
For those without restrictions?

Due to my familial and career situation, I have to restrict how much of my personal life I can share as well as the amount of contact I can spend with these honey's. If I had no such restrictions (thank goodness I do), I could see myself getting pulled very deep into the mongering lifestyle. Dudes that have been doing this for awhile will know what I'm talking about.

So, for those of you that have no family, career or other situations that would restrict you from diving in as deep as you want, what are the upsides and downsides of the lifestyle?


  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Everyone is different.

    For me personally; I don’t have an S.O. nor kids and I’m pretty flexible.

    For me personally:

    + FREEDOM – can usually go whenever I want to the club (within reason); but pretty much any day I want (4:00 pm or later) and sometimes even on Su afternoons when bored or just horny

    + scratching the itch – whether I’m bored or just feeling horny and want to see and fondle some titties; can just go ahead and do so

    + variety – SCs are like a candy store one can often get to choose the flavor the PL wants – kinda like a PL’s dream to see a hot chick (or 5) in a SC and feel he has a very good shot at having her w/ minimal effort

    + can burn thru a lot of cash – like anything else that one enjoys and does often; it can become habit forming and one can fairly easily burn thru all their savings

    + can affect one’s interactions with female civvies – may start to think why date and put up w/ her shit and take her to dinner etc so I can hopefully get some pussy (and forget about a BBBJ) – of course this is relative – if one is with a person they really want to be with then it’s all good; but more often we end up w/ whom we can get

    + as with other habits; it can become something of “it’s never enough” and one is often searching for that high
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I think first of all there is the issue of one's own integrity. It is not just family or career situations which could be jeopardized. It is also what one is saying to one's self, and then what lines really should not be crossed.

    Also, I think any use of P4P, if taken too far, is perverted. "LDK" HJ BJ, are not really sex, they are just an endorphin rush. Even FS, is often doing to far less than one would think. Get money, insert tab A into slot B, churn until completed. It is not much more than "LDK".

    Even longer freer sessions still can be encumbered with so much fake romance, that they become oppressive.

    It all just becomes and exercise in despondency.

    On the other hand, just going to look at a bunch of pretty girls and getting to interact with them can be life changing. It can make you re-evaluate your own life experiences and make you hand situations differently.

    Sometimes, when you can interact with the women more freely, it is possible to set up explosive jungle sex situations which most definitely do change both parties.

    So SC and P4P give one some tools and perspective. But the project of making life better on a daily basis remains a work on going.

  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    Papi covered it well.

    I'm only limited by the amount of cash I want to spend. No wife. No kids.
  • Lone_Wolf
    10 years ago
    How deep will you go in hanging with the honey's? Party at your home? Facebook friends? Give them a place to crash?

    A lot of these baby-dolls are in need and will latch on to any seemingly structure they come into contact with.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    For me personally (I’m a very personal guy :)) – at this stage in life I am adhering to the K.I.S.S. principle.

    I tried the hanging w/ a stripper thing but it was not for me – many of these girls’ lives are somewhat upside down and unfortunately I am the type to try and make it better (does not work I know) – so often times it ends up with the dancer kinda messing up my structure and her continuing w/ her issues.

    So for me – the drama is not worth it – one can still get pretty much what they want w/o getting involved or getting the drama.

    But everyone’s personality is different – some PLs like; or can handle; walking on the wild side.

    I would say the hanging w/ a stripper thing can work as long as one does not get emotionally or personally involved and take for what it is.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I've read lots of Papi_Chulo's posts. I can tell that he is being straight and telling it just exactly like it is for him. He has learned to navigate in such environments, and so he can just bang stripper after stripper.

    But he is also bringing out another dimension. Even if you say you have no limits, hanging around with some of these girls, and with the people they associate with, could be a disaster. So you still would have to maintain protective barriers. With some of them, FS-ITC, with the club's bouncers nearby and the tight time limit of the VIP room session, is still about as far as it should go.

  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago

    I think about you. I imagine that it is no appointments and no dates, as that would just slow it down. It changes the dynamics of it too. So it's just see, want, get. Maybe once in a while it's the same girl, but you wouldn't even notice this until after the fact.

  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    Well, with me, I've been burning out lately on going to strip clubs, although I did go this past weekend and it was fun. It would make things more interesting if there were more interesting clubs to go to in my area, though. Getting a new car last year probably took a deeper financial cut than I planned.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    I'm 72 and retired with a relatively good income. I have no desire to date civilian women and I will never get married again. But I still enjoy sex and I'm going to keep going to the clubs to get it as long as I physically can.

    I've been at this long enough to not get too involved in the strippers private lives and so far I have never gotten taken advantage of. I think I can keep it that way.
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    I'm almost 69 years old and my wife of 45 years has Alzheimers and I'm her primary caretaker. When I can get out intimate female companionship is a salve on the wound. I got in over my head with my ATF and am in the process of cutting those ties. While my last two SC visits were to watch and enjoy, the extras, when available are just too enticing.
    While I've joined in some crazy situations with dancers it has never infringed on my family or social position. Being semi-retired has allowed me to have sufficient money to see a dancer once or twice weekly but it's getting very difficult to travel and still have my wife at home so the income is decreasing and while my pension allows us to maintain our lifestyle, I can't keep the club life going at the same time. If I'd invested all the money I blew on my ATF I'd be all set, but hindsight's always 20-20.
  • farmerart
    10 years ago
    For me the big restriction on enjoying the SC hobby to its fullest is time. During my brief retirement I jumped whole hog into the hobby and enjoyed it a great deal. However, I am a high energy man and I needed more in life than my hobbies and strip clubs so I got back in business. There are no family or professional restrictions for me but now, I just don't have the time.

    My strip club visits are far flung and infrequent these days.
  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    Wow gawker.....

    I have an immense amount of respect for you. Married 45 years? Taking care of her?

    You deserve whatever joy life brings you. I stand and salute you.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    “… Well, with me, I've been burning out lately on going to strip clubs …”

    I kinda feel the same way but the two SC trips I took this year (Atlanta; Detroit) were a nice shot in the arm.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    It's fun to go to the club, see my regulars and enjoy the atmosphere. I currently have a civi G/F and my club visits are way down because I'd rather be with her. She doesn't know about my "hobby" and I want to keep it that way.

    The plus side is sex is now just the cost of the date, the minus side is the dancers are way hotter than she is and I love hot women, but she's not my G/F because of looks. I genuinely enjoy her company.
  • Subraman
    10 years ago
    When I'm completely single, the positives are easy enough to see: I can go more often, at whatever time I'd like, invest as much time in my strippers as I'd like, and when OTC, not have to worry about being seen in the street or in a bar (a significant worry when I'm not single). And sometimes, I just need to blow off some stress or whatever, and the SC can be a fantastic outlet.

    I understand the negatives most people are citing, but I honestly don't treat civilian women any differently, and while it CAN be a financial disaster if you go too often, I find myself SCing within my means.

    For me, the clear downside is that it can get very easy for SCing to get me coasting in my personal life. I want to be in a serious relationship again, but I find SCing meeting a lot of my personal needs, so I don't work as hard at relationships. It is not hard for me to get civilian dates, but I sometimes catch myself going a few weeks in between dates, and like the characters on Seinfeld, I break up with women for the most trivial reasons -- why put up with anything when I can get many of my needs met by a younger prettier stripper who will indulge most of my weird sexual fantasies? In other words, instead of serving as an outlet, SCing can serve as a distraction. For this reason, I tend to try not to SC as often when I am completely unattached, which serves as motivation to put more energy into developing a civilian relationship. If I at least have a civilian or two I see casually, or more seriously, then SCing can again serve as an outlet for me, rather than a relationship inhibitor.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    If you are in an unworkable marriage, strippers are not going to fix that for you, not unless they are also either licensed marriage counselors, or licensed divorce lawyers.

    We all have to take responsibility for the lives we have set up, and then deal with that. Noting strippers can offer you is worth destroying a good marriage. But on the other hand, nothing they can offer you will fix a bad one.

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