
Comments by farmerart (page 17)

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    10 years ago
    To Lie or Not To Lie
    Dancers and other women that I meet socially always seem to ask me - What do you do? Invariably, I am not believed when I tell the truth; that I have my own oil and nat gas E & P company. Now I tell them that I am a mechanic, truck driver, financial analyst, welder, farmer - any trade or occupation that I can talk about with knowledge and confidence.
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Date ideas
    I have had three different dancers out to Rancho farmerart for sex visits. Outside of the sex stuff here are the various "date' activities: Cross country skiing and snow shoeing - failure Ski Dooing - another failure Shooting my rifles - big success Mowing the grass in my yard (tractor) - amazingly, another big success (girl had never driven a tractor before) Looking at my flowers - big success Pulling weeds in my flower beds - big failure Watching me work in my machine shop, handing me tools as needed - success for 30 seconds, then.......epic failure Sitting on verandah listening to tunes blasting at 200 decibels from my entertainment centre - epic success Drinking beer with Fat Farley and the boys at the local watering hole - failure for the girl....big success for me with the boys Cooking with Chef farmerart - success Drinking the contents of farmerart's wine cellar or whiskey cellar - failure Canada Day fireworks - monster success I don't have a perfect batting average with stripper date activities.
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    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    OT: Favorite Food Network Hottie
    There used to be a chef named Laura Calder with a show called French Food At Home. This show ran on the Canadian version of Food Network. I loved Laura's cooking style and I loved Laura.....she always wore a dress or other top with a plunging neckline. Laura has the most delicious animated, jiggly monkeys fighting under the confines of her clothing. She is also a damn good chef and one of her cook books is on a shelf in the farmerart kitchen.
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    10 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    OT: United States of Squattin
    @minnow, Let's look at the real basis of what I was trying to express. We live in a capitalist economy. A dynamic capitalist economy requires growth. You recognize this - 'More people = more demand.' You also recognize the spectacular productivity gains of recent years. Well, there have been spectacular productivity gains for decades. Previously there was a rapidly growing population to absorb the products and services created by this productivity boom. Not so now. That is why there is so much excess unused productive capacity in the North American economy. If population in North America were still growing at former robust rates of 3% do you think Detroit, Windsor, Cleveland, and all those other bombed-out rust belt cities would look like what they are now? I don't really think I am grinding my personal axe with my arguments. Certainly I would like to be paying $3/hr for rig pig wages instead of the current $150K/yr but I don't want to go back to the 50% success rate for wildcat wells from the current 90+% and I also don't want to go back to $4 oil or $0.12 nat gas. All this has been predicated upon growing demand for my products from a growing population. If my industry was confined to meeting only North American demand my industry would be in serious trouble. Gasoline demand is declining in North America. Only the robust demand in the growing economies of Asia and Africa is keeping the price of my products at such a healthy level. Remember what you said - 'More people = more demand.' What works for my industry also works for widget manufacturers, cattle ranchers, video game designers, bankers, restaurant owners, etc. I reiterate. If a nation's population stops growing that nation's economy begins to atrophy. If a population stops growing because of a lack of fertility then immigration is the only way to continue population growth. I choose to live in a dynamic capitalist economy. It shocks me to see what is happening in Japan right now. A financial crisis that will rock the world much worse than the 2007/2008 meltdown will be the coming implosion of the Japanese economy. I pray fervently that I am dead before that happens.
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    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Elle MacPherson is 50
    In my perfect world I wouldn't give either Elle or Christie a second glance. They are the model-type figure that doesn't appeal to me very much. Now, my world is, most assuredly, not perfect so....of course I would tap either one of them right now at whatever advanced age they might be. What's with that name, Elle, anyway? Ridiculous name; it's as if a young French girl was christened.....She Bardot.
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    10 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    OT: United States of Squattin
    @jerikson40, Once again you prove my thesis of the deposition of your head. Nowhere in my post did I call you a name or use a gross obscenity; unless you consider the word 'ass' a gross obscenity. I don't. If you do, I will use a different word in the future when I wish to insult you. I am not worrying about what will happen in 5,000 years. I will be long dead as will you be. The only intent of my posts to this topic was to bring a different look to an interesting topic. I have no axe to grind here. When you produce some different data that refutes what I have presented I will be delighted to continue this discourse with you. Until then, continue to enjoy the enthralling events occurring in your large intestine.
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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Words from the dressing room.
    Amazing! I agree with something posted by jerikson40. No anal sex for me.......ever. And, I get all the prostate massage I ever want during my annual physical with Doc Joanne.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    OT: United States of Squattin
    @jerikson40, This whole subject is much more complicated than my brief post suggests. It is an immutable fact that the American birth rate is below the necessary 2.1 babies/woman needed for a static population. It is also an immutable fact that the average age that American women produce their first baby is rising inexorably. Other demographic and socio-economic trends complicate all this further e.g. widening income disparity, higher percentage of seniors for the economy to support, reversal in long term trend of increasing life expectancy, fewer marriages and more single parents. Look back to the 1950s and 1960s. US population was growing at a much greater rate than 0.7%/year. Trends, my man, trends. You should take your head out of your ass long enough to read and think about what I posted. What's so fascinating about the contents of your rectum that your head spends so much time admiring those contents.?
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    10 years ago
    The right set of legs can certainly give me a chubby........as can a certain variety of ass.........as could a generous set of jiggly, squirmy, natural boobies. Pretty faces or lovely hair generate nary a twitch from my old buddy, Mr. Wood.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    OT: United States of Squattin
    Take a look at the birth rate in your country. American women are not producing enough babies to keep US population from falling into a death spiral. Trends like these are very difficult to reverse. The truth is: USA needs more immigrants. Japan is already deep into this death spiral, as is Russia. Germany soon to follow along with the Scandinavian countries. My country, Canada, faces a similar deadly birth rate dead end but we, at least, have the sense to permit enough immigration to keep the population at a healthy level. The Economist had a fascinating article last year about various nations' fates if current birth rate and immigration patterns were to continue along the current path. Extrapolations suggested that the last Chinese person on earth would die before the last Canadian or American were to die. Japan and Russia would be the first two nations to be completely denuded of people. 5,000 years in the future would see a world of mostly Indians and Nigerians with a few French and Poles left in Europe and a few Egyptians, Iranis, and Pakistanis scattered across the Fertile Crescent. Australia would be the first continent to become free of human beings followed by South America and then by North America.
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    10 years ago
    New York
    Hottest Chick on the Planet
    Anybody remember Maureen O'Hara? If still alive she would be in her 80s or 90s. Hottest redhead in the history of the world.
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    10 years ago
    The New World Order - Strip Club version
    Nor has it breached the defensive moat around the Sainted Republic of Alberta
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    10 years ago
    tuscl Top 10.......WTF?
    I apologize for the duplicate discussion topic. I am currently on vacation and I hit tuscl today for the first time in over two weeks.
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    10 years ago
    tuscl Top 10.......WTF?
    I just noted that my favourite Toronto area strip club is now #23 on the tuscl list. Club Pro in Vaughan deserves this ranking and probably a much higher ranking. It is #1 on the farmerart list. Club Pro is where I met Toronto sweetie.
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    10 years ago
    OT: Jobs
    @crazyjoe, I steer clear of the fracers and all their hoses, valves and millions of litres of water and chemicals. Have you ever been near a fracing operation when a valve blows or a hose breaks? It is freaking dangerous. Also creates one unholy mess and environmental damage. In my company I have always tried to keep the use of fracing to a minimum. I really don't care for the practice.
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    10 years ago
    [OT] Supreme Court Kicking Butt This Week!
    I really must correct some of che's twaddle. Here are some real stats, not anecdotes. Average life expectancy for a newborn in 2012: 3 years longer in Canada vs. USA Infant mortality per 100,000 live births in 2012: Canada - 6 USA - 9 (50% HIGHER than in Canada) Percentage of GDP spent on health care 2012 (pre-Obamacare): Canada - 11% USA - 17% (55% HIGHER than in Canada) In Canada you will have a greater chance at starting life out alive. In Canada you will live 3 years longer. You will pay 45% LESS for these better results. Many countries (Japan, France, Scandinavian countries) do even better than Canada for less money.
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    10 years ago
    OT: Jobs
    @clubber, You're SOL. Ya gotta be fit. I discovered that 3 years ago when I filled in for a few hours on a rig after an injury accident. Eight hours of slapping chains, manoeuvring the grappler, and rolling drill stem damn near killed me. The only labour that I ever do on the crew these days is some occasional trucking, and I don't care very much for even that these days. Chaining up in the midst of a winter blizzard is the absolute shits. Banging away with a sledge to free up frozen brakes is even worse.
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    10 years ago
    Happy Canada Day Farmerart
    Thank you all. I entertained my partner and his family at Rancho farmerart for the Canada Day weekend. Partner's kids are city folk so they had gobs of fun exploring the farm, the gardens, the creek, the trees, the wildlife, the buildings, the machinery, the 3 satellite systems available in my entertainment centre. Bonfire for smores, then fireworks after dark on Canada Day night. Neighbours came for the fireworks. Warm evening, good booze, good conversation on my verandah after the fireworks. Very mellow time. I'm off to England for vacation tomorrow. Best wishes to you Yanks for your July 4.
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    10 years ago
    Could you fall in love with a stripper?
    Lust?......sure, many times for me already. Love?......never, not even close.
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    10 years ago
    OT: Jobs
    Come to the oil patch, ranukam. I don't know pay scales in my industry in USA. In my country, a young physically fit guy can easily gross $1,000,000 in six years at the lowest entry level jobs on a rig crew. Work is hard. Hours are long. Working conditions can be nasty. If you have any operative grey cells in your head and just a tiny bit of initiative you can quickly progress to a much more skilled job at even more money with less physical labour required. Hours will still be long. Working conditions will still be nasty.
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    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Jenny Craig
    Who is Jenny Craig?
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    10 years ago
    A or B ?
    If I want to puke?.......Big Mac. Never had a Whopper.
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    10 years ago
    Short Shorts, Melvins, and Taco Merfs
    You got it, GoVikings. Summer is absolutely useless for sports - no hockey.
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    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Surely the ghost of Red Rum will lead you to Aintree.
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    10 years ago
    How do you tip strippers outside the U.S.?
    The only clubs that I have visited in Canada where stage tipping is common (even expected) are the clubs in my home province of Alberta. Alberta is the home of the loonie/toonie toss. Personally I hate this practice but it has long been entrenched as a tradition in Alberta clubs. Many Alberta clubs have change machines where guys can convert a $20 bill into loonies. First time visitors to Alberta clubs find this loonie/toonie toss to be either entrancing or boring. The dancers love it. When the Rig Pig in Nisku is full of well refreshed oil patch guys a dancer can easily pick up $250 in loonies and toonies after each dance set that she performs. After 4 or 5 dance sets per day a good dancer will put away some serious cash for each week that she works at the crusty old Rig Pig club. No private dances at that club. To repeat, I have never seen this loonie/toonie toss at any strip cub that I have visited in British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec, or Nova Scotia.