Need advice. My "dealer" has loaned me a couple of 100mg, generic viagra. I'm interested to see if I can achieve a third pop. I can do the first and often second without any chemical assistance but want to experiment if a third can be had.
Any recommendations on dose and timing between sessions. I generally have 5-6 hours, and dinner to work with. Thanks in advance.
Are you trying to make yourself into a living legend at your favorite strip club?
For each of these pops, where do you want it to go?
"Any recommendations on dose and timing between sessions. I generally have 5-6 hours, and dinner to work with. "
Now I was assuming you were just talking about one girl. If you can work it sex - dinner - sex, of course that is best. But as far as how much total time, not sure. There's like the hot tub, and then disturbing her sleep, and then the morning romp. The more time the better. But usually that means you need to be someone entertaining the girl, keeping her in sync with you. This is how I see it. Other people have different experiences?
I have never tried viagra or cialis..haven't had to yet but I do kind of wonder what it is like. If I haven't had sex in a few days I can go three times pretty easy over a couple hours, but I don't know if it will stay like that as i get older.
I haven't tried V yet either, can usually get it up and fight the good fight 3 or 4 times on a good-dqy but I may pop/cum only once or twice (on a good day with good pussy, o/w may pop/cum just once)
The effect of Viagra is listed at 4 hours, but I've had positive effects up to 6 hours later. My doctor told me that her patients taking Cialis have the best luck with the low dosage daily pill. I've never had a headache from Viagra, even when I've horribly exceeded the FDA recommendation of no more than 100 mg in. 24 hour period. I once took 600 mg in a 9 hour period and had terrible diarrhea. My ATF says that my face flushes about 30 minutes after I take it. I've got a friend whose vision turns blue after taking it. If you're looking for 3 pops in 5-6 hours, try taking 1/2 your 100 mg. Pill, then in 1/2 hour have sex, then dinner, have sex again, take the other 1/2 of the pill, slowly and sensuously shower together, then have her suck your little dried up limp dick until it rises from the dead, say a few incantations and I'll bet he'll rise to the occasion and you'll be able to fuck again. Whether you get off is going to depend more on your chemistry than Phizer's IMO
@ Papi, 3 orgasms Other salient questions/answers - this is OTC with one girl, overnight not possible. For the record I just turned 58 and am in overall good health. I can already recover and most times, have a second orgasm in the 5-6 hours...just trying for the third in that window.
@gawker, will try your regimen...assuming that I start the 1/2 sometime after the first "natural/unaided" orgasm. I guess there isn't any concern about becoming dependent. Would hate to risk that since I'm just being a bit greedy going for a third.
@SJG - we will see. There are definitely real physiological changes as we get older. Hell, I have way more staying power and patience than when I was a young bubba. I have been seeing her for some time ...overnight isn't possible for either of our family situations.
No such thing as generic Viagra. Its either pharmaceutical Viagra or a fake, made in India or China, as the patent on Viagra is still in effect. I recommend that you go to your doctor and just get a prescription for the real thing and at 58 and good health you will note the the following are true: No headache; feel the effects in 30 minutes if you don't drink too much or eat fatty foods; i fend the effect lasts 4-6 hours; but even the next morning I can still feel a difference; increased blood flow makes for a bigger dick; it delays orgasm; I find without Viagra it might be 90 minutes before I can nut a second time, but that with it 3 times in 2-3 hours is standard.
Thanks Ski.. I know that this is the "fake" version, but because it is just for third pop fun and my buddy loaned me two...I figured I'd try. BTW, I have no ED symptoms, rock hard on first, second pops...just going for three. Your stated time window is much shorter than I would have expected. Appreciate the info.
V lasts way longer than 6 hours; up to 24 hours with me. But with my T level back to noraml, V is really more recreational. And 100 mg is WAY high...the side effects may be annoying. I'd cut it in half and do 50. You can pop as many times as your cock holds out; use lube.
V seriously delays my orgasm, which some people like, and some don't. It works well for me when I'm with somebody like the ATF or the MILF, as we can switch things up and take breaks. I can basically enjoy the entire process for far longer than I would have when younger. Though obviously the multiple pops available when younger made up for that.
For just head, V is pointless, as unless she's a real trooper, she'll tucker out way before I nut. :)
"No such thing as generic Viagra. Its either pharmaceutical Viagra or a fake, made in India or China, as the patent on Viagra is still in effect."
This in incorrect. Pfizer's patent does not apply in India. Sildenafil sold from there is pharmaceutically identical to Viagra. The only difference is marketing and price. There is also "fake Viagra" on the market, but that's a separate issue.
Some people use mineral supplements, and some believe that they have found very effective recipes. These are taken regularly, not just when specifically needed.
Bubba, most Deja Vu's are non-extras clubs but you can buy a bottomless soda, so that is a second or third pop, or coke.... if they call it that in your part of the country .
last commentAre you trying to make yourself into a living legend at your favorite strip club?
For each of these pops, where do you want it to go?
"Any recommendations on dose and timing between sessions. I generally have 5-6 hours, and dinner to work with. "
Now I was assuming you were just talking about one girl. If you can work it sex - dinner - sex, of course that is best. But as far as how much total time, not sure. There's like the hot tub, and then disturbing her sleep, and then the morning romp. The more time the better. But usually that means you need to be someone entertaining the girl, keeping her in sync with you. This is how I see it. Other people have different experiences?
Are you interested in cumming 3 timee or just being able to get it up 3 times?
I've never had a headache from Viagra, even when I've horribly exceeded the FDA recommendation of no more than 100 mg in. 24 hour period. I once took 600 mg in a 9 hour period and had terrible diarrhea. My ATF says that my face flushes about 30 minutes after I take it. I've got a friend whose vision turns blue after taking it.
If you're looking for 3 pops in 5-6 hours, try taking 1/2 your 100 mg. Pill, then in 1/2 hour have sex, then dinner, have sex again, take the other 1/2 of the pill, slowly and sensuously shower together, then have her suck your little dried up limp dick until it rises from the dead, say a few incantations and I'll bet he'll rise to the occasion and you'll be able to fuck again. Whether you get off is going to depend more on your chemistry than Phizer's IMO…
and try to appreciate a woman's POV…
Other salient questions/answers - this is OTC with one girl, overnight not possible. For the record I just turned 58 and am in overall good health. I can already recover and most times, have a second orgasm in the 5-6 hours...just trying for the third in that window.
@gawker, will try your regimen...assuming that I start the 1/2 sometime after the first "natural/unaided" orgasm. I guess there isn't any concern about becoming dependent. Would hate to risk that since I'm just being a bit greedy going for a third.
But I still say that most of the age related limitations, at least to me, seem psychological.
If you start seeing this girl, I would think that soon you could be doing Toda La Noche's with her, or at least whole afternoons.
For just head, V is pointless, as unless she's a real trooper, she'll tucker out way before I nut. :)
This in incorrect. Pfizer's patent does not apply in India. Sildenafil sold from there is pharmaceutically identical to Viagra. The only difference is marketing and price. There is also "fake Viagra" on the market, but that's a separate issue.
Good Luck
Some people use mineral supplements, and some believe that they have found very effective recipes. These are taken regularly, not just when specifically needed.
Meliana Shortened Dress…