I live in the DC/Baltimore area. I've clubbed for awhile, but never done OTC. Was quoted $500 once. Just curious what others are paying for OTC in their part of the country. For me I'd say if I did it, I would go no higher than 300.
In Texas (Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Austin) I have gotten a Hispanic dancer ("6" on the stripper scale) for $100 and a McDonalds Vanilla Milkshake, but my average for a B-Team dancer in Texas is around $150. A-Team was in the $300 range.
Detroit has always been between $200 and $300 but all of those were "5 to 7" on the stripper scale.
Not sure if this counts but I tipped a dancer in Vegas one night $800 which ended up getting her to OTC that night for free, but really it wasn't free!
Toronto I have done it for $200-$350, all what I would consider A-Team dancers.
I am guessing your $500 quote was in Baltimore? $500 sounds low for DC.
I'm in Seattle. I don't know what other guys are paying, but I start them off at $250-$350 for the first session. After that they will come down. I usually say I'm busy, and let them suggest the lower prices on their own to "cox" me out. Depending on the girl could be as low as $125-$150 after a while if you are a regular. Honestly I would feel guilty about paying any less than that!
Milwaukee/Chicago. Never had any success. Once had a girl quote me $200 upfront so she could tip out and she probably did tip out -- she just never showed at the rendezvous point, i.e. she just took my money and ran. Learned the hard way not to do that again.
Only place I've ever had real success was in Indianapolis. $300, but for a buxom blonde. She was a little goofy in the head, though.
In the Detroit area the most I ever paid for OTC was $500. This was one of my first OTC adventures and the dancer was hot. But now I pay $300 to $400 for around 3 hours OTC.
I pay 150 per hour in Ohio and 200 an hour in Indiana farm country. The only reason for the 200 was that was my first otc venture. I didn't know what to start at and that's what we agreed on. Now I start at a lower offer and can get it at 150 per hour.
The most I ever paid was $250. And that was when I first started doing OTC. She was a 10 in my book. Now I know better. $100 to $150 is what is common now.
We've go four of us in this thread saying around $150. But "rickdugan" used to say this was impossible and anyone claiming it was lying. I guess just more evidence (as if any was needed) of what a shit-for-brains he is. Then again, what do you expect from a guy who had to spend ten years figuring out how to pay hookers for sex in the first place.
I have clubbed in Canada, along the US east coast, all across the south and throughout the Midwest. In my experience OTC is pretty much available everywhere. The prices seem to vary more by dancer financial need than by region. On occasion, a nice dinner after her shift was all it took to enjoy her charms. Other times, it cost me as much as $300.
Generally, Canadian dancers are relatively less expensive and less nervous about OTC. (prostitution is somewhat legal in Canada) Detroit dancers are inexpensive ITC, but my experience is that they want too much for OTC (at least for a traveling guy) - sometimes quoting as much as $500 and not negotiating. New Orleans OTC is usually $150 to $200, but the ladies there are not clock watchers. In SE Florida (Miami area) most OTC is around $200, the same as most escorts charge and she tends to leave in one hour. But also in SE FL I have found the most dancers who are willing to "hook up" just for fun.
Dougster, I instantly blow off anything you have to say, since everyone knows that you are full of shit. ;)
As for the rest, I've don't believe I ever said that OTC could not be had for $150. Indeed, I've historically admitted that I am probably overpaying in places like FL and SC.
I may provide a more detailed response later, when I have more time, but I've been able to score OTC in most places for $300, including most of the states I listed in another thread. The notable exceptions to this are Boston and New York City, which often require additional outlay to coax a girl out of a club. In southern locales, such as SC, Fort Worth and parts of FL, I've gotten it down to $250 and, where I now club regularly in the Jacksonville area, I've been offered it for as low as $160, but normally pay in the $200-250 range.
But as I always say, keep in mind that I always insist on a full allocated hour. I have zero interest in feeling rushed. Whether I use it all is another matter, but I want the option and ask to be quoted accordingly. I have no doubt whatsoever that guys who get it on a pop-n-go basis can obtain it for $150, especially in southeastern locales and in some of the flyover states.
Yep, you blow everything I say as bullshit, then it turns out to be right. Doesn't matter how you dress. You said was bullshit, now proven right. You can "just ask". You said was bullshit, now proven right. Can do OTC with 9s and 10s for $150. You said was bullshit, now proven right. Just hilarious how you thought you were such an expert on the subject of strip clubs, yet every one of your major claims has been disproven. Amazing what a complete dipshit you are!
"Doesn't matter how you dress. You said was bullshit, now proven right."
No you weren't, lol, and of course it does. lol
"You can "just ask". You said was bullshit, now proven right."
Did I ever say not to ask? How else does one communicate his desire to see her OTC? :)
"Can do OTC with 9s and 10s for $150."
I guess that depends on one's definition of a 9 or 10. Not where I club, not for that price. But feel free to highlight exactly where I said that it could never happen.
I think the fundamental problem is that you don't see the world for what it really is. It all gets filter through your self-confessed "personality damage". You want to think you are RICH STUD when you go to a strip club, because you failed to be a RICH STUD in reality - failed in the corporate world and in your Plan B - marry into money. You just can't this is just paying hookers for sex. So when there is evidence that is you say it all lies because it conflicts with what you want to believe. Everything you said proved I was full of shit, has turned out to be correct, and actually shown that you are the one full shit. Oooops! Kind of backfired on you, huh, RickyBoy?
Better get to work on that "personality damage" of yours so you can start perceiving the world more accurately, RickyBoy!
Except we need to add to your system. Not only can you dress like a bum and have it your way, everyday (your original premise), but you can do so with the very hottest dancers anywhere, all for the value menu price of $150. :)
Cool! Who wouldn't sign up for that! You're a genius.
Now if we could only get those pesky strippers to cooperate... ;)
It seems many dancers will quote a high price initially to see if the PL bites – you can always plead poverty and say you can’t go that high – many dancers will come down and some won’t.
Here in flyover country, I've had as much as an hour for 100, and as little as a half hour for 200. Fortunately, the latter was a fluke I've managed to avoid since.
Mostly, it's in the 150-200 range for an hour or so.
By contrast, some very desirable and well reviewed local escorts can be had for 100-120 per half hour. I've sampled a couple of those, and they've been well worth it.
last commentDetroit has always been between $200 and $300 but all of those were "5 to 7" on the stripper scale.
Not sure if this counts but I tipped a dancer in Vegas one night $800 which ended up getting her to OTC that night for free, but really it wasn't free!
Toronto I have done it for $200-$350, all what I would consider A-Team dancers.
I am guessing your $500 quote was in Baltimore? $500 sounds low for DC.
Only place I've ever had real success was in Indianapolis. $300, but for a buxom blonde. She was a little goofy in the head, though.
Generally, Canadian dancers are relatively less expensive and less nervous about OTC. (prostitution is somewhat legal in Canada) Detroit dancers are inexpensive ITC, but my experience is that they want too much for OTC (at least for a traveling guy) - sometimes quoting as much as $500 and not negotiating. New Orleans OTC is usually $150 to $200, but the ladies there are not clock watchers. In SE Florida (Miami area) most OTC is around $200, the same as most escorts charge and she tends to leave in one hour. But also in SE FL I have found the most dancers who are willing to "hook up" just for fun.
As for the rest, I've don't believe I ever said that OTC could not be had for $150. Indeed, I've historically admitted that I am probably overpaying in places like FL and SC.
But as I always say, keep in mind that I always insist on a full allocated hour. I have zero interest in feeling rushed. Whether I use it all is another matter, but I want the option and ask to be quoted accordingly. I have no doubt whatsoever that guys who get it on a pop-n-go basis can obtain it for $150, especially in southeastern locales and in some of the flyover states.
No you weren't, lol, and of course it does. lol
"You can "just ask". You said was bullshit, now proven right."
Did I ever say not to ask? How else does one communicate his desire to see her OTC? :)
"Can do OTC with 9s and 10s for $150."
I guess that depends on one's definition of a 9 or 10. Not where I club, not for that price. But feel free to highlight exactly where I said that it could never happen.
Better get to work on that "personality damage" of yours so you can start perceiving the world more accurately, RickyBoy!
Cool! Who wouldn't sign up for that! You're a genius.
Now if we could only get those pesky strippers to cooperate... ;)
Really? Doesn't appear to be the case.
Mostly, it's in the 150-200 range for an hour or so.
By contrast, some very desirable and well reviewed local escorts can be had for 100-120 per half hour. I've sampled a couple of those, and they've been well worth it.