
Comments by farmerart (page 15)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    VIP rooms by time
    At many of the Toronto area pus buckets that I patronize there is no fee for VIP. Mind you, the VIPs are just big rooms with subdued lighting and minimal privacy. What happens in VIP (and length of time for whatever happy events might occur) is entirely between customer and dancer. There are exceptions but the only one of those that I like is Club Pro. It has a $20 VIP fee........every time you visit with a different dancer! Choose well when you visit that club. VIP and Champagne Room at Landing Strip are pure rip-offs. Ultra high mileage but cost is double because of horrible fees.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    I am - You are?
    I am Canadian but I can't stomach Molson Canadian beer. I have voted for every political party under the Canadian sun and we have way more of them than do you Americans.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Ice Bucket Challenge...
    I insisted on a no pics promise from my staff when I did it last Monday. Though it is possible that a passer-by took a shot of the operation since we did it on the plaza of the office building housing my company's Calgary offices.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Are Your Favorites A Different Ethnicity?
    @Slick, Nope, never saw an Inuit dancer. For that matter I have never seen a First Nations dancer in any Alberta club. Which is demographically curious, the First Nations being the second most common ethnicity/race in western Canada.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    I can't be the only one who do this
    I have never smelled that particular are of my trousers for the reasons you do. I do like smelling the chicken tracks on my boxers, revisiting my previous days' meals. If I happen to find a chunk I can always eat it for a second time.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    The "L" word
    Holy shit, georg, look what happened to your thread. Back to your topic. I think that this purported flirtation with the deadly 'L' word that you have admitted is exactly that.....a brief flirtation. Your many years of stories shared here on tuscl are the stories of a confirmed horndog of many decades. A man's behaviour just does not change that radically. Your natural horndog tendencies will assert themselves. You will be back lurking in dark corners of SCs waiting to pounce on unsuspecting young dancers. I eagerly await the return of the tales of your coming raunchy encounters.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Are Your Favorites A Different Ethnicity?
    I am as white as the driven Arctic snows where I have spent so much time, Slick. I also live in a pretty white area of North America but whenever I visit the big eastern cities I am pretty much a multi-racial slut when I choose dancers for a raunchy VIP fling. Toronto sweetie was Hungarian - same race as me but totally different from me culturally. A Haitian girl in one of the Montreal off-island clubs/brothels got my motor revving at dangerously high rpms. My most recent excursion to Sticky Nikki's featured a most successful VIP visit with a St. Lucian beauty, a very sticky visit, indeed. My last visit to No 5 Orange in Vancouver found me hooked up with a totally hot Indo-Canadian dancer(a dusky Sikh stunner). Damn girl left me with a wicked case of painful blue balls. And, not because I was weak-kneed PL either. I ran as heavy as a case of salesmanship for OTC on that girl that I have ever done. All to no avail on that night. Guess that I have lost my skills; it sure wasn't a case of being a brokeass bum that evening. See what I mean? I am a slut.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    what number is your local clubs ?
    The closest Top 100 clubs to where I live are: Portland - 1600KM Denver & Minneapolis - 2000KM Des Moines & Las Vegas - 2400KM No road trios for me to any club in any of those cities.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Chicks Who've Held Up Well
    I recently saw a current photo of Sophia Loren who must be in her 80s by now. She has certainly aged but, my oath, so much of her smoldering sexuality of the 1950s and 1960s version remains with her.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    The Ice Bucket Challenge
    @steve229, What's a twitter feed?.......what's a vine?......what's an instagram?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    When you've asked dancers out OTC...is this really how most of them react?
    That wise vet, lopaw, gave the most concise and most probable answer to your question, GoVikings.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Overrated "Hot" Chick
    I couldn't get it up for Kim Kardashian or Pamela Anderson even if I took an entire bottle of Cialis. Who on this planet thinks those two skanks are hot?........blind guys??
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Naming names
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Older than dirt
    The hell with Molson products, gawker. Those bastards closed Calgary Brewing and Malting about 25 years ago........haven't consumed Molson swill since. Lord, I miss Calgary Stock Ale.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: Chris Pratt shares photo of Scooby-Doo van he ‘lived in' while homeless
    Finally, one of steve229's pop culture topics that resonates with me. Reminds me of the time I lived in my water truck for 6 months to save money on camp fees. Peanut butter sandwiches or bologna sandwiches for all that time........yummy! Thanks for bringing back those choice memories, steve229. Sheesh.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Porn star's observations on the ice bucket challenge
    In good form as ever, motorhead. I haven't seen this ice bucket challenge in Canada. I guess that I should watch more TV or do something on the internet other than tuscl.
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    10 years ago
    Porn star's observations on the ice bucket challenge
    What is the ice bucket challenge?
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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Man Beaten In Front Of ND Strip Club Dies
    ^^^^^^ Yep......that's what a certain generation of us guys out here in the west call the Mounties.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Favorite Zoos
    The only zoo that I know is the Calgary Zoo. It has a stunning location - St. George's Island in the middle of the Bow River. I have some philosophical differences with the concept of zoos. I have spent a good part of my life working in the wilds of North America, the deserts of North Africa and Saudi Arabia, and the jungles of Borneo. Observing wildlife in its natural habitats has been a great pleasure for me. Even though I have had some terrifying up close encounters with dangerous animals I have never lost the joy of observing the big mammals or the fascinating birds doing what they do naturally. Not so much pleasure in experiencing the bugs. One of the more stunning wildlife moments for me was seeing a polar bear out on the Beaufort Sea ice during my winter on a drill ship. Seeing those same magnificent bears in an enclosure at the Calgary Zoo just filled me with sadness. After finally seeing a cougar a few years ago, the wolverine is the North American mammal I would most like to see in the wild.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Alucard R.I.P
    Very sad news about Alucard, particularly sad that a health care professional died at such a young age. I hope that he was happy with his life. The only interaction that I had with him was a series of PMs about cats. He vociferously disapproved of my practice of shooting cats on my farm. I don't think I am betraying any confidences by revealing this.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Traveling with a dancer
    If this trip is pure vacation I would say go for it. I had several pleasurable vacations with my old Toronto sweetie. You must give the girl some stipend for her services during the trip be it cash or a shopping spree. Over and above the amenities of our vacations I always gave Toronto sweetie $5K in cash or shopping for a week's vacation with me. If you are doing any business during this trip do not bring the dancer with you.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Man Beaten In Front Of ND Strip Club Dies
    Ancient history, crazyjoe, really ancient history. I am way too old for that kind of shit these days.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Man Beaten In Front Of ND Strip Club Dies
    @motorhead......again, You have stirred memories from the depths of my elderly brain. Worst bar fight of my life in North America was in the parking lot of the High Level Hotel in High Level, Alberta. I wasn't really a participant in that particular fight. I was just keeping an eye on my crew to make sure that they were in shape for work the next morning. My boys had been in camp for several weeks without a break and we were moving to a new camp site, passing through High Level on the way. There was no way in hell that I could have kept those boys out of the bar that night so I went along as a non-drinking chaperone. The beer flowed freely and without incident until three of my boys started hitting on some native girls. I tried to put a stop to this but no luck. A bunch of native guys came over to defend the native girls. The rest of my crew came to stand with my three idiots. Testosterone was ablaze. I started pushing my boys out the door. More and more native guys gathered around, making 'chicken' comments. Things were not going well. I got the last of my boys out into the parking lot, heading to our trucks. Native guys followed my crew out into the parking lot. I saw one native guy holding a knife. I quickly went to my truck to get my trusty pipe wrench and started brandishing it aggressively. Scraps started to break out but I kept my eye on the guy with the knife. I was scared shitless of that knife and the damage it could do. Before things got seriously out of hand two cars of horsemen showed up and got things under control. Even though I was the only sober guy in the parking lot I had to do some fast talking to the horsemen to stay out of jail on an assault charge. The horsemen did not approve of my pipe wrench. I was lucky that the horsemen found the knife on the native guy so my story checked out. The High Level jail didn't have enough room for my crew and all the native guys so the horsemen issued a mess of summonses to all the participants to appear before the local magistrate in the morning. I was seriously pissed with my crew to be missing all that work time the next day. When my boys and I showed up before the magistrate we were the only people before the magistrate. Not a single native guy showed. Damn crew cost me over $2K in 'drunk and disorderly' fines.