
Comments by farmerart (page 16)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Man Beaten In Front Of ND Strip Club Dies
    @motorhead, Worst bar scrap of my life was in Aberdeen, Scotland during my North Sea days. A buddy and I were in a rough pub on Aberdeen's docks killing the evening before returning to the off shore drilling platform the next morning. The regular clientele of that pub were mostly fishermen and dock workers, pretty tough guys. Those boys really resented us oil guys and our hefty pay, particularly the Americans and Canadians amongst the rig pigs. Buddy and I had barely started sipping our first pints of ale before our accents gave us away. A pair of sailors started lipping us off. I was a feisty bugger back then with a bit of a temper so I responded with my own choice insults. The game was on. One of the sailors threw his glass at me. I kicked him in the knee and stomped his hand when he fell to the floor. Buddy took out the other sailor with a wicked punch to the kidney and a head butt. The landlord of the pub shook his head at us and ran the wounded sailors out into the street. When he came back into the pub he told buddy and me it would be best if we moved on before those two louts came back with a bunch of mates looking for more aggro. "Pull us another pint of ale and then we will leave." buddy and I said, almost in unison. Before we finish the pint of ale the two sailors that we pounded return with four of their friends. Immediately they come in the door the landlord pulls out a fearsome club, banging it on the bar making a hellacious noise. He waves the club threateningly and orders the sailors out the door; turns towards buddy and me, points the club at us and roars, "You rozzers out, too!" Yikes! Buddy and I looked at each other and knew we were in trouble. Nothing to do but get right into it. We went out the door and attacked the first sailors that we could get our hands on. There were no Marquis of Queensbury rules in that scrap. Get in the first blow and fight dirty. Knees and ankles are fair game. Use your fists as little as possible. Paving stones are much better. Buddy and I came out on top but with some wounds. Buddy took a wicked shot to his face - broken nose and black eyes. I took a severe pounding to my belly and ribs - sore for many days after. The sailors were in worse shape. There is a post script to this story. My buddy stayed in Scotland, married a bonnie lass, and made a good life for himself in Aberdeen. I saw him on my recent European vacation and he suggested we return to the scene of this sordid evening for the pint of ale that we didn't finish all those years ago. That rank old dockside joint is now a chi-chi gastro pub. No scrapping for buddy and me as we had our pints of ale.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Man Beaten In Front Of ND Strip Club Dies
    @motorhead, What was the Wyoming boomtown where you spent a night? My boys and I were in Wyoming for a contract a few years before your time in Wyoming. Douglas and Guernsey are the towns that I remember. Douglas was bigger than Guernsey but neither was very large. Neither town was particularly rowdy. I didn't have to drag my boys out of any fights in Wyoming bars unlike my experiences in some of the hellholes in northern Alberta or northern British Columbia back in the bad ol' days before drug and alcohol testing.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    For those without restrictions?
    For me the big restriction on enjoying the SC hobby to its fullest is time. During my brief retirement I jumped whole hog into the hobby and enjoyed it a great deal. However, I am a high energy man and I needed more in life than my hobbies and strip clubs so I got back in business. There are no family or professional restrictions for me but now, I just don't have the time. My strip club visits are far flung and infrequent these days.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    O.T. - Gold
    @jester214, I can tell you this. The bullion coins that I buy at a big dealer in Calgary carry a premium of 2.25%-2.75% over the daily London gold spot price. These coins are the .99999 pure Maple Leafs produced by the Royal Canadian Mint. Premium varies according to amount purchased. I have never sold any gold so I can't tell you what the discount would be at the same dealer.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    O.T. - Gold
    Thank you, pensionking. Your reply has convinced me to take a pass on this deal. I will probably be doing oil patch business with this guy in the future so I don't want to piss him off by grinding him on his Double Eagles. I'll stick with Maple Leafs.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    What's with all the Pop Culture threads?
    I shake my head when topics such as these make their regular appearances on tuscl's discussion board. It makes me realize that my life may not be as barren as it seems. There is no time or place in my life for moronic movies and infantile TV gibberish. I do enjoy music, but only some rock. My tastes run more to classical, jazz, and blues. Music is always playing in the background when pursuing my hobbies in the machine shop, kitchen, or greenhouse. The time I spend on tuscl is the only equivalent in my life to the useless time-wasting activities represented by movies and TV.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Damn......That Felt Good
    @mikey02, Rabbits do little damage in my yard. Coyotes do an excellent job of keeping those buggers under control. If coyotes could climb trees there would be no need for me to shoot those bastard cats.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Damn......That Felt Good
    @ime, The cat is not native to North America. As an introduced species disrupting the natural ecosystem of this continent it should be extirpated. As a conscientious environmentalist I am just doing my small part to rid our continent of this awful pest.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Greatest Rock Groups in History
    Another old phart here. I am of the Beatles era but I never cared for their music. I don't have enough musical knowledge to know what is good guitar work and what is mediocre or bad guitar work. As magicrat stated: I know what I like and I know what I don't like. When it comes to drummers my favourite is Joe Morello of The Dave Brubeck Quartet. Check out his work on Castilian Drums.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Odd gifts from strippers
    One stripper I bonked in Vancouver was such a piece of work that she gave me an overwhelming feeling of self-loathing, of self-disgust. Mr. Wood had much to answer for after that unfortunate episode.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sleeping with strippers
    I have done this three times at my home. Rancho farmerart is so isolated that I have never had any security concerns. I sleep barely four hours a night so the girl is alone for most of the sleep time anyway. If I snore there have been no complaints. Breakfast in bed for the girl guarantees an energetic morning romp for you, shadow; at least in my limited experience. I always make my killer French toast. Do you want the recipe?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Anna Nicole Smith
    When I die the biggest beneficiary of my estate will be Canada Revenue Agency (Canada's equivalent to IRS). If Toronto sweetie hadn't callously dumped me I would probably have put in a shout for her in my will.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    "I don't want to die alone"
    I have never said 'I love you' to any stripper nor to any other woman apart from my mother. In all likelihood I will die alone unless I am surrounded by health care professionals. I am not depressed by that thought. I made my lifestyle decisions decades ago and I am comfortable with those decisions. Living my life over again, I would make different choices but I don't beat myself up with regret and remorse for the choices that I did make.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Hitting SCs w/ a dancer ?
    @clubber, I don't know that company but from your description of small diameter stem I am pretty sure that what you saw was a rig for drilling water wells. Water wells are very shallow compared to oil and nat gas wells. For example, my water well at Rancho farmerart is about 50m (about 170 feet in American speak). Water table depths vary greatly all over the world, deepest that I have ever experienced is about 400m. Water mixed with oil is a curse. All oil wells are cased to a depth below the water table to prevent water seepage into the oil flow. Next winter's wells at the NWT exploration camp are going to be deep holes - target formation is at a depth of almost 3000m. Those holes will cost over $50mil per. Want to pay for one?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Hitting SCs w/ a dancer ?
    One time doing this was more than enough for me. Toronto sweetie inveigled me into taking her to one of Toronto's hard core clubs. She wanted to compare her home club, Club Pro, with one of its competitors. I took her to Cafe Atlantis. The experience with Toronto sweetie and a willing Cafe Atlantis dancer in the VIP was a nightmare for me. I will never do something similar again.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OT: Men pissing on toilet seats in public restrooms with urinals
    First world problem. My years working in some of the third world's wild places prepped me for freaky stuff much scetchier than this.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Remember the episode of Gilligan's Island......
    So many TV shows mentioned in this thread. motorhead made a comment about 60 Minutes. That is the only one of these TV shows that I've ever seen.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Back from Vacation
    motorhead, did you drive the Logan Pass? It is one scenic drive. Next time that you are in that neck of the woods, take the boat across the lake to Canada's part of Glacier (it is called Waterton Nat'l Park in Canada). Stay at the magnificent Prince of Wales Hotel on the lake. The hiking trails around the hotel are prime wildlife observation spots (if you are comfortable with getting up close and personal with black bears and grizzlies).
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ottawa, Canada 2AMer.
    Yeah, motorhead, I've been away from Rancho farmerart for over a month on vacation so I am sure that my shotgun will get some exercise when I get home. Those freakin' cats overrun the place if I don't blast 'em.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Detroit suggestions
    My all time best Detroit experience was at Subi's - the more attractive of the two sisters who worked there at the time.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    What did 50 Cent do when he got hungry? 58.
    Feature return request
    Who dresses you in the morning, mikey02? Can you tie your own shoelaces yet?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    I came up with two great inventions.....
    '......if you can afford the lobster you probably don't need the helper!' You guys haven't bought lobster any time recently. The stuff is as cheap as chips right now. In June I bought 3 live lobsters at a supermarket in small town Alberta, probably 5,000km from the Atlantic Ocean where they were caught. Those live lobsters were almost the same price as the extra lean ground beef sold in the same supermarket. Live lobsters are also about the simplest food item in the world to cook.......15 min in boiling sea water......or if you live in Alberta.....boiling salted water.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit - a great town for strip clubs or THE GREATEST town?
    It is entirely possible that I may have had similar experiences in several Detroit area strip clubs. I think that the rumour jackslash mentioned just might be true. However, for the title of GREATEST town for strip clubs I always submit Toronto and area as the proper holder of that title.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    OT: Favorite Food Network Hottie
    I don't know what is the matter with me. How could I forget Nigella Lawson? Without a doubt the biggest titties ever seen on the Food Network. She also has an ass that would make Papi_Chulo salivate like a rabid raccoon. Pretty woman, too. Unfortunately she is crap as a chef and has that plummy upper class English accent that makes my toes curl in revulsion.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Sorry for the Downtime
    I logged on mere moments ago and all seems well.