
The Declining entertainment value of the American strip club

Wednesday, February 11, 2015 10:59 PM
I've been going to strip clubs for 20 years. (California area). I Have noticed the declining entertainment value of american strip clubs. Back in 1995, Strip clubs were the place to be . Every weekend you would see me at the Spearment Rhino,or some of the seedier nude clubs in the area. AS well as topless. So much fun back then. Then , strip clubs became boring when the older generation of girls left. American strip clubs have morphed into a hangout place. Strippers hanging out with their guy friends all nite, and not making a lot of cash. Now, strippers may refuse lap dances with you or ignore you . I have observed this and felt this. I think strip clubs are boring now because the new generation of strippers don't have strip club etiquette and provide lousy companionship. Anyone else notice the difference?


  • sinclair
    9 years ago
    The hottest women could just sit at home and make bank as camgirls. I look at myfreecams every once in awhile and am shocked at how much money some guys blow to get the attention of a girl on the other end of a webcam.
  • DandyDan
    9 years ago
    That depends on the type of entertainment you seek out. I'm sure extras are up from 20 years ago. Then again, I don't think very many strippers who began their stripping career in the last 5-10 years see themselves as entertainers.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    It all depends on ones definition of "entertainment". For me, the value has increased. A lot of that could also be due to one aging. I am not the same at 65 as I was in my 20's, that's for sure.
  • TheProphetJuice
    9 years ago
    Thy prophet is singalhannedlee trying too covert strip clubs too houses of warship four the LORD mane. Four thou shalt warship the holy hores
  • TheProphetJuice
    9 years ago
    Cum too my house bee on of us
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I don't agree. Clubs used to be what the Internet now is -- a place to look at naked women. Now clubs are a place to see, touch, explore, and in many cases arrange sex with those women. Today's clubs are much more entertaining from my perspective.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I too disagree and I started in So. Cal. back in the '60s. They only decline I see now is where the local authorities have stepped in and fucked things up.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    xxx, I disagree as well. I think you have a romanticized view of how clubs were back then. I found them to be boring as they focused mostly on stage shows. Nowadays I find them to be much more fun.
  • SuperDude
    9 years ago
    Too many lazy dancers with no social or conversational skills have caused a decline in the zest and zing that used to be hallmark of hot SCs. This may be due to the lack of training or monitoring or dancers conduct. Almost any woman with a decent "look" can get a job as a dancer and no one teaches her how to be an entertaining entertainer. So they walk around once, go have a smoke, try to sell extras and whine to customers about not making money. The industry is far from dead but the uneveness in entertainment services leaves a lot to be desired.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    I think nostalgia gets the best of all of us. I too thought me 20's and early 30's were the greatest time to club, because it didn't matter what type of interaction I had as long as it was something. Even an air dance back then provided enough spank bank material to satisfy me when I got home. Hell my dick was always hard and I constantly masturbated just so I could carry on a normal life. Couple that with any interaction with a JFK naked girl and I was easily pleased. These days I'm happy to be a witness to all the shenanigans a club has to offer without getting involved. As you get older you get more conservative because the risk isn't worth the reward, especially when you have responsibilities abound compared to your youth. I must admit the prevalence of extras are much higher than 10-20 years ago but that may just be because I was wet behind the ears back then.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Sure, some dancers today are very immature and poor business women. But young people have been subject to those kind of criticisms in every generation. In my experience, overly yearning for the old days is a frustrating and ultimately futile exercise.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    One can’t have their cake and eat it too; for the most part. Today it seems extras are much more readily available than 20 years ago – it may be too much too ask to have dancers that are willing to suck dick and also be great conversationalists and entertaining companions. It seems it may have to be either or – either great low-mileage entertainers or skilled/willing cock suckers. These statements may be a bit extreme; but in general it seems the quality of a dancer’s “soft skills” is often inversely proportional to mileage. Good looking girls w/ more to offer may not be willing to provide high-mileage and dancers that may not have the looks and “soft skills” are the ones willing to offer high-mileage and the latter is what “the market” seems to prefer.
  • TheProphetJuice
    9 years ago
    This wilt al change when the peeple here the worde of the LORD mane
  • slaux.pas
    9 years ago
    OK retard, I'm breaking character. I'm through trying fuck with the prophet retard. I don't think it's really Juice. That guy is a retard, but this prophet guy is way worse. And now back to fucking with the long term retards like mikeya02 and CrazyJoe. And the real Juice. He's still a retard
  • TheProphetJuice
    9 years ago
    Blasfeemer! Thou wilt burn in the pit off HELL bein barbeecued by the Beast mane LUCIFER
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Look whose back......Zipflockison
  • slaux.pas
    9 years ago
    Go fuck yourself troll boy. You're not a prophet. No, your just a retard
  • slaux.pas
    9 years ago
    You're still a retard mikeya02. You encourage this shit. And I ain't zipperhead. He's the worst retard of all.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    No i don't. Don't blame me if you're a bolshevik
  • slaux.pas
    9 years ago
    Mikeya02, as that zipperhead moron would say, "dude, cha...yes you so do" or some "groovy" bullshit like that. At least you tell funny little jokes, but you're almost as bad as rickdugan. That idiot that constantly complains about trolls and then turns around to encourage Dougster, king of the trolls.
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    Given the choice, I'll take today's strippers over those of 20 years ago anyday. Yeah many today have little to no social skills, but I'm there to fuck 'em, not socialize with 'em.
  • pensionking
    9 years ago
    Pre-internet, us PLs were happy to get to look with little expectation of touching. Post-internet, looking and not touching is really boring and not worth it. For there to be any value proposition at all, there must be HM, UHM or extras. For that reason, I prefer clubs of today over clubs from yesteryear. Oh yeah, conversely, Vegas sucks now. I much prefer Vegas circa 1980s and 1990s (before the corporations fucked it all up -- maximizing revenue per square foot) back when men were men and the women and children stayed home. If Cuba were smart, they would create 1980-style casinos stocked with easy women and kick vegas' ass.
  • Tiredtraveler
    9 years ago
    It is the managers fault for being to lazy to make the girls circulate. As long as they pay their stage fees the managers don't care. You can bet your ass that in Alan Markovitz's Detroit clubs (Penthouse, Flight Club, The Coliseum) the girls mostly get up off their asses and circulate (at least during the night shift). He wants those girls going back to the VIP rooms to keep him in Rolls Royce s . To many girls are there because they just want an excuse to party at work and think they can just sit there and make money. That is also why there is such a huge turn over at clubs.
  • mjx01
    9 years ago
    IMO, both sides of the discussion have merit. I remember this one time at Cheerleaders-Pittsburgh. Early shift, slow as hell, but a smoking hot petite blonde fit my personal tastes almost perfectly. She asked my if I was interested in dances after her set, and I agreed. Dancer were really good (relative to what I consider average), but she made no attempt to built rapor and there was no sales pitch for more. After we finished, she sat along the one wall of the club texting. On the other hand, I think, at least in certain areas, higher mileage is easier to come by these days.
  • AnonymousJim
    9 years ago
    All I can say is that I would encourage you not to paint all clubs across the country with a broad brush based on your experience in one part of the world. While I don't feel like dancers provide the same kind of connection to guys that they did 10 years ago, that might also just be my experience now that I'm older or have become more regular. It ebbs and flows, but it's different in a lot of different places. Shake it up; try clubbing elsewhere (Detroit) to see if that changes your mind.
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