
Hitting SCs w/ a dancer ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Monday, August 4, 2014 12:55 PM
After reading gmd's article; I thought I'd ask this question: Do you, or would you, enjoy visiting a SC w/ a dancer? Personally; as many SCers; I prefer to visit alone for the most part and visiting with a another dude(s) would not be so bad b/c each dude can do what he wants in a SC - but with a female it would not feel right to leave her at the table by herself for extended time while one goes do their thing – so I would see it as cramping my SC style for lack of a better way to put it. I guess one possible positive aspect is that both of you could be horny as hell post the visit and go at it like wild dogs.


  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    I had plans to do this very thing 2 weeks ago. It was all set up. Myself and another TUSCL buddy were taking two strippers out to dinner and then to the Clermont Lounge in Atlanta. And then we were to pair off and hit the hotel. At Noon both dancers were ready to go at 6PM. at 1PM my partner in crime phones me from the emergency room to cancel. His wife was in an auto accident and though she only had some bruises, there was no way he could get away for the night. I had to go to plan "B". I called my date back and told her that my buddy couldn't make it but the 2 of us got together at my house for an afternoon delight and then dinner. The other dancer was disappointed. She had even bought a new outfit to wear. Both dancers are on hold for when my buddy can get way again. Hopefully some time this month. Of course going to Follies was just for a few laughs. You wouldn't want any lap dances from the girls that work there. So bringing your own makes sense. Yes. Both of our dates work at Follies.
  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    "Do you, or would you, enjoy visiting a SC w/ a dancer?" I'm not sure I understand why you'd do that... Hold on, I'm scratching my head... If I'm taking a girl on a date, why go to a strip club? Usually, the girl would get jealous that I'm oogling other women. Not good. And I can't enjoy oogling other women, I need to pay attention to my date. I dunno, I'm drawing a blank on this one.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    “… if I'm taking a girl on a date …” You are not taking a “girl’ on a date – you are taking a stripper :) And for w/e reason; this seems pretty common – i.e. dancers liking to visit SCs as custies.
  • Timbuck12
    10 years ago
    I met up with a Tattletales dancer once over at Oasis. We took an Oasis dancer back to VIP together---the Oasis dancer ended up just standing guard over the VIP door while the Tattletale dancer and I had our fun.
  • Corvus
    10 years ago
    I may very well do this next week? And the reason is to watch my girl interacting with hot strippers. Seeing her rubbing and being rubbed on by a topless stripper just has to be a fun time. Then back to the room, with or without the stripper. Great times will follow.
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    I haven't done it, maybe I will one of these days.
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    I would love to do something like that, but most strippers that I know have no interest in visiting a club as a customer.
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    I took my ATF on a four day trip to Myrtle Beach a couple of years ago and we went to a club one night cuz she wanted to see what the clubs were like in that area. She and her BF are still talking about moving to that area. It was no big deal and we only stayed for one drink. She's been known to enjoy the touch of other women, but that wasn't the right time or place.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    10 years ago
    Unlike Sclvr, but like Gawker, I have taken a few dancers to see other strip clubs because they were curious about them. One was in the city of Industry; a dancer at Synn wanted to see some of the other clubs in the area, which is easy to do because there were (still are) eight clubs all very close together. I've also done it in Las Vegas and here in Seattle. Some of the dancers were considering changing clubs and wanted to see other clubs. If they came in alone (assuming the club would admit them alone), they'd be treated like a prospective dancer. They wanted to see those clubs as a customer would see them. I usually had a great time with them showing them other clubs.
  • Dolfan
    10 years ago
    I've done it a few times. Overall its been enjoyable and/or rewarding. On purely recreational visits, you're right, it does sorta change my style. Its really not a bad thing though. It shifts money being spent from dances to stage tips and drinks. If you aren't fond of shooting the shit, having some drinks, and copping the occasional feel, I can see how it would suck. In addition to the recreational trips "...lets hang out...how about a strip club..." I've also done it to help a dancer explore other clubs. For example, a dancer here was unhappy at the clubs she tried locally and wanted a more middle of the road experience but didn't have a car to get around. So, we took an afternoon and went to three or four clubs that were clustered together about 30 minutes away. That trip wasn't really that much fun, but I was rewarded later that evening. One thing to keep in mind is that showing up with a stripper is a pretty clear notification to all the other girls that you're game for OTC and dramatically reduces perceived danger. I brought a dancer from a dirtier club into a much cleaner one and we had a good time just at our table. However, on my next visit, many of the dancers I had written off as low mileage and/or just never bothered with approached me. Some girls I had propositioned changed their tunes. It was actually shocking how the whole dynamic changed after one visit.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    ^ I guess you got stripper certified :)
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    I took my AFT on a short out of town trip once. We visited a club the afternoon we got in town. She was going to work there while we were in town. After being in the club a bit, she decided against it. Never really knew why, but have my thoughts.
  • curiositycat
    10 years ago
    I've hit clubs with my gf a lot. She knows a lot of other dancers and usually gets me special treatment since dancers seem to cycle through clubs. However the longer we have been together she has gotten a bit more possessive so I don't do it as often. She knows which ones have better mileage, but I also suspect she steers me towards the reserved ones that I'm not that attracted to - go figure.
  • Pole_Doc
    10 years ago
    Wow! I'm surprised to learn this sort of thing doesn't happen more often. I do it all the time; it's really no big deal. I call it "Going on Tour" and I don't just stop at one strip club; I make sure we see several, along the way to my house. I agree with Dolfan. Other girls seeing you out with another HOT chick increases your fuck value, in the eyes of other strippers, especially if they don't already know her (curious about where she works, wanting to know what other clubs you visit). I suggest making sure the stripper you take is sexy as fuck and goes both ways. My CF is a fucking chick magnet! If you play it right, you could potentially go home with 2 girls. Just shut the fuck up, buy the drinks, and let it happen! She should do ALL of the talking.
  • farmerart
    10 years ago
    One time doing this was more than enough for me. Toronto sweetie inveigled me into taking her to one of Toronto's hard core clubs. She wanted to compare her home club, Club Pro, with one of its competitors. I took her to Cafe Atlantis. The experience with Toronto sweetie and a willing Cafe Atlantis dancer in the VIP was a nightmare for me. I will never do something similar again.
  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    "Other girls seeing you out with another HOT chick increases your fuck value, in the eyes of other strippers," Can't argue with that...absolutely true. And you can replace "strippers" with "women in general". Women always seem to read things into everything they see. "If a hot girl is with him, he must be something special". "Wow, I wonder what he's got to get a girl like her...". "Whatever it is, I want it". "Damn, you think he'd talk to me?". "I have to have that guy before somebody else gets him".
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    fa, A question for you. Or maybe a few. I stopped in for lunch today and on the TV was a drilling rig. Big Dog Drilling I think. No sound and messed up close captioning. Anyway, I thought wells were miles deep, yet they were using these rather small, in my opinion, pipes screwed together. Is that for real or just TV BS?
  • farmerart
    10 years ago
    @clubber, I don't know that company but from your description of small diameter stem I am pretty sure that what you saw was a rig for drilling water wells. Water wells are very shallow compared to oil and nat gas wells. For example, my water well at Rancho farmerart is about 50m (about 170 feet in American speak). Water table depths vary greatly all over the world, deepest that I have ever experienced is about 400m. Water mixed with oil is a curse. All oil wells are cased to a depth below the water table to prevent water seepage into the oil flow. Next winter's wells at the NWT exploration camp are going to be deep holes - target formation is at a depth of almost 3000m. Those holes will cost over $50mil per. Want to pay for one?
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    fa, I did see one caption that said they hit a gas pocket. They didn't seem thrilled and had a big cleanup it appeared.
  • cbthree
    10 years ago
    I would love it! Any stripper I would take anywhere in public would be a bonafide hottie and into women and would be informed of my preferences so it would be less $ spent in the clubs and a much greater chance of a OTC threesome for less or free. Either way, I'm fucking afterwards so it's a no brainer. Hell yes!
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