How should a Stripper Approach You?

avatar for researchgirl
This following question is mainly for customers who do not have a regular "You walk in a strip club, you go and take a seat.. how do you want a stripper to approach you? What is it that she should say| what is going to most capture your attention and make you more prone to have her dance for you?


last comment
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
She should smile, be warm and friendly, and sit and chat for at least a couple of minutes before trying to get money from me. It would be great if she could engage in a conversation that that goes beyond what's your name, where are you from, what's your job, and why are you in town. She should also be as sexy as she is comfortable being. At the extreme, I've had girls start massaging my erection right after they sit down and telling me all the sexual things they want to do with me. That is an amazing sales technique and might work even if I wouldn't otherwise be into her. But if a girl is not comfortable being so forward, or the club won't allow it, she can still be sexy. For example, I am more likely to say yes to "would you like to go in the back and play with my body while I rub all over you" than "would you like a dance."
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
10 years ago
I like it when dancers seem relaxed and will engage in a few minutes of conversation, while showing some affection before popping the question. If she sits on my lap during this time, that's all the better. When it's done right and she's the right girl, she won't have to ask me the question.
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
What makes a successful salesperson? They need to be knowledgeable about their craft, engaging, attractive (obviously), and give the customer time to settle in a bit before pouncing.
avatar for motorhead
10 years ago
Do not approach from behind.
avatar for researchgirl
10 years ago
Would you like it if she came up to you with an accent (we will assume she does it well) and starts a role playing scenario of some sort, (she will play the role as your stripper/pleaser at all times of course! But she gives conversation that refers you as being something you are not OTC.) Instead of coming to you like your average joe and saying basic stuff like: want a dance; She comes at you like "Oh my, how far you must have come. Please allow me to help you unwind.."
avatar for researchgirl
10 years ago
All great advice, i am soo appreciative of all your answers. THANKS
avatar for chandler
10 years ago
Don't approach customers. Just sit with the other dancers smoking and playing with your phones. Let the customers come to you.
avatar for chandler
10 years ago
Seriously, just walk around the club suggestively touching yourself, saying, "Anybody want any of this?"
avatar for researchgirl
10 years ago
Chandler i would rather not do either of those. I mean i wouldnt mind suggestivly touching.
avatar for Mate27
10 years ago
If she is your regular, "I want to sit on your big dick!"
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Your role playing scenario is a bit too complicated for my tastes, but as much as possible you should do what fits naturally with your personality. So if you think you can pull that off effectively give it a shot and see how it goes.
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
Most dancers are terrible actresses when it comes to maintaining a fake accent. Keep it simple.
avatar for tobala
10 years ago
Per previous thread, most guys like it when you hold their hand. A little show of juvenile affection can't hurt.
avatar for researchgirl
10 years ago
Okay, again i could not say it enough Thank you guys for the tips. I need them.
avatar for mjx01
10 years ago
She should *NOT* open with: 'wana dance?'
avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 years ago
Ideally I like to see a dancer stage dance before getting lap dances, so I don't have to guess what she looks like in just a thong before getting lap dances from her. Second to appearance, the funnest strippers are the ones for whom it is a game as well as a job, where money is the score. So they are totally jazzed while giving lap dances cause they are racking up points. The good mood is infectious.
avatar for rogertex
10 years ago
There are a million ways a dancer can approach customer with positive results ... and only a handful ways with negative results.

Really - customers are not complicated.

If you are feeling pissy, have petty annoyances or boyfriend problems, don't work at the club that day.
Oh wait - there'll remain only one or two dancers working - never mind.

Also - if a dancer is in a serious relationship and shares the utopian viewpoint that groping customers are assholes - then stripping is not the right career choice. Working at NYC Ballet Company probably is. Plenty of clapping hands there for the stage shows.

Lastly - I have several regular dancers that I'd certainly buy dances from. But it's not exclusive. I certainly like new talent approaching me.
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
Let us settle in for a minute before coming over and starting the heavy hustle. Once I've been there for awhile come over and ask if it's OK for you to sit down. Don't start yapping about your lousy boyfriend or how horrible the other girls in the club are. Grab my boobs and then drag me off to VIP. Another successful visit!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
Most SC customers are men and men are pretty simple – unlike most women that need to be “won over” – men know what they want/need and don’t want to bother w/ BS.

How would you like to be approached by a guy – when a guy approaches you w/ insincere BS; can’t you smell it out pretty much instantly and isn’t it a turnoff – similar thing applies when approaching a custy – custies can often smell when they are being hustled and will often become defensive and not want to be hustled if they feel they are being hustled.

Contact does wonders IMO – a gentle hand on the back or gentle rubbing of the back and then asking “would you care for some company” may be a good approach (and doing so w/ a smile and making eye contact).

Being touchy-feely (hand touching; lap rubbing; even a good package squeeze); can be good techniques that often work.

In short; think what turns on your BF/previous-BFs – what did you do to turn them on – it probably wasn’t empty flattery – so what turned on your BF as a guy is what will turn on a custy as a guy (e.g. flirting; being provocative; dirty talking; eye contact; smiling; touching; etc).
avatar for beguiled
10 years ago
Rub my weiner, don't stop, you will win.
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
With a smile on her face and her boobs out.
avatar for mjx01
10 years ago
I will 2nd that good attitude is very important. We're in a strip club to have a good time and unplug for reality (not to hear about the dancer's issues/baggage).
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
I do feel like it's okay to say hi right away as I'm settling in. That literal dialog works well; "hi, I'm dancer, I know you just came in but I just wanted to say hi. I'll come check on you later. Think about me. Okay?"

Then actually come back later. I've noticed a lot of girls either have no hustle or are overeager.
avatar for mjx01
10 years ago
JamesSD: "I've noticed a lot of girls either have no hustle or are overeager."

Sooo True!!!
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
By grabbing my junk
avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 years ago
Hard nipples never hurt.
avatar for dw.buck
10 years ago
the best clubs i have been in and return to constantly are the ones where the dancers do the following:
she walks up shakes my hand, runs her finger(s) on the side of my face / neck, maybe a slight shoulder rub while sitting down and shakes the boys with her hand. takes all of 10-15 seconds if that and that lets me know you are there to ensure any stress that i may have had is GONE and it is going to be an enjoyable time at the club. i cant resist or say no to a stripper that walks up and grabs my package as a greeting.
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
^^a hard nipple in the eye can be quite painful.
avatar for alldaylong
10 years ago
Every guy is different. I hate the hard overly sexualized hustle. Its fake and/or desperate to me others may differ. Know your target and start simple w a

"What brings you here tonight?" And adapt accordingly. Nobodys psychic so find a way to figure his/her wants/expectations. Its amazing how seldom I see this simple approach w most dancers trying to sell cold.
avatar for alldaylong
10 years ago
"Would you like some company" a line I hear a lot. Much better than wanna dance, but for a dancer don't think it would be very helpful. As a customer, I never say no, and enjoy it, even when I have no intent to buy.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 years ago
I bet Gov. Brown requires safety glasses in Cali strip clubs. Anybody know if he and LInda Ronstat still knock boots sometimes?
avatar for Duke69
10 years ago
Alot of damn good points im sure im about to repeat sum but lets go

For me when i first visit a club i look like a low baller.. all im doing is stage tipping girls i want to talk to and get to know.

See im a gfe kinda guy (girl friend experience) so i take several visits to find my new girl for that club. The girls i choose are the ones that will freely spend time with me at the table

What is involved at the table you may ask ? Hand holding, eye contact, snuggling, getting caught up with each others personal lives, light kissing and the such.

If i get this then all the money I've been saving while i wasn't spending in the clubs is about to bust forth like Niagara falls....

I will unload on a lot of champagne rooms and will try to push your limits without braking your personal limits on what you will allow me.

With that said WARNING im a charmer and love the challenge...its a huge turn on.....this playful exchange will gain you a small fortune with me and 7 out of 10 strippers end up having very passionate love making sessions with me da juice mane
avatar for MrDeuce
10 years ago
At the clubs I frequent (besides Detroit and ESL) the dancers aren't allowed to touch my tackle, so that option is off the table. However, they generally can sit on my lap, hug me, kiss me (at least on the cheek), ask what I'm looking for, etc. A line that almost always works with me, much better than "Wanna dance?", is "Do you wanna go play?" Last summer a stripper named Kitty improved on that classic come-on by asking "Do you wanna go play with Kitty?" How could I say no to that?
avatar for xxxrated
10 years ago
hi ,how are you? Would you like some company.......
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
Don't be afraid of eye contact, not just making it but keeping it and holding it. Even if you're the one walking to the guy, he isn't the one reeling you in; no, you're the one reeling him in.

To me, xxxrated has probably the best introduction. It's low-key, it's casual, and it's comfortable. Keep the conversation light, probably on somewhat neutral topics -- movies, TV, sports, music, what have you -- and then let it build from there.

Please keep the drama out of the club -- no boyfriends, no exes, no school or work problems, no dead mothers (two dancers in one club hit me with this -- seriously) -- nada. The club is a place guys go to relax and unwind, not get hit someone else's shit.

And please, unless you're telling a funny story needing them, no accents. If you drop character in front of a true PL, he might take it that you've been misleading and lying to him, and then you'll lose his business. A more wary PL will probably see right through the accent and think you might be a little too off for him, and then, yeah, you'll lose his business, too.

Like the others have said, keep it simple. It'll (probably) pay off best in the long run.
avatar for warhawks
10 years ago
I agree with the no drama comments. Men come strip clubs to get away from the problems for a while not to hear about a strippers problems.

And don't ask for a guy to buy you a drink. If he likes you and wants you to stay he will offer to buy you a drink.

Don't open with "hi. want to dance?"
It's a total turnoff for me.

Oh, and if you smoke, and they allow smoking in the club you work at, don't light up a cigarette unless you ask the customer if he or she minds if you smoke.

Good luck.
avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
On her knees.
avatar for Aravas
10 years ago
She should stroke my dick as she talks to me let me know she's down for whatever
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Strippers trying to work on their own systems too?
avatar for AnonymousJim
10 years ago
Let me echo someone earlier when I say the best way you can sell me is to be real. I don't want to feel like I'm being sold a bill of goods or someone else's idea of a fantasy. Come on too strong at first and I'm going to feel a little repulsed -- no one believes any woman wants to just hop on a guy the moment she sees him unless he looks like a billionaire or Channing Tatum. You don't know what my fantasy is before you meet me so trying is likely to fail. If you're going to do a fake accent, it better be damn good and believable, otherwise, I'm going to see through it unless you're ridiculously hot.

The best opener you can have? "Hi."

I'll want to know your name, but I probably won't remember it. Your wanting to know my name will show you are interested in me and what makes me unique, so ask for it, and use it occasionally.

Easy questions like "where are you from" and what not are kind of boring. However, I want to know about something you really like. Start talking about something in the news, or something you did recently, or something like that and I'll be interested. Don't talk about your kids or problems. Make yourself look interesting and fun. If there's anything you do that you feel like makes you feel particularly smart, that would be a great starter.

Obviously you're going to need to make a sale at some point. After 5-10 minutes is a good time to bring up dances. Longer than that and I think you're potentially wasting your time with guys who might not be interested. Less and I think you're rushing it a bit.

Best of luck.
avatar for dw.buck
10 years ago
AynonymousJim - do you really want to hear about news from a stripper. do you really want to hear about their point of view about congress failures, obamacare, finance advice, police shootings, ISIS, or even Kim Kardashian latest thing. not necessarily turn on, in the mood topics. we all go to strip clubs or titty bars to escape the world and reality for a moment, and get a chance to focus on ourselves with enjoyment and entertainment.

Sorry to say i dont think 99% of the strippers are going to be qualified to hold a quality discussion on any of the topics. i would like them to stick to what they know - entertainment and pleasure!
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
I'm okay with strippers putting on a false persona. Especially if it's basically "horny cheerleader".
avatar for dw.buck
10 years ago
with that said i would recommend that the topics / introduction goes like this stripper - How are you today, what brings you here today, tell me about your day, tell me about your fantasy(s), what do you like etc... i know its almost against the guy code to talk alot but if the strippers ask leading questions they can get the guys to open up and also learn what the guys are looking for and make a move on the dances. such as - after he mentions his day she states oohh you sound like you are stressed would a lap dance take your mind off of work, wife issues, baby mamma drama or what ever. or if we go to VIP i can relieve that stress with an awesome lap dance. or if you get a lap dance you will get a face full of titties that will make you forget your problems.

just to name a few ways about going about this
avatar for Corvus
10 years ago
I keep thinking about the way a nice looking Latina approached me last month. She sat on my lap said "hello, Papi" and pulled out her tits.

It worked.
avatar for seaboardrr
10 years ago
If you want to try and get money out of a guy by himself just walk up and introduce yourself and ask if you can sit with him. Mystery solved. Tell him your name, ask him his and ask him how the night is going. Small talk. If he’s interested a normal conversation will ensue just like in any situation.

I think what strippers REALLY need to work on is approaching couples.
avatar for AnonymousJim
10 years ago
dw.buck: Yes, actually, I do. I spend all day in a cubicle. For the most part, the only time people talk to me is if they want something from me. No one ever really asks me my thoughts on the "big things" in the world. So I like it when someone does that. Plus, if someone is smart enough to talk about that stuff intelligently and is hot, whoo boy, they're likely going to be smart enough to know what I want and give a damn good dance. They're rare, but they're awesome, and as long as you're going to try to be best, why not try to be as awesome as can be?

That stuff you talked about? No thanks. Honestly, one of the reasons I'm in the club is probably because I have low self-esteem. Ask me about my day, my interests, all of that? Blech. I know that. I want to know about you, the dancer. Plus, so many dancers do that already. I don't want another typical girl -- I want someone who sets themselves apart in a good way. Boring small-talk is just that to me: Boring.

I dunno. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
I'm with AnonymousJim that talking about myself is boring. I don't necessarily want to talk world news and politics with strippers, nor do I want to hear a 20 minute discussion about her dog or how much she loves smoking weed. But I like to get to know a stripper's personality.
avatar for dw.buck
10 years ago
AnonymousJim and JamesSD - your not worried that they are giving you a BS SS sale job when she opens up about themselves. most try to hide themselves and the real person so why not hide their views and make up stories that she thinks you might want to hear?
i figured if she got you talking about yourself it relaxes you a little more and then she can milk you - (cash and dyck)
avatar for ATACdawg
10 years ago
At some point you do have to ask the guy if he wants to dance and if he doesn't, move on. You are, after all, there to make money. Probably the best line ever came from Alyssa, the very sexy flat chested dancer I have mentioned before. We had been talking for about ten minutes (she was also bright, and I was having a good time) when she gave me a seductive, come and get it look and said, "So, are you buying dances tonight, or am I wasting my time?" I assured her that she wasn't, we went back, and she gave me two of the very best dances I ever had.
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
She should ask if she can sit with me. I wouldn't be opposed to her sitting on my lap (if she's attractive). If we had a good 10-15 minute conversation I will her ask her for a dance if I'm attracted to her.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
More often than not; the more I talk w/ a stripper; the more I regret it.
avatar for AnonymousJim
10 years ago
dw.buck: Ask the right questions and you can get to things that can't be faked. I have a little bit of journalist in me, I guess.

Also, I've done this thing long enough to know the dancer probably doesn't give a crap about me at first. So asking me questions about me feels more like a sales tactic than it does a way to actually get me to get dances.
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
Dw.buck: I don't care if it's a character, I just want a good story/persona. I want effort. I'm also pretty good at sniffing out bullshit thanks to my natural skepticism. But SC interactions are fundamentally bullshit. I just want a partner who can play the game well (and show me she cares enough to bother playing).
avatar for dw.buck
10 years ago
AnonymousJim and JamesSD - all great points thanks. i like to go have fun and chill, it just kills the mood when they come off telling their life stories and problems and issues.
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago
Don't act! So easy to see through that. We both know pretty much why we are there together.
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