
Second or Third Pop Experiment

Livin my inner redneck
Saturday, April 15, 2017 1:14 PM
Some may recall my curiosity as to whether Viagra would allow a "Second or Third Pop" . Thanks for those that offered advice and to my unnamed drug dealer who provided the trial pills. [view link] Thursday evening, I tried my first Viagra during an OTC with my favorite. Met up at the hotel and began the fun without taking anything. Combination of oral and FS lasted about 30 minutes and included a wonderful, unaided first orgasm. Took 1/2 of the 100mg tab while she was in the bathroom freshening up after round one. I didn't really know what to expect and didn't feel anything for the next hour and a half as we went to dinner. Returned to the room after dinner, approximately 2 hours after the 1/2 tab, and we began to play around again. At that point I could feel some effect -both in the speed which I got hard and the overall hardness level. To be honest it looked like my dick was more purplish in color and the skin definitely felt tighter. She began a slow, deep oral session combined with her hands. Several times I think she felt like I was close and she took me deeper.... but I didn't pop. After 15 or so minutes she stood up, turned around, bent over on the bed and guided me in from behind. I'm standing up this entire time... I wasn't timing the second round, but I would estimate that we continued in this position for another 15-20 minutes. Several times she looked back over her shoulder with a "what the fuck" look. I was beginning to wonder, and to be honest, worry a little bit, about whether I was going to be able to cum again. She grabbed a small vibrator and began to stimulate herself... her next orgasm and associated pulsing finally pulled me over the edge. The second orgasm was not nearly as enjoyable as the first. Usually my second is as good or better than the first. It was then and there that I decided that a "third pop" was not a good idea. It would have been a marathon session and not that pleasurable. In conclusion Viagra is probably not for me at this time but I'm glad I tried it once and will know a little bit about it if I need it at some point down the road. [view link]


  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    You should've taken a video for educational purposes
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    thanks for the report, bubba. sounds like a fantastic OTC session. i'm meeting my fav for my very first OTC session next month and i hope it goes something like this
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I hope the next time I do an OTC, I can remember what goes where. :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Thanks for reporting back - I don't need yet either (knock on wood/stiffy) but glad to know I'm not necessarily missing anything spectacular.
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    The delaying effect works for me. Both the ATF and the MILF like the fact that I don't pop off right away. Of course, we're not fucking all the time; we take rest and oral breaks.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Dietary supplements, or just certain foods ( watermelon? ) which might give a more desirable boost? Some dietary supplements could be ingested every day, not only when sex is anticipated. You say your girl got freshened up after round 1. Was this because you and she were going outside for diner, or do have girls that actually get freshened up just for round two? SJG
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Two pops is ideal for me. Like you said the third one definitely won't be as pleasurable as the first two.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^ Depends on how much time you have with the girl, and how you are filling that time. Could be sleeping. SJG
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    I'm happy with two pops on an overnight date and wouldn't even try for three. Since December my ejaculatory health has improved from delight with any orgasms at all to satisfaction with one a week (in Jan-Feb) to expectation of two a week (in Mar-April). Just as I reached the point where I was ready for two in a night recently, my ATF ghosted on me shortly before a scheduled 3/29 sleepover. She's done this before -- disappearing for 2-3 months at a time -- and I fully expect her to reappear by June when she needs money. Until she does, I am on the lookout for another OTC girl who will spend the night with me and provide two BJs -- I have two prospects at the moment :) I may take 50 mg of Vitamin V before BJ #2 or I may just do without and see what happens. I agree with others that Viagra, on the rare occasions that I take it, makes it easy to get hard but difficult to cum.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    7 years ago
    I agree with a couple of others. Two pops is as far as I'm willing to do. Afterwards it will feel like I'm rushing it and thus it won't be very enjoyable. Plus it will take even longer for me to recover to even achieve an erection.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    at my age I can say Viagra sometimes helps. especially in maybe getting really hard. (I don't like being an old fart).
  • bubba267
    7 years ago
    Papi - thought about video, but didn't want to add an additional variable in the scientific process.... Or document a total fail if it were to occur Viking - my only advice on first OTC is to try to relax and stay in the moment. Easy for me to say, I was nervous as shit the first time I did it. Shadow- it's like riding a bike...you will remember where to put it. BTW when I was describing from behind, it was just doggy style, not anal....never gone there, don't really plan to. SJG - she freshened up because we were getting dressed to go out for dinner. Normally she would do much between rounds. She is a very "hygienic" young lady, always freshly showered and shaved. GMD, Deuce, Larry, MFM, comments in line with my one experience. As I shared with Shadow in a pm, if I ever wanted to do porn like marathon sex, Viagra would help. Her look back over her shoulder about 35 minutes into the doggy position was priceless. Too bad the actual feeling of orgasm was under par from normal.
  • bubba267
    7 years ago
    "Wouldn't do much between rounds"
  • fastscrs
    7 years ago
    My experience with taking 1/2 of a 100mg pill is that it takes about 2 hours to start working. However, it always makes me hard, unlike some of the "natural" remedies promoted as an alternative to viagra. My problem (age 70) is a difficulty in cumming. Many times I can get hard and fuck but can't cum. I just tell the girl I'm tired and can't do it today. She never seems to mind.
  • goldmongerATL
    7 years ago
    I just need a little help, so I may need less of it to feel the affect. I usually feel flush in the face anywhere from 15-30 minutes after taking it. For me, that means it has kicked in. I do notice that after about 2 hours the effect begins to wane. Watch what you buy. Some of the Indian mail-order has a combo with Prozac. I have seen it called Stay-agra. I once went a full 20 minutes in VIP before I finally came. The dancer said it was her best all day. Then again, it was 1 PM.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Sounds like you've found a good one there Bubba. Enjoy! SJG Viva Maria, opening. I always used to like to watch this on television as a teenager. [view link]
  • BumHip
    7 years ago
    shut the fuck up SJG!
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    SEEKnDESTROY? !@%$#@^%@$!$@ SJG
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