Christal photo and more...

avatar for shadowcat
Trust me guys. You won't be dusappointed.…


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avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
dayum she is looking fine
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
What, no cheerleader costume?
avatar for shadowcat
14 years ago
steve - From her TUSCL page "Your experience will be the ultimate fantasy. If you have a specific fantasy in mind, call the club and have them get in touch with me. Fantasies are my specialty :)."
avatar for percy
14 years ago
She danced for me on Thursday and she was incredible. Let's just say she let me do some things with her that you usually can't get away with unless you have built up a great report with someone over time. Her dances were so good that I gave her 2 20's after the two dances and she looked at me and said "that was only two dances." Most girls that ever go that extra mile are usually asking for an extra tip. I can't wait to hear about her VIP's whenever someone has a report!!!
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
Mighty nice.
avatar for jepello
14 years ago
Yes she is definately fine! Thanks for the introduction Shadowcat, I'll be returning first chance I get.
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago

Tell her that there is serious money to be made in Alberta SCs. Certain PLs in Alberta have been known to get foolish with a hot dancer!!
avatar for troop
14 years ago
i think you just told her art.
avatar for Rod84
14 years ago
Mighty fine. I like'm tall. Does she have breast implants? I hope not, but a couple of the pics look like she might...
avatar for runrdude
14 years ago
Let's see, Hotlanta is only 300 miles away..... I need to find a race there.
avatar for rh48hr
14 years ago
I think I am in love. I need to find a reason to go to Atlanta ... and soon.
avatar for Christal
14 years ago
Hi guys,

Thanks for all of the kind coments. To answer one of the questions, I do have implants. I wasn't blessed with the perfect girls LOL!!

As for giving me extra tips for play, well ... I have to say it would mean a lot if you did. I have some astronomical tax & hospital bills that I have to tKe care of as soon as possible. Other than the dNcin being my fantasy, this is the other reason for the doing this type of job. So please be generous & you will not regret it.

Oh ... Before I forget, please be caful as to what you post here. Being descreat is extrely important.

Thanks guys,


Have a great night guys
avatar for looneylarry
14 years ago
Christal, very nice photos. The profile picture positively presents a perfectly proportioned posterior!
avatar for newmark
14 years ago
I think I'm in love.
avatar for rell
14 years ago
nice .. lacey ad christina were pretty good looking as well

i have a ton of family in atlanta but never get time to myself..i got my cousins wedding in october. lets see if i can get out
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