
Kissing - Per StripperWeb

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

"... So I've been getting more requests in rooms or when selling rooms or double dances, to kiss.
Maybe because I'm old, or because of past clubs I've worked at; kissing is a no go, and it never even occurred to me to do otherwise.

Do you ladies find this request common? Is this 'extras' territory? Am I prude and need to get over it (OMG breath spray for everyone, ew)? ..."

Some SWers responses:

"... A LOT of VIP customers are emotionally needy & treat dancers like surrogate girlfriends. It's draining ..."

"... I would consider kissing in the "extras" territory. God only knows where his mouth has been ..."

"... Oh yes kissing and making out with customers is definitely becoming mainstream. I don't get it, I'm sure I'd throw up right on someone's face, gross.

The problem seems to be its not actually in anyway illegal so clubs don't care, girls can't get arrested so they don't care... these are most likely the same idiots that get drunk in night clubs and make out with the first guy they can just because it's something to do...

Someone's going to have to invent face condoms ..."

"... Fucking nasty. I don't even kiss most of my lovers. Only if I really truly am in love with the person. I find it a bit too intimate ..."

"... We are not "surrogate girlfriends " (as mentioned above), we are not prostitutes. We are dancers. Dancers =fantasy. Fantasy = no kissing. They don't like it? Then tough shit ..."

"... I told the dancer that was with me "oh I have lipstick on I can't kiss" she said "oh you can just take it off"
Then I felt like a prude and that I was letting major cash walk away (he has 3 day regulars he drops $600 to $800 on)
Manager even pulled me aside later to tell me what a good client he is and how he said he liked me. Ahhh! Its like a 7th grade dance. I'm not kissing the guy. So how to keep that regular? ..."

"... You can work this to your advantage. Guys love chasing the one they can't get. I had a customer once who'd try to kiss me (he'd kiss other girls too) and I'd always tell him no, sorry, I dont kiss on the lips.That made him want me even more. I suddenly became a challenge. I'd give him a kiss on the cheek, but that was it. But he kept after me, like I was some sort of conquest, and I never gave in.

You could tease him. "Maybe if you're a good boy I will..." "We'll see! Tee hee!" ..."

"... For now, just lead him on. I'd try to maximize your time with him the next time you see him, and take his money before he realizes he's not going to get what he's asking for ..."

"... GROSS! These girls don't realize you can make money without compromising yourself. Stupid! Ok, if he's giving you a downpayment he can extort a kiss from you... not a champagne room, Jesus Christ ..."



  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    LOL always good to see the SW girls are as delusional as ever! They are shocked -- SHOCKED! -- that guys have the temerity to ask for and enjoy this

  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Awwww, these SW gals are boner killers. (:
  • ime
    8 years ago
    SJG always makes out with every stripper in front room and they like it. Those posts must be fake because they don't agree with him.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    If kissing is out, you can imagine how they feel about indulging your BDSM fantasy.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    "God only knows where his mouth has been ..."

    Uh. Pot meet kettle.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    It would have been better if she wrote, "Does he know where my mouth has been ..."
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I wonder how they would react if you ask for a blowjob instead, as a compromise - I mean that's not as intimate right?

  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    LOL "ime"
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"If kissing is out, you can imagine how they feel about indulging your BDSM fantasy."

    The girls are actually quite welcoming of it, at least in the role of them being dominant. That said, the disconnect from reality comes where the SW girls claim that domination in the VIP ALWAYS comes with a big uplift charge, it is part of the SW consensus fantasy that it is standard to charge an extra 50%-100% for this... whereas in actual reality, I'm not sure I've ever once been charged an uplift, by any stripper, ever. I would not want to see the reaction if you broached the subject of them being submissive though LOL
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    I am sort of amazed guys ask for kissing. I treat lap dances in the CR the same way I treat sex, so kissing seems natural. Having said that I only kiss those I want to kiss and if they don;t want to do the gfe, they either provide something else I am interested in, or I move on to others. I admit I want the dancer as a surrogate girlfriend, for whatever time I have allotted. On the way back home I smoke weed and think about skiing, or tonight I will think about my fantasy draft and the $7,000.00 first place award.
  • MrDeuce
    8 years ago
    At my favorite day shift, with its extras-friendly VIP room, I have kissed several of the dancers. I don't ask for it, but if they initiate it (as many there do), I'm not going to resist. Occasionally a stripper, such as my ATF, will even make out with me during $20 dances.

    Kissing is *not* an extra! It is an optional feature of lap dances or VIPs that can be requested in advance or simply allowed to happen.

    Fuck those SW cunts (but not literally, it appears)!

    flagooner amused me with: " "God only knows where his mouth has been ..."

    Uh. Pot meet kettle."
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    I guess kissing one of the stripper web girls would be a good way for a dog to get the taste of ass off his tongue !
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    This does not surprise me at all. When I first joined TUSCL I also spent some time using Google on Stripper Web to find such discussions. Yes, they say bad stuff about kissing. But they also talk about escorting, and there they all do it.

    In reality, you don't want to discuss kissing with a girl. You just kiss her. If she wants to do it nicely, it will never be necessary to discuss it.

    Mostly it depends upon how you do it, and on how you are able to get her softened up and relaxed. ( shifted from sympathetic nervous system to para-sympatheic ) And always best in the front room, as there you can lead it and have not obligated yourself to anything.

    I learned this in AMPs. There kissing is not standard, not at all.

    I tried to kiss a girl, she gave me the "I don't kiss line", which most of them use.

    Then she started asking me what I wanted and how much I was going to tip her. So finally, just teasing her, I asked her, "How much for kissing."

    So she admitted that that was a ridicules idea, and she said that kissing was free and she tangibly reversed her position. She was a young hottie. We had an awesome GFE - FS session. If I had not been married, I am sure she and I would have been waking up together the next morning.

    She reversed herself because she realized that she had set up an impasse situation.

    Some of the girls who won't kiss up front, will once the FS gets going good. Some just wrap their arms around you and ram their tongue into your mouth, and stay locked that way until they feel you going off and let go with their final climax.

    In our no touching strip clubs, girls will sometimes risk their jobs to try and set up OTC, by giving *intense* DFKing to anyone who gives her a symbolic $1.

    It happens, though in those situations, as that is not the norm and your back is exposed at the bar, I have been concerned about safety, and also that I was not prepared to take the girl to OTC, so I felt it wrong to get too intense with her. I knew what she really wanted was not just $1. She wanted money. But she also wanted to be fucked and fucked good.

    In our underground Mexican Bar circuit, most of the girls are aggressively trying to negotiate OTC's. Kissing is prohibited, but that does not mean that girls don't press forehead to forehead or nose to nose. In their OTC's they are all great kisses and they do some kissing ITC too.

    We don't have the great dives you guys do though. If you learn to use them right, those places must be great.

    So many written accounts, you sit down and a girl is on your lap and licking your neck and nibbling at your ear. What more could one want, and how much more aggressive would you want a girl to be?


    Why do so many communities oppose Trump on his immigration crackdown? Immigrants are part of our economy. Local business depends on them, especially in the rental market, and in the food service and construction labor market.

    Does Trump really care about immigration. I strongly doubt it. I believe that he takes the same position that the vast majority of business people do, that these immigrants are just as important as anyone else. Even more so, as much business runs on economic stratification.


    Santa Cruz County Sheriffs cooperated with ICE in a raid supposedly to deport some international gang members. But they feel that ICE double crossed them and made it into a more general raid and military styled exercise to intimidate other LE. So Santa Cruz Sheriffs say that they will not cooperate with them again, as they cannot trust them.

    Santa Clara County and San Jose have made it completely clear that they will not cooperate.

    The Rolling Stones - Hand of Fate
  • K
    8 years ago
    I don't kiss in the clubs. I have a very good idea where her mouth has been. OTC I make toothpaste, mouthwash and a new tooth brush available and request she use them. In OTC sessions I don't have to initiate kissing. They usually do. I think the oral hygiene request puts it in their minds that it is expected.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    ^^^ I don't often go to extras clubs anymore, but do admit I rarely if ever kissed when I did. At the no-extras clubs I go to now, I'll kiss any CF who'll kiss me back
  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    i kissed my CF on the mouth for the first time about a month ago or so. and this is an extras club. however, i know for sure i was her first customer for that particular night. but i have no idea where her mouth was before she came into the club lol

    i tend to fall into a trance and i totally forget that her mouth could have been anywhere haha
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    ^ part of the perils of the hobby - but a playa gots to play

  • bkkruined
    8 years ago
    First of all, I'm always entertained by the "We're dancers, it's a fantasy" line... I think the fantasy is them believing they are only dancers, and not creating friction when they rub their ass back and forth on my lap...
    Secondly, the "eh, grosse, you never know what's been in that mouth", well MY mouth has never had a man's cock in it...
    I enjoy a girl willing to kiss, and if she's willing to turn a private dance into make out session, that's a bonus for me. But so few will. As long as their breath doesn't wreak (hate the ashtray taste).
    Beyond the bad breath issues, there is the spread of disease, which is no longer limited to STDs, and no longer largely controllable with proper use of a condom. If the last guy had a cold, flu, whatever, she's now got it and is giving it to you. Them germs will be spreading faster than in a kindergarten classroom.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    @ Che

    Was just being facetious - didn't you see the happy face (I'm gonna kick your ass all the way back to the D.F. :) - notice the smiley face).

    Most of us are aware exchange of bodily fluids including saliva is not a smart-move. Similar to Deuce; I rarely initiate it for various reasons including most-dancers are not down anyway and it is a risk to some level (I don't think I ever heard anyone dying from kissing but I guess anything is possible; but even if death is not imminent we are all aware we can catch something we rather not have to deal with).

    If I'm really into the dancer and she initiates it there's a decent chance I'll go w/ it in the heat of the PL-moment - but aside from the possible risks IMO women that can kiss well is similar to women that can give good BJs - IME women that I really really enjoyed kissing have been the exception rather than the norm but it could just be a me thing.
  • grand1511
    8 years ago
    So then is tossing my salad out of the question?
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"First of all, I'm always entertained by the "We're dancers, it's a fantasy" line... I think the fantasy is them believing they are only dancers, and not creating friction when they rub their ass back and forth on my lap..."

    Yeah, the only fantasy is for guys who are fantasizing about the girls being romantically attracted to them ... those guys perhaps need a reminder about the fantasy aspect. For everyone else, there's nothing fantasy about it at all -- I'm giving her real money, she's rubbing her real ass on my dick, that's a real erection, my finger actually IS 2 knuckles deep in her pussy, you did not imagine me refusing to tip you, etc. The "it's just a fantasy" line is a lie the SW-type girls need to keep telling THEMSELVES, maybe to justify it.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    "... there's nothing fantasy about it at all -- I'm giving her real money, she's rubbing her real ass on my dick, that's a real erection, my finger actually IS 2 knuckles deep in her pussy, you did not imagine me refusing to tip you ..."

    If it fits - def should be on the TUSCL rotating tagline :)
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago

    You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Fantasy in stripper-world is the equivalent of delusional in the real-world

  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    Those clueless ho's on SW never give up their ridiculous pretenses, do they! What comedy!
  • goosman
    8 years ago
    The Guys ask for it! It is pretty common to have a dancer attempt to initiate it, and a lot of guys reject it in the same mode as some of the SW dancers living in fantasy island.
  • goosman
    8 years ago
    I understand why some PL will want to get some kissing action on, but I don't understand why some dancers will initiate. Like anything strippers do, it has to be related to their thought that they can get more dances/$$$. But in that case, they can give a guy a handy over (or in) the pants for that thought - which is still less intimate/less of a fluid exchange than kissing. Why initiate?
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Most dancers here in Detwaa like kissing our dick.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    @Vikings- Did she pull away?

    These strippers are funny. She'll let you put your cock in her ass and she'll swallow your cum, but kissing is too "gross" lol.

    I don't ask for kissing, but I will initiate kissing if I feel she will be receptive to it.
  • Dlee305
    8 years ago
    Interesting. I've kissed, ate pussy, got my di*k sucked bare and freaked raw. I need help.
  • wallanon
    8 years ago
    @Papi_Chulo: "I wonder how they would react if you ask for a blowjob instead, as a compromise - I mean that's not as intimate right?" Clearly a rhetorical question since you already know the answer.
  • GoVikings
    8 years ago

    no.....she didn't pull away this time. i was able to LFK her
  • AnonymousJim
    8 years ago
    At one of the clubs in this direction out in the sticks that's known to occasionally have a dancer or two who will go the extra mile, I happened to catch a shy, cute, young girl one night who was fairly new and looked good in a tie-top and schoolgirl skirt. I took her for dances and she just kinda sat in my lap not knowing what to do at first, just kind of rocking back and forth without great grindage. I felt her up a little and she didn't mind. She got closer to me and went nose to nose. So I innocently just gave her a peck. She liked it and gave me one. Then we started kissing. The grind got better and we did end up basically making out for a couple songs.

    It was weird. Not bad. Just weird. It was a level of intimacy I didn't expect.

    I wasn't out to spend a lot that night, so I didn't take her to a room. Next time I went, she was there and happy to see me, but said her roommate got mono and was concerned she herself was starting to feel consistently fatigued. I ended up telling her I'd gladly give her a nice tip for the conversation, but wasn't going to risk even dances with her. She understood. Haven't seen her at the club since.
  • warhawks
    8 years ago
    I like to live dangerously.

    I also take the tags off mattresses. So kissing a stripper is like living on the edge for me me. lol.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    It's interesting, kissing comes up as a topic probably more than sex here. Guys obviously like kissing because it's considered intimate. Most of us would agree most strippers will tolerate a hand job or LDK but kissing is a big deal. A lot of PLs would probably rather be kissed than get a hand job because it reminds them of a girlfriend they could never attain, but they'd never admit it.

    We've talked about this before, every stripper has restrictions that frankly don't make sense. They'll have sex and kiss but won't give bjs. They'll give bjs and have sex and even anal, but won't kiss. Etc. etc.

    In my clubbing It is not uncommon at all to be kissed by a stripper, but I do make sure I am very clean and have fresh breath (usually popping a listermint strip when I enter the club) which I'm sure can't hurt increasing my chances. I'd bet if only Fishsticks would brush his teeth after going to taco bell and consuming 5 packets of fire sauce on his way to the club maybe one day a stripper would finally kiss him too.
  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    I wonder how most guys here would feel if a girl kissed them right after spending 15 minutes in the VIP area at Follies. ;)

    I've kissed a couple of dancers before when they initiated, but *no gracias* to any girl that is working in a club where dick sucking is a distinct possibility.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    RickyBoy: "any girl that is working in a club where dick sucking is a distinct possibility."

    Any club you're in it's more the distinct possibility. It's a certainty. Because we all know you go there to suck the bouncers and managers.
  • ime
    8 years ago
    I never got the appeal of making out with strippers, i keep that for regular girls i am dating. I agree with Shailynn it seems like most guys who want to kiss strippers can't get intimacy without paying for it.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    At my age I need all of the help I can get when it comes to sex. DFK definitely helps to arouse me. Any stripper that won't help does not get any repeat business ITC in VIP or OTC.

    However I do not go in for sloppy seconds. I get to the club early and do my VIPs early. Otherwise I stick just to floor dances.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    8 years ago
    Yeah... I can't say that I've never made out with a stripper, and I can't claim that I didn't enjoy it. But, I know it's risky. None of us make good decisions all the time. I'd say that it's somewhat rare, but becomes more common as you spend more time with a dancer.

    The "it's fantasy" shtick is true to a limited extent. There is a fair amount of theatrics involved, but if I want fantasy I'll read George R.R. Martin.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    ..."customers are emotionally needy & treat dancers like surrogate girlfriends."
    Sorry, but that's probably accurate in most cases. Especially for the lonely 50+ divorced dudes who don't understand the difference between paying for sex and finding an SO.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    If I want a fantasy I'll go to Disney World, if I want to feel some real tits I go to a strip club
  • jester214
    8 years ago
    I don't initiate it, don't wan to. So the times its happened its been the stripper who started kissing me.

    I too scratch my head about the "fantasy" concept.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    The girls who dance in strip clubs are appealing. Its their looks, but it is also the ways they conduct themselves. And so it is natural to want to possess them. One of the ways of doing this is makeout sessions, as that gets under a girl's skin. All the more so when followed by FS, because then she will really open up. And then OTC, especially home OTC, is the best.

    If you don't like the strippers, then go some place else, to some other kind of venue.

    But paying girls to do dissociated mechanical ejaculation services is not that fun. Getting the girl to open up is always the real issue.

    My first experiences in strip clubs I found most of the girls to be too case hardened. But as I tried to engage with one, I found that she was perfectly datable and a very ordinary girl.

    This was way back before cell phones, when all women were tighter with phone numbers, and especially those who worked as exotic dancers. So she at first would not give me her telephone number. But there on my answering machine, when I came home the next night, there was her voice.

    As far as these being substitute girl friends, well sometimes they become real girl friends. But the SW ladies have nothing to complain about because that is the undercurrent of all strip clubs, and it always has been.

    Actually as I see, it is as our version of the ancient temples, dealing with things far more important than civilian approved romance.


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