
Comments by AnonymousJim (page 30)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Bad Characteristics for a Stripper
    Impala: "I only dance on stage." Seriously? That's one I've never heard before.
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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Attn: Detroiters
    "No one has helped us." You expect Detroit, which can't adequately fund most of it's public services, to send help? Their inability to have such services are why your club probably makes as much money as it does, dude. Sucks that it went 180 on you, but what were you expecting in that town?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    You, Your Friends & the Hobby
    As far as my friends are concerned, I went to a strip club a few times in my younger days but haven't been in a long time, which is hilarious, but very much fits my personality. Have I mentioned I like anonymity? I like anonymity.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    VIP - What am I missing?
    Crazy as this may seem for some of you, this is a fairly common pricing structure: Lappers at $20-$25, VIP at $300-$450 per half hour with some sort of drink tab included. Before we jump on the guy too much for considering this, let's remember that there are a lot of variables that go into this discussion. I'd far rather get dances from a "clean" girl who's a nine or 10 than an extras girl who's a four or five, so maybe he has his reasons why this girl is his favorite. Nonetheless, if she won't even entertain the idea of OTC and you think she's clean, there's a good chance that all you'll get on top of what you normally get with dances in a room is her taking your shirt off and going chest-to-chest with you and maybe letting you lie down in the couch room. But that's pretty much it. If she's hot enough, she can probably sell a few rooms just on suggestive sell and of course she wants to do a room because it's a far greater take for her. But from what it sounds like, you're not missing anything by missing out on a room. If she gets to the point where she's too annoying about doing one and not being happy with the money you are giving her, then I recommend you take that money and find a new favorite who isn't as pushy.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Bad Characteristics for a Stripper
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    So who else actually fucks civilians on the regular?
    I've had a SO for some time now.
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    10 years ago
    Any Porstar Visiting Chicago ?
    Ha, good call, grand. The one where Hartman snapped and couldn't hold in the laughter was great (wish I could find it online). Nealon, Lovitz and Hartman -- they would have been three of the most underrated performers on SNL, except Hartman earned his due in the most difficult way possible.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Speaking of cell phones in the Strip Club ...
    I will check social media with the one club in my area that posts a dancer list before I go. However, once I'm in the club, the phone is for two things: Checking the time and getting numbers for possible OTC. If I reach the point where I'm more interested in what's happening on my phone than I am in what's in front of me, it's time to leave the club.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Strip Club Bucket List?
    I feel like I've been on a kick with this lately, but I am really, really, really hoping I can one day catch the right girl on the right Halloween in the right cheerleader costume. I will probably get kicked out of the club that night because, while I will be respectful of the girl, I will be more than willing to have complete disregard for any club rules and will do everything in my power to convince the girl to have a similar disregard. John: A trip to Detroit should be on every monger's bucket list, particularly if you live in a non-extras area. The thing about The Penthouse Club is it would be a great club even if it didn't have the co-curricular activity. You walk in and the place is nice. It's a little cramped on a Friday or Saturday because it's got a lot of customers, but that only adds to the buzz & atmosphere. The side tables are often full with guys eating steaks and lobster and stuff, and supposedly their food ain't half bad. They'll have as many as six girls "on stage" (two on the main stage, two on the side poles and two on the bar) at once. No other club I've ever been to has topped four. They always have the Tigers or Pistons or something on a few of the TVs. The "lapper" (ha!) rooms are spacious and very comfortable. The few times I've been there, the selection of ladies has been varied and nice with a solid top end. Only cons are the upstairs smoking bar can be pretty smoky and the prices are high. But you don't mind much in the end. Now, take that environment and add to it the idea that, more than likely, if you see a girl you like, you can be 90 percent sure something that would be considered an extra elsewhere is on the table, with full-out ITC probably an option with about half, and tell me that isn't appealing. The only other con with this is that some ladies know the game and lay out their menu before you even ask for a dance. I'm not a fan of this as it makes it kind of mechanical. I prefer to start with a song or two of regular dancing, then if I like what's going on, ask what else can happen. Will those clubs ever "be gone"? It will take one hell of a Detroit turnaround for that to happen. And, honestly, with legal options available in Windsor, I don't think it's a priority as it's a hefty helping of money that stays in the city. Nonetheless, go. Very worth it.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    A Compromise Proposal
    Honestly, an acronym like LDK isn't something you can just say, "OK, we're all going to call it *this* now." No, it's the kind of thing that evolves. And many of us have evolved to say LDK. While many here have tried to make themselves unique, no one has owned a particular act more than LDK has owned the LDK. My vote for the glossary still stands. Also, JS69's post is much more fun to read with this playing in the background: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpZ3jPMM5Ac
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    What exactly is a LDK?
    There's a lot of silly stuff that goes on here on the boards, and for the most part, I stay away from the threads that basically are about the personalities or habits, real or imagined, of various members. But I'm of the belief the LDK is worthy of becoming an official part of board lexicon. In the strip club world, it happens and I bet it happens plenty. For dancers who give a good grind and do a decent number of dances, I bet they make it happen at least once a month. That guy who goes for lappers with a girl and stays back there for 12 songs? Probably holding out until she makes it happen. I think we once had a thread about it and determined about half the guys here have had it happen. Yes, there are guys who claim they never come close to having it happen and don't understand how someone can. And you also have guys who have only clubbed in extras-friendly areas who don't see the point. But, on the other hand, you have LDK, who has embraced everything surrounding it. It's kind of an icky thing to discuss if you try and be direct about it. Someone posted The Lonely Island song. It's hard to imagine guys wanting to say, "Oh yeah, I was ready to jizz" or "She was going to make me blow my load," or ejaculate, or cum, or whatever. It's an act that kind of needs a stand in, a code, and "LDK" is as good as any. Everything about it seems encapsulated by those three letters. The good feelings of release, pleasure and happiness? There. The bad feelings of dancer shame, monger shame and poor self-control? Also there. The mixed feeling of knowing a hot lady just "took you there," yet knowing you'll have to make the walk of shame across the club and wash your pants as soon as you get home? There. Dancers have widely varied reactions to it happening -- some like it and say it's their goal, others are disgusted by it, others are somewhere in between, ranging from not minding to being slightly put-off, unless you give a large tip. That's seems to be implied with the initials, too. Read the threads surrounding the guy's tales and they have all of those things. And he celebrates it. All of those things, distilled down to three letters: LDK. For those of us around here a lot, you say it and people know what you're talking about. It's a three-letter way of describing something that otherwise would take everything I said above to describe and understand. As such ... I think it's gotta be in the glossary.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Best Dance
    When she was in Desperado, it was like ... damn. So hot. FDTD wasn't the only time she played a stripper, either (Dogma). Very different character in that, though. Salma is incredibly hot, but I kinda feel the same way about her as I do about Jessica Alba: Nearly the perfect female form, able to provide so much happiness and joy to men across the globe if she were to reveal it, and yet she keeps her best parts at least somewhat covered, save for a quick glimpse in Desperado and a kind of non-sexy look in Frida. For the good of the world, ladies, let the goods be seen. Monica Bellucci, Halle Berry, Pamela Anderson (when she was younger), Carmen Electra ... they showed us the way. Thanks, ladies.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    High Heels OR Sneakers?
    My greatest all-time costume fantasy is cheerleader, tennis shoes would very much work for me. There's something about a girl in a nice, white pair of tennis shoes I find really hot. Plus, as I've outlined before, as a guy who's short (5'5"), the whole Amazonian tall-woman thing doesn't necessarily do it for me. I like it when we get dances, the girl takes her shoes off and you find out she's actually a couple inches shorter than me. Nonetheless, and I'm not kidding, most of the clubs in my area insist on six-inch heels or taller. On the one hand, they want to separate the dancers from the ladies in the club. On the other, they also sell the heels themselves, and fine the girls who don't wear them, so it's another way for them to make money off the girls.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    Some brilliant art!
    Bangin' bod? Yeah. Decent face? Yup. Bat-crap crazy? Seems like it. Last part is kinda a deal-breaker.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    North Carolina
    Cosby or Tiger?
    Sorry, but forcing a woman to have sex will never be OK in my book. If Cosby did all the things he's accused of -- if -- he's pretty heinous. Tiger? Honestly, I think all of us would have loved to have been Tiger when he went on his tear. (And not his "winning majors" tear.) So he got caught. Big whoop. Better to have loved (and loved and loved and loved) and lost than to have not loved at all. He should have been smarter, yes, but there are far worse ways to live.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    North Carolina
    I was thinking about
    Please address the woman in the Greek article to one of the clubs I have reviewed in Wisconsin or Illinois and provide enough postage. I will pick up on arrival. Thanks.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Girls that look like Jessica Rabbit
    Oddly enough, #2 was the only one who kinda did anything for me. Heidi Klum has looked better. Weird thing is, I like busty girls and redheads. [shrug]
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Have you ever told a dancer her dances suck?
    londonguy: That first post of yours was ... cold. Clubber's point about a dancer potentially taking revenge via bouncer ("Hey, that guy took out his thing and tried to finger my butt!") is why I think it's best to just not say anything. But yeah. No lingering and no tip. You can make your statement pretty easily that way.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    An Extreme Case of Hot Woman, Awful Dancer
    @Papi: Thing is, there are a lot of ways to make a living. I've been in a couple jobs I've started to hate before, mostly because I really began to dislike the people I was working for. Thing was, as soon as it got to that point, I started to looking to leave and I never took it out on the customers. If she's a woman who "does not like guys looking at them w/ lust nor touching them," then maybe gentlemen's club dancer isn't the best way for you to earn a living. Go to community college and become a welder or try harder to get a sugar daddy or something. I know, I'm probably smarter than a stripper in this regard, but that seems like a no-brainer. @Clubber: Gracias on the first post, agreed on the second. The last time I got dances with my ATF (who, sadly, seems to have left the biz), I blew softly in her ear as she was doing the splits over me and she instantly got goosebumps. That was fun. @rockstar: I used to frequent a club out of state where the regular house girls were my favorites. One wasn't much to write home about body-wise ... probably a flattish B, small love handles, decent but not gorgeous face. But she did this thing where she took my hands, put them on her butt first-thing and said, "You guide me how strong & fast you want it." She was awesome.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Porn "Stars" in the club
    @rockstar666: Becca doesn't live far from me. Never met her in person, but there's a local board I sometimes post to and we've had some discussions there. She occasionally escorts but has also made somewhat of a name for herself as an advocate for sex-worker rights. I've never found her tremendously physically attractive, but she seems like a smart, considerate gal. Glad she calls my metro area home.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Porn "Stars" in the club
    Some features aren't necessarily "porn stars." I point to Naomi Knight, who I occasionally see at her home club as a non-feature. She's done some girl-girl scenes, but is more of a pure feature dancer, per se, in that she has plotted out dance routines, can do tricks with her pecs, etc. Usually, when I hear "porn star" in a club, I think feature. I suppose there can be local girls who have done amateur porn. Didn't think of it that way.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    Weird scary stuff!
    ... or, better yet, don't do BBFS. I'm all for fun in the club, but I have my limits on extras. I'd rather not catch anything or knock up a stripper. To each his own, I guess, but I'll pass, thanks.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Is Mongering a dying sport in America??
    "Ebb and flow" is a good phrase. Where I'm at, it's actually gotten a little better lately. But as we say so often, the quality of the clubs often depends on the quality of the dancers, and because dancers come and go, every club will be better sometimes than others. Maybe the ones you've frequented lately have just hit a bad stretch. I wouldn't get too down on clubs. A lot like the stock market, which has corrections but generally trends upwards over the long term (i.e. decades), these clubs tend to allow more and more over time, too. The general trend will be towards allowing what makes money to happen, and greater permissiveness makes more money. Remember that lap dances weren't really a thing before the 80's. Now, a club without lappers wouldn't do any business. I think extras culture is becoming more and more understood and allowed. Sex is starting to be better understood as a natural urge and not something dirty. As kids grow up with Tinder and hookup culture, I think they're realizing that sex and all things related don't necessarily hurt anyone, and some are probably thinking, "I like to do this, why not get paid to do it?" Much like how we've seen a greater acceptance of things like homosexuality, recreational marijuana use, etc., I think the straightforward exchange of money for sexual services, from lap dances to prostitution, will become more accepted over the next 20 years. There might be stretches where things take a few steps backwards, but then they'll get better in due time.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    An Extreme Case of Hot Woman, Awful Dancer
    Here's my thing with eye contact: No, you don't necessarily have to stare me down, but at least look at me, have a look on your face that's kinda sexy and see how I'm reacting. During what I think was position #3, straddle and facing me, she looked straight up at the wall over my head with a stone face. You know, because I'm really turned on by looking at a girl's chin. It's the little subtle things that can make a dance awesome. I like the big, dramatic hair flip. I like the little, coy smile. I want some of the acting & sizzle to go with my steak, unless we're going above and beyond. This girl ... none of that. Not even a semblance of an effort. Literally some of the worst dances I've ever gotten.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Have you ever told a dancer her dances suck?
    I was tempted to walk during the second song of my experience. I probably should have. I don't think you're going to change these girls. Try and they'll just go into a shell on you. They either have to want to change on their own, or be coached into changing by the club management. This particular club, I sense management really doesn't care, given the wide variety of experiences I've had. As outlined, a woman that hot, she probably doesn't need to be a good dancer. I wouldn't anticipate her really caring enough to try and get better.