
Ever string along a dancer for fun?

My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
I'm sitting in a deep easy chair at a south Florida club known for its extras when a chubby blonde sits in my lap and rests her hand on my crotch. I knew from the get-go I wasn't interested. Her body wasn't worth my money. She was Cuban and seemed to have trouble communicating in English. After the introduction and small talk, her sales technique was to describe what she wanted to do, but pretend not to know what it was called in English. I really got the feeling, and I'm usually right about this since a big
part of my sales process involves reading people, that her English was better than she let on. The whole goal of her pantomiming was to get me to suggest the vernacular she was looking for was "eating pussy" and "sucking dick", what she wanted to bring me into a private room for. I purposefully dragged the process out for a good 20 minutes before we established what she was offering. When she asked to seal the deal, I was just "Nah.". Shock, anger, rebuke, and contempt flashed across her face repeatedly as she processed the rejection. After she pushed off and gave me a last dirty look, I didn't see her at all for the rest of the evening.


  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Yep. Been there, done that. Usually to the dancers that sidle up and immediately ask for a drink.

  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    I would never do that with an irritating dancer who didn't speak English. I'd rather watch paint dry.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    She took you for a chump, and was mad when you didn't go along. Now if she played along to the SJG system of paying for hookers that also strip, there would have been a make out session in the front room, and then toda la noche at your mom's basement.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    No. Not for humanitarian reasons, but because if I am wasting her time then I am also wasting mine. But maybe it's not a waste of time for guys who somehow get a kick from jerking the chain of a half naked young woman. ;)
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    Nope -- I wouldn't want to be treated that way, so I wouldn't treat someone that way. It sounds like a non-brilliant way to waste 40 man-minutes.
  • JimGassagain
    7 years ago
    A chubby one? I'd pick on an attractive one if she gave me the time and then tip.

    You know what mopeds and fat chics have in common? They're fun to ride until your friends catch you.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    Sometimes you have to read @GammaNut's posts twice to wade through the goofy run-on sentences and pretentious language. I take it this was a struggling Cuban dancer trying to make money, and @GammaNut fucked with her because he gets off on the power imbalance.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    No. Sounds like a waste of time. I go to strip clubs to find girls that I want to spend time with.
  • 4got2wipe
    7 years ago
    I always hate it when I agree with rickdugan, but he has an ace point. I don't go to the club to fuck with girls I go to be entertained.

    Of course, I'll tweak his comment to say that I have no desire to waste my time or her time. Leave it to rickdugan to take something logic and phrase it in a d-baggy way! :(
  • 4got2wipe
    7 years ago
    I probably should be positive rather that getting on rickdugan's case, so strike the rant.

    Point still stands. Also, in gammanu95's defense it sounds like he thought she may have been trying to con him. However, even if that's true I wouldn't want to prolong it. Plus, she may genuinely be having English problems. I just say extract yourself from the situation. Don't waste anybody's time. Especially your own. That's the brilliant way! ;)
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    No. I have better things to do when I am in a strip club.
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    No. I try to avoid deliberately being a douchebag.
  • jester214
    7 years ago
    If she was trying to fuck you over somehow I'd get it, but that's not the case here at all.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    Well....I did "string along" my CF for a year as she wasn't my 'type', and when I finally bought a dance from her, she became my ITC extras girl and OTC playmate. Just goes to show....
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    My immediate reaction is that I don't like wasting anyone's time or making their job any harder than it needs to be.

    But, there are many cutthroat bitches in this gsme that are looking to fuck you over in a strip-club minute, and I sometimes don't mind giving them enough rope to hang themselves with.

    Back in the early 2000s while SCing at Baby Dolls Dallas, I had this curvy well endowed white dancer giving me her sales-pitch, there was something about her attitude that slightly turned me off and I most likely was not gonna get dances from her, but I let her go on to see how much SS she was gonna spew out, at the end of a long sales-pitch where she thought she was working me she tells me that her dances are $20 w/o touching and $30 w/ touching, it felt good to tell her know and waste her time, and of course she left in a hissy but not w/o first calling me an asshole; as Meat said some of these girls think we are all chumps that they can easily manipulate and that what we are there for is for them to have their way we us (fleece us to their heart's content), and they get pissed when they don't get their way. I had been to Baby Dolls dozens of times prior to that and gotten many many dances and not once b/f that nor after that, had a dancer tried ro charge me more than $20/dance.

    If gammanu's dancer reacted like a bitch at being told no, then she was probably one of those Miami cutthroat Cuban bitches that I know too well and believe me they don't need anyone feeling sorry for them b/c they'll do w/e they have-to to get ahead including fucking over every custy in the club.

  • a21985
    7 years ago
    Back with my old ATF, I somehow got a reputation as a small whale because of how much I spent on her. If she wasn't around other girls would come by and sit next to me and try to get dances and drinks from me. Got some front of the house fun (OTP hj, dfk, wet fingers) with no intention of spending money on them outside of a drink or there or a small tip sent their way during their stage set.

    Since my ATF kinda ran the place and had a mini posse of loyal dancer friends that would protect her regulars from other girls, there wasn't much the others could do or say when I finally shot them down. Though this could now backfire at that club since I've moved on from my ATF...
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    Papi hit the nail on the head. It was a cutthroat Miami Cuban bitch. I did what I did because she was trying to manipulate and sell me. Two things that really irritate me. She was running a game on me, I played her game and she got pissed because she lost. Like Papi said, a lot of these girls have no remorse for fucking over every customer they can, that's what she was selling, and I can't waste a minute feeling sorry for her.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    In myworld its not fun to string people along, no matter who they are.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    personally i could never do that. but it is interesting to see the reactions when a pl can do that.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    You are a dick here, it stands to reason that you are a dick IRL, you lower expectations where ever you are.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    We sure do have a lot of self-righteous posters.
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    Nah, flagooner, I think there's a lot of say one thing, but do another. Hypocrisy is rampant everywhere, even here where you should be honest and anonymous.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Very true.

    But I was referring to the refusal to just say no, but had to add I could never...
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    No, it's not for me. I have a short window for my rare clubbing trips so wouldn't waste her time nor mine. If she's amusing enough I might interact for a bit. That's about it. I've typically paid off my wife so I can club free and clear (and to make it equal and fair) and taken steps to schedule and free up time to go in advance. So not getting the maximum fun out of that limited window seems (to me to be) a waste of resources.
  • bang69
    7 years ago
    No I just tell then I'm not in a hury
  • crazyjoe
    7 years ago
    I let a string of farts at the club once. Does that count?
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    I can't ever see myself doing this. Life is too short and my time is too valuable to spend it torturing another human being, especially when that human being is a woman who strips for stranger for money. If a dancer pisses me off enough, or even cheats me, the worst thing I can do to her is stop giving her my money.
  • goosman
    7 years ago
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    I have strung a dancer along but don't remember doing it continuously. I remember getting asked for dances and telling a dancer I just got there and wanted to take in the view. She came back two more times. The third time she said I said that 2 hours ago.
  • wallanon
    7 years ago
    "Ever string along a dancer for fun?"

    No. For one thing I don't have that kind of time. Two you don't know who in the club she's friends with.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    String them along? Talk some, but they always get money.

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