
Comments by farmerart (page 19)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Tour Clubs in a strange town
    I live in North America's great SC desert. There is only one single club within 1500km of where I live that is worth reviewing. If I didn't review the clubs that I visit on my travels I would be one of those guys with an impressive review total but for just that one single club. That is no way to make any worthwhile contribution to tuscl in exchange for all the intelligence that I gather from this site.
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    10 years ago
    Something I learned today
    I have tried to get dances from waitresses, bartenders, shot girls, even the massage girl at No 5 Orange in Vancouver. I have a perfect success rate with these attempts.........0%.
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    10 years ago
    I don't want a lap dance
    Cooking and gardening are good hobbies. How about old car restoration? That can be a time consuming hobby.
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    10 years ago
    OTC with strippers
    Go the hotel route, ranukam. If you are getting into the P4P game you can't start to worry about the pennies.
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    10 years ago
    A blast from the past.
    Wasn't there some serious copyright issue with 'My Sweet Lord'? Didn't Harrison have to cut a huge cheque to make the issue go away?
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    10 years ago
    Is it only me who finds this attractive in a woman?
    I know first hand the horrific expenses involved with major dental work so I can easily understand why many people have serious untreated dental problems. Not attractive in my books, but explainable and forgivable. In my own mouth I have close to $100,000 worth of bridges, crowns, periodontal surgeries, bone grafts, and implants. I have made several dentists, periodontists, endodontists, and prosthodontists extraordinarily happy.
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    10 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Drug rehab
    gawker, in the past you have related episodes of your own drug use. With this girl? 'Svengali' is surely a part of this whole mess. The girl's own issues are a major part of the catastrophe. But, my man, you are an enabler here. You may take some solace in the kindness of the girl's words spoken of you and your relationship with her. Look in the mirror and be brutally honest with yourself. Ask yourself this single question: "Is this girl's life better or worse with my presence?"
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    10 years ago
    New York
    I'm with crazyjoe - Eau de Diesel.
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    10 years ago
    Your area of the country and how much OTC is there
    In western Canada $200-$300 is the usual price range.
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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    More new changes.
    shadowcat, I have been receiving e-mail notices exactly like that ever since I starting submitting reviews four years ago. I just thought that it was the norm for all tusclers.
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    10 years ago
    Detroit without a Car
    @rick, Misunderstanding, I think. For my business travel in Canada's large cities I use one hotel chain exclusively. Each hotel in this chain has a contract with a taxi company guaranteeing that there will always be taxis at the stand for the hotel's customers' benefit (or within mere minutes of a request). In exchange the hotel grants that taxi company exclusive rights to pick up customers at the stand. Any taxi company can drop any customer at the hotel and any hotel customer can summon any taxi from any company for a ride. But, no non-contracted taxi can park at the hotel stand waiting in line for a casual customer. Concierges and doormen would be reprimanded or even fired if a non-contract taxi was summoned to the hotel on their dime. All this sounds restrictive and anti-competitive but it works because these hotel stands are on private hotel property. It ensures that hotel customers always have easy access to a taxi; no long waits for a cab when an airport deadline must be met, for example. Taxi companies adore these exclusive contracts because the hotels are always among the city's premium hotels, attracting expense account business travelers or well-heeled leisure travelers. Apart from Houston my business travel to large US cities has been minimal. Do arrangements such as these exist in large US cities; e.g. NYC, San Francisco, Chicago?
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    10 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Club Manager Alerting Customers Higher Mileage Now
    So, does this mean that it is worth my while to drive the two hours from Vancouver down to Seattle the next time that I am out at the coast?
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    10 years ago
    Hockey finals vs basketball finals
    Praise the Lord! Stanley Cup playoffs are over. The best games that I saw during the playoff marathon were in the Montreal/Boston series and in the Chicago/Los Angeles series.
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    10 years ago
    chicks that would bring out the pl in you
    I suspect implants......mediocre implants. But, a nice 15 second diversion from some dreary work this early morning.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit without a Car
    Another tip that I find very useful. Use the experience of the hotel concierge or front desk staff. Most larger hotels oriented to business travelers have exclusive pick-up contracts with a single taxi company. Cabbies always like trips back to their 'exclusive' hotels, knowing that there won't be a bullpen of cabs waiting for the next trip and that the next trip could easily be a juicy airport run or something similar.
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    10 years ago
    New look for TUSCL
    I am at work in the Calgary office early this morning. tuscl is on my personal laptop screen and financial data are on the office screens. The financial data are much more difficult to read off the office screens than is anything from tuscl's new format on my laptop screen. There have been many changes to tuscl's format during my time as a tuscler. Usually I am cranky with the changes but I am always able to adapt. Cut founder some slack. He founded this site; built it to what it is today; provides services and enjoyment to his customer niche at minimal cost to us. Founder must have reasons for these changes. Suck it up, boys and girls, deal with it.
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    10 years ago
    Detroit without a Car
    I just returned to home base from a week-long business trip to Eastern Canada. No car rental. Two club visits. Three booze nights. Cabs only on this trip for me. Here is a tip that seems to work well for me. On your outward bound taxi ride give the driver a generous tip and request his card or his personal cell number. Almost always this guarantees me prompt taxi service for my return to the hotel. Cabbies are like strippers; they all remember generous tippers.
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    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Off Topic Vent
    motorhead, I am at YUL waiting for my flight to YYC to be called. To your topic, I really disagree with your assertion. I am in the midst of selling the oil E&P part of my company. I will be making more profit on this deal (which represents 3+ years of my life) than I did on the deal selling my first company (which represented 43 years of my life). Companies from which I buy products or services are all making juicy profits. My employees are being paid obscene wages. All is good in my industry in my part of the world. Keep on buying gasoline for your cars and nat gas for your houses, y'all.
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    10 years ago
    New look for TUSCL
    At the moment I'm traveling on business so I'm using my mobile device.....don't like the changes. At home and in my office I use a laptop.......still to be seen how things look on a laptop screen.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Hockey finals vs basketball finals
    Hockey is much 'blacker' than most of you guys realize. Off the top of my head I can count 20 'black' players in the NHL and I'm positive that there are many more. That would make the NHL somewhere between 5% and 10% 'black'. There are more 'black' players in the NHL than there are First Nations players. Probably the best 'black' player at the moment in the NHL is P.K. Subban of Le Canadien de Montreal. He's a big, bruising defenceman who can skate, make plays, and shoot howitzers from the point on the power play. He has attitude and takes absolutely no shit from his opponents....probably the most hated player in Boston after he made mincemeat of the Bruins in this year's playoffs. Habs also have the NHL's best First Nations player, goalie Carey Price. Price's mom was (maybe still is) the chief of a band in British Columbia's Chilcotin. My beloved Edmonton Oilers have had many 'black' players over their time in the NHL. In fact, by the number of 'black' players on Oilers' rosters over the years it can be said that the Oilers are the most colour-blind team in the NHL. My favourite was the goalie on the great teams of the 1980s, Grant Fuhr - now in the Hockey Hall of Fame. For most of his NHL career Jerome Iginla played for the hated Calgary Flames and always seemed to play his best against my Oilers during all those grand Battles of Alberta. He was, and still is, a player of high talent and quality. He is also one tough dude; you scrap with him at your own peril out on the ice. A stupid Oilers player (Sheldon Souray) was dumb enough to tangle with Iginla one night - broke his fist on Iginla's skull. Iginla made the pass to Sidney Crosby who scored the 'golden goal' in overtime to win the gold medal for Canada over USA at the Vancouver Winter Olympics in 2010. Watch out for a young hard rock just starting his career with the Anaheim Ducks, Devante Smith-Pelly; that kid is going to be a 'playa'.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Can You Really Do All 'That' With The Dancers Here?
    Guess what? Two PMs in my message box from Jun 2014 members asking me for the name of the club. Too hilarious.........New Locomotion in Mississauga, but it could have happened in virtually any airport area club in GTA.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    There might be hope for me
    I like your chances, motorhead. As one of the great tuscl gurus always says........'Just ask.' Much more likely old Golisano will be doing the grunting on the wedding night.
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    10 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    OT: Will you be watching?
    @londonguy, Aha......you come from Gunners blood and your father was born near Highbury. You must be a Gunners' supporter yourself. Ever watch a match from the wretched terraces at old Highbury? And don't dare tell me you support those bloody poofters from Chelsea.
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    10 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    OT: Will you be watching?
    I got hooked on football during my North Sea days in the very early 1970s so I will be cheering for England. Do you remember the glory days of Arsenal back all those years ago, londonguy?.....Charlie George and the boys. Gunners rule!
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    10 years ago
    @Cheo_D, Your words are spot on. I was dying to get my father to tell me of his war experiences but he always dismissed my enquiries. He developed Alzheimer's disease late in life and died without saying a word to me (or the rest of his family) of anything but platitudes about his 5 years in the Canadian Army during WW II. I spent considerable time during my retirement delving into my Dad's army career. I found several of his surviving buddies who were willing to talk to me about my Dad. I read the original DND citations for his valour medals. I have explored all the battlefields in France, Italy, Holland, and Germany where he fought. I believe that I even found the spot on a mountain road near Florence where Dad performed the actions that won the first of his valour medals. This July I will be touring the areas of England where his armoured regiment was based and where the regiment trained. I now have a very clear picture of my father as a soldier and just exactly what he did during the war. It is a very different picture from the quiet farmer whom I considered to be aloof and distant as a father.