
Comments by MrDeuce (page 29)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    I think this is MrDeuce's kind of actress!
    Well . . . I'm surprised to admit that I have never heard of this chick. I dig the bod but the face is just OK. Here's a moderately amusing YouTube video of her showing *lots* of cleavage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2n40WqUYR4 (2:51) Thanks, 4got -- you know my preferred body type!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Your emotions on your first OTC experience.
    Though I met my ATF last April, and we were already discussing OTC at the end of our first VIP, I didn't actually go through with it until she moved out of her loser boyfriend's place and into one of her own in August. Even then, our first date was overnight in my nearby hotel room. Since then, I've stayed in her apartment many times. By the time of our first date this year in January, she had a new boyfriend that she sometimes spent the night with. I asked her if he was going to surprise in flagrante delicto and she assured me that we were quite safe, as he was on home detention and wearing an ankle bracelet. This went fine during January-March. As of 3/31, she has moved in with her ex-con boyfriend and is theoretically no longer available for sleepovers. However, she owes me one more overnight date, for which I foolishly prepaid in mid-March, and assures me that she will make it up to me by telling him that she's staying with her parents and then staying with me in a hotel. We'll see :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Your emotions on your first OTC experience.
    The first time I saw a stripper OTC, it was her idea. She had blown me twice in the VIP room and was temporarily unable to drive to work due to a DUI conviction, so she texted me at work one afternoon and proposed that we do the same OTC. As it happened, I was going to a concert near her home that evening, so I suggested that I pick her up afterward, like at midnight, and take her back to my hotel room for bedtime and morning BJs. At the last minute, literally as I was driving to her apartment, she bailed on the overnight part because she wanted to be at home when her teenage daughters got up the next morning, so we arranged for me to pick her up at 8am and take her to my room for two BJs with some snoozing and recovery time between them. Both of us were a bit nervous, but there was a high level of familiarity with each other because we had already engaged in the same activity a couple of times, so everything went well. We went on to do two more OTC dates, dinner and a postprandial BJ in each case, but our OTC relationship fizzled out when she remarried her ex-husband. I will always remember her fondly as my first OTC girl.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I think that this is the second recent death by lap dance.
    Three years ago my then CF told me (after blowing me in the VIP room) that a customer had *died* while she was giving him lap dances the week before. He was an extremely obese Mexican-American in his 40s whose heart just gave out from the excitement. Of course she was traumatized; it didn't help that the other strippers teased her mercilessly that she had "fucked a customer to death". Of course it's awful for the girl . . . but for the guy, there are much worse ways to go :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Stripper reaction for LDK
    A Haiku on Lapgasms When she grinds on me I cum into a rubber No wetness seeps through
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Stripper reaction for LDK
    If a stripper strocks me over my pants and I ldk, I xpect her to be flattered, not shcoked. LOL
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Livin my inner redneck
    Second or Third Pop Experiment
    I'm happy with two pops on an overnight date and wouldn't even try for three. Since December my ejaculatory health has improved from delight with any orgasms at all to satisfaction with one a week (in Jan-Feb) to expectation of two a week (in Mar-April). Just as I reached the point where I was ready for two in a night recently, my ATF ghosted on me shortly before a scheduled 3/29 sleepover. She's done this before -- disappearing for 2-3 months at a time -- and I fully expect her to reappear by June when she needs money. Until she does, I am on the lookout for another OTC girl who will spend the night with me and provide two BJs -- I have two prospects at the moment :) I may take 50 mg of Vitamin V before BJ #2 or I may just do without and see what happens. I agree with others that Viagra, on the rare occasions that I take it, makes it easy to get hard but difficult to cum.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Intelligence in a woman
    Papi: Yes -- you're very observant! Though she grew up in an upper-middle-class family in a wealthy suburb and has a bachelor's degree, she has been in rebellion against her parents since she was 12 and is primarily attracted to druggies and cons. She was torn between an ex-con boyfriend and a former husband who was about to get out of prison (again). She has made her decision and moved in with the ex-con at the end of March, which has put an end (for the time being) to our sleepovers. She'll be back -- she's too attracted to my huge . . . wallet to leave me for good :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Intelligence in a woman
    Turn-on. My ATF is one of the few strippers I've ever known who already *has* a bachelor's degree and isn't just [allegedly] working on one. This is one reason that I literally never get tired of her on our 16-hour dates (8pm to noon).
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    It's inappropriate to not tip a girl....for saying hi?
    Two recent examples of strippers asking me for tips for doing nothing and how I responded: (1) A new favorite gave me a third consecutive lapgasm with her seductive grind and I tipped her $15 on top of the $45 for three dances. As I was leaving the club, she was sitting outside smoking and asked me for a $20 tip. I said simply "I already tipped you inside". We're still fine -- in fact, a possible OTC date may be developing. (2) Last week at a dive bar, a formerly gorgeous dancer whom drug use has not been kind to plopped down beside me and, without any preliminaries, asked me to tip her. (She has blown me on two previous occasions.) I said "For what? You haven't done anything!" I followed up with an offer of $10 if she would take her top off and grind on me for one whole song. Done! Everyone won.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    This is what it's like to go to a strip club high
    I eat decent lunches at Brad's, Dancers, and Rio in Indy all the time. It's not gourmet food, but it's quite good and reasonably priced. You guys do understand that the kitchen staff at a strip club isn't jacking people off or giving blowjobs and spitting into the food, don't you? At least that's what I keep telling myself.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Consistently High-Mileage Clubs
    The question seems clear enough to me. a21985, in what sense do you think "it's terribly its terribly coherent and hard to follow"? (Hmm . . . pot - kettle - black.) I nominate, as a contender for a consistently high-mileage small-market club in my part of the world, the Hip Hugger in Kokomo, IN. This joint is unimpressive in appearance both outside and in, charges either $3 or $5 cover depending on the time of day, has the entire range of beers from Bud to Bud Lite . . . and offers high-mileage lap dances for $10, every day all day! I've been there a dozen times and have never left unhappy. I realize that "high-mileage" means very different things to the lucky denizens of Detroit, S. Florida, etc. than it does in small-town Indiana, but in terms of nice, cheap, grindy, happy-making lappers, the Hip Hugger is hard to beat.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Explosion in my pants
    Texting Frequency
    I agree that strippers are in general notoriously bad texters, both because they typically deal with texts from a lot of different dudes in a day and because they're flakes. This causes me to appreciate the ones all the more who consistently respond to my texts immediately. I have a BBBJQ (figure it out) at one club whom I see maybe 5 times a year, but she knows that I always do a VIP with her when I'm in her town, so when I text her about her availability on a given afternoon, she responds right away. OTOH, my ATF, for all her virtues, is not very good at responding to my texts in a timely way -- if at all. It got so bad that we worked out a package deal last month for a certain number of OTC dates at a somewhat low total, which I paid in advance, with a sizable end-of-month bonus if (a) all of the dates went well (on time, no interruptions) and (b) she texted me adequately throughout the month. I know it's manipulative, but it had the effect of improving her performance both on dates and between dates. Results were mixed but mostly good.
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    7 years ago
    Smartest Guys in the Room
    But shadowcat, if everyone is on your ignore list, there are no posts left for you to read :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Smartest Guys in the Room
    Yeah, we're pretty awesome except for the whole obsession with strippers thing :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Facebook Friends
    Like Subraman, I created a Facebook account specifically for connecting with strippers. I don't even have a "real" Facebook -- total lack of interest!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Ever string along a dancer for fun?
    Nope -- I wouldn't want to be treated that way, so I wouldn't treat someone that way. It sounds like a non-brilliant way to waste 40 man-minutes.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    When this site lists the type of dancers a club has...
    My experience with nude strip clubs is fairly limited, confined mainly to three clubs in the Chicago Heights area: Skybox (now closed, at least temporarily) and Club O in Harvey and Club 390 in C.H. When Skybox advertises *nude* dancers, it's no lie: *every* dancer gets nekkid on stage without exception! OTOH, at Club O and Club 390, it's dancer's choice, especially on days, where stage tippers usually get just a peek at the goods. I thought it would be different at Club 390 on a crowded evening, but it wasn't. I was there once last summer on a Thursday night for White Night, when all of the dancers wore white outfits. In two hours I must have seen 20 strippers on stage and only three dropped their bottoms, one of them at my urging after we had done some lappers. The club was packed and guys were tipping but the vast majority of the girls *still* wouldn't get nekkid! And yet Club 390 advertises itself as "All of the liquor -- none of the clothes!" (SMH)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    Did you know about extras before you first got extras?
    I cluelessly managed to visit strip clubs, eventually on at least a weekly basis, from 1994 until 2013 (!) without ever realizing that extras were available. I was quite content with frequent lapgasms and occasional OTP HJs. Then, in summer 2013, I visited a club (in Ohio, of all places!) that was notorious for extras and dipped a toe into the water, so to speak. Since then ITC BJs and, more recently, OTC dates have been a regular part of my life. Certainly reading discussions and reviews on TUSCL opened my eyes to what was possible with strippers, both ITC and OTC. So far this year I've enjoyed: * 5 BJs on dates with my ATF in her apartment * 5 BJs in strip club VIP rooms * 1 HJ in a VIP room * 4 lapgasms
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Experiencing a Tragedy.
    I empathize with you, man. I had my own brush with a favorite stripper dying of an overdose, but we weren't nearly as close as you and this girl. During the first half of 2014 I did three great VIPs with a stunning, stacked, stylish stripper in her early 30s. In July, while I was driving somewhere on vacation, she blew up my phone begging me in vain for $1000 to help fund a photography business. By Labor Day she had died of a heroin overdose. I was shocked, even though we weren't all that close, and couldn't even go to her club for a long time. Hang in there, bro!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Not your type
    What lopaw said -- sometimes I get a lap dance right away with someone who is only acceptable in looks but has clicked with me. Word soon spreads that I do dances . . . and the floodgates open :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Livin my inner redneck
    Second or Third pop
    Nowadays the only way I get a second pop on a date is if it's overnight, with about 8 hours and half a Vitamin V between pops :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Club Omaha
    Why don't you write an actual review instead of ranting randomly about shitty clubs in wherever you happen to be (which seems to be Nebraska or maybe Iowa)? Lord knows it doesn't take much of a review these days to get 30 days of VIP access to TUSCL!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Tan lines
    A guy sunbathes nude in his backyard and gets a badly sunburned penis. He calls his doctor to ask for his advice and the doctor tells him to dip his dick in a glass of cold milk. When is girlfriend gets home and sees him cooling his cock, she exclaims "So *that's* how you reload that thing!"
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Tan lines
    *Love* the tan lines on a nude dancer!