
An Extreme Case of Hot Woman, Awful Dancer

Scanning the room from the back
Sunday, February 22, 2015 1:14 AM
I've had pretty good luck through the years when I've stumbled on the ultra-hot ladies. Generally speaking, they've provided a good experience in addition to their looks, despite us all knowing that, sometimes, the hotter the dancer, the worse the dance. Hit the anti-jackpot tonight, though. See a young lady at the bar with no one around her. Blonde. Enhanced chest that was a healthy C and maybe a D, very full. About 4'10". Flat stomach. Dang. Looked right out of a summer beer commercial. She was buying water from the bar. I went up & covered the water. She asked my name and asked if I wanted dances right away. This should have been the sign. No conversation at all. Flat tone of voice. But, I took her up on it. She took me to a hidden-away room in the section, which I thought was good news because I have encountered extras here before. Not this time, though. You only get access to the room if you buy three songs. She did six different positions, each for one-half a song. In each, she simply bounced kinda-sorta to the beat of the music. No expression on her face. No variation. No other movement. No talking. Didn't even look at me. Just bouncing up and down. She did, at one point, use her chest on my crotch, so I told her I liked that and that it would be more fun a little more open. "We don't do that sort of thing here." Of course you don't. By the middle of the third song, I think I was ready to fall asleep. The rhythmic bouncing will do that to you. So hot to look at. Wasn't even awful up on stage. But to call her robotic would be an insult to those working on developing artificial intelligence in robots. So sad. Nine or 10 for the body. Two for the dancing and one for the effort.


  • xxxrated
    9 years ago
    4"10 she's like a midget. Sometimes, these hot women that work at the clubs feel as though they're entitled. A) So many guys complimenting her all day will lead to a swelled head. B) All the guys ,going up on stage making it rain dollars for mediocre stage dances. C) Overtipping for mediocre lap dances. Etc,Etc.................................So , no motivation to provide decent service because,she knows cash will come her way regardless...............
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    That happened to me at PT's in Indianapolis. Great looking girl, craptacular dancer. All of her conversation revolved around hitting me up for a tip -- $200 -- for doing absolutely nothing. Her pathetic attempts at negotiations pissed me off so much, I cut the dance short -- and, stupid me, we were in VIP. Yeah, I'll never go there again.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    AJ, At least that isn't the "norm", at least in my experiences.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    I experienced that once at a Tampa club. This girl was easily in the top 3 dancers I've ever danced with. She was smokin'. Turns out it was her first night. Her friend brought her in to try it out. She allowed the typical Tampa groping but was clearly uncomfortable with it. Man, I would love to know if this gal stuck with it. She was DD gorgeous. Some of the best natural tits I've ever seen and felt.
  • AnonymousJim
    9 years ago
    I'm only 5'5" and she was shorter than me in heels. Then she took them off for the dance and I don't think the top of her her head came much above my chin. She was tiny. Kristen Chenoweth is 4'11" and still looks plenty fine (annoying voice, though). Phantom: At least she didn't bug me for money. She asked me some of the standard "What do you do," "What kind of music you like," etc. questions before the dance, but she wasn't conversational at all. I dunno. Maybe -- hopefully -- she was new. But the experience was so bad that I'll gladly give her a year or two to improve before I try and get a dance from her again. Clubber: I haven't had that experience, either. The idea that the less-hot girls "work harder" and the hotter girls don't have to do as much hasn't been what I've encountered. Ultimately, I think ability, effort and willingness to please the guy are independent of looks.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    No eye contact... Lol. I hate when that happens. My favorite is when a girl is giving you a lap dance and she's primping herself in the mirror - I always think - what s vain bitch and end the dance at the end of that song.
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    This happened to me a year or two ago at a club in Winston Salem, NC called Club Risque. Not only was this girl gorgeous, but she was also my type. Mixed race, brown skin, natural C cups and a nice ass. What made her even more appealing was the fact that her face looked very innocent. Anyway, she sat with for a long time and chatted because the club was slow that night. She never asked me for a dance, but I indicated to her that I wanted to get one later in the night. Eventually we did a 10 minute session and it was awful. I'm pretty sure this girl was a ROB. She said she couldn't get adjusted right because of the way I was sitting. It was an awful lap dance session.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Unfortunately a lot of times the hottest dancers tend to give the worst dances.
  • AnonymousJim
    9 years ago
    Here's my thing with eye contact: No, you don't necessarily have to stare me down, but at least look at me, have a look on your face that's kinda sexy and see how I'm reacting. During what I think was position #3, straddle and facing me, she looked straight up at the wall over my head with a stone face. You know, because I'm really turned on by looking at a girl's chin. It's the little subtle things that can make a dance awesome. I like the big, dramatic hair flip. I like the little, coy smile. I want some of the acting & sizzle to go with my steak, unless we're going above and beyond. This girl ... none of that. Not even a semblance of an effort. Literally some of the worst dances I've ever gotten.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    A lot of people hate their job – a lot of women do not like guys looking at them w/ lust nor touching them – so I’m not too surprised when one runs into this kinda behavior. I’m sure many of us have encountered less than satisfactory customer service in many different types of businesses – it’s not right but it’s gonna happen – all one can do is try to cut their losses.
  • DandyDan
    9 years ago
    I could repost my comments that I just made from the post about if I ever told a dancer she sucked. Then again, I don't think she's someone every guy would think was hot.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    AJ, "Ultimately, I think ability, effort and willingness to please the guy are independent of looks." Well said!
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    AJ, A little "sound off" when one touches, nibbles, kisses, whatever the dancer in the right places. Another to go along with your hair flip, etc.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    @ ranukam: I agree. My regulars are a nice mix of hot and talent, but one time when they weren't working I spotted this 'almost ugly' over 40 dancer with a decent body who was always busy, despite the place being pretty empty with many hotter dancers looking for PL's. Well, I figured she must have something working, so when she caught my eye, I took her back for 5. OMG...she got me hard right away and kept me on the edge the whole time before getting me off with a discreet HJ during the last dance. Talk about timing! No wonder she was so popular!
  • AnonymousJim
    9 years ago
    @Papi: Thing is, there are a lot of ways to make a living. I've been in a couple jobs I've started to hate before, mostly because I really began to dislike the people I was working for. Thing was, as soon as it got to that point, I started to looking to leave and I never took it out on the customers. If she's a woman who "does not like guys looking at them w/ lust nor touching them," then maybe gentlemen's club dancer isn't the best way for you to earn a living. Go to community college and become a welder or try harder to get a sugar daddy or something. I know, I'm probably smarter than a stripper in this regard, but that seems like a no-brainer. @Clubber: Gracias on the first post, agreed on the second. The last time I got dances with my ATF (who, sadly, seems to have left the biz), I blew softly in her ear as she was doing the splits over me and she instantly got goosebumps. That was fun. @rockstar: I used to frequent a club out of state where the regular house girls were my favorites. One wasn't much to write home about body-wise ... probably a flattish B, small love handles, decent but not gorgeous face. But she did this thing where she took my hands, put them on her butt first-thing and said, "You guide me how strong & fast you want it." She was awesome.
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