
Checking out reviews

Sunday, March 4, 2012 9:50 AM
When you guys are looking through reviews, what determines which reviews you read? Do you just look at reviews from your area? Do you look at all of them? I generally look at reviews for clubs in my area and areas I plan on traveling to or hope to visit soon. If I see one from a oversees I will check it out of curiosity. What's your system?


  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    I am generally like you. I do also check the reviews of guys that are active on the discussion board. I also scan the reviewer names for ones that sound like they may be shills. I am getting pretty good at that. LOL.
  • macandbum
    12 years ago
    I read about the clubs nearby and any tht I might have driven by and saw. I usually won't read any reviews out of the tri-state area since I'm not planning on going any further than that.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Specifically I'll read reviews of Clubs that I can get to by car within a reasonable driving time, say 1 to 2 hours. Clubs further away just to note them if I may ever be in the area. I'm looking for reports of extras activity (This is ALL I'm interested in at this point) from the type(s) of Dancers that attract me the most. I'll once in a while act as a Shill policeman, BUT nowhere as effectively as SC! LOL
  • TABB
    12 years ago
    I usually check out my are and especially my favorite club. As well ill check out the clubs in Tucson and El Paso. Sometimes ill read reviews on other cities I might have interest in going for vacation or be living at in the near future.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    I check the local clubs' reviews, and sometimes Lexington's to keep abreast of things down there, as I sometimes have occasion to spend an afternoon in Lex. If I'm traveling, I'll check the reviews for the place to which I'm going, and through which I'll be passing, if appropriate.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    I read reviews containing the words fuck and tits
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "I read reviews containing the words fuck and tits" Are those the only words you look for gatorfan?
  • wwpmi
    12 years ago
    I read the local just to see if I agree I read my FAV locations to see if anything is changing I read the ones related to my next travel location as I travel most weeks
  • GoVikings
    12 years ago
    I usually only check clubs that are in my area within a reasonable driving distance. 30 minutes or less. I don't travel often, but when I do, I'll check reviews for clubs in the area I'm going. That's it.
  • johnnymapalo
    12 years ago
    I usually check for the ones in Atlanta and also ones in which I usually see extras being given out at. Usually the ones in Mexico, Texas, Philly and Detroit. Hahaha. I hope to be visiting those soon.. Ha.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    I wait a few seconds for the page to fully load. Then I click on the quick view link near the top right corner so I can see a list of strip club reviews instead of all the text for other clubs I don't care about. Then I scroll down looking for my state. I will read about any clubs that interest me in my state. Sometimes I will read reviews for another state if I've been there in years past. Occasionally if I haven't visited the site for a few days, I'll click on the prior days quick view list to see if certain clubs are listed under South Carolina.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    If reviews could be listed only for clubs in your state automatically or only clubs say on a private hot list hidden in your profile information that only you can see, then I would prefer that option if it didn't slow the site down. I would like the option to hide a hot club list from public view. I removed everything from my hot list because it's not private. Sometimes though I'll read reviews for other clubs in cities I'm interested in even if I never visited.
  • looneylarry
    12 years ago
    I usually check the clubs I've reviewed to see if I am in agreement with other reviewers on those clubs or to see if anything has changed recently. Then I will check my area to see if I think it is worth it to try a local club for the first time. Since time and opportunity is really at a premium for me, I have to plan carefully. Like if you only have enough money to go see one movie this month, you'll read the movie reviews carefully. And then sometimes I will scan the clubs in the top 10 or that have notoriously high mileage just to see how the 1 percenters of the SC world live.
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    @looneylarry: Who are the 1 percenters of the SC world?
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    Locals, of course, and I scan those in areas I visit at times, like in Texas and Georgia. Also clubs I used to visit in other areas, but business no longer takes me there.
  • mjx01
    12 years ago
    I primarily check out the reviews on clubs that I'm interested in going to. (wheter locally or when traveling on biz). Reviews from users with more clubs reviewed carry more weight IMO than users with only a few clubs reviewed. Pretty much ignore users with only one review only one club review.
  • looneylarry
    12 years ago
    @art, I wasn't talking about the monetary one percenters, even though that probably would cause you to take notice. I was talking about the one percenters who have ready access to the best clubs, the highest mileage clubs, the cream of the crop, who live within a half-hour drive of one of these places. I don't have the means or opportunity right now to grab a flight and sample the finest there is. All I can do is be envious of those who can. Nothing more, nothing less.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    ll, Don't fret! It would be so nice to be back to the times when all you received in clubs were air dances, if that. It gets so tiring with all the women all over me these days. I can barely keep up with them! Oh for the good old days, :)
  • mmdv26
    12 years ago
    I read discussion and articles at TUSCL. Now and then I go to a fav club listing to see what others are saying in reviews. About once a year I take a mental vacation, and travel around the country or world via reviews.
  • DandyDan
    12 years ago
    I generally read the reviews for nearby places or places I've been to. Now that they put the reviews in state (or country) order, it makes it a lot easier to look up the reviews I'm interested in.
  • Striker
    12 years ago
    I read the reviews of where I've been, to see if things have changed and where I'm going when I'm traveling.
  • rh48hr
    12 years ago
    Dan - I agree, I really like that they have the states (country) in alphabetical order. I can go through it a whole lot quicker. I forgot to add that I also check out reviews of clubs I have been to before in other areas.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    I focus on the reviews of clubs in areas that I travel to. Since I travel a lot, I tend to do a fair amount of reading up. However, I also quickly discount reviews from "1 and 1" types except to see if they are obviously fraudulent.
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