*Specifically* hunting cougars? No. Ended up with one? Yeah, a couple of times. Just because I *prefer* the "touch of the younger kind" doesn't mean I'm going to pass on an older one if she meets my, admittedly shallow, criteria.
A lot of them are younger than me now. I never really went looking but I have been caught.
In my md-20s I had a group of friends who hung out at a friend's apartment. Over a couple of years I wound up with a roommate and a neighbor in their mid 30s, both hot. I was hitting the neighbor for nooners almost every day for about 2 months.
On wod the best nights of my life was with a 36 year old when I was 22. So yeah, I'm big on the cougar hunting, the fun to be had is usually fantastic.
My second OTC experience, when I was still 20-something, it was with a dancer in her 40's. This was the one with the dancer at a house she lived in, with her kid asleep upstairs.
Nowadays, I still get dancers who are in their 40's and qualify as cougars, but I turn 40 this year, so that almost shouldn't count.
My sister is now 59 - crossed that off my bucket list long ago.
My mother is now 96 - removed that from my bucket list, also long ago.
Wrong place. You should try "Mouth of the Cougar" rather than "Mouth of the Rat"!
Sign me up! I'm not that far behind you.
Teens & just barely 20 somethings rarely would meet my "Criteria". LOL
In my md-20s I had a group of friends who hung out at a friend's apartment. Over a couple of years I wound up with a roommate and a neighbor in their mid 30s, both hot. I was hitting the neighbor for nooners almost every day for about 2 months.
Boca Raton, spanish for mouth of the rat. :)
In my limited experience, your spanish link has always been "OFF", or you were telling "G" to leave me and take her for yourself!!!
Nowadays, I still get dancers who are in their 40's and qualify as cougars, but I turn 40 this year, so that almost shouldn't count.