Did I Handle This Correctly?

avatar for Otto22
Was in the SC this week to see a particular dancer (see my recent review for John's Hot Spot). She was there and appeared happy to see me. She came right over to my table and we chatted and shared a drink or two. She said she hungry and I suggested she order some dinner to be delivered. $26 and I assured her I would pay. While we waited for the food we could go to the VIP and see if we could pick up where we left off last week. Up to the VIP we went but the booths were all busy. While we waited for a booth she was called onstage. No problem. I would wait. When she finished her stage set, however, she did not come over to me but rather went and chatted with two other customers and the bartender.
I was pissed and took another girl to the VIP for a few dances. When I returned to the club floor my dancer was back on stage. I went up to her and, instead of tip, I gave her the $26 for her dinner and said I would see her another time. "Don't go baby," she said. "I want to take you upstairs." "Why didn't you come back to me after your set?" I replied. "I'm a little drunk," she explained. I told her I don't like to be treated that way and she would not get my Benjamins that evening and I left. I don't believe drunkenness is any excuse for this. I may be a PL but I don't think I am crazy.
I will return in a week or two and I wonder, did I handle is correctly?


last comment
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Dude ! I can totaly see how you feel.....when we go clubbing and spend lots of cash on a girl we expect their undivided attention !......I know I like feeling like the only guy in the club with my girl when I'm slinging lots of cash !

Now for her....maybee she had a nother regular that spends big cash as well and she was trying to lock him in before heading back 2 you......as for the bartender trip I've got no clue ?........

Any ways.....we work hard for our money and I believe if we are slinging phat stacks at these fine ladies.....we deserve the best attention our money can buy......so I say well played !.....you are being a man and letting her knowif she wants you and or your money she has to learn how to please you ! If not you will find another that will......

Good luck my man ! - Kingofthejuiceboxes
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Dude ! I can totaly see how you feel.....when we go clubbing and spend lots of cash on a girl we expect their undivided attention !......I know I like feeling like the only guy in the club with my girl when I'm slinging lots of cash !

Now for her....maybee she had a nother regular that spends big cash as well and she was trying to lock him in before heading back 2 you......as for the bartender trip I've got no clue ?........

Any ways.....we work hard for our money and I believe if we are slinging phat stacks at these fine ladies.....we deserve the best attention our money can buy......so I say well played !.....you are being a man and letting her knowif she wants you and or your money she has to learn how to please you ! If not you will find another that will......

Good luck my man ! - Kingofthejuiceboxes
avatar for HB13
13 years ago
All girls who I've favored were courteous enough to come by to me & tell me that another customer of theirs is present. And they would ask me if I would like to "spend time" with them now or after they finished draining that particular customer of their wallet. It's pretty nice knowing that I'm the one getting the choice.

Ones who give me treatment like you've just experienced quickly learn I don't do repeat business with them.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
Yes Otto22, I believe you handled it properly. Intoxication is not a good excuse for being rude.
avatar for Ermita_Nights
13 years ago
I'd say you were justified. After you ordered the food and promised to pay she was obligated to give you priority for her time.
avatar for SuperDude
13 years ago
Absolutely. She hustled you for dinner. Drop her.
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
$26 for dinner? What did you order, Ruth's Chris?

Anyway, I probably would have held onto her dinner until she came and sat down. Then took her to get dances even after the other girl.

I'm not sure I'd let a fit of pique at a dancer disturb my evening.
avatar for jester214
13 years ago
Dinner for two at Ruth's Chris for $26? What are you ordering?

Yeah, handled that about as well as you could have.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
13 years ago
Well I'm not sure I would have done what you did.

I had a "date" set up with one of my favs one time. As I was going to arrive at the club later, she had "extra" time on her hands. Whats a girl to do when she is waiting? Dance of course.

When I arrived, she was sitting with a guy. No big deal, when she spotted me she quickly came over. "Listen, that guy just tipped me on stage and he wants a couple of dances, would you mind?" she said. "No problem, I can wait for you." I said. So off she went to the semi private dance area (not VIP) with this guy. I ordered a drink and waited. And waited. And waited.

30 minutes later here she comes. The guy had asked for 10 dances @ $20 a pop. "I apologize for taking so long, but this guy wouldn't stop giving me money, and all I did was dance." my fav said. "It's okay" I replied half pissed, "I'm glad you made some some money." "Yea, he told me 'your guy is going to leave' "and I told him I'll bet you $20 he doesn't." my fav replied with obvious happiness. "So I got an extra $20 just because you waited for me."

She gave me a great time in the VIP afterwards. I can honestly say, that night it paid me in dividends to have a little patience and see how things played out. I am kind of thinking you should have done the same. But I wasn't there, so really you are the only one who can answer your question.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
13 years ago
I should add that customers "stop" my favs all the time; when she is leaving stage sets, going to the bathroom, etc.

Guys will try to get dancers attention any way they can. Most dancers I know will engage in short conversations with guys who "stop" them, even when they know I am waiting for them.

The guy who wins with a dancer is often the guy who has the most patience.
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
That was just plain rude. I doubt that I would have given her the $26.
avatar for rh48hr
13 years ago
I may have waited longer depending on what I knew I could get in VIP, but I don't blame you, especially after buying the food.
avatar for farmerart
13 years ago
After surviving a couple of bouts of psyche-abusive dignity shredding at the hands of cruel dancer-vipers I just do not put up with this shit any longer.

You shouldn't, either.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"The guy who wins with a dancer is often the guy who has the most patience."

Patience is a good virtue to possess, especially when the "prize" is well worth waiting for. The impatient?? Well...
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
Yes, Otto, you were justified. I just move on to the next one.
avatar for steve229
13 years ago

Poor customer service is poor customer service, no matter the setting.
avatar for rickdugan
13 years ago
"...I gave her the $26 for her dinner and said I would see her another time. "Don't go baby," she said. "I want to take you upstairs." "Why didn't you come back to me after your set?" I replied. "I'm a little drunk," she explained. I told her I don't like to be treated that way and she would not get my Benjamins that evening and I left."

In principle I think that you handled this correctly. My only comment is that your final exchange with her might have come off as a bit whiney, which is something that I try to avoid when I am training my dancers. I also would have given her the $26 if I had already committed to it, but I would have responded to her "Don't go" plea a little differently.

I would have simply said to her, "It's ok honey, you're obviously busy now, another time perhaps" with a smile and a wink. Now I also would have had my wad casually in my hand when I peeled off the $26 for her, so between the two the message would have been made loud and clear without me coming across as needy. Then, in a quiet and kind voice, while still smiling, I would have ended it with "But thank you for everything and have a great night."

Then I would have strolled on out like I owned the joint.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
I would have invited another dancer to dine on "her" food. You didn't say how long you've known her. A recent acquisition, a fave, or a future ATF. If one of the last two, that treatment would not be forgiven by me. If the first, and you wish to proceed to her being a fave or ATF, some "education" would be appropriate!
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
Lying thieving whore
avatar for 10inches
13 years ago
$26 for food . never seen anything on the menu at SC that is worth that much. you got royally fucked !!!
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago

He said, "...she order some dinner to be delivered." I thought he meant from an outside source and not to be "delivered" from a onsite kitchen.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"$26 for food . never seen anything on the menu at SC that is worth that much. you got royally fucked !!!"

I presume you don't eat Club food. It is typically expensive.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
13 years ago
There is a club in Eugene OR that serves a prime rib dinner on Monday included in the $10 cover. The rest of the week it is reasonable and the food is quite good. The place is pack on Monday and most everyone is eating. Dinner for two for less than $26 is hard to do anywhere this side of McD's
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