Checked out my local club's new Monday $10 dance night. Only problem was $10 dances don't start until 8 pm, and I had to slow down to 40 mph on the interstate so I didn't get there too early. I was worried what the dancer selection would be, and most of the club's fuglies were working, but there were enough young hotties to make it interesting. Got pretty crowded, I had to elbow aside some other cheapskates to get to a couple of my favs, but overall a good time, and at $10 a dance, hard to go wrong. Guess I need to stock up on Hamiltons.
At Amber's Cabaret in Cleveland the dances are $10 all the time and two way contact is allowed but privacy is pretty weak but no one seems to care. Although occasional ROBs will try to ask for $15-20/song most will still honor the $10 prices. I think most clubs in Cleveland do $10 dances as do Indianapolis and Phoenix.
At Living Room in Dayton (the highest ranked Ohio club on the top 100 list), dancers pay $35 house fee and can set their own prices for dances. I got deal of $20 for the first song and $10 for each additional one I extend it. Decent two way contact.
I love the $10 dances.... I am next interested in exploring some clubs in Akron, OH that has the $5 bar stool dances with lots of stick shifting!
At $10 a dance, I'd get more dances from more girls. Even if they split 50/50 with the house, they could still make a ton of money. At least it seems that way to me...I'm no economist but I didn't sleep at a Holiday in Select last night. About 20 songs per hour, even if the dancer only gave 7 (about a third) LDs per hour that's still $35/hour. Not a bad wage if you ask me. Not like it takes that much effort to give a LD (or is it).
Don't know if H8S has $10 dances. Who goes there for lappers? H8N has $10 dances on Monday. So you do H8N on Monday and head around the corner to Bogarts on Tuesday.
Timbo, having done that, and in so doing followed the crowd, I can tell you it is well worth the time to "reverse the flow". When Bogart's has their $10 day Tuesdays, Henry's North is dead and deals can be had (course it's hit or miss on the talent...)
Fans of $10 topless two-way grind fests should note the Indiana clubs in TUSCL's Top Ten.
Sam, as I have noted in recent reviews, H8S has a nominal $10 day on Wednesdays but most girls take pains to warn that the $10 rate won't get you the mileage they are known for. Even if they agree to dance for $10 they will pester you for a significant tip so the net cost will be close to $20/per. The other Hamilton club in the area, John's Hot Spot, now has two $10 days, Sunday and Thursday.
like sam said most northern ohio clubs do have 10 dollar dances all the time. actually some of the best dances i ever received were 10 dollars but there can also be alot of lame ones sprinkled in among the good ones unless you hit the right dancer. ymmv
Art speaks the truth. I have a buddy, trojangreg, that is stuck in Vancouver. He reposts the same thing. $50 a pop. I get 2 for $20 lap dances at the Columbia Platinum Plus. Anytime. I am waiting for vincemichaels to show up at my house from Detroit. We are gonna hit a couple of Atlanta clubs. $10 low contact table dances are the rule here but that is how you pick a dancer for VIP. $150 for just about anything in VIP.
After a long absence from the club scene, I returned with a vengeance about two months ago and have been hitting HH about every other week. I've developed several "agreements" with a few of my favorite girls.
I have a set amount that I'm willing to pay for the night. Any of my "girls" will spend the entire shift with me, with the majority of the time at The Wall for that set amount. It makes it a lot easier 'cause there's no fretting about song count, etc. At the end of the shift, we settle up. If you were to break it down by a per/song amount, it's ridiculously cheap for what I'm enjoying.
I did get a 2fer1 as cheap as $15 at Whispers cabaret when they first opened...they later raised it to 2fer1 $20 and went out of business in less than 6 months after opening though.
last commentAt Living Room in Dayton (the highest ranked Ohio club on the top 100 list), dancers pay $35 house fee and can set their own prices for dances. I got deal of $20 for the first song and $10 for each additional one I extend it. Decent two way contact.
I love the $10 dances.... I am next interested in exploring some clubs in Akron, OH that has the $5 bar stool dances with lots of stick shifting!
Don't know if H8S has $10 dances. Who goes there for lappers? H8N has $10 dances on Monday. So you do H8N on Monday and head around the corner to Bogarts on Tuesday.
Fans of $10 topless two-way grind fests should note the Indiana clubs in TUSCL's Top Ten.
The other Hamilton club in the area, John's Hot Spot, now has two $10 days, Sunday and Thursday.
art, that's because they know that you have more money than we have ;)
I have a set amount that I'm willing to pay for the night. Any of my "girls" will spend the entire shift with me, with the majority of the time at The Wall for that set amount. It makes it a lot easier 'cause there's no fretting about song count, etc. At the end of the shift, we settle up. If you were to break it down by a per/song amount, it's ridiculously cheap for what I'm enjoying.
sounds like a plan doug ;)
i've considered doing that but haven't tried it yet.