
Comments by farmerart (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    O.T. - The Car Chase From 'Bullitt'
    Earlier today I read an article from an old 1980s magazine about this car chase and I remembered this old discussion topic. The article was about the 'bad guy' driver of the Dodge Charger in the chase. The guy shown on film driving the Charger was a long time movie stunt driver, Bill Hickman. Hickman was quoted in the article that he had to 'dial back' the Charger's speed so that McQueen's Mustang could keep up during the chase. Also according to the article, Hickman was responsible for choreographing (and driving in) another famous movie chase scene, The French Connection. I haven't seen that particular movie.
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    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    A slow fuck up against the wall?
    Papi, you saw the famous member in action during your visit to Follies?
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    9 years ago
    Hey Dougster, How About Silver?
    I don't view gold as an investment. I see it as a hedge against the collapse of organized, civilized society. I have traded shares of gold companies many times over the last 40 years, almost always losing money. I have been buying gold coins for those same 40 years, accumulating a tidy stash and never selling even a single one of those coins. Gold is an attractive metal to one's eyes. Periodically I drag out my stash of coins and just play with them; feel them run through my fingers; let them dazzle my eyes as they gleam in the light. 'Barbarous relic' it may be, I am not ashamed of my peasant-like fascination with gold. Its allure is powerful.
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    9 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Dumb Hypothetical Question #42
    Yup, motorhead, this is a dumb question. Have you rotted your brain by reading all of juice's drivel?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Motorhead Qualifier - U.S. AIR GUITAR NATIONAL FINALS
    I love to hear these stories about people spending money at Circle K convenience stores. Circle K is owned by a Canadian company called Couche-Tard. I strongly urge all tusclers to spend pots and pots of money at Circle K. Also, you tusclers in the southeast should always patronize The Pantry/Kangaroo Express convenience stores, another company owned by Couche-Tard. It happens that farmerart has a hefty stock position in Couche-Tard.
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    9 years ago
    You might have just made her night
    @ranukam, Many girls and waitresses. Even got my face slapped for touching a dancer's ass.......$40 private dances in the basement (100% air). If I hadn't been spending so much money I would have been bounced out of the club for that ass touching episode. They kept the club open for me after the official closing time because I was buying buckets full of shooters and other assorted girly drinks for dancers and waitresses. Not my finest hour.
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    9 years ago
    You might have just made her night
    Spent over $8K one night in Cruisin' Chubby's in Wisconsin Dells. Drunk and stupid.......no sex.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Going rates for finders fee
    I knew a friendly waitress at the old French Maid in Calgary who got to know my game very well. I regularly tipped her $20 for good info on the touring dancers that hit the club. I wangled 4 OTC adventures using that waitress' intel. I managed exactly ONE adventure out of that club on my own devices. I took that waitress out to Caesar's for dinner one night and tried mightily to get her to come back to my hotel for some fun. She said to me: "If I didn't know where your dick has been, I would be very tempted." Sheesh!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    A slow fuck up against the wall?
    I tried this once in one of Mississauga's pus buckets. Very unsatisfactory. With stilettos the dancer was taller then me and Mr. Wood had a helluva time negotiating entrance to the girl's pussy.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    What other web sites do you find interesting?
    I have become addicted to wildlife cams; in particular cams focusing on nesting ospreys. I have about 25 such sites bookmarked worldwide. My favourite is a site in Scotland.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    North Carolina
    In airports
    My favourite Alberta SC, Rig Pig in Nisku, is very close to YEG. The club has a van for shuttling customers between the club and Edm Int'l.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    ITC DFK/LFK with hotties
    Not something I do with dancers ITC. Fooled around with this kissing stuff OTC with Toronto Sweetie but she told me I was a lousy kisser and I never really got the hang of it before sweetie dumped me.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Weird Sun
    Exceedingly dry year out here in western Canada. Massive fires are burning in northern Alberta's boreal forests as well. Three huge tar sands plants near Cold Lake were forced to shut down operations as the fires raged.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    I could write a book
    Sorry, Diva1975, the market for a book about a stripper's experiences is very tiny. Even if you produced the definitive stripper book your sales would be squat. Better you should choose genre fiction based on the strip club culture. Murder mystery or bodice ripping romance could be decent choices. Use your experience in strip clubs to set the backgrounds and characters but make the plot more universal in appeal.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Out-of-place feeling at new clubs
    Walk into the club with a swagger. Act like you own the joint.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    There but by the grace of God go I! Ever feel guilty when you see those less for
    To add to shadowcat's comment. I can't bleed for every unfortunate person on this planet. I direct the majority of my charitable donations locally: the food bank, the women's shelter, and a special needs school. The food bank gets a big cheque every year and lots of excess produce from my orchard and garden. The women's shelter also gets a big cheque annually and I do some fund raising for the shelter among my well-beefed oil patch buddies. In addition, I try to have the shelter's residents out to my farm for a BBQ bash each summer. The ladies positively glow to have an old oilman prepare a spiffy meal for them and any kids love the freedom to run and play in my yard. Usually just a cheque suffices for the special needs school though occasionally I have donated my labour to a school project. I sell my mechanical and welding skills real cheap to that school. I have recently started supporting Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders). A retired doctor friend of mine is now donating his medical skills to that organization and he has browbeat me into making donations.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Just 3 for me.....trojangreg, vincemichaels, and a chance encounter with a weirdo who wrote just a single review and never participated in the discussions. On another occasion i was sitting at the bar in the old French Maid in Calgary chatting with a traveling oilman from Houston. This guy says to me: "I found this strip club website called TUSCL and read a review of this club by a dude calling himself farmerart. Good review so I decided to drop in to the club." I choked on my beer.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Where are you guys watching the Mayweather/Pacquiao fight?
    I've been in enough fights in my life to know that there is no pleasure in fighting nor that there is any pleasure in watching a fight. Sitting outside in the moonlight watching the asparagus growing in my garden has more appeal to me.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    The door to door jesus people will never knock on my door again lol
    One of the great advantages of living in an isolated rural setting is the absolute absence of irritating door-to-door canvassers. @gawker, georgmicrodong and I have already made a date to meet each other in Hell. You would certainly be welcome to join us.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    OT: NASDAQ Closes at All-Time High
    @Dougster, The rolling devaluations taking place around the world are a serious danger. Abe in Japan is actively using yen devaluation as a means of introducing inflation into the Japanese economy. It seems not to be working. Other nations are doing the same and even more will feel forced to follow suit. Nothing good can come from this 'beggar thy neighbour' policy. The first signs of the coming troubles in the stock markets are the reduced profits being reported by US multinationals caused by rising USD cross rates with virtually all other currencies. Falling profits = lower multiples = lower stock prices = reduced investor confidence = less money going into stock markets = even lower stock prices. Do you remember the consequences of the currency crises in the mid-1990s? A collapse in the Thai baht and other emerging market currencies had wide ranging consequences even in North America. Long Term Capital??..........hedgies and central bankers were shitting bricks the size of gold ingots. And these were just minor currencies. What happens if confidence in the Japanese yen collapses? Even worse, what happens if the euro disintegrates?
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    9 years ago
    OT: NASDAQ Closes at All-Time High
    Could all this stock market talk here on tuscl discussion boards be, in itself, an indicator of a market top? Never forget that both the bond and forex markets dwarf the stock markets. I don't know a thing about the bond market but I do see some nasty things happening in forex markets that suggest serious pain in the future for world stock markets.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Simple Question
    Many years ago when the breathalyzer was introduced in Alberta, my local pub in Calgary had an informational event (in conjunction with Calgary City Police) explaining the machine to the pub's regulars. One of the machines (+ cops to operate the machine) was set up in the pub one afternoon with the aim to show us regulars just how the machine worked. It was a very interesting few hours in that convivial old pub. Back at that time 0.08 blood alcohol readings meant impairment in Alberta. I blew over 0.08 after my 6th beer (regular Canadian beer - 341ml bottle 5.5% alcohol content). Other patrons were drinking wine, cocktails, or straight shots. One petite waitress blew over 0.08 after just 2 glasses of red wine. 2-3 standard shots usually produced a reading over 0.08. 4-6 beers did the same. The physical size of the drinker had much to do with alcohol consumed and the 0.08 reading. Bigger guys could consume more before being over the threshold. It was a very interesting experiment. How 'drunk or how 'sober' you felt had little relation to the machine's readings. The impairment standard in Alberta has now been reduced to a blood alcohol reading of 0.05.
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    9 years ago
    OT: NASDAQ Closes at All-Time High
    Dougster, if you bought QQQs in March 2000 and held them to March 2015 what would your return have been?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    where have you seen dancers getting the most in stage tips
    Hands down for me.....the Rig Pig club in Nisku, AB. Alberta is the home of the loonie/toonie toss method of stage tipping. I was in the club one evening with one of my 7-man crews blowing off some steam. We stayed for one complete 5 dancer rotation of the week's line-up. My 7 guys tipped a total of $3K in loonies and toonies to the 5 dancers that we saw. I added $300 to one particularly beautiful, busty blonde. I was providing the loonies and toonies for my guys so I had a fairly exact idea of how much my guys were tipping. I don't do the coin toss shit myself. I just walked up to the stage and handed the busty blonde beauty 3 browns. Thing is, though, the club was packed that evening with 50 or 60 other rig pigs blowing off steam just as we were. One guy was making airplanes of $5 and $10 bills and tossing them at the dancers (this evening was before plastic money came to Canada). Other drunks were tipping just as much as, or even more than, my guys. I guestimated that each dancer was making over $1K in tips for each dance set that we saw during our time in the club. The busty blonde beauty made more. Remember, that was just for 1 set. Dancers in this club do 4 or 5 sets each day in this club. Days can be just as busy as evenings in the Rig Pig or the club can be dead all day and evening. It is a crap shoot for the girls but when the club is hopping, it is the best club for stage tipping that I have ever visited. There are no lap dances in the Rig Pig.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Strip Club Habits
    SCs are useless where I live so my clubbing mostly takes place on my business travels. When I do visit a club I am always well beefed with cash......at least $1K and usually more.