

Tuesday, August 30, 2011 10:12 PM
am I the only one that avoids clubs that have mandatory valet parking? I do not want to hand over the keys to my car to some unknown person standing in front of a SC. even if the car was a pos and not worth very much. I am a full grown, licensed adult driver and can park my own car, thank you.!!!


  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    Thankfully no club in Ohio does this shit that I know of. Some downtown clubs charge for parking during peak hours but no valet service.
  • snowtime
    13 years ago
    Couldn't agree with you more. In my 30+ years of strip clubbing I have never had to valet park. If it was required I would go to another club. I do not want a stranger to have access to anything that might be in my vehicle. Several years ago I saw a reality program with a camera inside of the vehicle. On numerous occasions the camera caught the valet either stealing valuables or taking the customer's vehicle on a joy ride while the customer went inside the establishment.
  • Dudester
    13 years ago
    I hate valets myself-never ever let them near my keys or car.
  • JGoose
    13 years ago
    I don't even like having the porters at the dealer service department drive my cars.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    For me, they have only driven a rental car. I have never had anyone say they had to park my bike. That would never happen! NEVER!!!
  • DandyDan
    13 years ago
    I am familiar with only one club that even had valet parking, and it wasn't mandatory, so what was the point?
  • Longball300
    13 years ago
    Depends where you club; out of the areas I am most familiar with (Tampa, Niagara, Toronto, Myrtle Beach, Detroit) the only place I see set-ups where you have no choice is Detroit which 1) Has some of the best clubs in the country and 2) Has clubs in neighborhoods where you WANT to valet park. It's just part of the admission. Have valet parked probably a couple hundred times in Detroit and have never had an issue with damage or theft.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Even with the clubs here in Detroit that have mandatory valet parking, it's a rare, rare, occasion that I use it. I park on the side streets and haven't been mugged. I understand caution if one is unfamiliar with the area and the overall crime rate. One time samsung1 and I went to Bogarts, left my car in the parking lot and walked across the street to Flight Club. The valet wasn't too happy, and told us he wasn't supposed to let us in, but did.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Atlanta Cheetah is the only club that I have been to with mandatory valet parking. I parked on the street and walked 3 blocks. I'v seen the same video that snowtime mentions. NO thanks.
  • Drippy
    13 years ago
    Most of my SC time is spent in Detroit and at clubs that have mandatory valet parking and I usually have a rental car. I make sure I do not have anything of value in it--I leave them at the hotel including my cell phone. I also usually visit in the afternoon and have never had a problem (that I'm aware of). Although I don't like it, I consider the parking fee part of the overhead cost of visiting the club and budget accordingly. Sidebar: Once I spent all my $$ on a dancer for a great session of LDs etc. I then realized I needed to pay to get my car back when I left and had to ask the dancer for some money back to get my car. She politely gave $10 back. I made it up to her on my next visit.
  • rh48hr
    13 years ago
    I don't valet park anywhere at any establishment. I will park down the road and walk.
  • m00tpoint
    13 years ago
    This is why car manufacturers make valet keys. If one locks the glove box and activates the valet button, the valet key only gives access to the ignition and driver's door. It cannot be "undone" unless the key with the chip in it (IE NOT the valet key) is used to reset. One should not be leaving anything in a car that these precautions would not suffice. Valet parking is a nice feature if you are clubbing with a woman in heels. It also helps the club control how far apart (or close) drivers are parking. Since many clubs have limited parking space, this is important to them. If someone drives up and the lot is full they are not likely to stay and enter the club. In many areas it is also a necessity because of safety. Some of the areas in which there are clubs we would not want to "park down the road and walk." Good grief! You are going into the club with the intent of dropping at least a couple hundred dollars between drinks and dances and you are going to bitch about $5-10 for parking?
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    No, m00tpoint, I'm going to bitch about somebody else driving my car, having access to the things in it, and having a key that can be easily copied. They can either allow me to park my own car, or watch me walk away. Hell, I don't let the valet park my car at reputable restaurants and hotels that have insurance die such things, why the fuck would I let some joker at a strip club do it?
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Yeah. I don't hear anyone bitching about the valet charge. Most clubs charge just to park anyway. Would you trust a strip club employee to watch your wallet with "couple hundred dollars" in it? But you would trust them with a fine automobile?
  • Dudester
    13 years ago
    Moot-it is unwise to leave your car with strangers. It's not just your key being copied, if you leave all your keys with the valet, he can copy your house keys and he has your address. A valet can copy your VIN number and get a dealership to issue him a key to your car (and he knows your address). Your key can be stolen from the club, and your car used in a crime. If you leave electronic gadgets in the car..... The problems are many.
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    My two favorite clubs have valet parking, and street parking is not a good option at either of them. I have never had any problems with the valets at these clubs, which are upscale, but I only leave my car key and not my house keys. I don't like the valet charge but it's part of the cost of clubbing for me.
  • mjx01
    13 years ago
    I hate valet parking and avoid it if possible. There is one club that I specifically avoid becasue of the manditory valet (the valet booth is at the entrance to their parking lot... why can't I drive 25ft to the pakring spot?) There is another club I've been to with a no cell phone policy. So you either leave it in the car or at the coat check. Thankfully, valet is optional there.
  • Rod8432
    13 years ago
    At SCs with valet, I usually ask if it's okay to park it myself and then I'll just pay the valet fee. I just lump it in as the overall price of entry. At my fav club, the valets all know me, so I just give'm a wave on the way in and park it myself.
  • motorhead
    13 years ago
    I agree with m00tpoint. In a perfect world, I would prefer not having to do it, but I've used the valet plenty of times at the Flight Club in Detroit. It's a high end club and I don't have problem with the valets. They're mostly college kids - I've seen them reading their textbooks in their fee time - so I think they are pretty trustworthy. I never, ever have had a problem. Just put your valuables in the trunk. Keep your keys. Just give them the valet key. Non-issue, at least at the Flight Club. I trust the valet more than I trust the Russian ROB dancers inside.
  • motorhead
    13 years ago
    Dudester, I think your making too much of it. Sorry, I just read your post after I posted mine. Like I said, I don't give them my full set of keys. And I put my registration and anything with my name and address in the trunk. Simple as that. I think there are bigger things in life to worry about. Hey, I'm heading into a club where I'm gonna get a BBBJ from a girl that has hundreds of guys before me and I'm gonna worry about the valet? I think not.
  • Dolfan
    13 years ago
    I've had a valet "steal" or "borrow" by ride twice that I know of. Once it was in a wreck and totaled, and the other time the jackass stalled it trying to make a U turn a few miles away. Neither was a particularly nice vehicle, neither time was at a strip club, both times I was compensated by management. I still very rarely valet anymore though, and would move on to the next venue if I was in my car. If I'm in a rental I really couldn't care less about valeting it - usually the fee isn't significantly different from plain parking and I generally don't need to leave quickly when I'm traveling.
  • canny
    13 years ago
    Cops love seeing people explain how their cars were stolen from strip club parking lots, especially married men whose wives don't know where they are.
  • rh48hr
    13 years ago
    I'm not stupid, if I think a neighborhood is not safe, I'm not going there in the first place. I love titties, but not so much if I think there is a chance I'm going to get mugged for it. There are plenty of clubs to go to that are in safer areas (nothing is guaranteed of course). I just think paying to have someone park your car 15 feet from where you drop it off is ridiculous. But to each his own, I'm not hating anyone for it. I would like to amend, my previous statement though, I did leave a rental car to be parked when I was at a hotel in San Francisco, there was no other parking available and it did not cost extra (probably included in the cost of the room, although my work was paying for it.).
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    SURE!! Get my blood boiling once again about this rip off charge. I hate valet fees. I FUCKING HATE VALET FEES!! Hate 'em. Hate 'em. Hate 'em. Hate 'em.
  • bumrubber
    13 years ago
    Don't trust 'em, resent paying for it, & won't do it.
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    In order to make peace with adjacent residential neighmorhoods, some Detroit clubs require that the customer show the valet parking ticket at the door. Not ticket, you can't enter the club. This was the result of customers parking on the side streeets in fromt of private homes to avoid the valet charges. Drunken behaviour, fist fights, sex in cars and public urination became a real problem. The clubs who didn't care where you parked, Cheetahs and Penthouse, stasred requiring valet parking in an effort to cut down neighborhood complaints.
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