!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I might have Daddilac beat for PL of the year
    Since last summer I've been more or less in love with a stripper, who has had not one, not two, but *three* boyfriends in that time, one of whom she's about to move in with, so I certainly understand what you're going through. My advice is: See her ITC, see her OTC if you can, but don't try to make her your girlfriend because (a) she's a stripper and (b) she already has a boyfriend! It seems pretty clear-cut to me.
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    8 years ago
    Stripper GF Story v Reality
    ^^^ Too true, jackslash! If strippers were reliable, they would have day jobs. We let them sometimes lie or flake because it's all part of their awesomeness. (I'm feeling charitable today because my ATF has *failed* to flake on me three times in a row this year and has, AFAIK, not lied to me at all.)
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Follies - Angie
    Running over someone once is inattentive. Running over her twice seems downright malicious. And JS69, if any asshole lawyer can get a female strip club employee off, it would be you :) All facetiousness aside, I hope the best for Angie's recovery.
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    8 years ago
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    8 years ago
    Um, Progressives *are* just lefties :) Also, claiming to have science and open-mindedness on the side of the Left, er, uh, of Progressivism implies that the Right is unscientific and close-minded.
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    8 years ago
    Bacon props!!
    Did I miss a "Flame" fight?
    What bvino said: "I have almost all of this on ignore and I do not miss it. Makes for some disjointed convos but I am enjoying the peace and quiet." Amen!