
At what age does your penis basically stop working?

Okay, this is probably not a question that a lot of guys here might want to answer, but it's actually the only place where I feel I would get a reliable answer. I'm doing some investment calculations, retirement planning etc, and I'm thinking "okay, this is all great, but in which years can I actually enjoy my youth? In which years can I actually enjoy a healthy and functionally correct body? In which years is my body basically useless and it doesn't really matter anymore?"

Is there any rule of thumb, or does it all depend on how well you take care of your health? Are there 70 year old men who don't need viagra to get a raging boner and plow a girl? 80 year old men? I can't really imagine a 90 year old....

All this is part of a bigger, grander question of how to live my life. Work hard, preserve my health, invest ALL my discretionary income and retire early (40 years old) and then party until I die? Or work mostly hard but also slack off to go after girls and have fun with my income now? These aren't questions that you guys can really answer for me, but the earlier questions you certainly can.


  • houjack
    8 years ago
    I'm under 40 so I can't answer your question, but I can tell you what I've decided when contemplating similar goals.

    I've decided to play while saving for retirement. I know retirement will be pushed back a few years but I got to enjoy my youth. The last thing I'd want is to delay fun to save like crazy to retire and then get hit by a bus.

    Plus the girls at the club I'm sure behave a little differently to guys that are closer to their age then they guy is to 50+. Enjoy that while it's still possible is my plan.
  • whodey
    8 years ago
    If you have to ask when your dick will stop working you are almost out of time. You probably only have 1-2 weeks left so make sure to use it while you can.
  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    ^ lol
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    I am 63 and I get hard as a steel rod if its the right woman, I have used Viagra and Cialis a few times, to do a second round but so far I've been good(or lucky). I think if you take care of your self exercise and eat right your dick should be fine for a long time.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I'm sure someone like twentyfive can give better advice than me, particularly since he has over 25 years on age than me. But I want to remind you it doesn't all have to do with being older in age.

    I have 4 close friends who come to mind which will even confuse you (and me) more.

    Guy 1 - 37 years old, has to use Viagra probably 50% of the time. He did use some steroids in his college days, sometimes smokes when he drinks, drinks often, has an extremely high stress job (all supposedly factors in causing erectile dysfunction) but works out a lot and physically is in excellent shape.

    Guy 2 - 40 years old, has to use Viagra is he wants to get a 2nd shot off during sex or when he is drinking. Lives a healthy lifestyle is in good shape for a 40 year old.

    Guy 3 - 48 years old, could not get it up for sex until Viagra came along. Has used recreational drugs for years.

    Guy 4 - 65 years old - can get it up with a stiff breeze, needs no help. Average shape for a 65 year old, could stand to lose 15 pounds.

  • Array
    8 years ago
    Have your fun now. 1. There is some truth in the old saw, "use it or lose it." 2. You never know when you're going to start pushing up daisies. I've known too many people who have great plans for retirement, but then kick off very shortly after they get to it. 3. Your health will have a big effect. In my case prostate problems and heart medications have negatively impacted my sex life. Not stopped it but made it all a bit less intense.
  • anthonyu
    8 years ago
    I'm 76, about 40 pounds overweight, but in fairly good physical shape. Since 70 I've had to use viagra most of the time, but, with that, I have great sex, sometimes twice in one night.

    Still, I think regular ejaculating, starting young and continuing through life, projects your prostate and your heart. And sex is great exercise. I think the social interactions, the calculating of how to get laid, are neural exercise and protect your brain.

    So go for it now and forever.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    More important than age and single biggest cause of ED is atherosclerosis -- fat and cholesterol clogging those tiny capillaries in your dick. Avoid KFC and chicken wings. Exercise.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Lots of 80 year olds have sex and lots of 50 year olds can't. The medical community says age alone isn't a factor for ED....there are other underlying causes. A good urologist should be able to get to the root causes of ED and hopefully find effective treatment. High blood pressure, low T, high cholesterol and too much alcohol probably account for the vast majority of ED causes.
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Lots of 80 year olds have sex and lots of 50 year olds can't. The medical community says age alone isn't a factor for ED....there are other underlying causes. A good urologist should be able to get to the root causes of ED and hopefully find effective treatment. High blood pressure, low T, high cholesterol and too much alcohol probably account for the vast majority of ED causes.
  • mjx01
    8 years ago
    You can be blessed with good DNA and take great care of yourself, and still be hit by a bus tomorrow. You have to live (at least a little) now while still finding a way to financially secure in the future.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    I save a little and party too hard right now, it would be wise for me to start investing in my future.
  • gawker
    8 years ago
    From my late teens I've pretty much lived life as if tomorrow might be the last day on earth for me. I've drunk too much at times, used drugs from time to time, eaten what I wanted ( sometimes to excess) and fucked as many beautiful women as possible while also leading an upstanding public life in a very middle class style.
    My best friend ( college roommate, best man, etc.) drank too much and died of liver failure at age 57. Another good friend lived frugally, saved money so he could retire at age 57 with $2,000,000 and 6 months after retiring stroked out (his wife's enjoying it now,
    My point is go for the gusto. I'm almost 72. I can get it up without meds even though I've had artheriosclerosis for 20 years ( 1 heart attack, 8 stents, quadruple bypass), have type2 diabetes, and take 11 prescription meds a day. However to get "steel rod hard" I need vitamin V. Lately I've been having trouble finishing which is disconcerting, but I honestly think it's tied to stress of taking care of my wife with Alzheimer's. Eat, drink, and make merry, for tomorrow we may die.
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    I'm 62, rather overweight, otherwise in reasonably good shape. Until October I had no trouble achieving 2-3 orgasms a week. Then all of a sudden during October-November I had a health scare: very high PSA score, epididymitis (which probably caused the spike in PSA), a swollen and painful testicle, and no orgasms and few erections for two months! However, since that scare I've eaten better and exercised some and am back to a couple of O's a week.

    Nowadays I use no boner pills except a Zyrexin (non-prescription, $12 for 10 pills at Walmart) or a fraction of a Vitamin V for the second attempt in a given night.

    My advice is to live a life of balance: work/play, alcohol, and sex should all be in the kind of balance that you can maintain for many decades. Save for retirement but also enjoy life; drink alcohol but not in excess; have sex regularly but selectively. As others have mentioned, it is sad to see someone work hard all his life, deny himself pleasures such as strippers and travel, and drop dead within months of retiring.
  • warhawks
    8 years ago
    I've known too many people who have had the perfect retirement plan, had it all lined up, and dropped dead 6 months to a year after retiring. As others have said, I'm of the mind set of enjoying life in the here and now. It's really changed my perspective on life.

    That being said, I plan on having sex as often as I can and so far am not having any problems. All depends on the girl for me.
  • clubdude
    8 years ago
    It depends on the biology of the guy. Tony Randell had his second child at age 75.
  • Estafador
    8 years ago
    Well shadowcat seems to still put in work and he isn't a pill popper or a middle aged man so I'd say as long as your mind works, it works.
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    Stay off the weed excessively, man. Oh and the stress will destroy you. Too bad weed is good for stress, so who knows what the balance is.
  • screamineagle10
    8 years ago
    67 here,in good shape,exercise,drink and eat in moderation,good attitude,had triple bypass in 2012. Don't need vitamin V for sex with the girlfriend but take it as insurance with my OTC excursions. Sometimes my big head messes with the little head
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    I'm not in the best of health at 75 but when I look around me, I feel blessed. 55 years of smoking did me in. I have COPD(Chronic Bronchitis) which has reduced my lungs to 37% of normal. I don't need oxygen but I tire very easy. Exercise is out of the question. So I am 30 pounds overweight now.

    As for Mr. Happy, he is still happy but not as happy as when he was 18. I can cum from a HJ ot BJ without the use of any ED drugs but FS requires 100mg of Viagra and a very willing partner.

    I hit Follies at least twice a week. I don't know how many hard ons I have left me in me but a good hard on is a terrible thing to waste.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    ^^^Aye Aye Cap'n
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    My favorite comment, and I don't know where it comes from is " If I knew I was going to live this long I would have taken better care of myself"
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    25: That was Mickey Mantle.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    High blood pressure, blood pressure medicine, and cholesterol buildup in your arteries are the biggest contributors to ED. Avoid those.
  • ATACdawg
    8 years ago
    Between HBP and associated meds, I've forgotten the age when mine quit working reliably :-/
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Pretty-much everyone slows down w/ age - there probably is a wide-range w.r.t. when one can lose significant functionality - kinda like some people start losing their hair @ 30 and some men have a full head of hair at 80 - you would probably need to Google for more-precise scientific info on when the avg man starts sputtering for lack of a better word - obviously leading a healthy lifestyle should better one's odds but it's no guarantee since genetics may also be in play.

    One would think the "use it or lose it" probably plays a role - if one is not getting sex on the regular then perhaps masturbation may be a good thing to keep it from atrophy - again it's probably best to educate yourself via legit sources.

    For me - at 47 I don't have much issues - only every now and then either b/c I've been masturbating too-much; hitting the SC too-much, or when I got stuff on my mind worrying me.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    w.r.t. to "live it up" or save for retirment; there probably isn't a one-size fits all answer.

    Some of the variables at play can be

    + how much $$$ one makes - some people are able to spend a good-amount partying w/o it affecting their financial situation much

    + your ability to make $$$ - some people have a knack for always finding good paying jobs - if one is in a situation where it'd be a challenge to find another job if one loses their current-one, then one should be a bit more conservative w/ their spending

    + financial personality - I've hard that people innately fall into one of two broad categories - savers or risk-takers - if one is not a risk-taker then they may not be at ease just living for today and may not enjoy the SCing and/or spending most of their $$$ w/o it gnawing at them in the back of their minds

    I'd say either put yourself in a position where you don't have to worry about your finances too-much (e.g. be really-good at what you do so you can make good-$$$ and keep-on making good-$$$ so you can play as much as you want; o/w be prudent and find a balance where you don't have to go w/o playing but that you are not running on fumes financially.

    One also needs to keep in mind that time is something we can not get or buy more of - it's not as we could spend 60-years "doing it all right" (saving, working-hard, etc) and then we have a whole other "second life" or another 60 -years to enjoy ourselves - we don't have 2 lives to live (one where we work-hard and one where we just get to-do w/e we want) - one never knows what tomorrow may bring and if one will have the health or desire to do everything they put off (if one is even around).

    There's no guarantee one will be able to do tomorrow what one didn't do today - as an older man once told me "life is for living" (and we don't get a second one) - I at times think when I'm 80 y/o ( assuming I make it there), will I look-back and feel good about all the $$$ I saved by not doing stuff or will I feel good about the things I experienced and how many hot-women I was able to enjoy; I assume the latter one will be a more pleasant thought.

    It doesn't have to be all or nothing in terms of play or no-play/saving - perhaps is prudent to do some of each (play and save) and adjust according to your financial situation - probably best to be prudent for now(play and save) till you have figured it out or have a clearer picture.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I think Men are at their sexual peak around 18,19,20.
    I was super horny as a teenager but couldn't do much about it.
    Things stay pretty good but can start declining in their 30's.
    In the 40's, you need to exercise and stay in shape or things go downhill faster. You do get improvement if you lose weight and drink pomegranate juice which I stopped temporarily because it was either bad or causing some kind of weird laxative effect. I read it can remove placque from the arteries.
    This news can also help prevent stroke and heart attack and prolong people's lives in my opinion. Of course the big drug companies will never promote something that is natural unless they can invent a drug that does the same thing or better and make money off of it. I read and heard some strength training helps boost testerone as you age helping keep weight lower as well and also improves the decline many men have. As far as the 50's , 60's , I hope things don't get worse.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    If I drank a few beers, I will usually need to wait a number of hours before getting stiff. Today's lap dances just aren't that exciting when you can't see nipples or touch tits.

    I'm getting a lot more boners in the morning for some reason but not at the strip club.
    I woke up yesterday morning with a dream that I was staying at a hotel at the beach but 3 college age girls got double booked in my room. We shared. Had sex , then they put on bikinis and laid out on the beach before retuning for more sex with the guy who was already with them. Last night while waiting for food, I had 3 college age girls approach me. One took a big bite out of my wiener and another hot girl took selfies with me. Maybe I'm dreaming about the future. :)
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    Oh, as far as the juice goes, I read an Israeli study on old people with severely clogged arteries drinking 1.5 ounces of the juice before meals or one time a day before breakfast, had something like a 12% or 18% reduction in artery clogging placque after a few months, even more after 6 months. It's not a drug so it won't work fast. Those are the numbers I remember if my memory is any good. It might work better than that in higher doses. Supposedly it also lowers sugar levels in the blood and possibly bad cholesterol. I want to start drinking it again if I can avoid getting a bad batch of it. It doesn't taste that great so I like to gulp it down or mix it with blueberry juice. Seems like maybe someone would sell it mixed already in higher concentrations than what I've seen. Ok I will stop posting so much.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    Ok one more thing. If you aren't getting daily erections, it's the canary in the coal mine that your arteries may be clogged and that you may be close to a heart attack. Possibly. I read that somewhere. I read the heart has some small arteries associated with it as well.
    I read that both women and men can have heart attacks in their 30's and start getting clogged arteries in their 20's. One of the number one killers in the US.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Previous thread about this subject:

    Much of the issue seems to be psychological. Though perfectly normal, and not wanting to trivialize it, if things work sometimes, like upon first waking up, but not other times, hard to see it as other than psychological.

    But then, health after age 50 depends upon habits. Diet and exercise. High blood sugar causes serious problems and generally means pre diabetes or diabetes. Most of the people who have diabetes do not know it. It is just the sorts of food we are accustomed to. And caffeine seems to add to it, on top of the sugar.

    People use caffeine and sugar to regulate their energy levels. But quickly this just takes and no longer gives. It is nuts.

    How much of this is reversible? Hard to say, but worth it to try. Otherwise it will not be just ED, it will be all sorts of other health problems.


  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    enjoy life. too bad youth is wasted on the young.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    i turn 60 this year. Daily weed smoker since college. As alcoholism is rampant among males on my Father's side of the family, I drink too much. I have a very high stress job, take cholesterol and bp meds and work 60 -80 hours a week. I worked part-time until 32; too all of 1998 and all of 2014 off to enjoy life and have decided to retire at 66+. Having said that my original plan was to retire at 59 1/2, the at 62, now 66 1/2, but it might end up 70. Can I get it up? Yes, pretty much the same as always except, not as often and recovery time lags. A small does of Viagra does three things for me: More blood = bigger dick; I can recover and go again in 20 minutes and it makes it much, much harder to come, which is not always a good thing. The key in my mind is physical fitness. I got up at 2:00 am Sunday; worked for 90 minues; woke up my wife; we drove to Vermont; had breakfast; Made first lift at 8:00 am skied until total exhaustion at 2; drank some beers and baked on the way home; dinner, bed at 7:30; at my desk at 5 today.
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    I'm hoping it will be the brilliant way for me.

    What's the brilliant way for the penis to stop working? Simple, I'll die with an erection and enjoying a 19 year old redhead. The penis will stop working when rigor ends! ;)
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    Countless studies showing that ED in younger guys is an early sign of cardiovascular disease:


    Take it as a warning sign and modify your diet and lifestyle.

    "A recent study has shown that aggressive intervention with diet and exercise improves ED..."
  • ime
    8 years ago
    No random SJG says it is all in your head, don't argue with our resident kook.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    8 years ago
    Yeah, there's no no set checklist on sexual performance. Some guys are outliers and get away with doing all the wrong things (stress, lack of sleep, shit diet, smoking weed / tobacco) without it affecting performance. Other guys lose wood despite their best efforts.

    Enjoy it while you can, but it's still smart to set some money aside for a rainy day/retirement. I liked a lot of what Papi said.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I heard several years ago the Protestants had it all wrong, there wasn't going to be a rapture but 3 days of darkness. Demons would be set free on the earth and electricity won't work. Anyone caught outside after it starts or possibly anyone who lets the terminator demons inside will likely die. Just remember the Terminator can talk like people you know and ask to let them in. Only a holy candle will burn. Supposedly there won't be many men left afterwards and in one version of the story I heard people would be young again. If that's the case and many industrial products are gone, I will have to fuck like a 18 year old with millions of hot girls. When will this all happen?

    Well I read this year is the 100 anniversary of the so called visions in Fatima in Portugal. I'm thinking it won't be May 13th. Probably not mid summer. Supposedly something is supposed to happen around Sept 23 give or take a couple days. Some even think the rapture but I heard the same last year. I figure either you guys will say I disappeared and aliens came to take me away. (Rapture event). Or maybe 3 days of darkness and I get made young again and have to do my part with millions of hot girls. I will need to be young again to have a chance if most of the population is female. Forget all that sperm stuff. Most of the doctors I think are men and medical instruments may get destroyed when the demons take away industrial waste and all the trash. Hey, this plan sounds more believable than all the stupid terrorists thinking they are going to have a bunch of virgins when they die.

    As far as the rapture getting explained as alien abductions, I believe that could happen. JPL included the names of all Planetary Society members on a chip that landed with the first Rover mission to Mars. If aliens investigate and think someone invaded their property and then find the names, they may take us all in for questioning and vaporize everyone else. Fortunately, there are dozens of people with my name. It will be like "Are you Sarah Conner?" Boom. Then are you Sarah Conner? Boom. Just kidding. I think the aliens are smarter than the Terminator. They will scan the address database and find out where everyone lives.
    One story I read supposedly had Jesus as an alien. It could all fit together. The rapture could happen and be a massive alien abduction. Jesus might be up there in a spaceship. The 3 days of darkness story sounded better though. I heard one version that said some might sleep through the whole thing. I think that could be me. I sleep for 3 days because it's dark outside and then wake up and find out it wasn't a dream and I'm 18 again.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    What does that^ have to do with ED? Disaster is likely to strike one day but don't worry, God will have to fix things and make us young again or work or it may be the end of humanity. Just trying to have a bright outlook. We may get to fuck for hours again like you could do as an 18 year old. I read last night that some will feel a burning desire to convert all the pagans. Just remember if I suddenly disappear, strip clubs could become a house of worship for the Goddess Venus. Free lap dances, no more pasties, just free love and sex for all. Worship services could include females giving bj's with guys giving donations. Topless female priestesses could be up on the altar performing their dancing ceremonies. Hmmm, sounds familiar except for pasties and all the rules. Ok I will stop daydreaming.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    If you're a guy (homo) like jestie214 it never worked in the first place!
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