
Comments by farmerart (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Is Anyone Fucking a Stripper Tonight?
    Dialysis yesterday morning; leaves me too wasted to do anything but snooze and sleep.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Things that I love
    Good health Western Canadian prairies Vine ripened tomatoes Birch trees Sweden Dostoevsky History Making money Murder mysteries and spy thrillers France Sockeye salmon Raspberries and strawberries Bordeaux Single malts F-150s Rivers Birds Gold coins Fast cars Brothers Walking, hiking, snowshoeing, and cross country skiing Rib eye steaks Peonies and irises Cold draft beer Aurora Borealis Potatoes Brussels sprouts Train watching
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    OT: Texas women claims she was raped by a pig
    @JohnSmith69, I was raised on a farm and I could regale you with stories that would make your toes curl..........arm up to the shoulder inside a cow's hoohoo trying to present a calf for proper birth...........castrating bull calves.........slaughtering and butchering...........branding and tattooing............putting a prolapsed uterus back where it belongs............milking bull semen for artificial insemination.........mastitis........laminitis......etc. etc. I must admit that I didn't like dealing with the animals.............left the farm at age 15 never to return. Growing things was a different matter..........I loved that part of the farm, still do.
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    9 years ago
    OT: Texas women claims she was raped by a pig
    Have you guys ever seen a boar's penis? It is a most peculiar looking thing.............like a corkscrew.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Yellowknife Strip Club
    I would be game for that, shadowcat. To my best recollection I have been in Whitehorse just twice in my life. Do you think that jackslash can find us a strip club in Whitehorse?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Yellowknife Strip Club
    Papi, I have seen many, many thick Dene ladies in Yellowknife over the years. Can't talk about the situation in this club since I have never visited the joint. Those ladies are even thicker in the winter, wearing their parkas and mukluks.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Yellowknife Strip Club
    What a grand idea, Corvus. Let's schedule the TUSCL meet for Jan/Feb 2016. Temperature in Yellowknife could easily be in the -40s. Papi and clubber from Florida? shadowcat from Atlanta? lopaw from SoCal?........I'd love to see you southern mongers in Yellowknife in the middle of winter. By the way -40C = -40F. Dress warm.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    SCOTUS On A Roll!
    I don't see any investment angle to this decision. Who appointed Justice Kennedy?.............with Kennedy's age I am guessing it was probably Reagan.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Yellowknife Strip Club
    Holy shit! I have been in and out of Yellowknife 100s of time in the last 40 years and I have never once been inside this joint. I even know where this joint is located, almost exactly at the corner of 50th and 50th. It always appeared to me to be just another bikers' bar so I had no inclination ever to enter. Strippers?.......I had no clue. In my defense I suspect that strippers are a relatively recent addition to the delights of this joint. The joint itself has not been in business for all the 40+ years that I have been passing through Yellowknife. I have probably spent more time at YZF in my life than at any other airport in the entire world.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    "Established by the State"
    @rockstar666, If I were an American citizen I would be an independent. In my lifetime there have been both Republican and Democrat candidates for POTUS that would have received my vote; both winners and losers from each party.
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    9 years ago
    "Established by the State"
    This decision has really fanned the merger fires among all the health insurers........Aetna, United, Cigna, Anthem, Humana. The company of whom I am a happy shareholder (HUM) will be one of the companies swallowed up in the merger frenzy. I have made note many times before of just what a spectacular president Obama has been for stock market investors. Now I must also laud SCOTUS (or more accurately the 6 right-thinking justices) for the same accomplishment. Well done lady justices and gentlemen justices! Though Justice Scalia (as usual on this decision) had his head up his ass I must credit him with being an hilarious writer.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How often have strippers asked you if you do OTC?
    I would never have dreamed that dancers at No 5 Orange in Vancouver were amenable to OTC if I hadn't had the offer made to me by dancer as I made an attempt to grope her during our time together in the lap dance area. Silly old farmerart. No 5 Orange became a much more interesting joint for me after that.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Actuarial Science
    It's the nature of the mini sub-culture of strip clubs, motorhead. I could make the same observation about my industry. Fatal accident rates are far higher in the oil patch than in society as a whole. I have witnessed more than I care to remember. Thankfully, though, just one of them was one of my employees.
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    9 years ago
    "Established by the State"
    @deogol, I bought HUM in early 2012 when CAD was about par with USD. I missed the huge spike in HUM last month when it hit $220 but I am still sitting on a double plus the added 25% currency gain..............+125% in 3 years is pretty juicy. 'The bird in the hand' thing.........ya know?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    "Established by the State"
    Very nice pop in the price of Humana(HUM) stock after SCOTUS decision was announced. Should I sell?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    This Made Me Laugh
    Cute twerking or not, that feline would have a very short life expectancy if it showed up on my farm.
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    9 years ago
    I don't think any of you guys live the real rural life style. I know several families in my small rural community getting by on incomes in the $30K-$40K range.
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    9 years ago
    Rocky vs Rambo
    Toughest guy I ever met was ex-SAS. He would have eaten both of these comic heroes without breaking a sweat.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    what if tuscl never existed ?
    no tuscl = no unending streams of drivel from juice
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Every once in a while she'll find a good guy
    Only twice have I done more than a single OTC adventure with the same dancer. Both of those dancers bemoaned the fact that they had never met a 'good' guy like me in their real lives. Toronto Sweetie asked me once (and only partly in jest) to marry her, an offer that I easily declined.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    At what age did you get "old"?
    I finally realized that I was OLD when I was 63. I filled in at a rig pig's job for just 5 hours on an emergency basis and I like to have died. That was work that I formerly performed 12 hours a day with ease. 4 years later and in bad health now, I am really fucking ancient and decrepit.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    The SC (Supreme Court) Actually Gets Two Decisions In A Row Correct! A New Moder
    Very interesting discussion here. Thanks to motorhead I now know that the confederate flag flies over the Texas state legislature and that same flag features on the Texas state seal. That is no surprise to me, considering the stench of slavery permeates the whole independence movement in Texas in the 1830s. Remember The Alamo and all that shit. Those boys fighting in the Alamo were slavers, Houston, Bowie, Crockett, all of them. Slavery had been abolished in Mexico and those notorious slavers tried to take the opportunity to establish a slave Republic of Texas. They couched their desires behind the talking horse of independence from Mexico. Why have those old slavers enjoyed such good PR for the last 175 years?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Once you go black, you can't go back. :)
    This woman is just plain weird.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    June 17, 2015
    Take a chill pill. All this talk about interest rates is just bull roar. Any increases will be very gentle......probably +0.25% at a time. Do you really think rate increases of that nature will crater the equity markets? Talk to me about interest rates when a 30 year US Treasury yields 6% (though I will probably be dead by the time that happens). Anybody remember the 1980s? Interest rates in the mid-teens; 21% mortgages; I bought a long Canada Bond yielding over 15% in the early 1980s. Crafty stock pickers did just fine. Philip Morris was a star for me and several small Canadian oil and gas start-ups were champions in my equity portfolio during that decade. Traders will love this shit. Investors will ignore it.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Retirement can be a very tough gig, jack; particularly if your work was the enjoyable and fulfilling centre of your life before retirement. There are many hours in the day to kill without work. I hope you have many other interests besides SCs to fill those hours. Best wishes.