
Comments by farmerart (page 63)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How much is it normal to spend in one night?
    What the hell do you cheapskates do all night in a SC, spending just $50-$100? Even in the lame-o Alberta clubs that I frequent (not spending a nickel on private dances) my bar tab can easily be approaching $100 by itself. Throw in cover charge, taxi, maybe some food and total for an evening is in the $200 range. A trip to No 5 Orange in Vancouver (proud home of the $50 lap dance) would be a miracle for me to leave spending less than $500. In US clubs (with 19 different fees) and serious action in the VIP I have no trouble spending $500-$600. If I want budget entertainment I will go for a hike around my farm, play with my dog, smell the flowers, watch the birds, work on my restoration project, etc. SCs are not places to pinch pennies.
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    12 years ago
    Vegas extras
    The whole concept of Vegas just does not compute with me. It will be the coldest day hell ever sees when I sit down to gamble in a Vegas casino. Drilling wildcat wells is a sure thing compared to the odds for a player in a Vegas casino. I just can't see how value for money spent will be any better in a Vegas SC. tuscl reviews give me no encouragement at all; in fact, I quit reading the Vegas reviews long ago.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    What's wrong with Chicago
    Maybe it's because IS is just a lame club. No booze and band-aids on dancer's nipples? Not my idea of a good time in a SC. Arnie's Idle Hour is very close. A good time is guaranteed in that joint (for not that many $$$, either).
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Foreign Affairs
    I have had a few memorable SC experiences with those frisky American dancers. Happily, those frisky American dancers show no inclination (or ability?) to bore me with discussions of Eurozone economic crises. Much more likely, I will be regaled with tales of more immediate personal economic crises and how I, specifically, can resolve these particular economic crises.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    BBBJ vs CFS
    I am like dougster - I like BBBJ a great deal but often find it difficult to ejaculate from just BBBJ. I usually need something more energetic and forceful for Mr. Wood to give up the goods.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    What is a "high mileage" lap dance?
    Your 'no mileage' dance is 'ultra high mileage' dance in my beloved Alberta SCs.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Musing On The Word - 'Snatch'
    @clubber and shadowcat: What other 'old farts' words for lady parts can you dredge out of your memory? I have been thinking about this for all of the the last 5 minutes and quickly came up with these words that I never or hardly ever hear anymore: quiff, trim, snapper, quim, slit, smooth, and my all time favourite from the old English porno novel, Fanny Hill - grummet.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    The Juices 1st Lapper Rejection : ( lol !
    Write her a romantic poem in your elegant English.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Strip Club Locator
    Well georg, you will be only about 3000 km from my stomping grounds when you are in Danville. If you are venturing that far from your comfort zone continue on to the SC nirvana of Alberta. I can guarantee a unique SC experience for you.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Why Not?
    Must have been a simple repair if the shop owner valued it as worth only the price of a jump.
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    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Viagra commercial falls flat with me
    A more effective commercial would show the guy following a hot stripper up the stairs to the VIP in my favourite SC.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The ultimate PL.
    Could be where I am heading if nat gas prices stay in the dumpster.
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    12 years ago
    How fast do you go?
    I am one baaaaaaad ass when it comes to speed; I have loved it all my life. During my brief ownership of a Ferrari during my retirement, I let the beast loose one evening on Hwy 2 between Edmonton and Calgary, a road I know well. I was over 300kph when I got caught by a horseman. Also I was shitting my pants; that was the fastest speed I had ever driven a vehicle. I pulled over for the horseman and he told me I buried his radar gun. The horseman gave me a real break when he wrote the citation. He wrote the speed at a rate that let me keep my driver's licence. If he had a true reading of my speed, it is possible I might have been facing jail time. I now have those demerits erased from my driver's licence with the passage of twelve months of good behaviour but my insurance company is not so forgiving. I will be paying a fortune for my personal vehicle insurance package for at least another 4 years, pushing $20k/yr. In fact, I was only able to keep my personal insurance because of the leverage I had with the insurance company through the volume of business generated by my companies. I should never have pulled over for the horseman. He could never have caught me in his Crown Vic.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Cougar hunting.
    When I was much younger I always wanted to have sex with a woman younger than my sister and with a woman older than my mother. My sister is now 59 - crossed that off my bucket list long ago. My mother is now 96 - removed that from my bucket list, also long ago.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Enough is enough!
    WTF! You got one foot in the grave or what? I once did 8 clubs in a i5 hour marathon. Of course I was a mere broth of a lad then - 61 years old and you are SO much older than that. The old pizzle is a bit frazzled?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Dancer Names
    I had an 'encounter' with a girl who called herself - Chili. A misnomer, the 'encounter' was plain white bread bland, nothing hot and spicy about it at all.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Just Learned that there is Sex in the Champagne Room.
    You did just fine in this story though from the sounds of things in this club the same experience is available to any wandering horny soul entering the club with a buck or two in his pocket. Do not give the girls in your regular club a blow-by-blow description of this happy encounter. But, use your new found knowledge in being more explicit with your demands and desires when negotiating with the girls in your regular club.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Did I Handle This Correctly?
    After surviving a couple of bouts of psyche-abusive dignity shredding at the hands of cruel dancer-vipers I just do not put up with this shit any longer. You shouldn't, either.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    OTC Activities
    'Fuck and flee' for me. Almost all my SC visits are drive-by guerrilla raids. Why would I bother with the social niceties? On the very odd occasions when I bring a dancer to Rancho farmerart the weekend becomes 'strained' in one manner or another. I must admit, however, that the week I spent in Hawaii with a dancer was a most sublime experience.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    You tip a dancer, tell her you're interested in a dance and she still does NOT s
    Dancers, our beloved Stiletto25 aside, are flaky.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Crappy SC Music In My Head
    Well, back at Rancho farmerart and after a nice steak on the deck and a bottle of Bordeaux at hand I have finally banished the offending tune and lyrics from my brain. @shadowcat: You bastard! No way in hell I am clicking on THAT link. @lopaw: Glad that at least one other regular has taste enough to recognize that the tune in question is pure crap. @steve229: Do you know every line of lyric from every tune ever recorded? Do you have a life?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Top Ten List??
    ^^^^^^^ Oops! Head up my ass. Brass Rail is in Top 10 for dancer quality. Shows how often I even look at the various Top 10 lists.
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    12 years ago
    Top Ten List??
    I quit trusting this list soon after I joined tuscl and visited Industrial Strip in Hammond, In. which was then figuring very highly in the Top 10. Huh? Top 10 club with dancers wearing band-aids over their nipples? I don't think so. I just looked again at the Top 10 and see that The Brass Rail in Toronto is now included. Give me a break - that joint is not even in the Top 10 of just Toronto clubs.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    LD room vs VIP vs Champagne
    Like Alucard, I am familiar with Bogarts as well as the two Henrys in Detroit and I am comfortable with the set-up. Lap dances or any extra a horndog could desire take place in those rooms. As with Arnie's in south Chicago. To call these rooms VIPs is a serious misnomer, even if there is a $10 or $20 fee to enter. My usual haunts in the Toronto suburbs have no VIP fees and the action is as public as the aforementioned Detroit clubs. Also like Alucard, I find the live porno very titillating and often very humourous. One Toronto area club I frequent has a $20 fee to enter the VIP each time you go with a different girl. The facilities are comfortable and semi-private. One time only did I do the Champagne Room in a Toronto club. Fee was $300 + bottle (I stumped for the cheapest one available) + dancer's fees. That particular episode cost me close to $800 all-in as I remember. I didn't want the bottle and when I was finished I poured it down the toilet so that the wretched management could not re-sell the crap. The girl adamantly refused to do the deed outside of the CR and I was sort of curious about the CR experience anyway. No regrets about it but I will never do it again. When we were finished in the CR the dancer gave me her # and told me she would do OTC with me whenever I come to Toronto for $300! I am some dummy, huh?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    On the flloor kitty play
    In Alberta clubs?............ I can only dream.