Foreign Affairs

avatar for steve229
Just spent a couple hours with a lovely girl from the Czech Republic. She had a charming accent and could knowledgeably discuss the current Eurozone economic crisis while fondling me under the table.

So, what nationalities have you enjoyed?


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avatar for Bogeyman1
13 years ago
For me it's Russians, Phillipinos, Germans, and Thais. There was this one Russian girl Lena from Vladivostok who somehow got turned on when I spoke German to her. The Deutsch didn't have to make any sense.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
Give me a blonde SoCal girl anytime, but I fell in love with the accent of a French Canadian girl. I kept driving back to a club all summer to hear her talk to me.

Other than that, just a few Russians.
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
I have had very good luck with latinas, fair luck with asians, and terrible luck with eastern europeans.
avatar for windowsidiot
13 years ago
Philippines and Latins. I have not had the pleasure of encountering any eastern Europeans yet.
avatar for windowsidiot
13 years ago
Philippines and Latins. I have not had the pleasure of encountering any eastern Europeans yet.
avatar for looneylarry
13 years ago
Steve, Mila can speak Russian, can't she?
avatar for mmdv26
13 years ago
Brazilians, Colombian,Polish and French. I liked the Colombian best; small tits with big nipples and ultra wet pussy.
avatar for sinclair
13 years ago
Brazilians and Argentines.
avatar for farmerart
13 years ago
I have had a few memorable SC experiences with those frisky American dancers.

Happily, those frisky American dancers show no inclination (or ability?) to bore me with discussions of Eurozone economic crises. Much more likely, I will be regaled with tales of more immediate personal economic crises and how I, specifically, can resolve these particular economic crises.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
I'll stick with American born whores. Dumber, bitchier, better looking than the rest. Perfect after they suck your dick or you fuck them in the ass.
avatar for londonguy
13 years ago
Had great experiences with just about every nationality, except Hungarians. Czech girls are particularly awesome, especially the ones in Prague. Of the others Polish girls and those brom the baltic states stand out.
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
I wish they all could be California
I wish they all could be California
I wish they all could be California
I wish they all could be California girls
avatar for 10inches
13 years ago
cuban, mexican korean, german, colombian. but , good ole USA girls are the best !!!
avatar for rickdugan
13 years ago
Latinas. Me gustan las Latinas!

I do also enjoy some of the Russian girls, but for a different reason. If I am looking for a raunchy night out, then Latinas fit the bill. If I am looking to deal with a hottie with elegance and class, then some of those Russian girls cannot be beat.
avatar for Bogeyman1
13 years ago
Ahh yes girls from socal are the best at keeping in my head with all the teasing. All I end up doing is spoiling them. Now that you mention it, meeting a French Canadian knockout in the buffet line, OMG did she end up having her way with me or what? Had to leave my jacket with her until I could bring back the rest of my $$$,
avatar for Rod84
13 years ago
When I was mongering in Europe, the Polish women without exception, were the best. Who knew? They're blonde, beautiful, tall, slender, sweet, and passionate.

I hate it I was prejudiced by all those Polack jokes I heard as a kid. Never again - the girls, at least, are fabulous. And that's saying a lot because the Czech, German, and Lithuanian girls are damn fine, as well.
avatar for Ermita_Nights
13 years ago
Indonesian. They are among the few Asians who are naturally curvy and big-boobed.
avatar for SnakePlissken
13 years ago
I personally don't like Eastern European strippers.

A former coworker and I (he left our company to go back to grad school, and I to join the Navy) used to frequent the strip clubs in the DC and Baltimore area. One night we went to a club in DC (Archibald's) and about half of the dancers were Eastern Europeans. The other half were Americans, about 50/50 white/black.

Both of us noticed that the Eastern European chicks seemed to be really bitchy. One of them came up to us and said "why do guys like to go to strip clubs?" and proceeded to tell us how she couldn't understand why guys would come to them. Another one was a gross looking Russian girl named Olga or something who my friend named "cave troll".

The final Eastern European girl we met hailed from Kiev. We were trying to be gentlemen and tried to engage her about something other than her work and she told us she was studying at American University to be a photographer, and her dream was to work for National Geographic. We told her that was very neat and wished her the best. She told us if that fell through however she would just marry one of the rich guys who came to the club. We all laughed at that, then she got totally serious and sneered "I'm just kidding, I hate them!" and walked away. My friend and I looked at each other in amazement at her venom as she walked off. After that we were always weary of Eastern Europeans.

There was however one Eastern European girl we met at Scores in Baltimore we thought was really cute. We deemed her "Soviet Chick". I returned once after we saw her the first time and got a lap dance from her. She asked me afterwards if I was from Baltimore and I said no, then she asked me if I was staying in a hotel in Baltimore. Fishing for extras, perhaps? I guess I'll never know unless I go back and see her again.

Personally, this is why I prefer good old American girls, country girls in particular.
avatar for xedin5436
13 years ago
Snake, if there's any truth to the second season of The Wire (a lot of plotlines and characters were based on actual things happening in Baltimore, so you never know), the Eastern European girls you met were probably part of some human trafficking ring, which would make it understandable that they didn't really want to be there.
avatar for likes2look
13 years ago
They may not be from another country but... Hearing a beautiful woman speak in a southern accent just turns me to butter.
avatar for Revolution
13 years ago
Does GRITS count as a nationality?
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
Brazilians, Czechs, Peruvian, Columbian, Phillipina, USA,German, French,Vietnamese. Hell, I wish I could remember more.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
13 years ago
“I liked the Colombian best …”

Living in Miami, FL, there is a large no. of nationalities and cultures especially from South America and the Caribbean. There is a large Colombian population in So. FL and in my opinion Colombian women are the most complete – i.e. great bodies/curves, pretty faces, and good attitudes/personalities.

My best experiences w/ foreign dancers have been with Brazilian dancers. Brazilians have great bodies and great tans which I love and they usually tend to be very friendly, happy, and outgoing. Brazil is also sort of a male-dominated/machismo society and women and brought up to be submissive and catering to men.

Some Eastern Europeans I’ve met would fall under the banner of “Euro-trash”. But while living in Dallas, TX a few years ago, I met two Czech dancers which were regulars at Baby Dolls that would really give you your money’s worth!

In my experience, I have gotten better treatment from foreign dancers and they can often hold a conversation much better than American dancers.
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