What's your read on this?
Strip Club Nation
I go into an upscale club with some above average to excellent dancers both in looks and polework. Definately the opposite of a dive. They offer $40 dances in a communal lap dance room. They also offer VIP rooms that are 300/hh and 600/h. I take a 10 back to the communal dance room for a couple dances just to get a gauge on where mileage is at in this particular club. The 10 is all over me, two-way contact and some licking. Apparently I am too shy as she grabs my hand and guides it to stoke her trimmed pubic area inside her g-string. Before the dances, this girl told me on the main floor that the VIP rooms had locking doors and it was anything goes. The word on the street says that the girls are expected by management fuck in the VIP.
What is your read based on the above situation? Upsell or FS?
What is your read based on the above situation? Upsell or FS?
I'd do the ten twice, working OTC for less pay (club is taking their cut).
The price of $600 though is too high...you never know what else she is going to upsell you with. Find out by talking to dancers or reading their dancer reviews on stripperweb.com to see how much the club takes out of that. I am sure the club takes out a good portion of it for their cut. Probably around 30-50% maybe even more if customer pays with credit card. Also sometimes when you pay with credit card the girl is not allowed to get paid until the funds clear and they put a hold on it for a week or so. I would try to use that $600 figure to negotiate OTC and be sure to have the cash. I am sure the strippers are probably used to guys paying with credit cards and that is a hassle for them so they might be open to taking cash for OTC rather than credit card for ITC.
So the half hour seems at least a hundred overpriced.
The half hour is more scceptable but it's still overpriced based on comparable escort experience and average VIP experience. It's a sucker sale, no pun intended.
Now, having said that, what are you trying to accomplish, a quick on-timer? No way, POP too high. But, if you're going to be seeing her on a continuing basis and this can ingratiate her with her bosses--it might be worth considering as a 1X event if you have reason to believe she will respond by arranging future meets OTC or even very glad to see you service in the communal room e.g. the type Shadowcat gets.
That might be a relationship investment that could pay off. I wouldn't do it b ecause it's bad cash flow management, but I'm not in your shoes. You have to decide that based on what you normally pay over the course of time to build dancer relationships and your budget. I've certainly spent more than $600 over the course of time to build a dancer relationship. The question is, would this contribute to that? Probably not, but that's your call.