
Comments by inno123 (page 29)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    'No Negros Allowed' Sign Posted to Segregate a Wisconsin Strip Club
    The guy clearly does not have a clue about the 1964 Civil Rights Act and I would not be surprized if Wisconsin haas a parallel law of their own. And the law was tested many times when it was first passed so he isn't going to get an inch in court. Beyond that it is just so colossally stupid. Not only is he scaring off the obvious group of potential black customers but he is also scaring off a good chunk of his white patrons who would feel unwilling to support a business with such loathsome policies.
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    14 years ago
    Strip Club Raids
    Well, I could certainly see dancers and customers leaving to a different jurisdiction, since it would be clear that local cops are on a 'clean things up' binge.
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    14 years ago
    Inside a Strip Club
    The article made me wonder about how long ago it was that he managed the place. However if it was Score in LA (reading between the lines of the article) then I might believe the line about nothing happening in the LD area. Currently though, and in the higher mileage clubs, we know that a lot more is happening than that. And some guy raining 9K on a stripper? Obviously a very unique occurence.
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    14 years ago
    Suds With Securb: Top Ten Strip Clubs In America
    A good list, but leaning toward the upscale clubs. Besides why make a post like this on a site whose whole purpose is pretty much to crowdsource a top ten list? It carries a bit of "never mind what the group concludes, these are the REAL top ten clubs!"
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    14 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    What's your read on this?
    In the world of escorts the rule of thumb is half hour equals one shot full hours equals two shots. Also though from the world of escorts three hundred foa a half hour is way expensive unless this is a premium escort. So the half hour seems at least a hundred overpriced.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Variations in LD room design.
    Since I am putting together a series of articles on strip club design I won't go too far here but generally something as large and private as you describe would be more like their VIP rooms (except possibly having a curtain rather than tassels. In general in clubs recently visited I have basicly seen three types of lap dance facilities. 1. Long high-back couches built in along the wall or walls of the lap dance area. Sometimes these will have a bar running along the back back wall so the dancers don't have to grab the top of the couch for support or they might have vertical poles every few feet that the girls can grab for support or a handrail or low wall in front of the couch that can be grabbed by the dancer for leverage. In many of these clubs there can be another guy getting a lap dance, in full view, just a few inches away. 2. Also a long couch built against the wall but with some sort of dividers, either curtain or panel, separating individual dance spots. You might still have a guy getting a dance only a few inches away, but you will likely only hear it or get a little glimpse of the dancer rather than full exposure. 3. Wrap-around highback chairs. These seem to be standard issue in the Deja-vu chain of clubs, along with their timing poles. The degree of privacy depends on low they are arranged in the lap dance room. Usually they are placed for a pretty high degree of privacy while getting the dance itself but you may have guys walking right in front of you on their way to and from their chairs.
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    14 years ago
    So Close, and Yet...so far
    The general model of prostitution that is legal in canada is an individual independent escort working outcall and possibly with some restrictions incall.
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    14 years ago
    Breakthrough Announced In HIV Prevention
    I am not sure what the real breakthrough is. The drug is too expensive to just give to everybody all the time (not to mention the potential for creating drug resistant strains with so much exposure) and the success rate of 78 percent way too low to suggest that it makes unprotected sex with a HIV positive person safe. So when in reality would you use this?
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    14 years ago
    Prostitution house hit for the 3rd time
    Siletti's husband was also present at the time of the bust claiming he was fixing the doors from the last time the Sheriff's Office raided the place. He was arrested for Frequenting a House of Prostitution. Gee, need to be real carefull where you repair doors nowdays!
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    14 years ago
    effect of CES on Strip Clubs
    All huge shows make the strip clubs more crowded, it makes everything more crowded when all the convention space and hotel rooms are filled. But my understanding from locals is that the CES folks are more stingy than some of the other big conventions. Same rule as always. Act like you have a lot of money and get attention, but expect it to disappear just as rapidly when they discover it is just an act.
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    14 years ago
    Is a good dancer hard to find?
    You realize of course that the ones that are not your type are very likely somebody else's type or they wouldn't be still working in the club. And I think that even extends a little to 'bad attitude, low mileage, etc.' After all what you regard as bad attitude might be just the thing to somebody with a bit of a masochistic bent or what you regard as softly sensual might be too passive to somebody else. It even applies to 'mileage'. I've had girls that went farther than others but came across as a little to skanky and pushy in the process.
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    14 years ago
    Saw a guy get kicked out and a dancer get fired tonight
    You know, considering the high mileage of Steve229's initial lap dance the other girl might not have been canned for going too far but for, perhaps, drugs.
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    14 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    I dislike lap dances.
    Honestly I am a bit puzzled about guys who spend a bunch of money in a club to set up their OTC action. With 120 to 150 spend in the club and then I am guessing an equal portion on the OTC time they are in the neighborhood of $240 to $300 getting laid. With that they could have just gotten as much or better in the VIP area or gone to cityvibe or backpage and set up a nice incall or outcall escort. Less money and fewer games.
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    14 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    How do you take a stripper home?
    What a ridiculous vid. The big closer is "I'm having a party". Hey guy, you could have opened with that offer and did just as well. Of course when a dancer hears 'party' she isn't thinking crackers, cheez-whiz, and card games. She is thinking gourment snacks along with premium liquor and/or great weed. Save yourself the money and buy the VIP.
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    14 years ago
    Picking up company on the streets?
    Sorry, but the ones you are going to find on the street would never qualify as 'beautifull girls' in my book and they are not interested in 'hanging out'. Particularly as a newbie I would recommend that you go to backpage.com or cityvibe.com
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    A BUBBLE? Maybe I need a hearing aid?!
    The music is so lound in most clubs she most likely could have said anything. But definitly if she wanted her comment to get a rise out of a guy she should have said bulge instead of bubble.
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    14 years ago
    What do you do in slow clubs between girls on stage?
    Most of the local clubs are on a pretty strict three song rotation (two wit a girl on stage, one empty) and there has only been one example when I must have hit right at a shift change and there were no women around at all.
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    14 years ago
    Ontario tells Craigslist to axe prostitution ads now
    The bizzare thing is that to my understanding in Canada the Supreme Court has ruled that what goes on in private between two adults...including cash for sex...is legal. It is illegal to operate a 'bawdy house' (brothel) to publicly solilicit (streetwalking) or to live of the proceeds of someone else's prostitution (pimping). However the phenomenon of an individual adult woman offering incall or outcall services is not prohibited. And that is of course pretty much what the craigslist adult services section is about. Maybe what is going on here is lobbying by the local 'free' newspapers that are seeing ad revenue disappear.
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    14 years ago
    New York
    Shortening songs
    We all know that what we are actually paying for is time. I have nothing against clubs editing down songs to a standard length as long as it is not stingy. I am also certain that the dance timer machine typical in Deja Vu clubs is actuall set to minutes and not songs. 'Songs' is just a convenient measure of time for two people with much more to do than look at their wristwatches.
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    14 years ago
    how long on a dry well ?
    If I've spend my budget I'll tell the dancer that up front that I don't wouldn't want to waste her time. They usually appreciate the honesty. If I am still scoping the place out (who knows, maybe she is the best thing here) I'll wait until she decides to leave.
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    14 years ago
    $10 Dance Night
    Ir makes a lot more sense to just have 10 dollar dances than be constantly having to offer 2 for 1 and 3 for 1 deals.
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    14 years ago
    Loud music
    Ding! we have a winner! gk! The three things I have never seen in a review here: The music wasn't loud enough. The lighting wasn't dark enough. The girls weren't ugly enough.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Should have pulled out sooner
    Good grief, I don't care how drunk I am I am not putting it into a stripper uncovered. Because she is absolutely doing this with others too. Even the BBBJ is highly inadvisable.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    OT: Will Legalizing Pot Solve Every Problem that Ails California? No, but Cute V
    No Ctqwerty, the signature campaign had to begin long before the Governor's race was known.
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    14 years ago
    Sex.com Selling For $13 Million
    Most likely a waste of money. The age when having the right url is mostly over. People now find sites through search engines, not by trying to think of a url.