
I don't want a lap dance

Avatar for hotwheels

I have been going to strip clubs for a while, but I have been going more recently. The more I go, the less I am interested in lap dances. I really enjoy having a drink and watching the dances, and talking to the girls if they stop by. But the lap dances don't interest me that much. I do like sex a lot, but lap dances seem like a tease. And extras don't really interest me either. I find it a lot more exciting to know someone if I am going to fuck them. I guess you could say P4P isn't a turn on for me. It pisses the girls off when I tell them I am just there to have a drink and watch, but that is how I feel. I am getting a bit tired of the hustle. I understand it is a business but the watching the pouty girls march off to huddle with their friends at a corner booth is starting to get a bit old.

Does anyone else feel this way?

I tip for stage dances if the girl is hot, but I have pretty much stopped doing lap dances. It saves a lot of money too.


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Avatar for shadowcat

You've been a member for 6 years and have not written a review. That and your topic leads me to believe that this is not the hobby for you. Maybe you should try knitting.

Avatar for hotwheels

Yes. Not a hobby. I would agree with that. But knitting is not interesting to me dude. Not at all. Any suggestions? Maybe cooking or gardening or home decorating? How about joining a book group?

Avatar for farmerart

Cooking and gardening are good hobbies. How about old car restoration? That can be a time consuming hobby.

Avatar for londonguy

Well I think you should buy some of the other guys that do buy dances a beer every now and again; if it wasn't for them you'd have no girls to look at. Then again that does not seem to be an option for you as money seems to be an issue.

Avatar for JohnSmith69

I think you should be going to gay clubs. That way you can easily find people that you want to get extras from.

Avatar for crazyjoe

If you dont like lap dances or extras or p4p you should go to your doctor and maybe get a prescription for vitamin v

Avatar for crazyjoe

Or get a real job...or just admit your on the pink team

Avatar for rockstar666

How about you tip the girls when they talk to you? They're not there to be amused by your sparkling personality! They're trying to pay bills and raise their children. I usually only dance with my faves, but if a cute new girl sidles up to me and keeps me entertained for a few minutes, I'll tip her $5. More if she is more 'stimulating'.

It's fine to not have dances, and if you're not wasting the dancers time you can have a drink and just watch. But when they start dedicating their time to you, you need to either tip them or tell them right away that you're not interested.

Avatar for tumblingdice

Hotwheels,you want me to call Triple A?

Avatar for rickdugan

I understand not wanting regular LDs. I can count on one hand the number of times I have been in a back room for regular LDs during countless club visits overt the past couple of years.

But also no interest in p4p, either ITC or OTC? This I don't really get, but to each his own I suppose. But don't expect girls to trip over themselves to spend time with you if they aren't going to get paid in any meaningful way.

Idk, but I can't really see the point in sitting in strip clubs just to drink and stare. You could indulge those same desires in a much more comfortable and cost effective way simply by picking a bottle up at the liquor store and then watching cam girls from the comfort of your own home.

Avatar for dallas702

Sounds to me like the OP should be tested for low-T.

Avatar for hotwheels

it is tough having your masculinity questioned. Guess I am just going to have to sign up for that knitting class since I am definitely not interested in men. Probably best if guys like me just stay out of the clubs right?

Avatar for mikeya02

It's a tough crowd, hotwheels

Avatar for TroIl_Defense_HQ

JohnSmith69: "I think you should be going to gay clubs."

Me and RickyBoyDugan would be more than happy to show him around the gay club scene!

Avatar for Subraman

I don't want a lap dance either, I strictly do VIPs these days. I used to use lap dances as test drives, but these days I often skip straight to VIP

Avatar for alabegonz

There are times when I do not go for the 3 for $100 dance and when that happens I simply sit at the back and watch the show, holding a drink in my hand. In these times, depending how a dancer approaches me, she could still get a dance but she would have to know me very well or a ten on my scale.

Avatar for alabegonz

However there was a time when I was in Houston inside a SC, I was just sitting at the bar chatting with the bartender for about one hour, this dancer sat beside me. I told her I was just going to watch and enjoy the show, she went away but came back after half an hour saying the night is done for her, she was just going to chill with me. She stayed around for two friggin' hours telling me about her life. My ears were bleeding, but I could not send her away because I somehow appreciate her company. At the end, she was cool going out with me and gave me her digits.

Avatar for jerikson40

I ONLY go for lap dances. Nothing else. I have no interest in talking to strippers, whatsoever. Even though are nice, intelligent girls, and some are funny. I don't care. If I want to talk to a girl I talk to real girls, not strippers.

There's nothing wrong with going there just to chill and watch. I did that long ago, before I knew that more even existed in a club. But now, talking to strippers is just boring for me. Most are just fighting their gag reflex talking to an older guy so they can make money. I also am VERY tired of the hustle. It sure seems that it's all about hustle with most dancers nowadays, and that sucks.

And just sitting there and watching is tough for me, because I'm always wondering how hot the girls would be in the LD area, and how great it would feel to have her get me off.

Avatar for hotwheels

I enjoy watching the show and I definitely like talking to the girls. I have been hustled so much in so many ways that I can see it coming a mile away. Most girls don't like that but some respect it. As another member noted in another post I have definitely done p4p both in the club and out. Sometkmes the OTC was super hot. Almost never was the in the club stuff hot for me. When i realized i was paying for lap dances to keep the dancers happy i quit.

Avatar for grand1511

Strikes me of going to a steakhouse and ordering a salad.

Avatar for sclvr5005

When you get to this point yeah maybe its time to either give it a long break or maybe give it up altogether.

Avatar for steve229


Good point, Cflock

Avatar for Henry_R1234

Steve229 = cflock

It all makes sense now.

Avatar for CaraDevine

I appreciate the words of support from all of the guys who do not condone this practice. I think that it's safe to say that every club has a customer with similar habits. I have a few regular clients who don't always want to purchse a lap dance, and instead would rather just sit back and watch the girls from a distance. And although the initial reaction may be to get up and "keep it movin", I have to remind myself the very reason why these gentlemen are regular customers for me. I don't walk the floor like a money-fleecing robot expecting every guy or girl to stuff a stack of money into my garter each time that I begin a conversation. Sometimes it's just nice to sit down at a table with a customer or a group and have a conversation. Most girls don't realize that part of the value of the entertainment provided by our industry is that of friendly companionship and the art of conversation. Because I can approach that same customer who rejected a lap dance, and take a few minutes of my time to talk and share his experience in the show, he almost assuredly will tip me for that time. So I can understand someone not always needing a lap dance when approached by an entertainer.

But when it comes to the guys who just come in for the "free show", they shouldn't be surprised by the negative attitudes portrayed towards them by these hard-working girls. Because THESE are the people who have the real hustle in the club. ROCKSTAR666 nailed it - many of these girls rely on the income generated solely by their tips to pay bills, support their children, and even pay for their educations. And none of us signed up to be gawked at by unappreciative guys who feel that it's their right to produce 1/2 off cover charge coupons at the door every night & nurse a Miller Light that they paid $2 for during happy hour, only to leave, walk down the street, and fail to tip the poor waitress at the Waffle House too.

If you can't show the girls some appreciation by even occasionally tipping, might I suggest actually getting a job that will actually support more than your mammoth $7 nightly SC budget?

Thanks again guys!

Avatar for DoctorPhil

@sclvr5005 “Steve229 = cflock

It all makes sense now.”

are you this retarded in real life? that was a rhetorical question you homophobe. i await your witty reply because we all know that you really are this retarded in real life. maybe you should call me a fag or something

Avatar for gatorfan

Sit as long as you want it's a free country. Sorry I thought this club was in Canada, the USA is not a free country.

Avatar for alabegonz

"How about you tip the girls when they talk to you?"

I do understand this one, the dancer I met in Houston...got the Bacardi 151 for both of us.

A test who can stay up and still be OK. I got one only shot, she took three shots.

Man, she's something.

Avatar for lopaw

Looks like alot of people need their eyes checked around here.

Avatar for sharkhunter

If a dancer only gives air dances or very little contact or just doesn't look that attractive to me, I'm not interested in getting a lap dance either. However sometimes I find a hot girl who doesn't mind getting frisky.

My younger brother and a few other people I've known were not that interested in strip clubs I believe because they thought it was all fantasy and lies with little to gain from the experience. I've found lap dances and the experience to be quite fun at times. However I'm still single and my younger brother got married years ago and has kids. He works hard putting in 80 hours a week I heard for a while. Some people may see the experience of visiting strip clubs as a waste of time if the end result doesn't fulfill some lifetime goal. I like to have fun in the short term. Would I be happier working long hours and with a wife and kids and very little cash? I seriously doubt that. Some people would never give it up.

Unfortunately my older brother went that route to, got medical issues, now I heard he doesn't see anything worth living for. I thought he would have been better off and a lot happier if he had gotten a divorce several years ago. I'm hoping he starts feeling better but when your wife spends all your money and then borrows thousands using credit cards and still has thousands in student loan debt and he's too weak to work on anything, it's a sad situation.

Stay healthy and enjoy whatever you enjoy now, it may not last forever. I wouldn't worry about not getting laps. Just tell the dancer you're not gong to when she first sits with you or say that and offer her a drink if you like to talk. I enjoy getting lap dances but I often do not care to buy drinks and talk a whole lot. There have been exceptions but if a dancer gets drinks from someone else, talks a while, then comes over and gets dances from me, I'm ok with that.

Avatar for sharkhunter

Of course I'll probably say no if all she says is " wanna dance?"

Avatar for hotwheels

Sorry folks. When I am getting free sex OTC I can't stomach paying 20 for a 4 minute lap dance. This is a free country and I am going to pay my 10 to get in the door and buy a few drinks and enjoy the show. The working girls are pros. I have no sympathy for them. It takes them about 30 seconds to figure me out anyway.

Avatar for hotwheels

Women go shopping all the time without purchasing anything

Then they get dolled up and when a guy won't throw dollars at them they get pouty and bitchy. Go figure. I really don't get it.

Avatar for skibum609

Sounds like a cheap shit making excuses.

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