
Comments by farmerart (page 20)

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    10 years ago
    My father didn't participate in the D-Day invasion. His tank regiment had been killing Nazis in Italy for over 11 months by the time of the Normandy invasion. Like every combat veteran that I have ever met, my Dad never talked about his war service with me. It is only my own research that has led me to discover just exactly what a steely-eyed, cold-blooded Nazi killer my old man had been. There are very few heroes that I hold in high regard. My old man is right at the pinnacle of my list.
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    10 years ago
    Canada to Clamp Down on Prostitution?
    Crass party politics smear this issue from top to bottom. A federal election is looming in Canada and Prime Minister Harper and his Conservative party are in serious trouble according to all opinion polls. (One of Pierre Trudeau's sons is now the leader of the Liberal party and this son seems to have inherited some of his dad's political smarts.) This is just an attempt by Harper to shore up the support of his core right wing base. This is not an issue that resonates across Canada. Even in right wing Alberta, where I live, this is not an issue that ever comes up in political discussions. In the big eastern cities and in Vancouver this will do much more harm than good for the Conservatives. It happens that I am in Ottawa at the moment and the topic was all over the local media last evening and was even the major topic of discussion in the convivial wine bar where I spent my evening. One thing that is a 100% certainty......if this bill passes into law there will be charter challenges to the constitutionality of the new law very soon after the first charges are laid.
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    10 years ago
    Fox News Alert!
    I'm in the minority here, I guess. Even if LMN was just an internet fantasist, I found his whole schtick of the leech-like trust fund junkie to be very irritating. It wasn't the drugs; it was the trust fund/entitlement life style that really pissed me off - the complete antithesis to how I accumulated my net worth. Like zipman68, I found it most curious that his stories had very little of the dirty details of his time with his Miami strippers. Worst of all for me was that I fell for one of LNM's parodies. I am so pissed at myself for being so gullible. Kudos to you, LNM, whoever you are.
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    10 years ago
    Urine Sample?...........WTF!
    @minnow & clubber, They were all fired. I would much rather have dealt with it directly myself but, sadly, my days of scrapping in parking lots outside of bars are long over. Being old can be shit.
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    10 years ago
    New York
    One BIG advantage for Rangers - Henrik Lundqvist in goal and one small advantage for Rangers - team speed. All other aspects of the game favour the Kings. However, the Rangers advantage in goal is a great equalizer in this series. Lundqvist is an all-world goalie, probably one of the top two in the entire hockey universe. Jonathan Quick is merely average for the Kings, barely in the top-10 goalie rankings in the NHL. Reluctantly, I pick LA Kings to win the Stanley Cup. I don't care for the style of play of the Kings but the sheer brute force of the Kings will overpower the Rangers. As for coaching, rattdog, I give a serious edge to Kings' Darryl Sutter over Rangers' Alain Vigneault. The clan of six Sutter brothers from Viking, Alberta is an amazing group of guys. Darryl, who could be one of the world's ugliest men, is the best coach of the 6 brothers. Catch one of his post-game press conferences for some amazingly droll humour.
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    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    OT: Airport Codes
    On my current eastern trip I left from YEG flying to YOW with later legs of the trip taking me to YYZ and YUL, returning to YYC when business is done. During winter drilling season I spend way too much time at YZF and YFS. Only really tiny, rarely used airports in Canada have a code beginning with a letter other than 'Y'. I have no clue how this arrangement came to pass. The only one of those codes that I just noted that makes any sense to me is YFS..........Fort Simpson in the North West Territories.
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    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Seattle approves highest US minimum wage, $15/hour
    Think about this. A $15/hr minimum wage is an annual income of just $31,200. How many of you, my fellow tusclers, are at that income level, or lower?
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    10 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    OT: Philanthropy
    I tend to support local charitable institutions. I make regular donations to both the Food Bank and to the Womens' Emergency Shelter in the small city nearest to my rural home. A good friend of mine, a medical doctor who retired at age 66, started volunteering for Medecins Sans Frontieres upon his retirement. I admire my friend's commitment to improving conditions for some of the world's most miserable refugees so I have started to support MSF as well. My doctor friend presses me to retire for good from the oil patch and to join him with MSF. He tells me that my trades skills would be just as valuable to MSF as are his medical skills. I am not the altruistic saint that my friend is........a cheque to MSF is all that I am prepared to do.
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    10 years ago
    Strippers and Expensive/High-End Alcohol
    I am a drinker......a drinker of beer, whisky, and Bordeaux. Most any beer will do for me but Kokanee Gold is my preferred brand. I am a snob about whisky; only the good single malts will do for me, preferably the Speyside highland malts. I do enjoy a true rye such as the pure ryes from Alberta Distillers. The blended ryes such as Crown Royal, CC, and Weiser's are just so much rotgut to me. With the Bordeaux I like most all of them but I must confess that my favourites come from the chateaux assigned the Premier Grand Cru assignation. I have yet to meet any stripper anywhere who has any taste at all in booze. Rum, gin, tequila, vodka.....all that shit goes straight from the distillery to the bottle so it is virtually impossible to call one or the other brand high end or low end. Price difference is just a matter of clever marketing. We all know how susceptible our beloved strippers are to the blandishments of a clever huckster. The most disgusting drink that I ever bought for a stripper was a concoction that she called a Red Rocket......equal parts red wine and Pepsi over ice! Brrrrrrrrrrr........makes my blood run cold. Any stripper that I have ever known wouldn't know a true high end whisky or Bordeaux even if she bathed her treasured coochie in it. Mind you, licking Princess Mary or Chateau Latour '45 off a succulent pussy might be a worthwhile exercise.
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    10 years ago
    Missing Out
    Back in the late 1980s I did a job for a small start-up company. The little company was pressed for cash and the principal of the little company offered to pay me with stock in his company (I would have been a 4% owner of the little company if I had taken the stock in payment). The principal of this company was a smarmy lawyer who had had some difficulties with the Alberta Securities Commission over his stock market machinations in the past. I insisted on cash and I was paid in full within 120 days. That 'little' company now has a stock market capitalization of $50,000,000,000. Do you know what 4% of $50,000,000,000 is? I have done mighty fine for myself during my oil patch career but NOT $2,000,000,000 worth.
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    10 years ago
    O.T. - Golden Eagle
    zip, it seems that you are a birdwatcher, as I am. The raptors are my favourites. The most impressive sight of raptors for me is the annual Christmas gathering of bald eagles at Brackendale, near Squamish, north of Vancouver on the British Columbia coast. Some years there will be thousands of bald eagles gathered to gorge on carcasses of salmon. There is also a spectacular bird sanctuary in the greater Vancouver area at Ladner, between YVR airport and the Robert's Bank coal export terminal. The Reifel Bird Sanctuary is a very important stop-over on the Pacific flyway for birds migrating back and forth between the Arctic and Central/South America. The Fraser River delta is an amazingly rich feeding ground for hundreds of bird species. If you catch 50,000 snow geese grazing in a field near the sanctuary you will be absolutely breathless in awe. No 5 Orange is an expensive strip club in Vancouver but it is populated by some dangerously attractive dancers and, with some money in your wallet, fun can be had. A day of bird watching and an evening at No 5 Orange?.......I have done that more than once in my life.
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    10 years ago
    O.T. - Golden Eagle
    @zipman68, I haven't seen a gyrfalcon. My impression is that those raptors summer in the high arctic, no? I have seen peregrine falcons frequently. For years peregrines nested in crannies of highrises in downtown Edmonton and Calgary. I once saw a peregrine falcon take a pigeon mid-air over Prince's Island in central Calgary......a real explosion of feathers when the peregrine struck the pigeon. Very impressive sight and to see it in the centre of a city of 1,250,000.............WOW!
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    10 years ago
    Need a San Fransisco Recomendation
    ^^^^^^^^^ Who has hair?
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    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Rome Without Strippers
    @che, My two visits to Rome were in the 1970s - R & R breaks from a contract in North Africa; so perhaps Rome is not so stinky now. I certainly agree with you that Paris remains a stinky place. In general, I find almost all big cities smell bad; even Calgary and Edmonton out here in Alberta. Remember that I live in a sparsely populated rural area in central Alberta.
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    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Pussies Rule
    Cats eat my shotgun's pellets. Dogs don't.
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    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Rome Without Strippers
    My most powerful memory of Rome from my two visits to the place is just how bad that city stinks. Any change in that, jack?
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    10 years ago
    Oral Discussion: Escorts vs OTC P4P Strippers
    @georg, No, georg, I think it is mostly a health issue. STDs and all that stuff. No girl has ever told me that no-BBBJ was parlour policy. I always ask for BBBJ, you know. Massage parlour girls in a busy studio in Edmonton or Calgary can easily service 6-10 guys per shift in the parlour + all her takeout business after the parlour closes. All massage parlours in Alberta close at 11:00PM. Unlike the 24 hour 7-11 convenience stores throughout the world, Alberta massage parlours are true 7:00AM to 11:00PM businesses.
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    10 years ago
    Strippers asking for advice
    Usually when a dancer asks me for advice she is just wanting me to approve a decision that she has already made so I will tell her any lie that I think might please her. Toronto sweetie was serious when she asked me for advice about the fashion retail business that she wanted to undertake. I was not supportive of her plans and tried mightily to convince her to do something different with the substantial savings that she had accumulated. My advice really disappointed her and I think that was the real reason for her dumping me. I haven't seen her since she retired in February to open her business. There has been only one cold, perfunctory phone call between us since that date - a pretty blatant message in the tea leaves for even an old dolt like me to decipher. I fully expect the next call from Toronto sweetie will be an appeal for money when her goofy business fails. My first OTC dancer when I entered our hobby also retired to the straight world. This girl wanted advice about oil patch careers suitable for women and the education needed for those careers. I gave her legitimate advice to answer her request and be damned if she didn't follow it up with a two year instrumentation technology course at a Calgary technical school. I helped her find her first oil patch job and she seems to be doing well. Last I heard she had married and moved on to a better job with a different company in Saskatchewan.
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    10 years ago
    Girls And Cars
    @motorhead, Club_Goer has a '48 Packard pic among the group of photos. That pic is remarkably similar in appearance to my grandpa's old Packard that I restored. Grandpa's car is a the 2 door Club Sedan model (no external sun visor). The paint job on my restoration is new and gleams a most magnificent black colour. Gotta tell ya, though, motorhead........I hate that '59 Impala - those fins?.....ugh!
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    10 years ago
    Oral Discussion: Escorts vs OTC P4P Strippers
    I have much more experience with escorts and, more particularly, with massage parlour girls, than I do with strippers. I have NEVER been able to negotiate BBBJ with a massage parlour girl in Canada nor BBBJ with escorts in Canada and Europe.
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    10 years ago
    off topic: american sports cars
    I loved the big engines and all the power of the older 'Vettes and I especially loved the Chrysler muscle cars......not such a fan of the styling. I don't know beans about the power plants in the new sports cars but the styling remains a bit pedestrian for my tastes.
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    10 years ago
    Girls And Cars
    @clubber, This Packard was my grandpa's car. The car was in storage (sort of) for about four decades when I got my hands on it. I didn't rush the restoration - took me almost 20 years! However, all the labour in the restoration is mine and all replacement parts are stock.
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    10 years ago
    Happy early memorial day weekend !
    No long weekend in Canada but I have big plans anyway. I am entering my Packard restoration in an auto show on Saturday. It took me several years to restore my grandpa's 1948 Packard to my satisfaction but the grand old machine is ready now. I took the beast on a road trip last weekend and all was well. It ran like a champion. This is my first attempt at having my labours judged in an auto show. I am as nervous as a pimply faced lad before his first date.
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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What kind of strip club did you meet your ATF at?
    Club Pro.....most definitely a #1 style club in shadowcat's ranking system.
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    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    I wish I could....
    Even though Toronto sweetie and I are probably done I wouldn't dream of posting her pics. I have one topless photo of her wearing a diaphanous sarong that I took on a beach in Hawaii. I go back to that photo frequently...............sigh.