
OT: Will Legalizing Pot Solve Every Problem that Ails California? No, but Cute V

It's not surprising how much San Francisco Web companies are in the middle of this Proposition 19 debate. Prop 19 would legalize, regulate and tax marijuana in California, and advocates hope if it passes the trend would spread nationally.

It's a cause straight to the heart of the increasingly libertarian streak of Silicon Valley. But beyond that, you've got companies like WeedMaps hoping this is the next billion dollar market — not only for the farmers and the dispensaries but for Web and mobile apps. A rare– forgive the pun– greenfield opportunity in our over-developed world.

And while everyone is trying to use the Web to push their issues this election season, when the tech community is behind an issue, they just do it better. (See: Obama) It's similar to the steller “I'm a Mac/I'm a PC” spoof PSAs from the “No on Proposition 8″ campaign last year.

Witness this adorable video for Prop 19 below, much more compelling than Paul Carr's favorite “MEG MEG MEG!” video, which somehow makes me just feel sorry for her. As discussed earlier this week, there's no sure-fire way to make a successful viral video. But making something this awesomely cute is a good bet. Of course, winning at the polls is another matter. [Video Below]



  • Prim0
    14 years ago
    I don't use it myself but I don't know why we can't legalize it nation wide? As I understand it, the federal government is waiting to sue if/when this california legalization happens.
  • txtittyfan
    14 years ago
    I think the pros of legalization far outweigh the cons.
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    14 years ago
    Technically, pot is a controlled substance federally and the FDA would still be able to do busts. I don't know the language of the California proposal but if it is to decriminalize, they are just not opting to enforce federal statues on a state level AND setting the stage for a constitutional showdown if 2/3rds of the other states eventually come on board.

    If they want to legalize AND tax it, well then California is getting into the marijuana business in a big way- I could see where the government would have grounds to sue evem if I personally disagree with marijuana prohibition.

    The Sargent Stedenko's of this world are not going to fade quietly into the night, unfortunately. Somehow I think over time this will all change and root for a full-blooming green revolution on this issue, even though I do NOT imbibe myself due to piss testing and a very good job in the transportation industry.

    14 years ago
    I guess I'd be too much of a cyncic to suggest this initiative made it on the ballot in a close gubenatorial campaign?

  • inno123
    14 years ago
    No Ctqwerty, the signature campaign had to begin long before the Governor's race was known.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    fyi CA already has an indoor smoking ban on restaurants and bars. Michigan has one as well but apparently it is OK to smoke on the second floor of Flight Club and Penthouse because they have it classified as a cigar lounge even though it seems like majority of sales on the second floor came from the bar or the dance rooms.
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    The numbers don't really add up in that video. A $19 Billion deficit & $69 Billion of debt...with cuts of well over $4.5 Billion in state programs so far. $1.4 Billion in new yearly taxes based on a $50/ounce fee on pot. Where they got $16-23 Billion being added to the state economy I'll never know. A good chunk of the 3 million pot users in CA now won't even be eligible to buy pot legally because they would be under 21. Plus, federal law would trump this new state law. I don't see how saying yes on 19 would "save CA" at all. The recent polls indicate that it may likely go down in defeat as well anyways.

    I'm not a big fan of legalizing pot or medical marijuana. I would be in favor of just making the vast majority of the penalties for possessing relatively small amounts of pot into a series of fines with no jail time though.
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