
Comments by farmerart (page 7)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Is whistling at girls on the street sexual harassment?
    Who does this stupid shit these days? It is just gauche.
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    9 years ago
    Aspiring Global Hound
    Unusual strip club neighbors
    Chez Pierre in the heart of downtown Edmonton is directly across 105 St from First Presbyterian Church, one of the most historic churches in Edmonton. The church's roots go back to the 1880s. Edmonton was a frontier town in the 1880s; even at that late date mostly a fur trading fort for Hudson's Bay Corp. Greater Edmonton now has a population of about 1.3m.
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    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripping not allowed in Saskatchewan, unless it's for charity
    georgmicrodong often talks about his Kentucky being 'fly over country'. Central and southern Saskatchewan is definitely Canada's "fly over country'. Northern Saskatchewan is a different story, if you are a hunter or fisherman. ,
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    South Carolina
    Butt fucked
    Deadline day for personal tax returns in Canada is April 30. I will be sending a wicked huge cheque to CRA (Canada's IRS) this year. I have been doing estate planning the last two years and that has meant crystallizing capital gains as I transfer my personal financial assets into trusts for my heirs. This year's personal tax payment will be the largest personal cheque that I will ever have signed in my entire life. I hope my heart can stand the pain when I affix my signature. My company, on the other hand, will pay $0 in tax this year. In fact, my company has tax loss carry forwards that will take years to use.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Is being young a disadvantage in the strip clubs?
    When I was young work was the focus of my life. During my brief retirement pussy was the focus of my life. For me, work has been infinitely more satisfying than pussy has been, whatever my age. I discovered SCs only in my old age and quickly learned that my money trumped anything that brokeass young guys could offer to a hot stripper.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Strip clubs visited elsehwere
    I have visited SCs in 9 American states, 5 Canadian provinces, and 2 European countries. During my career I have worked (and lived) in 7 different countries and visited several others on vacations. Quality of SC would probably be the last consideration for me when choosing a place to live. I am happy where I live now (rural central Alberta). I could be happy living in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia, in southern France, or on the west coast of Sweden. But, that's it. No other place in the world that I have visited appeals to me as a place to live. New Zealand intrigues me but it is unlikely that I will ever visit that lovely country.
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Who is the funniest person on tuscl?
    Another vote for Dick Johnson. By streets and miles, his posts were the most hilarious on tuscl.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    OT: If Iran Gets a Nuke? So What!
    @Josh43, Oh yes, all military spending is, by its very nature, absolutely useless. It is the transfer of tax money from the productive sector of the economy to a non-productive sector of the economy. That is the very nature of socialism.........USA version, nothing more unproductive than spending trillions of dollars on a military most noted for debacles in Viet Nam, Afghanistan, Iraq.
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    9 years ago
    OT: If Iran Gets a Nuke? So What!
    @rockstar666, '.........I must give grudging credit to Reagan for the fall of the USSR.' Not 100% accurate. The Saudis also deserve much credit for the collapse of USSR. In the early 1980s the Saudis turned on the oil taps of the Guar field. Crude prices collapsed. Then, (as now in Russia), USSR was painfully dependent on oil exports to support its crumbling economy. By 1989 the USSR economy was in its death throes. The collapse of USSR in 1989 was inevitable with or without Reagan's obscenely useless military spending. Reagan merely hastened a result already written in stone before the end of his first term. Never forget also that the Afghans had a bit of a say in the collapse of the USSR.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Fuck NASCAR. :)
    I am jealous of you, rockstar666. I have always loved speed and driving but I never had the time to pursue the passion. I bought a couple of hot cars during my brief retirement. Unhappily, I was in my 60s by then and my capabilities were not up to the capabilities of the cars. Strictly F-150s for me now.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Fuck NASCAR. :)
    Cool post, shadowcat. I don't think that I would care to drive that beast, however.
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    9 years ago
    OT: If Iran Gets a Nuke? So What!
    Further to rockstar666's comment about that fool, Reagan. No doubt that he was a likeable guy but he was just plain stupid. He ran his Oval Office according to the dictates of his moronic wife and her shyster astrologer, for cripes' sake. His presidency was a disaster of economic mismanagement. USA national debt was almost doubled during his term (Obama will not approach that dismal record when his presidential term is completed). Stock market returns for investors were abysmal during Reagan's presidency. Reagan played footsie with the Iranians and should have been impeached over that sordid Iran-Contra business (something infinitely more serious than Slick Willie's blow jobs). It is now widely conceded that Reagan was suffering from dementia for the last two years of his presidency. Looking back at the entire Reagan presidency it is easy to imagine that the old dolt was demented for the entire eight years.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    South Carolina
    The Stripper and the Cat.
    @PhantomGeek, Every single one of my threesomes involving a cat quickly turns into a duo.......just me and my trusty shotgun.
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    9 years ago
    SCs Catering To A Specific Clientele
    @shadowcat, Splitting hairs a bit with you about those Williston clubs. I stopped into Whispers for a brief drink a few years ago. Whispers existed long before the exploitation of the Bakken began, long before it became popular with its current clientele, as did the town of Williston itself. On the other hand, the Rig Pig Club was built about 40 years ago for the sole reason of exploiting the supply of customers working in Nisku. Nisku is not really a town; it is really just a huge industrial park servicing Alberta's oil and nat gas industry. In boom times upwards of 10,000 guys (very few women) work in Nisku on a daily basis. The population calling Nisku home is less than 100, primarily people living on rural acreages surrounding the industrial park.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    South Carolina
    The Stripper and the Cat.
    My relationships with cats are well known. The relationship is a threesome.......me, the cat, my shotgun.
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    9 years ago
    VIP room curtains coming off
    Curtains?..........Who the hell needs curtains? Go to any of my beloved Mississauga pus buckets and you will see what I mean.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    What is the cap (max) that you will pay for full service, ie, BBBJ and FS ITC
    I am not price sensitive. I have spent upwards of $1,000 for a romp. One pathetic evening in Vancouver's No 5 Orange I was willing to throw $3K at the girl......damn girl wouldn't go for it. Normal price in the clubs I frequent is $200-$300 for the deed. Add on the usual club fees and you soon reach rickdugan's all-in $400 price (or even higher). I just can't get my mind around these $60 or $100 prices. You Follies guys, in particular, should venture into the real world. You have some kind of paradise down there in the South.
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    10 years ago
    Dancers named for cities
    Cheyenne. She was one wild girl. I have been in Cheyenne, Wyo.........very boring town.
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    10 years ago
    Up and In
    Best/Nicest Roads to travel
    @mjx01, Thanks for the reminder. I had forgotten the name, Going-To-The-Sun Road. I called it the Logan Pass in my earlier comment. It is many decades since I have driven that road.
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    10 years ago
    OT: More Proof of the Economic Boom We Are In
    Shit, you American guys are doing much better in the market than I am so far this year. My retirement account has a heavy weighting in oil and nat gas stocks so no surprise that it is under water for the year to date. The retirement account got blasted last year. My cash account is doing better but nothing really to brag about. I have two super-charged rockets in that account but most everything else is flat or down for the year. The biggest portion of my cash account gains for 2015 is the currency gain on the US stocks held in the account. I am very close to pulling the trigger on all US stocks in my cash account. When, and if, CAD falls to US$0.75 all US stocks will be sold. Almost every US stock in my cash account was bought when CAD was close to par with USD (2012) so there is an easy 33% profit waiting to be plucked out of thin air. In addition, all those US holdings are up a minimum of 50% in price in the three years and many are doubles.
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    10 years ago
    OT: More Proof of the Economic Boom We Are In
    @meat72, Each trust is collapsed on the 25th birthday of the trust's beneficiary, my assumption being that the beneficiary will be a responsible adult by that time, capable of making wise decisions about the use of a hefty pot of cash.
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    10 years ago
    OT: More Proof of the Economic Boom We Are In
    I have created trusts for my minor-age heirs. I am aggressively buying selected small Canadian E&P companies as well as some larger oilfield service companies for the trusts intended for teen-age heirs. For the trusts intended for younger children and infants I am buying Canadian banks and insurance companies.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Up and In
    Best/Nicest Roads to travel
    Icefields Parkway between Lake Louise and Jasper in Alberta. Logan Pass through Glacier Nat'l Park in Montana. Dempster Highway (Yukon/NWT). This is not super-scenic but it is the most northerly driveable road in Canada. Magnificent isolation and lots of wildlife. I saw caribou here. Carry survival supplies and extra gas if you choose to take this road. Cabot Trail on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. Cinque Terre Trail, not a road but a delightful walking trail on Italy's Ligurian coast.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    @shadowcat, Don't you also know a 'therapist' at Follies who could help out our old buddy, vince? I seem to remember a certain 'Gwen' being mentioned prominently in conjunction with vince's time at Follies.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Welcome back to the board, vince. Remember our old pal, Samantha at Bogarts? Perhaps she makes 'therapeutic' calls to rehab facilities?