Have any of you all been in a club that has an obviously pregnant stripper. I'm talking 5 to 7 months gone. I was in a club recently where one of the girls was pregnant. I asked the girl I was sitting with about it and she said that she keeps coming in because her customers ask her too. She has stopped dancing on stage and just comes in and does lappers and privates. She was still quite hot, had not had massive weight gain and looked trim, toned and healthy. I was told while she had lost several regulars there were guys now that just came in to see her. This was not the first time I have seen this in a club. I was in a club years ago when I saw a girl further along than this girl come in and go to the back where the private rooms were. She came out later and had change clothes and went right up to a patron and off they went. I was told she comes in two days per week to "see" her regulars and then goes home. This club was a full on extras place with a condom machine in the bathroom. My question to all us PL's. is: 1] Would you get a private dance from an obviously pregnant girl if she asked? 2] If your ATF was pregnant would continue to see her? (no it isn't yours) 3] Would you seek out that girl if you were in the club to go over the hump? 4] Do pregnant women gross you out or do you think they should stay home? 5] Would you press her to go BBFSCIV or be satisfied with CFS since she can't get any more pregnant?
While I am not grossed out by pregnancy I do not know if I would seek her out. If she sought me out, offered and she was still hot I doubt I would turn her down unless there were much better choices.
In theory, I'm not at all interested in pregnant women ... and not because they "gross me out", but, in what I'll admit is a fit of hypocrisy, it just seems wrong.
That, it turns out, only applies to my non-ATF. When she's already reached ATF status with me, it turns out, I don't care so much. When my ATF got pregnant, I basically saw her as much as I possibly could, since I knew my time with her was limited -- she'd probably be taking a good amount of time off (and maybe forever). I kept getting dances with her as her body changed. And her body changed a lot, from lithe, all the way to that point where you strongly suspect she might be pregnant but you wouldn't ask because you're not totally sure... that is, the bump isn't too obviously showing yet. That would have been my limit, and that's when she quit the club.
She had told me that she had planned to stay at the club a few more weeks, since business was great for her, but "those other bitches kept telling all the customers I was pregnant and they should stay away", and it wasn't worth the aggravation for her.
I have never seen an 5-7 month pregnant stripper. However, if she was cute, I would absolutely play with her. Being pregnant is a very feminine thing and can be a turn on.
I can't really imagine my DS pregnant, but I certainly wouldn't let a little thing like pregnancy keep us apart if it happened. Only bad thing I can think of would be she might stop the drugs which would make her a little less of a sexual freak. And the stretch marks. And her tits would get even heavier and probably drag on the ground when unsupported.
1. no. I would not get a dance. 2. I think not. I was a total PL with my xATF. I think it would be psychologically hard for me to deal with her being preg and stripping. 3. no (see #1). I would not seek her out. 4. In general no, but for a stripper, that's just not what I'm paying to see. 5. Always wrap it up. Don't want to catch anything even if there's no knock up risk.
Lol...I got a few lapped from an obviously preggo stripper at Dames n' Games DTLA. Probably the sixth time I'd ever been to a SC. Gotta admit she smelled worderful and had the softest skins. Her tits were fckn awesome to look at and squishy soft as well. And since I squeezed them and they weren't lactating I pretty much stayed on them for damn the whole time. Too bad she was also a ROB tried to charge me $200 for 12 songs when we only did six. Ruined an otherwise pleasant experience.
I have seen a couple of obviously pregnant strippers in my ~20 years of clubbing. I don't seek them out but I would certainly get (and, in fact, have gotten) lappers from preggos. I agree with JS69 that there is something extremely feminine about a pregnant woman. An item on my bucket list is to suck on a lactating stripper's titties. It's not exactly a fetish, but it's certainly something I want to try. Finally, I don't fuck strippers, knocked up or otherwise. Good questions!
If she's hot, she's hot. But I doubt I would get dances from a very pregnant dancer. There is so much variation in how women's bodies react to pregnancy. If the dancer is one like to OP describes, maybe. But she seems like an exception not the rule.
And some guys definitely have a fetish for pregnant women. Not me. But as mentioned above often their tits and nipples are very succulent and that can be very nice. @MrDuece, finding a cute/hot lactating dancer is a lot of fun. Only happened once for me but it was nice, and interesting.
One more thing is the fact some women definitely have a "glow" about them when pregnant. You hear about it a lot more than see it. But when you see it, it is impressive. A woman I work with was pregnant last year and she was "glowing" big time. It was very impressive to watch. I often wondered if she was on sexual overdrive with her husband during her pregnancy. Alas, I did not know her well enough to ask.
And I would be surprised to know a pregnant woman would fuck BB and take the chance with STDs. But ....
I've never seen a pregnant stripper, and while some might certainly be hot, I think I'd rather admire them from afar. Something about that particular "Occupied" sign just doesn't do it for me.
1] Would you get a private dance from an obviously pregnant girl if she asked? Yes, if she was hot.
2] If your ATF was pregnant would continue to see her? (no it isn't yours) Yes
3] Would you seek out that girl if you were in the club to go over the hump? Go over the hump? I don't know what that means.
4] Do pregnant women gross you out or do you think they should stay home? No. But they should probably quit at 6 months.
5] Would you press her to go BBFSCIV or be satisfied with CFS since she can't get any more pregnant? Definitely BBFSCIV. This is one of the advantages of pregnancy.
Many women look better in early pregnancy and they get sexually freaky.
1. A dive strip club in Kentucky where the bartender was way preggers. I would assume before she became preggers she was probably a stripper since she had that "stripper look." I was rather alarmed because this place reeked of cigarette smoke as I think her and I were the only people in there not smoking.
2. In my travels I hooked up with a stripper for OTC in Las Vegas over 5 years ago. I would run into her 3-4 times a year, sometimes we would do OTC, several times I wouldn't even meet her in the club and just set up OTC. Somehow this one never charged me as long as I let her crash in my room, which was always a solid hotel for Vegas standards. I had not seen her for almost a year and was in town and swung by, she worked all over the place but this time she was working at Cheetahs. She stood out here, when at the Rhino or Sapphires she was just another girl. Anyway she claimed she was preggers but was not showing at all... and no it wasn't mine, the timing didn't match up... this girl was always dissing a good amount of SS and strangely she has a "miscarriage" a few weeks later... Back to that night... I agreed to let her spend the night with me even though she was preggers. We always got along well and I always thought she was pretty cool. She came in and started to get ready to take a bath, we were talking in the bathroom and she grabbed me and kissed me and reached for my crotch. It was too awkward for me... somehow I slithered out of the bathroom without making a scene. I was tired that night so she just crawled in bed with me. Talk about a PL moment, cuddling with a stripper whose preggers by another guy...
I find them to be a turn off. I know one right now that is just starting to show a baby bump and I have scratched her off of my list.
The clubs usually make them quit around the 4th month to avoid any liability for accidents. I have seen many of these come in as customers to hang out with their friends and they continue to drink and smoke cigarettes and pot.
I've seen a few pregnant strippers over the years. One of my old favorite dancers at my favorite club danced while pregnant until the 6th month and it's my personal belief they would have let her give birth onstage, but it was just too much of a hassle for her. I got dances from her on what was her last night for a while, but if it was a new dancer, I'd be wondering why they were dancing in the first place. And that's the thing, it's hard to know what's up with every single dancer in a club. And one more thing, I wouldn't BBFSCIV, just because of the STD risk.
1) Would you get a private dance from an obviously pregnant girl if she asked? Yes, as long as she was hot looking. I have gotten dances from quite a few pregnant dancers.
2] If your ATF was pregnant would continue to see her? (no it isn't yours) Yes. My ATF at the time about five years ago got pregnant three different times, and I got dances from her while she was working pregnant.
3] Would you seek out that girl if you were in the club to go over the hump? Only if she was one of my favorites.
4] Do pregnant women gross you out or do you think they should stay home? No, let them dance.
5] Would you press her to go BBFSCIV or be satisfied with CFS since she can't get any more pregnant? CFS.
I have found that some of the best lap dances I have had from a dancer was when she was pregnant. There was one dancer in particular who before she got pregnant would not push the boundaries. Then she got pregnant and she started loosening up in the club. I got a lot of extras from her when she was pregnant especially during her 4th and 5th months.
I once had a favorite get pregnant. It wasn't mine. I knew her better than most. I found out after she got pregnant her boyfriend left her. I didn't want to become her boyfriend at that point. After a number of months or at some point she stopped working as a dancer and started a job in the club as a waitress. She still liked dancing for me though and every time she saw me she would still sneak away and do dances for me but she did it in a different room behind a door. I thought maybe she wash't supposed to be doing that but it wouldn't surprise me if someone thought I was her boyfriend.
Her tits grew bigger with the pregnancy. It was interesting watching her body change. Now I do try to be careful wih lactating dancers. I don't care to get milk all over me.
1] Would you get a private dance from an obviously pregnant girl if she asked?
A. Pregnancy is not the determining factor. If I would have gotten dances when she was *not* pregnant, a baby bump isn't going to stop me.
2] If your ATF was pregnant would continue to see her? (no it isn't yours)
A. Fuck yeah. In fact, I did, several times.
3] Would you seek out that girl if you were in the club to go over the hump?
A. Pregnancy is not the determining factor. If I would have sought her out when she was *not* pregnant, a baby bump isn't going to stop me.
4] Do pregnant women gross you out or do you think they should stay home?
A. Only if there is a safety issue. Or if there's any chance her water will break while she's on stage dancing. Laugh not; happened.
5] Would you press her to go BBFSCIV or be satisfied with CFS since she can't get any more pregnant?
A. No, CFS is good enough. I'm snipped, so CIV isn't the issue, safety is. Just because she's pregnant, doesn't mean she isn't infected. Sure, as part of her pregnancy care, she's probably gonna get treatment for the treatable ones, but they're not going to be able to do anything about Herpes or AIDS.
My first OTC experience was with a 5 month pregnant dancer at Deja Vu in Memphis. We went back to my hotel and she gave me an enthusiastic sexual experience. Said the pregnancy made her extra horny. Oh, and she stole on of my towels from the bathroom.
last commentThat, it turns out, only applies to my non-ATF. When she's already reached ATF status with me, it turns out, I don't care so much. When my ATF got pregnant, I basically saw her as much as I possibly could, since I knew my time with her was limited -- she'd probably be taking a good amount of time off (and maybe forever). I kept getting dances with her as her body changed. And her body changed a lot, from lithe, all the way to that point where you strongly suspect she might be pregnant but you wouldn't ask because you're not totally sure... that is, the bump isn't too obviously showing yet. That would have been my limit, and that's when she quit the club.
She had told me that she had planned to stay at the club a few more weeks, since business was great for her, but "those other bitches kept telling all the customers I was pregnant and they should stay away", and it wasn't worth the aggravation for her.
I can't really imagine my DS pregnant, but I certainly wouldn't let a little thing like pregnancy keep us apart if it happened. Only bad thing I can think of would be she might stop the drugs which would make her a little less of a sexual freak. And the stretch marks. And her tits would get even heavier and probably drag on the ground when unsupported.
1. no. I would not get a dance.
2. I think not. I was a total PL with my xATF. I think it would be psychologically hard for me to deal with her being preg and stripping.
3. no (see #1). I would not seek her out.
4. In general no, but for a stripper, that's just not what I'm paying to see.
5. Always wrap it up. Don't want to catch anything even if there's no knock up risk.
And some guys definitely have a fetish for pregnant women. Not me. But as mentioned above often their tits and nipples are very succulent and that can be very nice. @MrDuece, finding a cute/hot lactating dancer is a lot of fun. Only happened once for me but it was nice, and interesting.
One more thing is the fact some women definitely have a "glow" about them when pregnant. You hear about it a lot more than see it. But when you see it, it is impressive. A woman I work with was pregnant last year and she was "glowing" big time. It was very impressive to watch. I often wondered if she was on sexual overdrive with her husband during her pregnancy. Alas, I did not know her well enough to ask.
And I would be surprised to know a pregnant woman would fuck BB and take the chance with STDs. But ....
Yes, if she was hot.
2] If your ATF was pregnant would continue to see her? (no it isn't yours)
3] Would you seek out that girl if you were in the club to go over the hump?
Go over the hump? I don't know what that means.
4] Do pregnant women gross you out or do you think they should stay home?
No. But they should probably quit at 6 months.
5] Would you press her to go BBFSCIV or be satisfied with CFS since she can't get any more pregnant?
Definitely BBFSCIV. This is one of the advantages of pregnancy.
Many women look better in early pregnancy and they get sexually freaky.
1. A dive strip club in Kentucky where the bartender was way preggers. I would assume before she became preggers she was probably a stripper since she had that "stripper look." I was rather alarmed because this place reeked of cigarette smoke as I think her and I were the only people in there not smoking.
2. In my travels I hooked up with a stripper for OTC in Las Vegas over 5 years ago. I would run into her 3-4 times a year, sometimes we would do OTC, several times I wouldn't even meet her in the club and just set up OTC. Somehow this one never charged me as long as I let her crash in my room, which was always a solid hotel for Vegas standards. I had not seen her for almost a year and was in town and swung by, she worked all over the place but this time she was working at Cheetahs. She stood out here, when at the Rhino or Sapphires she was just another girl. Anyway she claimed she was preggers but was not showing at all... and no it wasn't mine, the timing didn't match up... this girl was always dissing a good amount of SS and strangely she has a "miscarriage" a few weeks later... Back to that night... I agreed to let her spend the night with me even though she was preggers. We always got along well and I always thought she was pretty cool. She came in and started to get ready to take a bath, we were talking in the bathroom and she grabbed me and kissed me and reached for my crotch. It was too awkward for me... somehow I slithered out of the bathroom without making a scene. I was tired that night so she just crawled in bed with me. Talk about a PL moment, cuddling with a stripper whose preggers by another guy...
The clubs usually make them quit around the 4th month to avoid any liability for accidents. I have seen many of these come in as customers to hang out with their friends and they continue to drink and smoke cigarettes and pot.
2] If your ATF was pregnant would continue to see her? (no it isn't yours) Yes. My ATF at the time about five years ago got pregnant three different times, and I got dances from her while she was working pregnant.
3] Would you seek out that girl if you were in the club to go over the hump? Only if she was one of my favorites.
4] Do pregnant women gross you out or do you think they should stay home? No, let them dance.
5] Would you press her to go BBFSCIV or be satisfied with CFS since she can't get any more pregnant? CFS.
I have found that some of the best lap dances I have had from a dancer was when she was pregnant. There was one dancer in particular who before she got pregnant would not push the boundaries. Then she got pregnant and she started loosening up in the club. I got a lot of extras from her when she was pregnant especially during her 4th and 5th months.
Her tits grew bigger with the pregnancy. It was interesting watching her body change. Now I do try to be careful wih lactating dancers. I don't care to get milk all over me.
A. Pregnancy is not the determining factor. If I would have gotten dances when she was *not* pregnant, a baby bump isn't going to stop me.
2] If your ATF was pregnant would continue to see her? (no it isn't yours)
A. Fuck yeah. In fact, I did, several times.
3] Would you seek out that girl if you were in the club to go over the hump?
A. Pregnancy is not the determining factor. If I would have sought her out when she was *not* pregnant, a baby bump isn't going to stop me.
4] Do pregnant women gross you out or do you think they should stay home?
A. Only if there is a safety issue. Or if there's any chance her water will break while she's on stage dancing. Laugh not; happened.
5] Would you press her to go BBFSCIV or be satisfied with CFS since she can't get any more pregnant?
A. No, CFS is good enough. I'm snipped, so CIV isn't the issue, safety is. Just because she's pregnant, doesn't mean she isn't infected. Sure, as part of her pregnancy care, she's probably gonna get treatment for the treatable ones, but they're not going to be able to do anything about Herpes or AIDS.