What is a "high mileage" lap dance?

avatar for bellman
When reading reviews on this site of various SC visits I'm amazed at the differences in what some of us call "high mileage" lap dances. It seems to range from "I was allowed to touch her covered breast" to "A full menu including FS was available". My definition of various levels of mileage for a LD not including any extras is something like this:
No mileage: An air dance with at most her sitting on your knees so you can rub her back.
Low mileage: She grinds on you, you can touch covered breasts and stroke her legs.
Moderate mileage: She grinds on you, does a bit of stroking outside the pants, you can fondle her bare breasts, and stroke the kitty outside the g-string.
High mileage: She reaches into your pants to stroke junior, or perhaps brings him out, you are allowed unlimited roaming hands, and get a wet finger.

What is high mileage for you?


avatar for Doc_Holliday
13 years ago
I'll buy your definitions.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
I agree with SC, but to me an "Air Dance" is just that. NOTHING but air between you & the Dancer - NO touching allowed period! LOL
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I'm ok with moderate mileage by that def. Everything else is a plus but things seem to be going downhill with busy clubs getting watched more closely.
avatar for farmerart
13 years ago
Your 'no mileage' dance is 'ultra high mileage' dance in my beloved Alberta SCs.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
Art what is involved in a real no mileage Dancer in Alberta?

Looking at the dancer thru binoculars??!! LMAO
avatar for GoVikings
13 years ago
Pretty much every dance I've ever gotten would fall under the low mileage category.

One more thing- I've read on TUSCL how a lot of you guys get the dancer making out with you, you sucking her titties, she kissing your body, she pulling your dick out during the middle of the dance, etc.--none of this has ever happened during any of my dances- and that even includes the dances I've gotten OUTSIDE of Virginia.

Do I just have bad luck?
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"Do I just have bad luck?"

Maybe. It took a number of years until I got to a point where I consistently got the type of treatment in your quote → "the dancer making out with you, you sucking her titties, she kissing your body, she pulling your dick out during the middle of the dance, etc"

It is just like the real estate saying - "Location, Location, Location"!!!

avatar for carl95
13 years ago
"--none of this has ever happened during any of my dances- and that even includes the dances I've gotten OUTSIDE of Virginia.

Do I just have bad luck?"

Maybe they think you're a cop.
avatar for Doc_Holliday
13 years ago
Maybe you're not doing the 'secret wink'? Next time you ask for a dance, wink four times, make a ck-ck sound like your calling a horse, followed by a whistle. She'll know your not a cop and down for some action!
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
Can't speak for all, but your "moderate and high mileage", are at the bottom end of the spectrum in S. Florida.
Your definitions are good. Much along my same thoughts. But each can be different so they can't be defined.

My current favorite encourages nipple sucking and DFK and finger in the kitty. We spend the time in the VIP exchanging spit. Yet she never takes the little guy out to play. Is that high or low mileage. It's not high in my playbook, but I hang onto her because I've found dancers who will do almost everything but won't DFK.
High mileage is over 40 MPG.
And then there are the clubs that as soon as the dancer starts dancing she takes off your clothes and hers and starts riding you as you fuck. One of my favorites at the Penthouse Club here in Detroit will do that. :)
avatar for Rod84
13 years ago
I'm thinking you're talking only about LDs, correct, and not necessarily high-priced VIP/Champagne rooms? If so, I would say a lot of guys would call your "Moderate" mileage more like "High" in most clubs. Your definition of High Mileage is relatively rare, happening only in a handful of clubs around Detroit, Atlanta, and Florida, with a club here and there in NJ, CA, and TX. Those are more like Ultra-High Mileage clubs and a true treasure when you find'em.

To GoVikings - you oughta head on down to Florida, my friend. Stop by the Inner Room in Cocoa Beach or Mons Venus in Tampa, and you will experience a whole new view of the world. It's well worth the trip...

avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"And then there are the clubs that as soon as the dancer starts dancing she takes off your clothes and hers and starts riding you as you fuck. One of my favorites at the Penthouse Club here in Detroit will do that. :)"

Anyone I know Vince? Or is this a new one? LOL
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago

As one gets older, IE:vm, they some times get delusional. :)
Yes, Alucard, you do know her. Pay no attention to Clubber. He hasn't been taking his meds. :)
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
It thought so Vince, about both the Dancer & Clubber. ;)
avatar for travelguy10
13 years ago
Low and medium mileage LD's are something I avoid. I need, at a minimum, a HJ. Why waste my time with grinding or air? Life's too short.
avatar for GoVikings
13 years ago
carl95- lol nah, that's not it, I don't look like a cop at all.

Alucard- What you said is the most likely reason, it's all about location. Most of my club visits are/have been in Virginia and Winston Salem, NC. We all know these places don't have good strip club's. Other than that, I've been to one club in Maryland, one in Minnesota and one in New Jersey. That's it.

Rod8432- I've never even been to the state of Florida, but it's always been a place I wanted to visit. I'll make it down there within a year or two, and when I do, I'll keep those places in mind.
And in South Florida, the sky is the limit at many clubs. Negotiate first.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago

"And in South Florida, the sky is the limit at many clubs."

From one that knows. :)
Yes, it's a fine predicament we have found ourselves at times, buddy. LOL
avatar for windowsidiot
13 years ago
I've only been SCing for 2 years but if the best I encountered was less than "moderate mileage" I would have quit 2 years ago.
Does anyone go back to the low/no mileage clubs? I can't imagine getting a "lap" dance that didn't fit moderate on that scale. Hell, at some clubs there's more action at the tip rail than that...
avatar for lopaw
13 years ago
Here in LA almost anything is available and is usually on the menu. If I'm not molested by a hot girl before I even get to my chair, I consider the visit a failure!
avatar for GoVikings
13 years ago
Dolfan- If you aren't a constant traveler, and you live in an area with low mileage clubs, you have no other choice.
@windowsidiot: If you'd never experienced anything better, it's likely you wouldn't *know* that better was available, and so you might have assumed that was the best you could get. :)
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
What kind of mileage is a dance if you're holding up your hands dodging milk she's squirting at your face from her nipples?

I got it.

Assaulting mileage.

She warned me not to suck her nipples or I might taste her milk. In hind site, maybe she really wanted me too. I will not suck nipples if I think I'm going to get milk. I don't get that drunk. I've only had a few lactating dancers over the years. The last time she couldn't stop the milk. I guess she got excited.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I probably shouldn't have said you missed. I think I encouraged her. There was milk all over the place after we left. I deflected most of it back with my hands.

One of the best dances I ever had I was alone with the dancer, no other customers, dancers or any bouncer around for several songs. I wouldn't have been drinking as much if I would have known she was that kind of dancer. Very skilled orally. She gave me no warning either.
avatar for igorcapablanca
13 years ago
Lopaw be a lesbian has its advantages, LOL. Being "molested" by strippers is commonplace for women who attend SC? It looks cool.
"... I hang onto her because I've found dancers who will do almost everything but won't DFK ..."

Yeap – there are chicks that will BBBJ and still will not DFK (prior to the BBBJ of course :)).

I LOVE DFK – I’ll freaking take that over intercourse many a time – that is how much I freaking love it!!!
avatar for lopaw
13 years ago
@igorcapablanca - yes, it does have its advantages and I take those advantages every chance I get!
“Do I just have bad luck?”

If it’s not common or allowed at the clubs you go to, then there is probably not much you can do.

Also, it sometimes takes spending more $$$, not necessarily more $$$/dance, but more dances, and the dancer may let you get away with more (if it’s not totally disallowed in the particular SC).

And sometimes it just takes “trial and error” – i.e. let your hands wonder and see if the dancer will let you play (spending more on the dancer; i.e. getting extra dances, may help with this).
avatar for shmutz
13 years ago
Here in LA there are all types of mileage, but there's certainly ultra-high mileage if you know where and how to find it. My experience is that it depends on a) the rules of the club, and b) the girl's own rules/preferences/taboos/etc.
For example, I got pretty high mileage a couple of times from some very hot girls in The Body Shop (Beverly Hills), where the rules are pretty stiff, and the girls were soon gone (when I asked, the management was very vague) [BTW if anyone knows what happened to Aqira/Megan and Hazel from The Body Shop, I'd like to know]. Then, I generally get ultra-high mileage (69, fucking) in a certain club in Anaheim from the girls who are willing, but from those not willing, I get basically nothing. Same thing from a certain club in Van Nuys, where I get air from some girls, and actual fucking and/or 69 from others.
So I guess it all depends...
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"Here in LA there are all types of mileage, but there's certainly ultra-high mileage if you know where and how to find it. My experience is that it depends on a) the rules of the club, and b) the girl's own rules/preferences/taboos/etc.
For example, I got pretty high mileage a couple of times from some very hot girls in The Body Shop (Beverly Hills), where the rules are pretty stiff, and the girls were soon gone (when I asked, the management was very vague) [BTW if anyone knows what happened to Aqira/Megan and Hazel from The Body Shop, I'd like to know]. Then, I generally get ultra-high mileage (69, fucking) in a certain club in Anaheim from the girls who are willing, but from those not willing, I get basically nothing. Same thing from a certain club in Van Nuys, where I get air from some girls, and actual fucking and/or 69 from others.
So I guess it all depends..."

As I've said before. it IS "Location, Location, Location"!!!
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