A slow fuck up against the wall?

Atlanta suburb
I'm not talking about the cocktail. I'm talking about standing upright with your two bodies glued together during a dance out on the floor or even more intimate in a private room. Have you ever done it and did you like it?
At my favorite club seating becomes a real problem by 3PM damn near every day. I see many guys opting for a dance up against the wall. I too have done it and found it to be exciting with the right girl.
I have now incorporated that into my VIP room visits. I'll spend the first 5 or 10 minutes with our bodies as close together as we can get and engage in some DFK while doing it. I can also help her to remove all of her clothes at the same time and a lot of them will reciprocate by pulling my shorts down so that out genitalia can rub against each other.
It's a nice warm up for what follows when we finally make it to the couch. I have not yet tried doing FS in this manner but am willing to give it a try. Preferably OTC.
At my favorite club seating becomes a real problem by 3PM damn near every day. I see many guys opting for a dance up against the wall. I too have done it and found it to be exciting with the right girl.
I have now incorporated that into my VIP room visits. I'll spend the first 5 or 10 minutes with our bodies as close together as we can get and engage in some DFK while doing it. I can also help her to remove all of her clothes at the same time and a lot of them will reciprocate by pulling my shorts down so that out genitalia can rub against each other.
It's a nice warm up for what follows when we finally make it to the couch. I have not yet tried doing FS in this manner but am willing to give it a try. Preferably OTC.
If you can manage it, i.e. your heights are compatible, or she can get her legs over your shoulders, actual fucking this way, is hot as hell.
The experience of getting the girl exactly as she is originally dressed. This one of the things a strip club can offer over other venues.
Have I done this? Not in the kind of strip clubs we have in Santa Clara County. But with civilians and in AMPs, most definitely.
It was unbelievably crowded. Never seen that many people crammed into a strip club before except in Vegas. Under those circumstances I guess a lap dance standing up is the only option.
I have never tried it. I guess I can see how it'd be fun for a change of pace but not as a regular practice.
A. Because it looks so much like dancing.
Per a review I read once I heard it described as a “wall-dance” which seems to be appropriate.
Wall-dances are pretty common in many black dives b/c of the reasons I mentioned (small and packed thus no seats) but also the ebonies seem adept at doing with their strong muscular legs; hips; and big ole-booties; and they'll grind their big ole booties against your junk and it feels awesome (at least to me) – I like it when her back is to me and my erect commando over-the-shorts torpedo is practically inside her and I'm reaching around and grabbing/holding-on to her tits while she grinds her booty/cuchie against me (damn I'm getting a hard-on just thinking about it) – also they will sometimes turn around and face me and stick my erect over-the-short commando torpedo in them from the front while pressing their body against me and I have my hands on their big ole azz.
I love wall-dances and find dances on a low-chair or sofa sometimes boring and/or restrictive movement wise – wall dances are almost like fucking doggy style – often times I'll put a chair in front of the dancer for her to balance herself and she'll bend forward w/ her big ole booty up in the air and they grind the shit out of my commando torpedo as if we were fucking doggy style – yum yum.
IME – most dancers have no idea what a wall-dance is – some know what it is but not by that term so I'll usually just say “let me get some dances standing up” - many black dancers know what I mean but some don't – and IME most white dancers don't have a clue – IME most black dancers are down w/ it even if they've never done it b/f and have often told me they like it after they've done it – IME most white dancers have told me no when I've asked.
As a side-comment – I also find fucking on a bed kinda restrictive and rather use a chair for her to ride me FCG/RCG or for me to fuck her doggy – a bed is for sleeping – it's not good/adept for physical activity IMO.
Shadowcat, are you saying that this dancer just doesn't give you a chance to say no, she just throws herself all over you, instead of asking, "wanna dance"?
It sound real good to me. This favorite club or yours, sounds like it is the best.
With stilettos the dancer was taller then me and Mr. Wood had a helluva time negotiating entrance to the girl's pussy.
Having something with a little shelf would help. In swingers clubs they have places where there are shelves at all different heights.
Any one ever take a street hooker into an alley or some place like that and fuck her up against the wall?
How about in TJ's Zona?
Never done that myself except with civilians or in AMPs, and never outdoors, but I really like the idea of it, just the raw hormonalism. I'm sure that if the safety was adequate, the girl would love it. I'm sure those TJ school girl hookers would love it. If not in an alley, then people usually associate that with bathrooms.
I assume people know about the scene with Isabelle Adjani in the movie Queen Margot.
Humble Pie, Chicago 1972, Steve Marriot is really something. I was at an outdoor concert once where the lead singer of a local band was imitating him. I don't think though any in the audience except me recognized who was being imitated.
Ireland, post colonialism, Frantz Fanon
I guess that is where shadow's extra-long dick comes in handy
Seriously, though, follies was the first time I experienced a stand-up dance and I've become very fond of them. Had not thought about using in VIP but next time I get the chance will take a girl that's good at the stand-up dance (not all are) to continue in VIP.
I'm not a big fan of doggie style, but I could see it working out standing up. Transitioning to a stand-up BJ would also be nice. Face to face standing up probably wouldn't work for me.