As a rule, I prefer to look at dancers who are at least two decades younger than my 50 years . . . but there are certain women I wouldn't mind seeing on stage in a SC who are even older than I . . . for example, Julianne Moore (51) <img alt="" src="//…" width="220" height="330">
last commentMy last 2 ATFs were both in the 37 to 40 age range. Both were great. My newest ATF is a bit younger by 10 years at 28 yrs old.
I can't convince her to move out West.
My most recent ex-ATF (Age 37) was about as HOT as I've seen!
I prefer the 30 year old version to the 20 year old. Just the right amount of aging helps Scotch, fine cheeses, and women
I generally prefer dancers who are less than half my age. Luckily, every year there seem to be more of them.
I heard this on the news this week. Well, duh? Couldn't all supermodels be described that way....and for that matter, couldn't all strippers...
Wait, let's not go there.
What is age appropriate may I ask?
I agree with Che that dancers should have an "expiration" date. But only because dancers are like pro athletes. You wake up one day and you just cant throw, catch, jump, run, or shoot as good as you once did. You are replaced on the team by a 20 something.
That being said, the BEST sex I ever had in my entire life was in the VIP with a 35 year-old dancer. I was 10 years her senior, but we went at it like we were both 17
I whole-heartedly believe that a woman/Dancer in her early 30s & mid 30s to mid 40s is at the "sweet spot" for attracting me. My experience is that these women/Dancers have matured emotionally & physically. IMO they tend to be more sure of themselves & more comfortable with their Sexuality & bodies. And IMO I think their "Worldly" experience & knowledge & intelligence allows them to deal with the spectrum of Male Sexuality & male Ego & Male age (Young to Older) in a variety of settings.
Just my opinion. There are those who believe that the 18 to mid 20 somethings possess those qualities I detailed about. It could well be. I JUST haven't found that to be true in my experience.
Yeah, if I'm playing the creepy old pervert that night, I'm going after the younger ones, but at the same time, if an older woman has it going on, I'm probably not gonna say no outright.
We're just getting fucking OLDER gatorfan. Time stands still for NO one! LMAO
Its really not anyone's place to tell a 40 year old she can't dance. If she's been hired, is doing her job, and making ends meet, there is no shame.
Gee, where did you see Raquel Welch in her Naked glory Vince?
When I think of Raquel, I often think of the scene in "Fantastic Voyage", from 46 years ago, (This shows MY age) where the men are pawing at her Tits - under a wet suit - trying to get the rubber antibodies off her.
"the women I'm attracted to are like fine wine - they get better with age...."
Lots of fine women from our past, but I was never a big "fan" of Raquel. Not to say she wasn't many a man's fantasy, but just not mine. For me, give me Sophia anytime!…
This lady is SEVENTY SIX!
NICE legs indeed!
So how is she making the most money? She out works and out hustles (in a good way) the young girls who would rather party and think that all it takes is looks without any regard to attitude or customer service.
This is 1 of the reasons I generally prefer Dancers 30 years old to mid 40s.