
Comments by farmerart (page 68)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    The Pickup Arts
    I didn't own my Ferrari long enough to find out if it was a babe magnet (though I strongly suspect that the sweet red machine would have done the job for me). Shit, I still get horny at the memory of the sound of the beast! My life-long fascination with speed and that magnificent red beast just got me into way too much trouble so we had to part company. The F Series of trucks does the job for me now.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    I Wish I Hadn't Slept Through European History Class
    I have just dredged an old memory from my early-onset Alzheimer's brain. On my single visit to Ireland (R&R from a North Sea gig back in the 1970s) I spent an energetic evening in a very sketchy Dublin pub. I was enjoying the draft Guiness and the chat with the locals when I innocently injected the subject of St. Patrick into the conversation. WELL!! That pub happened to be a viper's nest of militant Irish nationalists who regarded St. Patrick as just one of the countless hated English interlopers who had made life miserable for the Irish for hundreds of years. I had the sense to keep my mouth shut after starting this outpouring of vitriol against the hated English. I shudder to think what might have happened to me if I hadn`t been speaking with a Canadian accent. I learned some expressive new curse words that night. I especially liked 'shiite'. If I had spoken Gaelic I am sure I would have learned many more. As an aside, I must tell you that Guiness pulled from a keg in a pub in Dublin is NOT the same liquid sold under the Guiness name in North America, a liquid which I maintain is totally undrinkable. One further aside, the high rise office building in Calgary housing my company`s offices is owned by the Guiness Family Trust.
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    13 years ago
    A cashless society?
    One of the advantages of having a few bucks is the ability to pay cash for anything. That ability gives the purchaser tremendous bargaining power in any transaction.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    I Wish I Hadn't Slept Through European History Class
    At this Tilted Kilt joint are the waitresses properly 'commando' under their kilts?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    A stripper dating service? (A serious one.)
    @Stiletto25: Does this mean I would have to pay $5k just to take you out for dinner in Seattle?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    How much could you reasonably spend in one night?
    I spent over $8k one night in a club and did not get my money's worth. I was just a disgusting, slobbering, drunken fool that night.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Cover charges. How much is too much?
    Cover charge does not bother me. I just regard it as the cost for play, like buying a ticket to see my beloved Oilers lose another NHL game. BUT, those fucking valet parking fees make me absolutely apoplectic!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Rate the Hottie No.1
    Butter face. Fat ass. Chunky thighs. No sense of style (see hair, nail polish, ugly shoes) Rates very low on my scale; maybe 3-4. But............ If she's an enthusiastic extras girl willing to let me dip my wick in her honeypot she rockets up my scale!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    First Titties Of The Spring In Calgary !!
    Funny you guys comment about metric/British units. Even though I grew up learning the British system I am almost 100% metric now. I give just approximate conversion figures on tuscl. I defer to your exact conversion figures, mjx01. My industry still uses the 'barrel' as a universal unit but everything else is now in metric for my industry in Canada - centigrade, litres, hectares, gigajoules, tonnes, kilograms, kilometres, metres, and all the rest. It is just soooooooo easy compared to British units. Sooner or later you Americans will convert. Caterpillar now manufactures machinery in metric units and when international sales become much more than American sales Caterpillar will just drop the inefficient British unit production lines. I hate keeping two sets of tools - metric wrenches and British wrenches! Coke and Pepsi are starting now - 2 litre pop bottles are everywhere in your country. For some reason I still think in terms of inches of mercury when it comes to air pressure in weather reporting. Kilopascals just do not register with me yet. Don't you think dancers would much rather report their weight as 52kg? How about 105cmDDs, club_goer?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    OMG, pink side provides even more entertainment
    During an illness I spent an entire day reading the hilarity on the pink site, never to return after that. Now I read this!! Let me tell you, as a business operator for 45 years and as an active investor for 35 of those years, cash flow is most assuredly NOT what that stripperweeb doofus gives as a definition. In my business, the income lines includes much deferred payment and the expense lines includes as much fiction as my creativity thinks the tax people will accept without a serious audit. It is very easy to report negative income and simultaneously to be swimming in cash.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Women of a Certain Age
    I remain a superficial horndog enjoying the eye candy of the youngsters in SCs, but my current enchantment is a 42 year old bombshell from a club in the Toronto area. I can't convince her to move out West.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    No Lap Dances, No Extras
    @georg & shadowcat: I am starting to hate you guys again. Since July 1, I have had precisely TWO oil changes; mind you, one oil change required a week-long servicing in Hawaii.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Cathouses vs. Strip Clubs
    My dog ignores the feral cats around my farm but the coyotes snap them up regularly for a quick lunch. Cats aren't that bright so coyotes have no problem with population control for me. I don't mind having a few of the feline critters around the place to keep the mice in terror but there is no way in hell I would bring a cat into my house. They fuck like minks so there is a never-ending supply of coyote lunches around here. A different variety of pussy is most welcome at any time in my house.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    No Lap Dances, No Extras
    Sounds suspiciously like a visit to an Alberta club.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Red flags on bank accounts
    This requirement also exists with some universities in Canada. Like motorhead I was gobsmacked when I first heard of it. A Venezuelan geophysicist working for me years ago told me of his daughter's problem with this requirement when she enrolled at an Alberta university. IMO this is very short-sighted thinking on the part of these universities. So many of these bright students remain in North America after graduation and contribute so much more in taxes in a lifetime in our economies than they ever took out of our education systems during their formative years. The cost-benefit calculation is skewed mightily in our society's favour. As for the scheme proposed in this topic? Pure idiocy.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    escort agencies
    Spend some months learning how to herd cats. That would be the most valuable experience you could get to learn how to run an escort agency.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Which do you prefer?
    In my beloved Alberta clubs, I consider the private dance to be a hot success if I get to shake the dancer's hand. Not bad for $30, eh?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    First time I was in the Cannonball in Brampton, the dancer and I were just about to get down to business when she suddenly stopped and ordered me to 'Cool it' for a while. All other dancers hissed the same instructions to their clients. One guy was whimpering that he was just about to cum. I was fearing a raid by LE and fidgeted nervously in my rock hard seat in that famously dreary VIP as I looked around with great apprehension. Turned out to be the manager making his regular turn through the VIP with flashlight, dustpan, and broom sweeping up discarded condoms! Cannonball had once had a Health Dept. bust over that issue and cautious manager didn't want another one! Closest I have ever been to a raid in a SC. (For those of you guys contemplating a visit to the Cannonball, the 5:00PM-6:00PM hour seems to be prime time for this condom disposal foray.)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    cash spending
    Don't be a piker, juice. $1k is peanuts; sell one of the trailers. You can have a much more decent evening for $10k. Young vigorous guy like you, 4 pops with 4 different dancers would be doable for $10k in a raunchy SC evening.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    She's Gone . . .
    Aaaahh! The eternal tuscl discussion board topic............. Middle-aged male angst and the machinations of the favourite hot, young uncaring, unfeeling stripper. Perhaps it is time to up the ante with more buck$, steve?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    OT: Facebook
    So, CTQ, will you be buying this thing on the open when first day's trading starts? Do you have enough clout to receive an allotment from one of the underwriters? I will be taking a pass on this thing; but then I also took a pass on AAPL when it was offered to me many many years ago on its open! Even in my own industry I have often had my head up my ass when presented with similar opportunities with IPOs. Disregard anything that seems like investment advice in this post. I have proved myself incompetent countless times in the investment world.
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    13 years ago
    scratch off lotto tickets
    From Samuel Johnson's dictionary: lottery = tax on stupidity
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    13 years ago
    Checking out reviews
    @looneylarry: Who are the 1 percenters of the SC world?
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    13 years ago
    Got a drug dropped on me in a club
    This happened to me once. It was not in a SC; it was in a very sketchy bar on the Marseille waterfront back in the 70s while I was on R&R from a contract in Algeria. I caught the bartender dosing my drink and I raised a helluva a ruckus. I was with three of my guys and we were all good ol' Alberta shit-kickers in our prime. We had a blast bustin' up that joint, kicking some ass and pounding some heads. Aaah, the good ol' days! I couldn't punch my way out of a wet paper bag these days.