

Scanning the room from the back
Dang, last night must have been the lucky night for all things OTC. First ujay's story, now this:

So remember this tale? https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=2…. TL/DR version, I got burned out of $200 from a girl who wanted OTC payment up front and didn't show. She was hot -- not blonde dream hot, but brunette with healthy, natural C's and a good attitude hot.

I go out last night and, after 10 minutes or so nursing my drink at that same club, who takes to the stage but the same woman. I recognize her back tattoo. I'm like, "Oh really. Not getting taken again this time."

She comes around doing her tip walk and recognizes me. "I remember you," she says. "I remember you too," I say. She asks if she wants me to have her come back over after she gets done with her walk. I probably had a leery look on my face the whole time, but it was a good opportunity for me to ask some questions. "Sure," I say.

I go find another place in the club to sit and she finds me. She asks me to sit at the bar with her, which I'm a little uncomfortable with as it will make open conversation a little more difficult, but whatever.

So we get to talking. At first, usual chit-chat. Then I bring up that I remember some things about her, including her tattoo and the color of her car. She says, "Oh yeah, we were supposed to meet." I said I couldn't find said car in the parking lot. She said she would have tried to find me but it wasn't close enough to closing time and they made her stay.

"Why didn't you call me?" she said.

"You didn't give me your number. You didn't want to."

"Oh. Well quick, take it now."

Gave me her number. Got a few very good dances. Checked her number via Facebook search when I got home and it is truly hers. And, a year removed, back on track.

Feeling vindicated today to say the least.


  • GACA
    10 years ago
    How is this Vindication? She still took you for $200 and took more of your money with the dances, unless you're saying you got those dances non-pay because they were already paid for with the previous $200 you gave her.
  • JamesSD
    10 years ago
    Yeah, I missed the past of the story where she said "since I still owe you let's do that tonight".

    I don't take cash OTC is obvious bullshit.
  • AnonymousJim
    10 years ago
    OK, maybe not vindication, per se. I couldn't follow through on things last night. I was on a schedule due to some work this morning I wanted to be fresh for. I'm busy the rest of the weekend. I only wanted to make a quick stop to tide myself over; wasn't expecting what happened.

    I still paid for dances, but I was running low on cash in pocket and didn't give her as large of a tip as I normally give after dances. I told her that I had taken care of her before, though, and she agreed.

    I dunno. I may not even follow through, and maybe I got a little too excited about just getting her number. Who knows if she'll even pick up if/when I call. But unless she has some elaborate scheme with her longstanding Facebook page, it is actually her number, and she apologized multiple times before prompting, which is a step above where I think a lot of girls would be. She seemed surprised and borderline disappointed we couldn't follow through. Heck, even just remembering the circumstances is a step above where a lot of girls would be.

    If she would follow through on the time as a make-good for before, I'd be more than satisfied. But, from my perspective, the money's not that big of a deal. It's just nice to know she wasn't like, "Yeah, I'm out to take you for cash and that's how I operate." I guess that's PL-ish of me, but so it goes.
  • JamesSD
    10 years ago
    Hey man, I get when it's about principle and not cash. If taco bell overcharges me I get mad, even if it's just a dollar.

    But the principle is she cold ripped you off last time, and doesn't seem to be trying top hard to make it right. It's like me paying a handyman 200 bucks to fix my dishwasher up front and him just never showing.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    It's not enough to get you nominated for a PL award or anything that drastic, but I'm not sure why you are excited when this girl ripped you off and got away with it. Instead of giving her a smaller than usual tip, why not man up and say "Give me my money back bitch." Also, learn to never ever pay in advance, especially for otc.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    Throwing good money away on top of bad, hoping things will get better is useless. I've done it, doesn't work
  • Estafador
    10 years ago
    your a failure as a man and a human. Do you have no dignity. She robbed you of your money, you go to that same club and I'm sure many women there have your number so she obviously put no effort in reaching out. You just now see her after a year where she would think you forgot, and you still let her dance for you....AND YOU PAY!? A fool and his money is soon parted, that quote is definetely true. Did she give you back the money? Did she at least give you a BJ in the VIP?!!!
  • eyeamlong
    10 years ago
    Vindication ?... "Really"
  • AnonymousJim
    10 years ago
    OK, I see where you guys are coming from and maybe you're right.

    She seemed to intimate she remembers I paid her and that, as a result, the first OTC instance might be free, too -- kind of like when you get bad service at a restaurant and they give you something that says your next meal is free.

    Do note that we live in a pretty non-extras, strict-enforcement part of the world, so ITC was out of the question. She was the best looking girl in the club last night, so I got dances with her. She allows more touching (the kitty, namely) than any other girl I've encountered in the bottoms-on club. It was worth it.

    I dunno. I'm also of the belief that money isn't that important. I pay the dancers to feel good. Usually, that just comes from a good grind or, when I'm in Detroit, whatever's on the menu. Last night, a girl I thought was an ROB at least took the time to not act like an ROB, intimated she wasn't trying to be an ROB and took legit stepts to try and prove she's not an ROB. Most of the time, the girls just are shameless ROBs, but at least this one went beyond showing some shame and actually took some respectful, business-like steps.

    It wasn't a grind or an extra, but it made me feel good, which is why I go.
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    Maybe the name of the title should have been Vasiline not Vindication.
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    What a fool
  • Lone_Wolf
    10 years ago
    I would just write the 200 off as an expensive learning experience. The honey sounds fine, so even if I ended up doing OTC with her, I wouldn't mention the 200. To me, it wouldn't be worth the drama. Fuck it, I would even be tempted to make another run at OTC with her. This time no money up front though.

    You have to take some of the blame for trying to set something like that up without insisting on exchanging numbers. High risk of failure.

  • AnonymousJim
    10 years ago
    She is fine, so I might make another run. I'm going back and forth on it. Don't want to land in another spot where I get taken again.

    My memory of the original incident is hazy, but I thought I asked her for her number then and she didn't want to give it to me. I can't imagine I would just go for "meet me at Spot X" and pay $200 up front without some probing questions, though she's the kind that can make you throw logic out the window. Good Cs, natural I think. Good shape, too. But I do think there was a reason she didn't want to give me her phone number before. She gave it to me now, though.

    Yeah, if she starts jerking me around for more cash without action, then screw it. She's burned me one too many times already. But she made good-faith gestures to me and I made a limited good-faith gesture back. Why not give it a shot?
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