Remember the episode of Gilligan's Island......

avatar for mikeya02
Where the castaways almost escaped the island but Gilligan fucked it up?

The episode of Threes Company where there was a misunderstanding between Jack, Larry, and the girls?

The episode of Married with Children where Peg spent all of Al's money?

The episode of The Honeymooners where Ralph had a great idea, but it backfired?

The epidode of WKRP where Loni Anderson looked sexy?


last comment
avatar for rockstar666
11 years ago
Is it Generic Nostalgia Day already??
avatar for deogol
11 years ago
They say Gilligan's Island was a metaphor for hell. The Howells - greed. The skipper - control nut. Ginger - pride. Etc. Gilligan was the devil himself - disguised to be a bumbling likable 1st mate - who just always manages to screw things up so they couldn't get off the island. He wasn't wearing red for no reason!!!
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
@Deogol-Wowzers. I never had heard if that but now that I have, I'm spreading the good news. Gilligan, Satan himself.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Remember the episode of a The Love Boat where Isaac mixed drinks and dispenses love advice?
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
^^^^haha...and did you catch the episode of Star Trek where Bones and Kirk had an argument?
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
"They say Gilligan's Island was a metaphor for hell"

Interesting. I never heard that. I thought that was LOST. But then, isn't LOST this generation's Gilligan's Island. Makes sense.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Yup Mikey. Right after that episode of Bonanza where Adam was moody for no apparent reason.
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
And who can forget the episode of Happy Days, where Fonzie smacks the jukebox to make it play.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
That one was my favorite. The Fonz. The toughest guy in town.
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
Or the episode of Lassie where she proves Fermat's Last Theorem.
avatar for ATACdawg
11 years ago
Or the episode of Captain Kangaroo when Bunny Rabbit stole the bunch of carrots right out from the captain's nose?

Or when mighty mouse kicked the crud out of a bunch of cats?

Or the one when Popeye popped a can of spinach, dispatched Bluto and gained the hand of Olive Oyl (never did understand what he saw in her!)

Or the one when the coyote suffered an injury at the wing of the roadrunner (Beep, beep)

My gawd - that was 58 years ago and I can barely remember! ;)
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Or the one where Seinfeld pontificated on nothing, nothing at all.
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
Or the episode of The Brady Bunch where Mike has to work late (wink, wink) so he can finish his drawings.
avatar for jerikson40
11 years ago
"Or the one where Seinfeld pontificated on nothing, nothing at all."

Not that there's anything wrong with, not at all.
avatar for jerikson40
11 years ago

Gilligan's Island: unwatchable, except to see Ginger. That chick was hot.

Three's Company: unwatchable.

Married with Children: good stuff, very watchable. I probably saw every episode twice. At least.

Honeymooners: totally unwatchable, as was I Love Lucy. Just too stupid.

WKRP: I loved it !! Saw each episode 3 or 4 times. Though never thought Loni Anderson was very hot.

Love Boat: Unwatchable, unless somebody really hot like Barbi Benton was a guest.
avatar for jerikson40
11 years ago
And Seinfeld? Top notch, one of the best.

BTW speaking of Brady Bunch, did anyone watch the first Brady Bunch movie? Hilarious. It made fun of the TV series. Excellent. And the chick that played Marcia was SMOKING hot !!!!
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago

To answer the original questions.

I do remember the Fonz. Hitting stuff was how people fixed things where I lived.
I remember I once hit an alarm clock so hard in college it flew across the room and broke into pieces. It sounded like a mosquito.

I do remember watching the 3 stooges, road runner, Elmer fudd or whatever with his shot gun going wabbit hunting, Gillian's island, etc. I also remembering hearing my mother say "just because you see them hitting someone in the head with a hammer does that mean you can hit your brother in the head with a hammer". Parents taking all the fun out of the creative ideas I was picking up. beep beep. lol
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
"just because you see them hitting someone in the head with a hammer does that mean you can hit your brother in the head with a hammer"

Solid advice from mom.

I never "got" the Stooges. All guys are supposed to love 'em, but they were not funny.
avatar for rattdog
11 years ago
or the episode of the odd couple where Oscar hit felix on the head w/a newspaper while sleepwalking and saying "pits,pits,pits,in my juice, juice, juice."
avatar for skibum609
11 years ago
Gilligan's trivia: The role of Gilligan was originally offered to Jerry Van Dyke (coach) who turned it down because it was "too stupid". Bob Denver parlayed it into fame, Jerry Van Dyke went on to star in the one season dude: My mother the car. Wonder why he thought being the son of a woman who returns to life as a 1913 Hupmobile was less stupid than Gilligan.
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
My brother and I used to fight every day as a way to settle any disagreements. Maybe that's why we thought the 3 stooges were funny.
avatar for ndnman
11 years ago
Remember when Boss Hogg tried to scam the folks of Hazzard county, but luckily along came the Duke boys to the rescue with a scantily clad cousin Daisy.
avatar for DandyDan
11 years ago
If Gilligan's Island is a metaphor for hell, what do the Professor and Mary Ann represent? That one I don't follow.

Jumping islands for a bit, I remember the episode of Fantasy Island where Tattoo goes "Da plane, da plane!"
avatar for jackslash
11 years ago
Remember the episode of Alf where Alf acts obnoxious and gets other people in trouble?

avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
Remember the episode of MacGyver where he saved the day with duct tape...lots of duct tape
avatar for jerikson40
11 years ago
"Remember the episode of Alf..."

Damn I loved that show. Alf was THE MAN !!! Hilarious.
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
Anybody that digs Alf is good people. Hell, Alf was good people...for a cat-eating alien.
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
Regarding Gilligan's Island. Totally agree that it is hell. Consider this:

Gilligan = Satan
Skipper = Leviathan
Thurston Howell = Mammon
Lovey Howell = Beelzebub
Ginger = Asmodeus
Mary Anne = Belphegor
Professor = Lucifer

Or maybe Lovey is Belphegor and Mary Anne is Beelzebub. But they are all definitely demons.

avatar for ATACdawg
11 years ago
I don't know. I would see the prof and Mary Anne as angels passing messaged between God and Satan.

BTW, I think that Mary Anne was HAWT, much hotter than Ginger.
avatar for rockstar666
11 years ago
I like the Gilligan's Island as Hell metaphor, despite it ultimately falls apart. I happen to know more Gilligan's Island trivia than anyone on the planet...and not just the 'common' stuff that everyone knows. Like Ginger's first name on the show was NOT Ginger. That was a nickname for her actual name. Anyone know what it was?
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
Mary Ann fer sure

Although Ginger did have lips that looked she could suck the chrome off of a trailer hitch.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Fuck the debate-I'd fuck both Ginger and Mary Ann. Shit, throw in Mrs. Howell, too.
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
The Jeffersons episodes:
The one where Florence was too busy to answer the
The one where George called Tom Willis a honky

All in the Family:
The one where Archie called Mike a meathead

Sanford and Son
The one where Fred made a fist and told Lamont, "how would you like these across yo lips?"
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
^^answer the door
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
Or the episode of Romper Room where Miss Nancy looks into her Magic Mirror and says I can see "Billy, and Bobby, and Suzy too"
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
^^^ I watched that when I was 5. All I remember is that I had a crush on the hostess.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
@Moto-Thanks for the Romper Room memories. Much better than New Zoo Review.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Or the episode of South Park where they killed Kenny? You bastards.
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
Or the episode of 60 Minutes when that grouchy old guy with the alien eyebrows said "Do you ever wonder..."
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Martin Scorcesse was on 60 minutes?
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Or when Freddie "Boom Boom" Washington said,"Hello there."

Or when Horshalck raised his arm in a herky-jerky manner and yelled out,"Mista Kotta, Mista Kotta!"

Or when Epstein's mom signed a note for his homework.

Or when Mr. Jotted told a joke at the end if the show.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
That's Kotter. What was Vinnie Barbarino's schtick?
avatar for jerikson40
11 years ago
Speaking of unwatchable TV shows..

Without Barbara Eden, I Dream of Jeannie had to be one of the most ridiculous and annoying shows on TV. However, with Barbara Eden, it was "can't miss TV". That chick was fucking awesome. Especially in later episodes where she'd wear those insanely short dresses. Holy fuck.

I heard she never wore panties under those dresses...
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
I just remembered an episode of Twilight Zone where Rod Serling smoked a cigarette.
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
I had a huge crush on Mrs. Kotter. (Marcia Strassman). She had a starring role in many of my masturbatory fantasies.
avatar for jerikson40
11 years ago
"I had a huge crush on Mrs. Kotter. (Marcia Strassman). She had a starring role in many of my masturbatory fantasies."

Wow. Dude. I cannot imagine anyone with more opposite views on hot women than you and I.

Unless you're joking... ?

I'm just curious...did you think Hazel was hot? Y'know, Shirley Booth? The maid for the Baxters?
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
No joke.

I'm not the only person who finds her attractive…

avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
And I thought Bailey Quarters (Jan Smithers) was like 100000X hotter than Loni Anderson.

I like blondes, but she did zilch for me.
avatar for sharkhunter
11 years ago
I wasn't impressed with any of the girls who starred in the Brady bunch. Sometimes I wonder if someone resembles my sister or sisters too much and that's why I don'tunderstand how someone thinks they look that good.
At least my sisters had nice legs. I don't even remember seeing any hint of that in the show.

Almost off topic, what could sharknado be a metaphor for?
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
^^^^ I'm not sure, but I liked the scene where a shark fell out of the sky and bit someone.
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
Did you ever wonder how the Brady's managed to meet so many famous people. I mean, WTF. They were so lucky, they should have won the lottery.

Before any of the kids even turned 21, they met Davy Jones, Desi Arnaz Jr, Joe Namath, Deacon Jones, Don Drysdale, and Wes Parker.
avatar for minnow
11 years ago
I've probably forgotten more about these classic shows than some people will ever learn. Thus, I've taken to watching several YT clips.

Like several posters, I loved "Ginger" at first sight. However, upon taking a second look, Mary Ann starts to look even better. Check out the YT clip ("Liar Liar, Castaways-1965). Type that in YT search, and you'll see the 3 female Gilligans Island cast dancing to the song. IMO, Mary Ann does the best job. Figures, because Dawn Wells was Miss Nevada 1959.

I missed it when Teri Weigel appeared on "Married With Children." Enjoyed those YT clips of her on the show.
avatar for jerikson40
11 years ago
"I wasn't impressed with any of the girls who starred in the Brady bunch."

Yeah, in the TV show the girls were nothing. I'm talking the MOVIE. It was a 1995 take-off on the TV series, and basically making fun of the TV show. It was hilarious.

And the girl who played Marcia, named Christine Taylor, was fuckin' HOT.
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
Sharknado is an allegorical exploration of man's in humanity to man. With sharks.

And Tara Reid was Asmodeus. With a bad boob job.

avatar for jerikson40
11 years ago
"However, upon taking a second look, Mary Ann starts to look even better."

I dunno. A lot of guys say that, but she's just a little too cutesy for me. I think Mary Tyler Moore in the old Dick Van Dyke show was much hotter. But only in her early stuff...when she got older, like in the Mary Tyler Moore Show she wasn't as hot.

But damn....I mean, if your wife was Laura Petrie? Damn. Always looked great, great personality, great housewife...
avatar for jerikson40
11 years ago
"And I thought Bailey Quarters (Jan Smithers) was like 100000X hotter than Loni Anderson."

Okay...that's just wrong dude. Sorry.

Bailey Quarters seemed like the most awesome chick to date, kinda cute, great personality. But hot?

Even though Loni Anderson didn't do much for me, she had a decent body. If she just took off that fucking hair helmet she was do-able. Shitty attitude, but do-able.

motor, I guess I envy you for thinking the average (or below) looking "girl next door" is hot. Must be a lot easier to find chicks who get your engine running.
avatar for newmark
11 years ago
Two words:

Wonder Woman
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Or the episode of COPS where the drunk Redneck without a shirt keeps telling the cops, "My shoes! My shoes!"

Or the episode of COPS where the Brotha tells the arresting officer, "Yeah I hit her. Shit, I'd hit her again."
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
There was an episode of COPS where the redneck was telling the cop he didn't do anything, but the whole time he had a joint behind his ear in plain sight. Lol!
avatar for farmerart
11 years ago
So many TV shows mentioned in this thread.

motorhead made a comment about 60 Minutes. That is the only one of these TV shows that I've ever seen.
avatar for jerikson40
11 years ago
"No joke. I'm not the only person who finds her attractive"

Yeah, but that website (Bruce Pena?) also finds Shirley Jones, Eve Plumb, Florence Henderson, Loretta Swit, and Sally Struthers hot. How can anyone take that guy seriously?
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
11 years ago
No one mentioned "Leave it to Beaver."
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
Ward was always so hard on the Beaver. Fucking pervert.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
I love this thread.
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
Oh...and remember that X-files where Mulder suspected aliens and Scully was skeptical? That was the coolest.
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
And the episode of Buffy that had a vampire?
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
Or the episode of Emergency! where Roy and John had to rescue a "dangler"
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Or that episode where Emerill yelled out BAM!
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Or that time during Sesame Street when The Count counted.
avatar for ATACdawg
11 years ago
Or the episode of Friends when the crew sipped coffee in Central Perk

And Joey Said something dumb

And Phoebe said something offbeat that almost made sense

And Jennifer Anniston was hot.
avatar for steve229
11 years ago
"I love this thread"

Me, too!

Great concept Mikey, an entire thread of nothing but "inane" TV references.

Dougster's head must have exploded when he saw this!!
avatar for jerikson40
11 years ago
"And Jennifer Anniston was hot"

I must have missed that episode...
avatar for steve229
11 years ago
and who can forget:

The episode of Hogan's Heroes where Schultz said "I see nothing" and Klink threw Hogan in the cooler?
avatar for steve229
11 years ago
The episode of Kung Fu where Master Po calls young Caine "Grasshopper"?
avatar for steve229
11 years ago
The episode of The Six Million Dollar Man, where Steve Austin ran in slow motion?
avatar for steve229
11 years ago
and my personal favorite:

The episode of Hawaii Five-O, where Steve McGarrett said "Book him, Danno"?
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
How 'bout that episode of 'Cheers' where Norm drank a beer!
avatar for jerikson40
11 years ago
Or the episode of MASH where Radar was talking to Colonel Potter....

Oh wait....was that wrong ?
avatar for steve229
11 years ago
The episode of Diff'rent Strokes where Arnold said "Whatcha talkin bout Willis?"
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
Or that episode of "Herman's Head" where he just wanted to get laid
avatar for steve229
11 years ago
The episode of Dragnet where Det. Joe Friday said "Just the facts, ma'am"
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
Oh, and does anyone remember that episode of "The Big Valley" where Jarrod went to San Francisco, Nick lost his temper, and Heath got into a fight? ...and Audra was so fucking hot
avatar for steve229
11 years ago

Hey, did anyone see the episode of The Sopranos where Tony and Silvio were talking in a strip club?
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Or the episode of CHIPS where Ponch looked cool busting speeders...FUCK PONCH!
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Or that episode of the Man Show where Juggies were jumping on trampolines?
avatar for steve229
11 years ago
Or that episode of Magnum P.I. where Magnum drove the Ferrari?
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Or that time on Sabado Gigante where hot Latinas shook ass and giggled titties left and pre-Internet TV.
avatar for motorhead
11 years ago
Or remember that episode of "Full House"....

Neither do I. Awful show.
avatar for jayzex
11 years ago
I should have kicked your ass out when I found all of those $1 in that envelope, and your itemized budgets of going to strip clubs and hooking up with escorts.
avatar for rick20051967
11 years ago
Don't forget about that episode of Hogan's Heroes when Schultz said "I know nothing!" and then the gang screws over the Germans. Ah yes, a sitcom about a POW camp during WW2.....funny stuff.

Or that episode of Laverne and Shirley, when Lenny and Squiggy burst into the room and say "Hello!"

Or that episode of Mork and Mindy when Mork sits on his head and says Nanoo Nanoo.

Or that episode of Fantasy Island when Tattoo says " the plane, the plane"!

Or that episode of Good Times when JJ says "Dynomite!"

avatar for jerikson40
11 years ago
Or that episode of V.I.P where Pam Anderson.....

Holy shit that chick was hot.
avatar for steve229
11 years ago
Or that Episode of Get Smart where Max made a call on his shoe and said "missed it by that much, Chief"

Oh, and Agent 99 was hot, too
avatar for steve229
11 years ago
Or that episode of Batman where Commissioner Gordon turned on the Bat Signal and Batman and Robin came to the rescue in the Batmobile?
avatar for steve229
11 years ago
Oh, and Julie Newmar's Catwoman was hot, too

Catwoman: I’m not just pussyfooting around this time, Batman!
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