
Comments by farmerart (page 21)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    former stripper is now an internet slut
    I Fooled Around and Fell In Love
    Fall in love or fall in lust?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Offtopic: Stock trading, does anyone avoid the 3 day settlement rule?
    @sharkhunter, Always remember the hoary old adage about stock market traders: 'Bulls make money. Bears make money. Pigs get slaughtered.'
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    10 years ago
    Offtopic: Stock trading, does anyone avoid the 3 day settlement rule?
    If the settlement period is a worry you really shouldn't be in the market at all.
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    10 years ago
    Offtopic: Stock trading, does anyone avoid the 3 day settlement rule?
    I have never been an active trader.....no time for it. Day trading requires constant attention to an overwhelming data stream. However, in my own way, I am an active equity investor. Occasionally I will write covered calls on a long term position that I am holding. If the stock is called away I am usually able to buy it back at a favourable price later. I prefer this to limit orders. I don't mess around with the short side of the market or with puts. That is for guys with more time than I possess to spend monitoring the market. Twice in my life I have used a stop loss order. Both times were a disaster for me. As many others have noted, a margin account is required.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What do people in your state Google the most?
    'Canadian Men' is the most googled subject in Mass? Too bad Google doesn't tell me the sex of all those eager Mass. googlers.........could be worthwhile for me to take a trip to that state.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    off topic: Real Estate Investment Trusts
    @LMN, Fuck man....you are a player. $1Mil is chump change for someone with your drug expenses, stripper expenses, Ferrari expenses, multiple Miami condos expenses, etc. Shit, the mouth breathing 18 year old rig pigs that I employ will make $1Mil in salary (+overtime) in four years. The rig pigs with a few brain cells will actually save some of that hot money that I pay them. Thing is, though.....they actually have to work for that dough. Take a look at the real world where I work. I could show you uncounted welders, diesel mechanics, rig managers, farmers, truckers who all could write several million dollar cheques (cheques that wouldn't bounce). Kid, you are incredibly naive about money. Stick to your drug stories and your stories about fucking strippers. Some of us here on tuscl do know a bit about the world of money, those of us who earned the stuff.
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    10 years ago
    pic of my ferrari
    If it isn't red, it isn't a Ferrari. I owned a second-hand Testarossa for a short time during my short retirement. I loved that glorious beast but it was too much car for me and the roads that I use in Alberta. F-150s do me just fine these days.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    off topic: Real Estate Investment Trusts
    @LMN: 'Only the middle class own McDonald's, right?' Um....yeah, that is about right. McDonald's doesn't sell franchises to partnerships or investors. McDonald's requires 'hands on' ownership for all its independent franchises, definitely a middle class credo. No great barrier to entry for franchise ownership either - $750K -$1MIL is all that is needed, a very middle class amount of money. 'I own a few section 8 buildings.' Now you're talking! Slumlord is an honoured title for members of the brain dead idle rich to brag about.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT:Stones or Zeppelin?
    My choice?......Rolling Stones. I can't get no satisfaction from Led Zeppelin.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Fave bands!
    How about the Dave Clark 5? Damn good 1960s British group who knew when to pack it in and live a comfortable life.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Quantum Mechanics
    Humbled again by the erudition of motorhead. If Schrodinger's cat ever appeared in my yard there would be no question if the cat was alive or dead. My shotgun would settle that question with finality.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    off topic: Real Estate Investment Trusts
    Sheesh! In a thread I just posted on the board a few hours ago I confessed to being flummoxed by you. I admitted that I thought that there might be some nuggets of truth in your stories. Not now. Dude, you just blew your cover with this discussion thread. People in the world you have described - inherited wealth, private equity, high income, privileged education........all that shit.......people like that do not buy REITs with a portfolio of Texas office buildings. People in your described world buy the damned office buildings themselves. People in your described world don't buy mutual funds. Mutual funds are for dummies. People in your described world buy direct equity positions. Life insurance? A single guy with no dependents has absolutely no need for life insurance. You own a franchised business? People in the world that you purport to inhabit are not franchisees. Your supposed world is the world of the franchisor. The overwhelming naivete and gullibility of this thread has exposed you for the poseur that you really are. I can't believe that it took me this long to figure that out. Shame on me.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    California Chrome, Again!
    Nary a man alive paid off a mortgage at 3 to 5.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    are you part of the 24% who carries more than $50 in cash?
    Yes. To take this topic further I carry much more than $50 in cash with me wherever I go, usually at least $1000. To me, this only makes sense. Cash is fast. Cash is anonymous. Cash is powerful. Cash is convenient. I hate being in a line at cash registers where everyone is paying with cards, particularly when small purchases like a cup of coffee are being made. No paper trail when cash is used. Cash allows you to bargain for better prices when you are paying for goods or services. Cash remains KING.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: Graduation 2014
    So your youngest child has now graduated from college, steve. He/she moved back home yet?
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    10 years ago
    Farmerart - it's high time you did something about your illegitimate love child!
    Ooohh. Really low blow, steve. Let's hope that some low rent Miami or Los Angeles stripper ensnares him for a life of eternal happiness in her trailer park mansion.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The Most Commonly Spoken Language in Each State Besides English and Spanish
    @DoctorPhil, It happens that I am of Swedish descent as was my father, of course. My old man was just one generation removed from Sweden. All of my grandparents were born in that country, emigrating to North America in the late 1890s and early 1900s. Dad, two of his brothers and one of his sisters enlisted in the Canadian Army in WW II. Dad and one of his brothers were in the midst of some of the Canadian Army's most bitter combat during the war. Neither one of them had any qualms about despatching krauts to well-deserved early deaths. There were Nazi sympathizers all over Canada and USA during the war also, not just in Sweden. You guys had Charles Lindbergh fawning all over Hitler and his Nazi regime. Canada had the mayor of Montreal at the time, Camilien Houde, lauding the Nazis to the heavens during the war. In my mind, the krauts and the japs can never be forgiven for the atrocious crimes their country, their leaders, and their soldiers committed from 1933 to 1945.
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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The Most Commonly Spoken Language in Each State Besides English and Spanish
    So many Huns all over the USA. My old man didn't kill enough of the bastards in WW II.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    former stripper is now an internet slut
    The Strange Gift of a Salmon
    Fresh salmon? What a great tip. There is supposed to be a record run of sockeye on the Fraser this year. I can't wait for fresh sockeye steaks from my grill to accompany the asparagus that is just popping up in my garden.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    In case you were wondering what I look like
    Perked up my morning. No evidence showing of tats. Thanks for the photos. Take a swing north to my beloved Alberta SCs.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    more self destruction
    If you want to run through gobs of money in a big hurry (much bigger gobs than you claim to be spending or to have at your disposal) get into the frontier nat gas exploration game. I could always use a partner with more money than brains. The wells drilled this past winter came in at $15mil to $35mil per. Next winter I am aiming at much deeper targets and the wells will be much more expensive. Want to sign on?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    My Saturday Dancer
    I am starting to hate you, jack. A Saturday dancer? Weekday dancers? I'm looking for just one 2014 dancer. Perhaps I should retire from tuscl?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Boob Equality Coming Soon
    Be careful what you wish for. I have experienced considerable eye pain on various European beaches, eye pain caused by the sight of scores of grotesque female breasts freely on display for all the world to see.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    LMN 🆚 LNM
    LNM got me, too. That tuscler bears watching.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    are strippers the most fiscally irresponsible people in the world?
    Oh, the young rig pigs that I employ can be right near the top of the fiscal irresponsibility scale. Some of those characters go through their $150K-$250K annual salaries faster than any stripper can piss away her dough. I remember one kid who bragged to me about his $10K/mo payments for all his big-boy toys. Guess what happened to him when the oil patch went into one of its regular downturns?..............pounding nails for $12/hr.