Altering Your Strip Club Experience: Drugs

avatar for Doc_Holliday
I saw someone mention they didn't drink in the clubs and it got me wondering how many of us do what at the strip club?

Personally, I drink alcohol and smoke marijuana and will till the day I die. At clubs I believe I have had an alcoholic beverage 100% of the time, smoked pot on the way or in the parking lot 75% of the time, and socially smoked tabacco or snorted coke with a dancer about 10% of the time. I've also been on ecstasy once and mushrooms twice.

My current fav doesn't do anything beyond very little drinking, which is refreshing.

So, who does what in the clubs?


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avatar for Drippy
13 years ago
Although I enjoy alcohol, especially micro brews, I just usually nurse one light beer during my SC stay. I want to be on top of my game and get the best experience I can get at the lowest price. For me, having more than one drink effects my judgement in stripper selection and spending habits. Bottom line, I don't go to SCs to drink.
I dint drink, toke, drop, snort or shoot anything at a club. The microdong has a hard enough time making its presence felt without adding chemical depressants to the mix.

That and I don't feel like being tagged by Uncle Leo on the way home.
avatar for Dudester
13 years ago
I once did a stand up routine about two guys who went to a rock concert totally stoned. The next day, they're asking if the band was great, did they have a good time ? etc.

Why spend a lot of money if your senses are so altered that you're not even sure where you are, let alone what you're doing ?
avatar for gsv
13 years ago
I like having a nice buzz from alcohol, but that's generally about as far as I will go. I'll never want to get to the point that I don't know where I am or what I'm doing.

Overall for me drinking while at a strip club is part of the experience, I don't like clubs where you can't also drink.
I like to drink with the dancers before going for private dances. I enjoy talking with them and they appreciate me buying them drinks. The buzz I get from the alcohol is part of the strip club experience for me.

I'm not into doing other drugs. I'll smoke weed occasionally if someone offers it to me, but I don't use hard drugs. Many dancers, however, seem to do anything that's available. My favs are always popping prescription pills.
avatar for GoVikings
13 years ago
i personally think having a buzz or even being SLIGHTLY drunk makes the SC experience more enjoyable.

with that said, i usually only have ONE drink when i visit a club, simply because i'm usually by myself when i go and i'm not irresponsible so i'm not going to get hammered when i know i have to drive home.

now, if i'm with someone else who can be a DD, then i'll drink much more. i love to drink, but honestly i've never even tried anything else- not even weed.
avatar for troop
13 years ago
i did alot of dope over the years but my days of getting high are all in the distant past.
i'll have some drinks or beers when strip clubbing but only in moderation, i save the occasional binges for the regular bars. ;-)
avatar for Rod84
13 years ago
Interesting question. I've actually thoroughly enjoyed SCs totally sober (as with juice-bars) and with drinks (never drugs, though). The main thing is the girls, but if a club serves alcohol, I'll enjoy a couple gin&tonics, or wine if it's a relaxed wind-down kind of evening, or occasionally a beer. I enjoy the mild relaxed buzz midst the presence of naked women.
avatar for Doc_Holliday
13 years ago
Yeah, I wouldn't advocate getting wasted. faded, buzzed? yeah it's amazing! But, not scene causing stupid! In fact I don't even advocate teenagers doing drugs. I didn't do much drinking or drugs in high school and I felt like I missed out. But now that I'm older, I have the money to spend on drugs and strippers and the discipline to stop when I've had enough. So, I feel like I can enjoy it more now instead of a broke dumb kid in his teens or twenties.

The only downside is the law. Which I hate that my drug of choice, weed, is the hardest to conceal. Cocaine, pills, you can do all day long in a club and no one know, but one pothead lights up a joint, everyone is going to know!
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
No drugs, no alcohol. I will have one 20oz energy drink at the beginning of my shift.
avatar for GoVikings
13 years ago
stilleto, maybe you, or someone else, can explain this to me.

when i go to clubs, i often see the dancers drinking wine and or beer. and i mean enough where it's going to effect them.

i've seen it over and over, yet it continues to surprise me, because i always find myself wondering "how do they drive/get home at 2 or 3 am when their shift is over?"
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
@govikings- they are stupid idiots that care nothing about taking their jobs and their money seriously. They are at every club, even nude juice bars. They bring in their own alcohol
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
Oh and at 2am, they still drive, unless a manager is nice enough to call them a cab.
avatar for Doc_Holliday
13 years ago
Nice. Ever since this one girl told me in the confines of her home she had to be drunk to do what she does, it's made me worry about the state of fucked up dancers. Now, I will get hammered with dancers on a wild night, but I also like and appreciate seeing the same dancers sober at end of night's shift as well.

Rod - thanks for the wine mention! I haven't done that yet, and will the next time I go to get the girls' reaction! I already have this reputation of a bizarre, alcoholic, writer -- the wine should fit in perfectly!
avatar for deogol
13 years ago
Didn't we just see a drunk get rolled for $28K? Using drugs just makes one vulnerable in these places.
My drug of choice is VIAGRA!
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
Perhaps I was being referred to? As I said before, I don't drink alcohol, use illicit drugs, or smoke ANYTHING! I don't feel I need these things to anesthetize myself or to enjoy myself socially or alone. I go to the Clubs to physically interact with the dancer(s) of my choice. Not to use the items mentioned above. As for their use by others, to each his own!
avatar for newmark
New York
13 years ago
I will occasionally have a drink or two. More often than not that is with a dancer, especially in one pathos VIP deals where booze is included. But even in clubs where drinking is allowed, I often have a coke or a water. I don't do other drugs recreationally. And no offense to the potheads in the group, but I can't stand the smell. In fact, smelling pot on a hot dancer is a sure turn- off and turn-down for me.
I'm with Stiletto, for the most part. I either drink a strong mug of coffee before I go in or an energy drink. I get paid for the drinks I sell, so if the customer offers, I will partake, but no more than five in a night, and I pace myself. If I feel a buzz coming on, no more drinks for me. Some girls shoot for some extravagant number, like thirty drinks in a night, so they can get a bigger check. While they DO sell those drinks, they're fucked up by midnight or earlier. I have no interest in getting fucked up at work. It's a job, and it happens to be a job where I wear very high heels and dance on a semi-slick wood floor.
I've rarely done drugs in real life and never at a club, but I do enjoy having a few drinks. How many depends on whether I'm driving or cabbing it or hitching a ride with the now totally sober Shadowcat. These days with most of the fun tougher to find in my neck of the woods, I'm treating the clubs like a normal night out..having a few drinks and chatting it up with a seminaked hot woman. I have found that the conversation can be different if they don't have the impression you're trying to get in their pants every chance you get. Some I've found to be fairly intelligent and interesting conversationalists. Must be getting old huh?
I hardly dring at a a sc. And have never done any drugs. I can spend a lot of money with our being drunk or stoned. My drug of choice is cafeen
avatar for txtittyfan
13 years ago
I usually have no more than 2 drinks. I do like to do 1 hit of weed before leaving for the club. It is very relaxing. I have been smoking pot on and off for 30+ years in moderation. You can't beat walking into Bourbon Street in Phx with a little buzz going.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
yes I like to free base Pop Rocks and Pepsi
avatar for Notsosly
13 years ago
Like most here, I drink beers in moderation, usually no more than 1 or 2 mass-produced domestic beers in an hour and I stop after 4. If I've already had a few before the club, I might not have any. I usually stay for a couple hours. I'm about 225 lbs, so it takes a few to get me past the legal limit.
avatar for m00tpoint
13 years ago
I drink a bit - beer only. However, my goal is to buy my wife as many shots of Patron and beers as I can get in her. Patron makes her clothes come off - even in the club - which occasionally results in other guys buying me a round as thank you. LOL It definitely loosens her inhibitions which aren't a lot to start.
avatar for Notsosly
13 years ago
Oh... and while I've tried a lot of different drugs (weed, mushrooms, acid, X), I haven't done any of it in probably 10 years, with the exception of a toke or three during that time. I did the vast majority of my drug-fueled partying back in college. I couldn't imagine being in a SC trying to hold my shit together while the walls were melting and I was more interested in stroking my fuzzy chair than getting a lapper.

Having a few hits on the bong would mellow me out too much, and if I was with a bunch of friends and not focused on getting lappers or whatnot, it wouldn't be so bad. But I prefer being a little more energetic and fun when talking to women. Weed doesn't help me accomplish that goal.
avatar for Doc_Holliday
13 years ago
See I'm the opposite. I'm wound tight and the excitement of a strip club just multiplies that. So, the half joint slows me down to take everything in, relax and allow the dancer to do some talking! Plus weed is a very tactile drug and lap dances are a very tactile activity! So, it's like biscuits and butter to me. Can't see one without the other.

I don't really like blow for the opposite reason. I get even more active, wound up, and not very fun to be around. There's just a couple of dancers that are really into it and with them I've had fun. But i usually stick to a Red Bull or Kack and Cokes for a stimulant. As far as the rest, it was just experimenting. The mushrooms were fun as Hell! Espically in a club with great lighting! But I can't see doing it again or recommending it as it could end poorly.
avatar for Doc_Holliday
13 years ago
avatar for steve229
13 years ago
"smoked pot on the way or in the parking lot 75% of the time"

Sittin' downtown in a railway station
One toke over the line

avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
Have a couple of Jacks and smoke a fine cigar.
avatar for rh48hr
13 years ago
I have never taken drugs or drunk alcohol in my life. Never have needed it to have fun and I always want to be in control of my faculties. So I have no basis for any comparison. The only comparisons I'm making is of which dancer I want to get a lapper from! Whenever a dancer asks if I am drinking, I just say I have to drive and I change the topic.
avatar for staxwell
13 years ago
Pussy is my drug of choice! I can hit it all day and night...or at least until I'm sore and empty. But, to me it makes for a great SC experience.
I guess me and doc share the same philosophy - I like to get high before I go to a sc. Latey some friends who live in a progressive state where medical marijuanna is legal laid some edibles on me which is perfect for clubbing. I'll just eat half a brownie just before I leave for the club and by the time I get my 1st drink I'm buzzing - makes lappers much more enjoyable IMHO. No pot smell either.
magicrat - Any time, buddy.
avatar for farmerart
13 years ago
My drug of choice is alcohol. If I am not driving I consume my drug while visiting SCs. My wallet usually takes a severe beating when alcohol is combined with hot dancers.

Amazing how discriminating and thrifty I can be when sober!
avatar for HonestT
13 years ago
@Doc_Holliday: I too come into the club hyped up. I like to burn some to mellow out before my visits, if possible. It makes my visits longer, as I don't spend as fast. It also makes SS more tolerable.

Some people use prescriptions to even out. Others use the hard stuff.
Sometimes I might sneak in a little absinthe to get loose. I have yet to find a SC that serves it. I personally can't stand the smell of weed. I've occasionally walked in on guys smoking it in SC washrooms without trolls.
avatar for bumrubber
13 years ago
I don't like being out of control, especially in a SC where I feel I need to keep my wits about me. I'll have a couple of drinks - 2 - with the girls or with friends, but that's it.
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