
Vegas extras

Wednesday, June 6, 2012 7:12 PM
I've had pretty good luck with extras at both Hustler Club and Little Darlings in Vegas. Wondering where others have had some luck. Yes I could call an escort, but I sort of like the thrill of the hunt at these clubs. Suggestions?


  • Rod8432
    12 years ago
    I had an extras-oriented LD session in a nice private room at Palomino Club. It was 3/$100 and we sequestered ourselves to a curtained room with an in-the-round crushed velvet couch - like sitting inside a doughnut. My girl was older, which I like, and a great conversationalist for about twenty minutes prior to heading back there. All clubs considered (and I've tried most), Palomino is my favorite club in Vegas.
  • ButterMan
    12 years ago
    I am going to vegas later this summer too and plan on having an escort or two lined up but I too would prefer the chase:) I plan on trying my luck in treasure,oc and maybe sapprire. I have had offers before for OTC in sapprire and crazy horse too when it was open.
  • ragelikeapanda
    12 years ago
    I have been to spearmint rhino 5 times this year and sapphire twice. I have had offers for OTC in both places. Most will quote you a price in the range of 500-1000, 500 for a dinner date or 1K to go back to your room. You are very unlikely to get any extras in either club. Dancers there make good money and have very little incentive to give extras. On a Friday or Saturday night when there are hundreds of dancers, you may find a couple that are allow more contact. The 3/100 and vip rooms are not private and there are a lot of bouncers walking around. Don't get me wrong, I have no complaints about either club. I stop by rhino every time I'm in vegas. You are probably better off getting an escort. If you have a car, chicken ranch is not very far from vegas and it is legal.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    I have heard nothing but bad things about hunting for extras in Vegas, including bait and switch games and uber expensive CR/VIP sessions. When I go to Vegas, Palomino is my favorite club, but even there I would not say that etras are rampant.
  • londonguy
    12 years ago
    Kevrct5, I would definately suggest that you do NOT, I repeat NOT book an escort. The chances of you having a good time for the price you are hoping to pay will be extremely slim. If you want more info PM me. I would suggest OG for a better hands-on experience, late afternoons are normally very good. Ragelikeapanda is right about Rhino, though i've had some great contact dances there and great OTC for $500 with a couple of 10's. for $500
  • barrels
    12 years ago
    I too have had very good contact dances @ the Rhino, more mid week late night then on the weekends. I have also had successful extras @ The Hustler Club. FWIW.
  • newmark
    12 years ago
    I had a great time one afternoon with the $10 lappers at Cheetah. While there was no actual sex, there was plenty of two way contact. I definitely thought that OTC might be available. She hinted at it pretty strong. Don't ask me why, but I didn't pursue it. I regret that too. She was a tall brunette with big soft naturals.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    Threads like this remind me of why certain members of my family have been so successful. P.T. Barnum was right.
  • Kevrsct5
    12 years ago
    Thanks to everyone for their comments. Appreciate it.
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    The whole concept of Vegas just does not compute with me. It will be the coldest day hell ever sees when I sit down to gamble in a Vegas casino. Drilling wildcat wells is a sure thing compared to the odds for a player in a Vegas casino. I just can't see how value for money spent will be any better in a Vegas SC. tuscl reviews give me no encouragement at all; in fact, I quit reading the Vegas reviews long ago.
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